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  1. Just now saw the glad tidings that Airfix is releasing a new-tool 1/72 Beaufort! Personally, I have a preference for my favorite version, but I am soooo happy we are getting a new, state of the art kit, that I don't really care which version/s Airfix will release- just give me a decent airframe, and I can do the rest, as I bet many of you can, too. Here's a short video walk around and a still walk around, along with a two-part video on RAAF Beauforts. I hope you will find useful. Let the reference gathering begin! (Anybody want a couple of Airfix and Special Hobby kits?) Mike https://www.net-maquettes.com/pictures/bristol-beaufort-walk/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXdYILHIis0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdUNFkWrGVk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8JND2KiCmQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1WL-jujBg4
  2. I got this a few minutes ago by a good friend who flew A-1H's and A-1E's in SEA, as well as everything from the F-86 to the F-16. I thought many of you would enjoy the footage- especially from angles not often seen. I have to say that Mossie KA114 is one magnificent airplane from any angle! Video via YouTube. Mike
  3. I found this while doing my weekly visit to the Falke Eins website. A very neat video of an ex-Luftwaffe pilot who took to the air again in a Bf-109G-12 converted from a Buchon Ha-1112 with a Merlin. What a wonderful gesture, and I can only imagine the emotions he must have felt, especially being able to take the controls again after so many years. The man still looks every bit the fighter pilot. I thought many of you, especially those of you who are fortunate enough to have flown vintage or WW2 aircraft will have an appreciation for what this meant to him. Mike http://falkeeins.blogspot.com/
  4. My latest build. The Eduard Polikarpov I-16 Type 10 in Chinese Markings. I have done a full video build showing pretty much the entire process with time lapse where required. I painted the kit with Humbrol Enamels and Tamiya Enamels. I used a host of weathering products, all detailed in the video. The video itself took almost as long as the kit, but I think it does a decent job of showing what goes into building a kit. I hope you all enjoy! Video Photos
  5. Over the years, I've managed to find a few video snippets of the Thunderbirds flying formation in their F-105s. Longer videos of the team flying a full demonstration or even a practice session have eluded me. Does anyone know where I can find a full length video of one of the F-105 airshows. Also, can anyone point me to something other than the widely published few pictures of the Thunderbird F-105Bs?
  6. Thought you guys may be interested in this. It's the story of non-British pilots in thr RAF by the Sabaton History channel.
  7. I know there are a lot of Scooter fans out there, myself included, so when I found this footage while looking for Firefly references, I thought I would post it for your viewing pleasure and as a modeling reference. never really noticed before that the approach was made with the speedbrakes out, I guess so power could be kept on in case of a missed approach, retracting them upon a successful wire engagement. Enjoy! Mike
  8. Saw this and @Moa immediately came to mind! Very interesting collection of weird and wonderful designs. This is part one of a four part series, so you can see them all below, if you're interested. Wonder how many of these are in his display case? Mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qlh_a307DY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyFqvsikDR8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVguDg14uuo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-kTh0nwwmQ
  9. Good morning from chilly but sunny South Central Texas! I just now found this footage, and thought some of you might enjoy looking at it. The P-47 razorback footage shows the aircraft in their early markings, and you will notice that many appear to have been waxed, which was fairly common early on for more speed. I think these are early P-47D's from the 56th and 4th FG's. The P-38's I think are from the 55th FG. I have also posted a link to a very nice website that has details of the production variants of the P-47D and other reference material that might be useful for modelers, as well as a third link that has footage of P-38's, P-47's, and P-51's beating up Luftwaffe airfields after being detached from the bombers. Mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz4i1l10OvE http://www.368thfightergroup.com/P-47-2.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEJa9iBPYb0
  10. Not sure if this is the right section of the forum, but here goes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Credible_Sport Wow!
  11. This one's for all Sabre fans, but especially @Sabrejet, @Courageous @RidgeRunner and @Giorgio NThe best-performing Sabre variant, and in these markings, the prettiest of them all- even prettier than an 8th FBG F-86F! I am jealous of those of you who have seen and heard her fly! Mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpB8kpxQnWM
