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  1. I was on a bus in Birmingham recently going through the Stratford Road area, when I spotted this, and managed to take a photo through the bus' windscreen; I'm pretty sure it's outside the entrance to a SCC or SCI Science park. Has anyone else seen this, or knows how it got there?
  2. Following my comment on @John Masters's thread, I realised that I had not shared that build that I completed at the end of 2020. If my memory is any good, this aircraft is an F.6 that received the rear part of an FGA.9 with the parachute housing and not an FGA.9 as Revell state on the box. Final pictures: The build: Moulding: This picture is typical of what was in my box: Flash, heavy sink marks and soft surface details caused by the moulding issues. Nothing major but frustrating nonetheless when it comes to a kit that is not supposed to be short run... Having said that, a fired of mine who had acquired several boxes right after the kit was released did not have the same issues. Cockpit: The cockpit tub is very nice OOB and the seat was improved using my usual process (lead wire, Tamiya masking tape strips, plasticard, aluminium foil, Magic Sculp and stretched sprue): The cockpit sides were detailed using plasticard and a punch-and-die: The backplate was the area that needed more improvements: I also added a collimator before gluing the windshield: Once painted, it looks really nice. I did not use the decals but painted everything by hand using a sharpened toothpick and Vallejo acrylics: Air inlets: It is advisable to add a shim of plasticard where the wings meet the fuselage around the air inlets. Otherwise you will be left wth a nasty gap at the top and bottom junctions: The air inlet cone is missing and the resulting empty space is quite noticeable. I made some off 0,2mm plasticard sheet: Painted white at the front and going black at the back to give an impression of depth: Parachute housing: It had a very nasty sink mark and the panel lines had nearly disappeared. It took quite a bit of time and effort to bring it back to a decent condition: I had to rescribe and add missing rivets to quite a few hatches / covers, mostly on the wings. Overall fit: In spite of the moudling issues, the overall fit was good and little filler was needed: Painting and weathering: The model was painted using Mr Hobby Aqueous over an Ammo One Shot black primer: Grey: I sprayed a highly thinned H331 DSG in a mottling fashion, building up slowly the coverage and letting the black show through around the panel lines. Then, I made some highlights using H337, insisiting on raised details and the centre of the panels. I finished with some post-shading using Panzegrau. Green: I used H73 DG follosing the same process and made highlights by adding H313 sand to the dark green. I toned down the effect with several light mists of H73. Red: I primed the area in white, then applied a coat of yellow and finally the red base coat (H13). I applied some shadows using a highly thinned dark brown. I then applied the decals, though most roundels , the code and fin flash were painted using masks cut with my Silohouette: I like to get the landing gear and weapons out of the way as quickly as possible, as I consider them as a chore: Then, I applied the washes: I used True Earth Neutral brown on the underside, Black on the camouflage and Dark Brown on the red. The weathering was done using mostly felt tip pens and aluminium and dust weathering pencils: Finally I applied a light coat of VMS matt varnish. In hindsight, I probably should have been more restrained on the weathering. But at the time, I wanted to give it a worn out look. On some pictures, they are in a worse condition than shown here with large patches of white showing underneath the red on the wings, for instance.
  3. Hello boys!! this is going to be my first entry and my first Xtrakit ever, any advice or something I should know about this kit? - Xtrakit H.Hunter T.MK.7 - CHM Decals FACH Hawker Hunters (cartograph) 20230821_162842 by Andrés Alvarado, en Flickr 20230821_163331 by Andrés Alvarado, en Flickr 20230821_162842 by Andrés Alvarado, en Flickr 20230821_163027 by Andrés Alvarado, en Flickr Cheers Andrés
  4. Another Procreate drawing of a Hawker Hunter T7 of the Royal Netherlands Air Force. I’ve drawn it as it would have appeared in 1962 when it visited our local airbase.
  5. I want to build a model of Spencer Flack’s G-HUNT. I understand that this aircraft was/is an F.51, an export version of the F.4. What would be the best kit in 1/72 scale? I’m thinking of using a Revell F.6 with modified wing leading edges, but are there other alternatives?
