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Found 18 results

  1. About type: Quoting Wiki: Westland Wasp - British light anti-submarine warfare helicopter, produced by Westland Helicopters between 1963 and 1968, with a total of 98 machines produced. The helicopter was based on the Westland Scout, and was adapted for basing on ships by, among other things, folding rotor blades and a tail. About the copy: As is usually the case, the whole story began with a single photo found on the Internet (below left). Here we have a ZOP helicopter evidently performing MedEvac tasks. I looked for a little more data and found out that 3 Hecla-class ships (including HMS Herald) were used as hospital ships during the Falklands War. Presumably, such a use of Wasps was envisioned "from time immemorial". - They had "bulbous" doors inherited from the Scouts, which as far as I know were shaped to accommodate stretchers behind the pilots' backs on a bench. About the model: The model is based on the LF Models kit is a joint development for Westalnd Scout / Wasp. While the tail section was developed for Wasp not badly the fuselage is treated in a negligible way. Virtually "from underneath" there is nothing characteristic of Wasp, the same in the cabin is suggested by the equipment of the two-pilot configuration, there are no flat bottom windows, there is no winch. The engine is developed slightly better than in the Hiller 12, BUT this time LF Models went as far as "Eduardian" practices, i.e. gave a very simplified engine in the kit and at the same time offered a 3D printed slightly better engine (we are talking about a detail some 2.5 cm long) for an outrageous 13 €. I condemn such treatments of manufacturers so I immediately rejected the purchase of this addition. Initially the model was to be built "in a week". The more I got into construction the more the model became "time expensive". I was adding more details, etc. Well in the end, almost at the finish something bad attacked me and I decided to build a base in the form of a part of the ship's airstrip. I don't think I've ever made such a mess over a stand. I don't even know how to use it in the display case, but... I like the effect 🙂 No more writing - time for pics 🙂
  2. LF Models is to release in March 2024 a 1/72nd Westland Wasp HAS.1 kit. The former S&M 1/72nd project ? Source: https://www.facebook.com/LFModels.cz/videos/1413074446295321/ https://www.facebook.com/reel/716182380410478?s=yWDuG2&fs=e https://fb.watch/okSAQCZbfB/ https://www.facebook.com/reel/716182380410478 V.P.
  3. ROTORCraft/Freightdog Models is to release 1/72nd Westland Wasp HAS.1 & Scout helicopters resin kits. Picture source: Freightdog Models (thank you !) Source: https://www.facebook.com/gary.hatcher.90260/posts/pfbid02tMCBzBdEnUe99sP4BixsFjB5MjWip47XMuk7jMQDGn85wwYiiC34RBug78AdTXeGl Source: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235132424-new-re-issued-freightdog-and-combat-kits-items-at-scale-modelworld-2023/ Source: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235132504-any-new-release-announcements-at-telford/&do=findComment&comment=4816475 Source: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235132504-any-new-release-announcements-at-telford/&do=findComment&comment=4816775 V.P.
  4. In late Q1 2022 Air-Graphics expects to release a 1/72nd Westland Wasp HAS.1 resin kit - ref. AIRK-7201 Source: https://www.facebook.com/airgraphicmodels/posts/2412599502207238 V.P.
  5. Hi all, After 4 months of on and off modelling, I've finally finished converting the Airfix Scout into a credible looking Wasp... This project initially started life as a Scout boxing; 4£ chance pickup at a toy fair with little intention to do anything other than sell the kit. A friend was kind enough to send me a White Metal Airwaves conversion set and I thought I'd try my hand at converting possibly one of the most sought after rotary subjects in 1/72.. Kits interior was spruced up using an Airwaves photo etch set I'd owned for years but the white metal set proved too fragile and fiddly with many pieces breaking. After some time on the "shelf of doom", alongside the Whirlybird Sikorsky S-61N, I rather begrudgingly forked out for the Air Graphics Wasp Conversion set at 28£ (+8£ postage...) which arrived about a month later. The set provided the absolute basics to enable an exterior modification of the airframe, no decals, engine or interior set which are all sold separately (expensive or what!) Air Graphics resin conversion set was quite unrefined with a substantial amount of flash to clean and some parts broken out the box. The decals were courtesy of Model Arts 72-016 set picked up on eBay for 2£ inc postage. The end result is a little rough, finished in Hataka's Orange Line RAF Blue-Grey representing the frame as she may have appeared in the Falklands Conflict, with reference taken from the superb Falklands: The Air War book. With some additional scratchbuilding and a more delicate hand, I'm sure this could've turned out better. It has certainly killed my modelling mojo for the time being. There are still a few bits to finish off, like tinting the upper canopy and I have the Air Graphics NORD SS.12 missile set/gun sight to add. Anyway, enough of the waffle! To the kit itself...