  12. Please read the rules on blogs, web channels etc here; Thx the Mod Team.
  13. I had posted this in a topic discussion on the Do-335, but thought more of you might see it here and enjoy watching it. Some pretty rare aircraft, many that were sadly not preserved. Oh, for a video and digital camera back then! IIRC, Col Watson of Operation Lusty's "Watson's Whizzers" flew the Ju-290 from Europe back to the U.S. Mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irk7ouOLzYk
  14. I wanted to share this with all of my fellow Sabre fanatics; great video of my favorite F-86F group and my favorite squadron. My late father was the group adjutant when they were based at Suwon during the Korean War. The 8th began the war flying F-80's out of Itazuke, Japan, but the short loiter time forced the 35th and 36th squadrons to trade their F-80's for P-51D's until such time as the airstrips in Korea could accommodate jets. Later on, all three squadrons were re-equipped with F-86F-10's and then brand-new F-86F-30's. The 8th was a dedicated fighter-bomber group, so IIRC, they only scored two Mig-15 kills during the conflict. The C.O.'s Sabre carried nose and tail stripes for each of the three squadrons. (35th Sq- blue; 36th Sq- red; 80th Sq- yellow) The thrill of my life was getting to sit in the C.O. Col. Woodrow Wilmot's F-86F-30, "Miss Teena," at an Itazuke AB airshow in 1955 with his helmet on- I was seven at the time and I still remember how hot the cockpit was and the heavenly aroma of sweat, hydraulic fluid, and the webbed seat harness! They had to pry me out of the cockpit! I hope you enjoy the video and pause a moment to think about the men who flew and maintained them, as most of them have probably gone west. Mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsAO_i7t-yQ I just found another video of 8th FBG Sabres being serviced, so I have added it for your viewing pleasure! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHVu55gE6jk
  15. A good friend of mine who flew Spads in SEA (A-1E and A-1H) sent me this video that shows the testing and use of the Yankee seat extraction system, like the one fitted to Skyraiders; he stated that he witnessed several of his squadron mates' lives being saved by its use. (He was involved in several 'Sandy' sorties during his tour.) Went on to fly big weenie cookers, including his favorite- the F-101. I had no clue how this system really worked until I saw this video. I hope you will find it as interesting and informative as I did. Wonder if @Old Viper Tester has any first-hand knowledge of its use? Mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Yw8g1Soigk
  16. Hi all, found this simple and quick way to make copies of parts etc very good video. www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVZLXLaidjQ
  17. Most people won't have visited my JGSDF Type 10 Tank thread in the 10th Annivesary GB and so won't have seen that I posted a video there showing how I initially paint my models with flat brushes. In this case it shows how I painted the initial coats of acrylic paint on the JGSDF Type 10. I don't own an airbrush, as I don't have anywhere suitable to use one, so I have learnt a way of painting acrylic paints with flat brushes that works for me. A few people over the years have asked how I acheive the finish I do using flat brushes and I always said - at some point I will make a video - well I have now done that. Please note it is not a tutorial video - more a video of me painting a kit - but some people say they have found some bits to be useful. It certainly isn't a perfect video. For a start it's a bit too long - I filmed me painting a few bits for over an hour and a half but then had the problem of deciding how and what to edit. I got it down to about 50 minutes - but that is still too long. Second - the first half suffers from it being the first time I had done a video like this - so you cannot always see what I am doing - the second half - when I'm doing the second coat - is better because I moved the camera nearer having reviewed the first half. It's a bit too quiet too - it sounds fine on the iPad I recorded it on but seems too quiet on my laptop. If you want to use them - the automatic close captions are not a bad match. Now this may be a good thing so you don't hear me rambling on too much! If you do decide to watch any of it please make sure you know where the Fast Forward, Mute and Stop buttons are! If people are interested I will post some videos of how I do some of the other painting and weathering I do. Finally - my suggestion is just dip in and out - life's to short! EDIT - The link to the video can now be found at the bottom of my signature below each of my posts. Kind regards, Stix
  18. I seem to recall: a couple of years ago a video was doing the rounds about the painting of trucks in Caunter camouflage in one of the RASC workshops in Egypt. Would appreciate a copy or the URL of that particular video. Can anyone help? Thanks William mechinf(at)netactive.co.za
  19. I just stumbled upon this one; some interesting footage of trains being strafed. Check out the Mustang Mk 1's with the fairing doors up, but the flaps down! Enjoy! Mike
  20. I've just watched this video on YouTube of a Raptor and I'm keen to know what colour scheme it had; does it have an official designation? Also, which greys are used in the scheme? Once that is identified, I would like to know of any source of images which can help me to prepare a model to be painted that way. I have a few F-22 Raptor kits but I'm not that knowledgeable on USAF markings to be able to proceed yet. Thanks in advance for any advice and info which will hopefully be provided here. Mike
  21. Hey guys, I just uploaded (more of a re-upload as I had attempted to upload through the night but this morning I unknowingly clicked on Youtube's own option to stabilise the footage, I've had my camera in a tripod and obviously just moving the model. It had interpreted this as a shaky camera for some reason and tried to account for it by moving the camera with the plane that was also moving against the background. I was going to just leave it but after a couple minutes it made my head spin so thought best to re-do it) my finished videos of an Su-2 I built (started about 7 months then only came back to and finished recently, when I was rookie at airbrushing, and also recording things) I published some pictures on here a while ago showing the finished model. I am reasonably happy with how it came out, here's the rest of the build! Your thoughts? Cheers!
  22. Great high quality drone footage of the 'laid-up' s.s. United States - ideal for modellers. ie her funnels details. (Go to Youtube and if you are using one of the latest browsers like Chrome, it wil go to 1080p60, for top quality.)
  23. On Gur Khan website a comprehensive review of this new kit . I do not speak or understand Russian, but nevertheless interesting . Also some compare with the Panda kit. Have fun Andreas Beck
  24. http://forces.tv/78689356#fvs65314Ld6DKse1.01 The newest (?) Helicopter to go into service with the RAF Via Facebook / forces TV Rodders
  25. Great stuff! http://player.vimeo.com/video/40935850
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