  6. Source: https://www.airfix.com/uk-en/shop/new-for-2018/hawker-hunter-f6-1-48.html Airfix is to release in October 2018 (?) a new tool 1/48th Hawker Hunter F.6/F.6A kit - ref. A09185 Schemes: 1) XF418 - 4 FTS Brawdy 2) XF509 - 4 FTS 3) Dutch AF V.P.
  7. G'day All, Here's my recently finished 1/32 Revell Hawker Hunter done up in Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) colours. It's mostly out of the box with scratch-built Singapore-specific antennas and inboard pylons added. Paints are Gunze lacquers (camo), SMS (metallics) and Gia varnishes. The Singapore-specific decals are a combination of laser-printed examples from SozoPlamo, in Singapore and an Aeromaster sheet. The airframe depicted was the last Hunter delivered to Singapore and was on display at a local museum here in Australia for a few years in these colours. More recently it was moved to another museum a couple of hours away and has been repainted in RAF colours with its original RAF serial (XF460). I hope to be able to donate this kit to the museum where the airframe now is, to represent its Singaporean service. Happy to pass on other info and pics if anyone is interested. Cheers, Motty.
  8. Hi! My recent build is Iraqi Hunter in 1/48 based on Airfix F.6 kit. Which avionics/communication antennas are appropriate for this export modification? For my understanding, all three antennas reproduced in the F.6 kit (triangle on the upper nose and belly, blade on spine) are not installed on the export version. Am I true? Possible other antennas? Thanks in advance
  9. Hi, Starting with these two, I'm building a 1/48 scale Airfix Vampire F3 for each of the North Weald based squadrons: 72, 601 & 604. This kit builds well in my experience, with attention needed for nose weight and careful forward fuselage alignment. 72 Squadron markings were assembled from aftermarket sources. This head-on photo, really emphasises the clean lines of the Vampire The Vampires join the existing collection of other North Weald based types: 111sqn Meteor F8 and Black Arrows Hunter (not pictured); and the Spitfire F22, PK624 which was the 604 Squadron hack.
  10. Hi all - I had this kit in my stash for some time but when I saw Simon Dyer's build in 79 Squadron markings I was inspired to get it built - I always wanted to finish it in the 79 Squadron scheme & had the same decal sheet for XG228 - I did some research on the internet and found some colour photos of these aircraft at RAF Brawdy & with a bit of fiddling with decaI sheets was able to turn it out as XG160 tail number 22 - a bit of a nostalgia trip as our family lived in nearby Solva when my dad was posted as a CPO to Brawdy in the late 1950's - it was in the Navy's hands as the FAA's base for Hawker Seahawk fighters back then & very interesting for young boys. The model is basically from the box apart from the True Details resin cockpit set which after some minor fettling fitted remarkably well. I borrowed David Mooney's idea of using 2mm x 1mm micro magnets to attach the outer pylon stores so I can alternate the fuel tanks or rocket pods if I ever get the urge - this is his F4D link https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235100540-132-f-4d-spook-on-a-spook/#comment-4225499 The Revell kit decals were showing their age and the yellow stencil were translucent when applied but I found an alternatIve set of 1/32 Hawker Hunter stencils made by DEKL'S in South Australia and these went on quite well. I tried but could not get a good result dry brushing the moulded on instrument dials so replaced them with AirScale decals The green hose on the Ejection Seat is a bit of guitar string I only did some light smearing on the belly with Tamiya weathering colour and highlighted some panel line with a sharp 2H pencil CJP
  11. I’ve been wanting to build this kit ever since it came out, and now I finally will. I’ve seen some amazing builds of this new(ish) kit on here, so hopefully mine will turn out reasonably well. I have another in the stash, along with the F.4/5 and I’m still undecided as to what squadron to do yet, possibly 263, although it was short-lived on the F6, or 54 (West Raynham?) or 56 (though I already have a Firebirds Phantom and intend to do one of its Lightnings so maybe another squadron this time) … Considering how many squadrons operated the type, Airfix’s decal options are slightly underwhelming for me, so I’ll be using aftermarket decals. I’ll see if I can find some 263 Sqn ones perhaps. Sadly, there are no cockpit decals either, so I’m going to have to buy an Eduard etched cockpit detail set and seatbelts. 😡 I believe the Hunter I’m hoping for would have been gloss/satin dark green/DSG upper camo and ‘high speed silver’ underneath? Anyone have any info/tips?
