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Found 20 results

  1. Hi, I'd like to share my next 54mm figure and display case companion to Saladin which I posted a couple of years ago. This is an out-of-production white metal model from SEIL of Korea. It was simple to assemble with epoxy and features great details to pick out with a brush! My favorite is the flail with metal chain, which I set near the shield on the waypost. I freehanded the shield heraldry of the Duchy of Swabia. Frederick VI was the third son of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and joined him during the fateful Third Crusade. He demonstrated his prowess as a commander during the Battles of Philomelion and Iconium and assumed command of the German army at age 23, after the emperor drowned in a river crossing. Much of the army departed for home from the port of Antioch after Barbarossa's untimely demise, but those who remained committed to their vow of crusade continued on with Duke Frederick to join the siege of Acre. He passed away from a malaria epidemic that swept the crusader camp in January 1191. Acre was eventually taken by the crusaders on July 12, 1191 - 833 years ago. Thanks for looking - Nick.
  2. Hello all, I am having some trouble with finding some RUC figures for the following scales: 1/48, 1/43, 1/35, 1/32, 1/24. I wouldn't mind if I had to do some sculpting/sanding down/modifying parts on figures that look close enough to them. It would be appreciated if anyone could point me in the right direction. Regards, Jude
  3. Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (16104) 1:16 ICM via H G Hannants Ltd We all know the story by now of the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and the war that has raged for just over a year at time of writing. We won’t go further with the discussion of that, but suffice to say, it has resulted in the mobilisation of a lot of brave Ukrainians to defend their country from this incursion, and those efforts are ongoing during the bitter cold of the winter that is more than a bit colder than those we have here in the UK. Stay safe, all of you! This figure as part of ICM’s range of 1:16 larger figures represents a soldier engaged in that conflict, however his stance is that of a man that is away from the front at least temporarily, posing for the sculptor in a relaxed manner, whilst still carrying his war-fighting kit about his person. The kit arrives in a shallow top-opening box, with the usual captive flap on the lower tray. Inside are two sprues of grey styrene, two in black, an instruction sheet and a glossy colour copy of the box art if you would like to display it in your modelling room or somewhere in your home as a symbol of support. The instructions consist of a sprue diagram, a paint conversion chart with ICM, Revell and Tamiya codes alongside the colour names and swatches, then on the reverse is a detailed trio of drawings of the soldier from three angles, complete with part numbers and paint suggestions for the part. A swatch of digital camouflage that is commonly used by Ukrainian troops is also given, although a chicken like me would be looking for some camouflage decals in 1:16, as I have done already for my 1:35 Ukrainian figures. The majority of the parts for the figure are on the larger sprue, including the packs and pouches that a modern soldier carries on his or her tactical vest with its MOLLE loops making everything modular. The figure is broken down in a similar manner to a 1:35 example, although the torso is split into front and rear halves to prevent sink marks ruining the crisply moulded detail, especially the patch on his chest that appears to be of a raccoon. The soldier is wearing a covered modern helmet that is moulded in two halves, and has a pair of goggles in a protective bag strapped to the front, with most of the strap moulded into the helmet halves. The chin-strap is separate and formed from three fine parts that gives you the option to depict it closed or open for a more candid look. The fingers of both the soldier’s hands are also separate, as his hands are draped over and around his AK-74 variant, which has a 40mm Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL) beneath the weapon’s barrel. He is also carrying a slide-out portable missile launcher across his back, while his AK is fed by the ammunition within the pouches around his waist, which are joined by other pouches and bags, with two types of comms on his chest, and various other small accessories, including a handset for his radio, grenades, bayonet, knife, magazines for his AK, medical shears, and buckles. There is also a choice of an AK without a UGL, and next door on the sprue are the plastic portion of the knee-pads that fit over the moulded-in cushions and straps, plus separate boot soles with finely engraved tread patterns evident. The base is moulded in black styrene, and has a choice of four different surfaces for the top and a flat base for the bottom. The choices comprise a flat asphalt surface plus three styles of cobble or paving stones. Conclusion In line with the stylised flag on the box lid, a brave Ukrainian soldier sculpted in great detail in a natural pose and with realistic cloth drape, that coupled with sympathetic painting should give an impressive result. Highly recommended. Available in the UK from importers H G Hannants Ltd. Review sample courtesy of
