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  1. When researching my previous Revell Concorde build I came across the story of protests which greeted the arrival of the Concorde prototype in Sydney, in 1972. There were a range of real concerns about the aircraft and this even reached a discussion in the Australian Parliament on 16 May 1972: Senator Cotton: … the Department of Civil Aviation will ask the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the Australian Broadcasting Commission to broadcast details of the Concorde’s movements to all the people who are living within any area over which it might fly. They will be asked, as residents or people in that area, to submit to the Department objective reports on the effect of the supersonic flight. Senator Keeffe: – if they are still alive. When the aircraft arrived at Sydney’s Kingsford Smith Airport on 18 June 1972 an assortment of protester issues were on display which, like the parliamentary exchange above, were a mix of the serious and the playful. Some of these protesters gathered around a news reporter on the airport's observation deck: As soon as I saw this I knew I'd enjoy tackling the subject as a diorama project. It also gave me an excuse to build the old Airfix Concorde Prototype kit! The Airfix kit uses F-DCAL decals, with the tail painted using a stencil cutter. I also added Armory models' weighted resin wheels. A range of N Scale figures were used (a close match for 1/144) from Preiser, Tomytec and Woodland Scenics, with the news camera made from a bit of styrene sheet and tube. My symbolic representation of the observation deck was made with N Scale wall panels and fencing, some sheet styrene, and AK's Concrete texture for dioramas. The same concrete texture was used for the base. The stair truck was built with sheet styrene and 3D printed stairs on the basis of a repainted, and suitably 60s-ish, Tomytec N Scale truck.
  2. Here's a bit more nostalgia from me. I was a primary (elementary) schoolboy in Sydney in 1985 who raced home on a cloudy afternoon, desperate to see the incoming Concorde. February 14 1985 was the first time, as far as I know, that Concorde had arrived in Sydney since the prototype toured in the early 1970s. Luckily I got home in time - Concorde was late! My house was under the flightpath to Kingsford Smith, and before too long I saw the beautiful aircraft come roaring along, nose angled down for landing. As it passed I raced up the hill from my house, with my mother in tow, to keep the aircraft in sight and make the moment last. That's always been a vivid childhood memory for me so I figured I should commit it to plastic! I've wrestled with this old Revell kit for a year. I don't know if this is victory or abandonment but I'm calling it done. I found it hard to photograph - if anyone has pro-tips for photographing big white models let me know. There is a subtle wash through the panels which doesn't really show up here. I've used Bra.Z resin (intakes and windscreen) with the F-DCAL Negus and Negus livery sheet. I painted the vertical stabiliser using masks made with a stencil cutter - a first for me. Hopefully the spirit of the build comes across. I'm not trying this one again.
  3. Having just enjoyed building the Revell 1/144 Airbus A380 in British Airways livery, I thought I'd stick with the subject of commercial airliners and have a go at this: On opening the box its certainly much bigger than I anticipated, being 86cm, or around 2 feet 10 in old money, long. As I understand it this is the former Airfix/Heller kit reboxed by Revell, and having read other build logs, can be a bit of a pig to build, allegedly with lashings of filler required. Even Revell seem to acknowledge that a modicum of filling may be required as can be seen in their instructions.... not sure about the trowel symbols, though, hopefully one of those won't be required! No matter, one can only try one's best, so let's have at it and see how we get on! I will be building it in flight with the nose up, especially since the kind folks at Revell have supplied us with a substantial stand in the box. I always thought Concorde was a beautiful bird with the nose up, whereas she looked a bit snooty with the nose down, so nose up in flight it shall be. It also means I can ignore all that infamous and fragile "working" nose-drooping mechanism that the kit comes with. Now, one thing that a plane in flight can't do without is a crew to fly it. I looked around the web and the only suitable commercial pilots that I could find in 1/72 scale are those produced by PJ Productions thus: Out of the bag they look like this: Painting those will be a real test of the eyesight! So, on with the office! The kit's cockpit is a very simple affair...3 seats, a "dashboard", a centre console, an engineer's console and two control sticks. There are decals for the control panel, centre console, engineers console and overhead panel. Reading other build logs I've gleaned that some folks have learned the hard way that if the control panel is fixed in its intended position it will not allow the inner canopy to fit properly within the forward fuselage. In anticipation of this I sanded of the locating lugs and positioned the panel a couple of millimetres aft of where the kit would have you put it..... I hope that will suffice - time will tell. Lots of eyestrain later, here are three shots of the completed cockpit and crew. Not much of this will be visible once sealed up other than the pilots - they will be seen and i think are a must for an in-flight pose. To be continued......