  12. Hi there! First I'd like to wish you all an happy new year! Health, happiness and brouzoufs for 2022! To start 2022 nicely, I've opened a box that should please you Brits. The very nice looking Hawker Hunter F.6 from Revell in 1/72! There were some goodies in the box, but after a quick look at the sprues, I've decided not to use, as I just want to keep the build simple. Modeller's datafile say this is a nice kit, with just a few errors/problems, most of them easy to correct. I only regret the lack of external load, with only a pair of tank and Sidewinders. I've in the stash an old Xtradecal decal sheet dedicated to International Hunters, and the one and only F.6 there suits me well. So be it, my Hunter'll be Saudi.
  13. I’m considering starting a 1/48 Airfix Hunter, and have to say I’m not really inspired by the kit decal options. Hunters wore some pretty nice markings in the 50s and early 60s, but it seems many squadrons were short-lived, for example 263 Sqn operated the F6 for under two years before renumbering as 1 Sqn. Ideally, I’d like to a UK-based Hunter F6, circa 1955-60ish in standard green/grey camo with silver undersides. I’m thinking my options are: 1 sqn 43 sqn 54 sqn 56 sqn 74 sqn 263 sqn Any other options? I’m kind of leaning towards 263, I like the markings. I always like 56 colours too, so that’s still an option. Does anyone have any more info, images, etc? Thanks!
  14. Latest off my production line my first Academy model a Hawker Hunter F6 of 4FTS 1979. Having never made an academy kit before it was nice to find the kit went together quite well (wings to fuselage being the only real problem area) and quite a nice moulding with very little trimming needed. Downside of the kit being and if anybody has one to be aware of is the decal placements are wrong in places (fortunately I have a revell kit guide) and also that all the pics of XF526 I could find in 4FTS show her without guns or sabrinas fitted so a little filling etc required. Overall a nice kit and something a little different to add to the collection with the 4FTS colours. Incidentally if using humbrol red 19 I found it took 3 days to be tack free and a week in the airing cupboard to be dry enough not to pick up any dust or paint flakes around! And one of her 4FTS sisters at the museum.
  15. I understand most Hunters only had Navigation Lights (Red, Green, and White in the Tail). Red & Green (probably ?) on, but Tail blinking? Pattern/Sequence? At least some of the Swiss Hunters (MK58 - Export version of the FG9) were fitted with an ACL (Landing Light - A swing down type), about half-way along the underside of the Fuselage. I wish to fit such a light to a Turbine Powered model I have, but apart from a few long distance photographs cannot find any details. Help please... Cheers, JimR
  16. My recently completed Hunter T7, made from the old Matchbox kit and some codged together decals to represent XL613 of 237OCU in 1988
  17. Hi comrades! Two questions on the Hunter FGA.9 This small dent exists on both sides of the tank? Or only on the outboard of the tanks? And what was the main intakes color in middle sixties on the silver bottomed Hunters? Thanks in advance!