  4. What Revell Acrylics paints match German WWII Uniform colors.
  5. Went to Telford on Sunday and my last purchase (at 3.50) was Eduard's Biggles boxing. I would like at least one of the kits to have a pilot seated in the plane but haven't found anything nice (and because it was so late I didn't have time to search for any at the show) Does anyone know of good 48th scale pilot figures for these camels? Prefer resin but plastic or white metal would do. Thanks
  6. This 120mm figure by Verlinden will be my second entry. There are a few more parts to this one but it looks to be a fairly simple parts breakdown of figure and equipment. It has been a long time since I painted a large scale figure so hopefully this should be a good refresher before I go on to tackle something else. by John L, on Flickr by John L, on Flickr
  7. This Elan13 figure of an RAF Pilot smoking a pipe and accompanied by his spaniel will be my first entry in the group build. It has four parts in total and two of those are the head and the pipe, so it should not take long to assemble (famous last words) and will be a good lead in to the larger second figure I have planned. As you can see, I also have a perfect life model for the dog - if I can get Molly to sit still for long enough. by John L, on Flickr by John L, on Flickr
  8. Whilst searching the internet for a Kitty Hawk Blackhawk and not getting very far, i came across various models for different figures on the ol' eBay and upon looking at the description and the product picture, i thought looked really cool! The detail of the 1/35 Figures were very intricate and detailed, best of all was the price....£9.32 including post and packaging! wow i bought 2 and waited.......and waited.....and waited....checked the details page on ebay....Sending to the UK from none other than Shaghai......by boat...jeezo, long wait Then finally one day a battered package arrived through the letter box!..... I opened the package up and expected a Tamiya/Meng Type model.... Jesus wept....the flash on the model was horrendous the parts didn't even fit into the grooves either, it was in a word Guff(I would have preferred another word but i want to keep this post P.G) However, being the stubborn kind of guy that i am (And the fact that ive spent nearly £20 on this, im as tight as 2 coats of paint im afraid) i decided that im going to make it a project to get these presentable. You will see the pictures down below. More updates to follow! If i dont throw it into the bin! [The eBay picture.....Looks amazing eh?] [Not the packaging i was expecting.....] [Not the product i was expecting either] [This picture is from the Pilot i haven't done yet, it isn't actually looking to bad but still, a bit of elbow grease will still be needed, the first one was horrid!] [Body, Legs and head removed from the sprue and all the sharp edges and random whispy bits removed] [Kind of getting there, though the left foot point will need to go as there isn't even a hole for it on the foot. For everything else i'll keep smoothing it out some more.]
  9. Well now! I had this: ..and this...: and - with a little imagination - ended up with this: I present to you - Feline Female! I hope you like it (couldn't call her - you know what - but Feline Female - or FF for short - should be OK?) Cheers Hans J
  10. I cant believe it but its done!! The project I started nearly 4 and a half years ago is finished in my display cabinet and it feels great The concept was based on an image I had seen in my Spacebase 2000 book when I was a kid, I'd started out wanting to copy it but the project slowly morphed into something more original but with the same feel. Its basically as if our intrepid intergalactic explorer has stumbled across some intresting flora that turned out to be carnivorous fauna! Cue a speedy jet pack exit to escape its slimy tentacles. The base and body were sculpted in Super Sculpey Firm, and it was a real joy to create something from nothing. I'd urge anyone thinking about sculpture to give it a go, its been the most rewarding modelling experience I've had and when I look at where it started and the first attempt (which was frankly abysmal!) I cant believe it got to where it did. Anyway here are the final pics, I took one with a mug in it too so you get an idea of the size, its roughly 35cm from the bottom of the base to the top of the helmet. IMG_20200510_110212 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110310 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110334 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110355 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110423 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110452 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110511 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110525 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110542 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110556 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110611 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110629 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110648 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110657 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110713 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110727 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110746 by Nick Frost, on Flickr IMG_20200510_110920 by Nick Frost, on Flickr Heres a link to the wip Thanks to everyone who commented and followed the journey, I'll be back with another project soon, all comments and questions welcome