  4. Last Flight of Concorde 1:144 Airfix Gift Set A50189 The Concorde was the pinnacle of Civil Aircraft design when it was designed. Concorde was jointly developed and manufactured by Sud Aviation (later Aérospatiale) and the British Aircraft Corporation under an Anglo-French treaty. Originally the UK sought American partners for the development of an SST however it was felt the US Government would not be favourable to the sharing of the technology. Eventually a 100 seat Mach 2 aircraft was decided on. Construction of the French prototype 001, and the UK prototype 002 was begun. 001 fist flew in March 1969 with 002 in in April 1969. Despite advanced orders for more than 100 aircraft only 20 were built. The oil crisis of the 1970's and major US concerns and a flight ban (due to citizen protests over sonic booms and no doubt bitterness after the US SST programme was shelved) lead to increasing operating costs and doubt about the aircraft continuing in service. In 1981 British Airways purchased its aircraft from the Govt in a deal later termed "the worst deal ever negotiated by a government minister". BA continued to operate the aircraft alongside Air France for many years. However they both announced the retirement of the the aircraft in 2003, citing high maintenance costs, low passenger numbers following the fatal crash of the Air France Concorde in 2000 and the post 911 slump to Air Travel. The Kit This is Airfix's own tool dating back to 1977 which has enjoyed many re-releases over the years. Its worth noting that this is not the same kit as the recently re-released Vintage Classics Concorde, that one if the original Airfix tooling from 1966, There are differences between the kits, most notably this one has a longer fuselage and more parts (though not that many). The kit is still a product of its time and not upto the modern standards we see today. Construction of the kit starts with putting the doors into both fuselage sides as well as the side glazing in the cockpit. It is worth noting that the kit provides no glazing for the cabin windows. Next up the the engine pods get a front fan wall and intake vanes. The main fuselage can then be joined up and the two part wings attached to each side. The frontal glazing can now be attached. The nose is moulded in the up position and there is no way to lower it in this kit. If making the kit "in flight" then its a simple matter of adding the landing gear doors. If doing the model on its undercarriage then this needs to be built up. There is a nose leg with its twin wheels and two main gear legs with 4 wheels each side. The last item is the small tail bumper wheel. The engine pods can now be fitted, then the exhausts are added, this finished of the model. Markings A small decal sheet from Cartograf provides markings for only one aircraft, the one flown to Filton on 26th November 2003, and now preserved there. Conclusion Airfix seem to be releasing their back catalog now this gives a chance to re-build the models you did many years ago. Recommended if you want a bit of nostalgia modelling of an iconic aircraft. Review sample courtesy of
  5. The first Airfix kit of the Concorde appeared around 1967/68 and represented an early drawing/prototype. Earlier this year,this kit got a rerelease from Airfix in their "Vintage Classics" series. Its the same mould as it was,with a wonderful newly printed BOAC decal sheet,that includes windows and frames and offers also the option of painting the blue cheatline. An option I was happy to have,because I somehow doubted that the blue elements would conform seamlessly to the front part. The cheatline was airbrushed with Tamyia Royal Blue,which was a perfect match to the decal. The fit of the parts was in places not very good and many parts had a surprising amount of flash. I built it mostly OOB,I only added the middle walls to the engine fronts as the kit provides none. The whole model was sprayed with Gunze white primer which was polished and gloss coated with Gunze Premium Gloss varnish. The decals are of top quality and fit perfectly. Some details were added from leftover Concorde decals that I had in my spares. Its a pity that the Concorde never appeared in the BOAC livery.It suits the aircraft very well and adds to its elegance. Cheers Alex