  18. Hawker Hunter Mk.4 & 5 Spine Corretions 1:48 AeroCraft Models There was little doubt that once the new Airfix Hunter was released that there would be plenty of options being produced for it. The spine and intakes/vents for the engine are specific to the Mk 6/9 so if accuracy is your passion Ali has created new parts which are a one piece replacement part to correct the fuselage of the Airfix kit. Hunter Mark 4 Spine This allows the Airfix Mk .4 Hunter spine to be built. Hunter Mark 5 Spine This allows the Airfix Mk .5 Hunter spine to be built. Review samples courtesy of
  19. Hawker Hunter Mk.9 Conversion (for Airfix) & 230 Gal Tanks 1:48 AeroCraft Models There was little doubt that once the new Airfix Hunter was released that there would be plenty of options being produced for it. As they are some parts for the Mark 9 in the kit, Ali has now produced the rest of the parts needed and the larger drop tanks. As always they parts look good and will need only minimal clean up. Hunter Mark 9 Conversion Set This allows the Airfix Mk .6 Hunter to be converted to a Mark 9. There are new ailerons (these are more accurate thatn the kit parts with the centre hinge in the correct position)., flaps and an airbrake. The wing needs to have a few small changes made to enable a Mk.9 to be built, so 4 small parts are provided (not shown) to do just that. The first are fitted to the underside of the wing to represent the changes required for the 230 gallon tanks to be carried. The other are the two small aerodynamic blisters added to the top of the wings. Hunter 230 Gallon Drop Tanks These are the larger drop tanks seen on the Mk.9 They are in 3 parts with extra stay braces. Review samples courtesy of
  20. After the Hunter F.6/F.6A (link), Airfix is to release in November 2019 a 1/48th Hawker Hunter F.Mk.4/ F.Mk.5 & J34 kit - ref. A09189 Souce: https://www.airfix.com/uk-en/shop/new-for-2019/hawker-hunter-f4-1-48.html V.P.
  21. HAWKER HUNTER F.6, 66 Sqn. XF462 (CO), RAF Acklington, 1959 Kit: Revell Hawker Hunter F.Mk.6 (04350) Scale: 1/72 Paints: Vallejo Model Color, Model Air & Metal Color Weathering: Flory Models washes, Vallejo Weathering products Hawker Hunter which I did january this year. Very enjoyable kit by Revell, done straight out of the box.
  22. 1/48 Academy Hawker Hunter F.6, 14 SQN RAF Gütersloh, 1963 Hi folks, this was a kit I started nearly ten years ago when I was a teenager and was left half built. Completed as part of the KUTA GB. WIP here. Following advice I shortened the tail bullet and moved the tailplanes forward so they were correctly positioned (more or less). Apart from that it was completely OOB. This was also my first time using an airbrush and I am happy with the result! I used Tamiya flat Aluminium, Xtracrylix Dark Sea Grey and Modelmaster Acryl Dark Green. Definitely a smoother finish than when I use a brush! (The masking was killer though) I left this one relatively clean due to the fast approaching GB deadline and the fact that when looking at reference images they appeared to be well looked after. Anyway, thanks for looking, any pointers would be happily received. P.S cutting up the decals for the undercarriage doors were a nightmare. Cheers, Ash
  23. Hawker Hunter T.7 Conversion (for Airfix) 1:48 AeroCraft Models There was little doubt that once the new Airfix Hunter was released that someone would do a conversion for the T.7 Family model. First of the mark was Ali from Aerocraft in time for 2019 Telford. They were used for training by the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force as well as overseas (With different designations). In the box are 27 resin parts including a full cockpit and ejection seats. A beautifully cast resin canopy (in two parts), additional clear parts; a small PE fret, a length of plastic rod and the decal sheet. Instructions are available to download from Aerocraft models thus saving costs on printing them and posting them. There are two versions available with the same high quality resin parts but with different decals for you choice of RN & RAF. RN Version This comes with decals for 4 aircraft from Yeovilton, Lossiemouth and Brawdy Royal Navy RAF Version This comes with decals for 5 aircraft from Valley, Guttesloh, Leuchars, and Coltishall. Royal Air Force Review sample courtesy of
  24. Hawker Hunter wheel set for Revell kit (72054) 1:72 SBS Model The Revell Hunter is great kit, but like a lot of kits the wheels are a not as good as resin replacements can be, this is a drop in set once they have been removed from their blocks. Conclusion This is a good set and should pose no problems. Recommended. Review sample courtesy of Insert other media
  25. Being a relative virgin at airbrushing, I wouldn't choose this Masking Nightmare again! Just when ya think ya got one color just about right, you discover a tiny over-spray or leak in another!😖 of shots as I walked out the door this a.m....
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