  11. HI all, it's been pretty slow on the modelling front for me this Christmas. My Airfix QF 17-pounder is patiently waiting for a suitable diorama base to be sourced - it also awaits the gun crew from the kit to be assembled and painted. However, one additional figure I need for the diorama is a civilian - specifically, a Dutch teenager as portrayed in the reference photo shown in the WIP thread (here). I can't find any suitable figures to fit the bill. So, I have decided to make my own using a technique I have used before for garden railway figures, albeit in a larger scale (1:22.5). It involves the formation of a wire armature for the basic 'skeleton', which is then plied with a suitable putty (you may already know I have a preference for Milliput, but of course there are others) and then shaped to form the finished figure. Before I launch into my progress on this, I thought I would share the details of a book I have found very useful when considering customising figures: Published by Osprey Publishing: ISBN-10 : 1-90257-923-2, ISBN-13 : 978-1-90257-923-8 Usual disclaimers apply, I am not an agent or employee of Osprey, etc etc - just a happy customer in respect of this book! One of the concepts it attempts to clarify is that of the 'rule of eighths'. In simple terms, this is the notion that an adult human will typically be proportioned such that the overall height of the figure is 8x the height of the head. Of course, this is not a hard and fast rule, but it serves as a rough guide. Using this idea of 8ths, it follows that the bottom of : The first 8th is at the bottom of the chin The second 8th is in line with the nipples The third 8th is at the waist line The fourth 8th is at the pelvis and groin The fifth 8th is half way down the thighs The sixth 8th is at the bottom of the kneecaps The seventh 8th is half way down the shins The last 8th is at the soles of the feet In the past I have made templates for a given height of figure at a desired scale by marking out these 8ths, and the positions of the principal joints (shoulders, hips, knees, ankles), on an ice-lolly stick, annotated with the intended figure height and scale. In this case, I am looking to produce an individual 5 feet tall in 1:32 scale: Given that my 1:32 scale teenager is not quite a fully grown adult, I intend using my left-over 1:35 scale Hornet head that didn't make the cut for the M3 Grant crew. When offered up to my template, the head height coincides almost perfectly So, the armature... The best material to use for this is soft wire. In the larger scales of my past experience, aluminium florists' wire is ideal, but it's a bit on the thick side for this smaller scale. However, I found that the kind of coated wire that one finds in the packaging in kids' toys these days is great. So, blessed with an abundance of that from Christmas, that's what I used - in any event, a length of wire about 2 and a half times the length of the lolly stick should be plenty: To make the armature, I wrapped the wire loosely around my fourth finger and twisted the two ends together for a length from just below the first 8th, down to the fourth 8th. The key word here is 'loosely' - you need to be able to get the loop of wire off your finger at the end! This twisted length obviously represents the spine: I then bent the legs at the hips to better form the legs in their correct alignment, and with a marker pen I marked the positions of the knees: I then made a start on fleshing out the skeleton, but only roughly, using blobs of Milliput to represent the thorax, the abdomen, the thighs and the lower legs. This gives a measure of stability to the twisted wire, but at the same time allows me to arrange the pose (standing straight, sitting etc) as the occasion requires: Once the Milliput had set, it was safe to cut the loop (about half way round) to form the arms: That's as far as I have got with it. Next up I need to decide on the pose, and make it permanent by coating the rest of the wire in Milliput. Thanks for watching Oh, and Happy New Year!
  12. Hello All, This is my first post (except comments) and is mainly to see how to work this doohickey called the interweb. Right then, I shall introduce the Heller Homer Simpson I made a year or so ago, If you have made this kit or one of the series you will know it's a 'fit's where it touches' kind off kit, but can be made into a nice figure with a little care and patience, I used a mix of Tamiya and Humbrol acrylics applied with Air and 'Airy sticks finished with Humbrol Satin from a rattle can. Thanks for looking. Andy.