  6. Icelandic Fine Art is to release a 1/32nd Westland Wasp resin kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/flyingSmodels/posts/pfbid035BWtfP43HkYzBJPDRVLL1tgfUKvBpbyojr9x34rQtWoKpgcEzucCmYqiB85Apd5jl V.P.
  7. A quick build (after a long haul with a Tomcat). Builds very well, a sheer joy to build ... and gives you the opportunity to go all in on the weathering. Built OOB, with just a few pipes added. I really recommend this little gem. /Torbjörn
  8. Scout & Wasp out next year late...... both in 1/72 Wasp also in 1/48 Scout also in 1/35 !
  9. With the Lincoln done, it's time to make a serious start on the Scout. I've started with the old Fujimi 1/50 Westland Wasp kit, which isn't too bad in outline but is low on detail. As many here will know, the Wasp differs from the Scout primarily in the undercarriage and rear tail areas. I've removed the offending undercarriage support areas and antenna lump from the lower fuselage and cut the rear part of the fin away (saw disc on the Dremel works wonders!). Unfortunately, it's left a rather ragged hole which I'm going to have to fill after joining the halves permanently. There are a lot of rivets on this kit and, in this case, I need to retain them as much as possible as they are quite prominent on the real aircraft being domed rivets, rather than flush (pretty much the standard for helicopters due to their low speed). I reckon some of the bits I cut off the Lancaster for the Lincoln conversion will fit the bill nicely, as they already have rivet detail on the plastic but if not, I've bought some stick-on rivets to add later. I'll use the same for the fin and (possibly) the horizontal stab, both of which will need to be made from scratch. The instrument panel is extremely basic and incorrect, so I'll build a new one from plasticard using my new punch set from MicroMark and the excellent Airscale decals. Scratchbuilt instrument panel is in progress, as are the internal mods needed. I'll be tinting the upper canopy windows with Future and blue food colour, too.
  10. US WASP (1943-1945) ICM 1:32 (32108) The WASPs or Women's Air Force Service Pilots was a civilian Women organisation which were US Federal Service Employees. As well as training other pilots they would ferry aircraft around, and test aircraft. Their aim was to free up male pilots for combat roles. The WASPs were disbanded on late 1944 is slightly dubious circumstances. It is estimated that WASP members delivered half of all aircraft production in the US Thirty-eight members lost their lives in accidents, eleven died during training, and twenty-seven were killed on active duty missions, as they were not classed a military they had none of the rights or privileges, and were in the end pretty badly treated. Members only gained veteran status in the late 1970s with the award of a WWI Victory medal in the early 1980s. Figures This is ICMs figure set. There are three figures, two pilots and one ground personnel it look like. All are what would be considered dressed for the period. In general the mould in crisp and clean with plenty of detail. . Like ICM's recent figures these are well sculpted and should build up well. Conclusion This is another great set from ICM and looks like they will add to any setting the modeller wishes to use them in. Highly recommended. Available in the UK from importers H G Hannants Ltd. Review sample courtesy of
  11. Hi, Joined a while ago but this is my first post! I am an ex FAA Artificer and model mainly RN aircraft in 1/48. I spent my time in the navy on Wessex Mk5 and Lynx mk3 and still have a soft spot for the Wessex even now.I am currently building a HAS3 from the Italeri kit,having previously completed two Mk5s. Despite its faults, I like this kit as it is 100% better than the old Revell offering and it was a long,long wait for anything half decent in 1/48. I am also thinking about starting the old Fujimi Wasp kit and have been comparing it with the drawings in the recent warpaint book. The fuselage seems to be too short according to these drawings, the discrepancy being in the section between the point wher the fuselage taper starts and the rear undercarriage mounting is located. Does anyone know if these drawings are accurate.I am tempted to take them with a pinch of salt as they were drawn by Richard Caruana who has been known to get things wron on the past. Sorry I seem to have gone on a bit. Cheers Mike Smith
  12. Kiwi Models is preparing an injected 1/72nd Westland Wasp kit - ref. ? Sources: http://www.kiwiresin.com/172-plastic-models http://www.kiwiresin.com/_p/prd1/4642893511/product/in-preparation V.P.