  13. Evening all Another "cellar dweller" gets a 15 year makeover,This the Phantom vinyl Bladerunner kit,Which,to be honest I was never really keen on,the proportions looked wrong,the pose is static and the heads to small,to stop the vinyl "popping out" I secured the arms with small nuts and bolts,re positioned the hands and built up the hair with milliput to make the head seem a bit bigger,and made a jacket from layers of thin plastic card. Its not brilliant,but it looks better than it did. And I really needed a break from Aliens
  14. Hey! Didn't really know where to post this topic :/ I'm currently making an AH-64D Apache Longbow (Revell's kit) in 1:48 scale. I'm gonna be bored over the summer, so I was probably gonna have a crack at making an Middle Eastern diorama focused around the Apache. It will be just before a mission, so there will be people loading ordnance, maybe a quick bit of maintenance and nothing much else really. I was looking at Hussein El Kaissy's 1/32 one on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJjPWS18rTQ . It looks really nice. So, my question is; Where can I get these diorama accessories in 1/48? - A collection of modern weapons, such as a TOW Launcher (looks so cool ) etc. Much like Italeri's collection, but in 1/48! http://www.italeri.com/scheda.asp?idProdotto=2530&idCategoria=5&idSottocategoria=55 - A maintenance kit, for example a tool case, military mechanic figure, tools and a laptop thing/walkie talkie. - An rearmament set, with a winch, missile trolly etc. - A belt feeding kit for rearming the chain gun. - 90's/00's U.S.A.F figures, including a pilot and gunner. Please note that these need to be in 1/48, and apologies for any dumb mistakes, e.g. naming or describing something wrong because I am more of a WWII modeler. Thanks )
  15. Magister Figure Set 1:72 Special Hobby Special Hobby have released these figures under the CMK label to accompany their new Magister kit which we reviewed here.The set consist of two standing pilots and a kneeling ground crew figure. There is one standing pilot with his helmet and parachute on, one lounging on the airframe with his helmet off and no parachute. The ground crew member is franticly fixing something that pilots probably broke . The figures are very well sculpted with separate heads for the guys not wearing helmets. These figures are excellent and just what is needed to bring a Magister model to life. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  16. 1374 This is my very first WIP post I've ever attempted so please forgive any and all errors. Also I can't seem to get Flickr working here so I've opened a photobucket account as the instructions are very clear (they need to be for me!) in the FAQ section. I've had this vinyl figure sitting in its box for ages but as I've just seen Ep VII and I don't have any of the nice shiny new Bandai kits I thought I give him a go. Now I've never worked with vinyl before but I jumped straight in and after a bath (for him) I started trimming the excess away. Using heat (a hair dryer) really softens the material and speeds up the cutting, in fact there is so little resistance when its hot I found I had to be ever so careful so I didn't go crazy and chop the entire arm off! Here he is taped together (without the capes) just to see how he looks The level of detail has really blown me away. The only blemish in the entire kit is that the cape chain and lightsaber have done a runner Now the chain should be a straight forward replacement but it looks like I may have to scratch build the lightsaber and I've never done anything like that before. The idea is a bit intimidating but I am looking forward to the challenge That's all for this evening, I hope you all had a splendid Christmas Davros aka Mechanised Dwarf
  17. This is my first real 'stand-alone' figure! I've made figures before, but always in a setting with a vehicle or plane. This is the first figure I've been modeling which is to be on a base by itself. I'm not finished yet, but I thought I'd share it with you. It's a bit shiny now due to drybrushing, but it'll get a coat of matt varnish when done. Cheers Hans J
  18. This project has been ongoing for about three years and is only visited between other builds for a bit of something different. That said, I am determined to complete it this year so that I can then make a start on the French drummer that I have. It is only the second 120mm figure that I have painted, so my flesh tones need a lot of improvement. The figure also needs a matt finish applied to the uniform and the ancillary parts adding. I have sprayed the top of the base black to hopefully help with shadows, I don't know if this is the usual way but that is the way I have gone. The lower part has white primer on so in preparation for a wood effect. Anyway this is my progress to date Close-up of Pelisse (rear) Thanks for looking, I hope to post more progress soon.
  19. HI ALL, im helping a friend with his first model aircraft. hes a big tom cruise fan so i got him a 1/48th tomcat for his birthday n we are looking for some advice. Firstly decals, does anyone know of any aftermarket sets for the TOP GUN movie version, if so can you let me know who does them so i can go shopping. secondly i remember once, brousing threw a traders stock at a show .(i was looking for parts for a corsair at the time) that someone does a set of US NAVY pilot figures doing a high five. i think it was actually called " the need for speed" tho i cant be sure as its a while ago n i wasnt that interested. but they were clearly ment to be MAVRIK & GOOSE. tho again im not sure of the manufacturers name Any help anyone can give me would be most helpful thanks
  20. Hi I have a rather nice 1/24th figure that looked fine until I put some primer on it (Halfords White plastic primer). There are an incredible number of very fine pinhole size-holes in the figure. Any suggestions on how to fill these? thanks
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