  13. Had the chance of a brief tour of the airframes used engineering training at HMS Sultan IMGP7754 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7768 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7763 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7852 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7851 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7837 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7833 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7823 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7806 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7797 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7796 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7770 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr IMGP7755 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr Sea King Rotor head IMGP7746 by Phillip Wilmshurst, on Flickr Willy
  14. Russian SA-8 Gecko 1:35 Trumpeter Built on a fully amphibious BAZ-5937 six-wheel chassis, the Gecko, or Wasp as it is known in Russia, was the first fully independent mobile anti-aircraft missile vehicle that carried everything it needed on board from missile erection and launch systems to the targeting and radar equipment that allows it the capability of firing autonomously, although it can also cooperate with other assets on the field just as well. It carries six missiles in two pods aft of the large radar mount, which has multiple antennae to cope with jamming, with separate frequency bands able to control up to two missiles at one time. The missiles are capable of intercepting high flying targets, but it is not a long-range system, with a maximum speed of almost mach 3, plus impact and proximity fuses to trigger the missile. It is still in service with Russia and some of her former Soviet friends in updated variants, and has seen action in the recent Syrian civil war. The Kit Another new tooling of a big Russian missile platform to accompany the recent stable-mates that have been spewing forth from Trumpeter at quite incredible frequency. Arriving in a medium sized box, the interior is sectioned off to hold the two large hull parts separately, with the aft further wrapped in a foam sheet to protect the upstands there that might otherwise be vulnerable. A wad of small card squares are also taped within the box to gently trap the hull bag in place, again to protect it during transit and storage. It's nice to see a manufacturer taking such care in getting their products to you in good order. Inside the box are a surprisingly low six sprues of parts, plus the two large hull parts and four addition parts of the missile system in separate bags, all of which is moulded in Trumpeter's usual mid-grey styrene. There is also a clear sprue, a sheet of Photo-Etch (PE) brass, a length of copper wire, six flexible black styrene wheels and a substantial (for an AFV) decal sheet. The instruction booklet is printed in black & white in an A4 portrait format, with a separate two-sided colour guide on glossy paper. Looking over the sprues and hull pieces, there has been some substantial use of sliding moulds to produce some very well-detailed parts. It is also clear that someone forgot to tool a missile pack roof part on the main sprues, as there is one within the normal sprues, and one separately. Perhaps I'm being unkind to the designers? If you're familiar with Trumpeter's existing arsenal of large Russian vehicles, you'll know what to expect, and that's a good thing. Plenty of detail, clever moulding, sensible construction that results in a polished kit. Unusually, the build starts with the crew cab, which is linked with the operators' cab and shares the same floor-pan. The driver and co-driver sit up front with the usual range of controls, including steering wheel, seats, pedal box and a very nicely detailed instrument panel which has three decals to busy it up. The rear compartment has three individual seats plus one bench seat, which are used by the operators of the banks of equipment on each side wall. The walls are a single part each, but have masses of equipment realistically moulded in, which is augmented by a substantial number of decals tailored to each box, with scrap diagrams showing their correct location – all 47 of them! Addition of a front and rear bulkhead to the operators' preps the assembly for adding to the lower hull, which has two large circular location turrets to hold it in place. The suspension is built up next along with the six wheels, which have two-part hubs that fit around the flexible black tyres, and lots of rugged tread moulded in. The suspension units fit into the lower hull along with the wheels, and the driver's panel is clipped into the front, which enables it to stand on its own "rubber" while the upper hull is prepared. Small details are added to the inside of the lower hull, including a pair of prominent vents on the top deck, fuel and water filler cut-outs, plus a host of pioneer tools on the rear and a large exhaust tube that exits just above one of the water-propulsion exhausts and is covered by a hinged hatch. The outer skin of the upper hull receives a compliment of hatches; additional panels; grab-handles, mushroom vents, and a bow-wave deflector panel for amphibious use. A pair of PE grilles go on the aft, with a stand-off walkway over the top for access to the missile packs. A rocket-wash panel fits on the roof to protect the glazing, which is also installed from the outside at this stage along with separate windscreen wipers, wing-mirrors and antennae base. At this stage the two halves of the hull are mostly complete, except for the super-structure of the missile and radar installation. This is begun with the framework on which the two rocket packs sit, so you'll build two handed assemblies that sit beneath the launch box, which is depicted in the covered pose, so there is no internal detail. The completed launchers are set aside while the large elliptical rotating surveillance radar is built from a styrene frame into which a curved PE mesh is glued, but as you get two, you don't need to worry if you make a mess of the first one. The mount is built up from five parts, and the receiver is held out in front of the panel by a tubular frame. It pivots by two large axles on the sides of the mount, which are trapped in a base that allows it to fold away for transport. The flat panel engagement antenna is then mounted on a large equipment box that has another axle running through its interior, which the two smaller command-uplink antennae that give it the ability to control two missiles rotate independently outboard of the supports that link it to the rotating base. All of these assemblies then mount onto a highly detailed rotating base, which takes full advance of slide moulding to pile on the detail, but still receives more in the way of grab-handles, equipment boxes and end caps, as well as the floor, which is where the bayonet ring is found. The elliptical dish sits on the highest part, while the acquisition and control panels are mounted on the front on a sloped section, with the two missile containers mounting one per side, inclined toward the front to give clearance on launch. The last task is to join the hull halves together, and twist the combined radar/missile assembly into the turret ring on the roof. The light clusters then get their protective cages made from PE that is bent around jigs that are supplied in the kit. A nice touch to include jigs, and to add them last to avoid crush damage during handling while building. Markings Any colour as long as it's Russian Green? Not quite, but close. There are three options on the decal sheet, which depict one in service green, another in parade finish with white rubbing strips down the side of the hull and the Russian shield emblem on the cab sides. The last option is green over-painted with sand and light blue camouflage, which breaks up the expanses of green at least! The decals are in good register, and colour density seems good on the sheet. The Russian flag seems to have been printed slightly out of register however, but as that's easily fixed by running your scalpel down each side, we'll forgive them that. Sharpness is adequate, although some of the instrument decals seem a bit heavy with the black, but as they're hidden away inside the hull, not much of them will be seen anyway. Conclusion Another welcome addition to Trumpeter's growing range of big Russian missile launchers, and one that has plenty to engage the eye once complete. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of UK Distributors for
  15. Hello again, As I have a couple of weeks off work coming up I thought I'd start another 'quick build' to run alonside my Sabre build. I've decided to go for another cheapie from my stash. I say cheapie because i managed to pick it up for half price at a local clearance outlet, along with several other kits! It's the Aacdemy P-47D Thunderbolt 'Gabreski' Here are the obigatory sprue shots... This last sprue is duplicated, so only one of them shown here, A decent decal sheet courtesy of Cartograf... And finally, because I find it impossible to build something without using AM (I feel like I'm not putting enough effort in if I don't use any!) a little something from Eduard to improve the office. i know the etch is for a P-47N, but it's close enough for me for a quick and dirty build! Work in progress pics to follow as soon as I make some progress. Thanks for looking Al
  16. I have had this in my stash for many years, it was once started and got partly assembled and even had the first coat of (incorrect) blue. It was then put aside and left to fester. I was then browsing the web (as you do) and came across some fine pictures of a wasp. This got me thinking as I do like the look of this ungainly beast. I originally thought of building up a 1:72 Airfix Scout which is also languishing in my stash but thought the work would be too great especially on my poor eyes and the conversion set is $$$$$$$$ and in my opinion not that great. Then I remembered I had this monster. The Fujimi Wasp! I think the kit is slightly underscale (1:50 has been quoted). That won’t bother me too much as most of the building will be according to the Mk 1 eyeball. I shall use the proportion of the kit to gauge how big things should be (I currently have a vision of something akin to Homer Simpsons car design as an end result!). I have some good references about on the web and a decent walk around on this site, also there are numerous references for the scout which will provide assistance for the engine, gearbox and rotor head area. I have a shed load of plastic sheet available and I have a feeling I shall be using most of it! So onto which Wasp? My late father served on HMS Minerva in the 70’s alongside Prince Charles so I thought this would be a good start. It will be XT788 (424) of the ships flight around 1973 when they were deployed to the med and Caribbean. Unfortunately I am on the wrong side of the Atlantic to get access to my dad’s photo albums but I think there is enough on the web to see me right. Now I am not aware of any aftermarket decal sets for a 1:48ish Wasp so if anyone knows any different let me know, but in the mean time I shall have to make it up as I go along. So what have I got to start with? I managed to split the parts apart without too much damage. The basic kit is not too bad in shape and basic detail on the fuselage. Here she is post splitting, I forgot to take a shot of here in her former (not so) glory. I did get one modification right on my original build. I moved the cyclic stick to a better position as opposed to being out by the quarter light. You can see the original hole below, that would have caused some flight control problems! And the remaining in the box Most of the original plastic is useable I have no idea what is going on with this center console. It has no real resemblance to err anything! The floor is also covered in some sort of non skid pattern which is also wrong.The seats will have to go as well, although I shall use the rough size and shape to gauge the scratch built items. Not sure about the block of lego on the back! So starting off it’s a new floor and a new console from plastic card. The console is roughly assembled and needs a bit of tarting up. Just as an insight into what lays ahead this is the engine: and the gear box and transdeck area: Next up will be to do each individual panel on the centre conlsole with various switches and knobs. Lets see how this goes! Cheers now Bob
  17. XT443 at the Helicopter Museum, Weston-Super-Mare.
  18. Latest releases into the Oldmodels Decals Digital range are: RNZN Westland Wasp 1/48 and 1/72 in four schemes: 1960s delivery scheme (the RN scheme with NZ flight numbers and ships crests) 1970s-1990s scheme Last scheme “Orange Sprat” scheme (used for Bougainville peace talks) Available through my website www.oldmodelsdecals.com and TradeMe (for NZ customers only) John Oldmodels Decals
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