  6. Finally we have weather in Switzerland that allows taking pictures on the balcony... This is the 1966 first issue of Airfix's Concorde. Due to its early release,a good 2 years prior to the first flight,the kit is probably more based on early drawings than on the real thing. There are some differences compared to the real prototype. I actually built it OOB,I even planned to use the kits Air France decals,and use some leftover decals for further detailing. Unfortunately the decals were impossible to use,stiff as a board and they broke at the slightest touch once off the backing paper. Well...it was to be expected but I tried it anyway... I then roamed through my countless aviation magazines and there I found an article on the Concorde,in which all former airlines who had ordered the Concorde,were depicted with a drawing of how it would have looked. I therefore chose the Lufthansa version,as I have plenty of leftover decals from different kits. The blue cheatline and fin was airbrushed,using Revell Lufthansa blue 350. The LH bits and pieces come from the Airfix 727-200 kit and Revell A320. The model was painted silver and aluminium on the wings and fuselage underside as per the Airfix box art of the Air France version.It looks more interesting that way,and its a "what if" anyway. The fit of the kit is not the best,I am currently working on the BOAC re-issue,which I find even worse in that regard,but thats another story. Hope you like the Lufthansa Concorde,that never came to be... Cheers Alex
  7. After some Revell Concordes I wanted to try the Airfix kit. Compared to Revell's offering,its simpler detailed,no optional nose installation and it has raised panel lines and open cabin windows. But I must admit that I like the Airfix kit more. Revell has its Concorde kit for decades in their catalogue and its really starting to get a bit long in the tooth. Besides the Airfix kit,I also worked on the Revell one simultanously.The Revell kit ended up in the bin in the end as the parts had a terrible fit and the wing seams kept cracking open,no matter what I did. The decals come from the ill fated Revell kit and are superb,both in printing quality as well as details. Painted overall white using Revell 04. Engine exhausts are a mix of semigloss black mixed with a few drops silver. Another Airfix Concorde and a Entex kit are currently on the bench as well which should show up here in some time to join her sister ship. On with the pics Cheers Alex
  8. Hello all, Sorry everyone if this question has been raised and answered before... I searched but couldn't find anything (user error?!). I'm very much looking forward to receiving a Revell boxing of the infamous 1/72 Concorde for Christmas. How do I know so far in advance? I bought it myself for my wife to wrap for me... but it does mean I get to do a bit of planning before the big day. I make an annual visit to Duxford with some students and rather like the livery of the Concorde there, G-AXDN. My question then, is there a definitive list of changes (large and not so large) between the pre-production G-AXDN and the production models? Obvious to me is the shorter tail-cone on G-AXDN compared to the production aircraft and the different engine nozzles? What else have I missed? Is a conversion of the kit back to G-AXDN possible given my mediocre modelling talent (I reference my Kestrel build)? Thanks for looking, Jack
  9. Here's my attempt at the 1/72 Revell (Airfix / Heller) Concorde. She's built out of the box except for the addition of a pair of pilots, a tiny bit of scratchbuilding under the visor and the F_DCAL decals, although I only used the window / door decals from the latter. It's an impressively large model once built, with a length of 85cm and a wingspan of 37cm. I definitely wouldn't describe it as an easy build.....here's a link to the build thread, which will hopefully give a flavour of the blood, sweat and tears required to undertake this kit! https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235047199-revell-172-concorde/page/8/&tab=comments#comment-3368409 Thanks for looking!
  10. Decided to break out the 1:72 Concorde and have a go at taming the beast. I've Read so many accounts of it being a difficult kit I thought it was time to have a go and see what I thought. I also fancy having a Concorde in the cabinet. I bought an Extratech photoetch sheet a few years back from the Czech Republic (Llona Mullerova). I also bought an transparency mask and a weighted wheel set from Hannants a while back. The story so far... Started the engine bays to be finished later. The instructions say the darker areas are either Hu85 or Hu53 but I'm inclined to think it's more of a dark metallic (was it titanium?). I may opt for a dark Alclad and then do lots of panel variations. These things will go on towards the end and I'll probably pick some supplies up at Telford (for it is not all that far away!) The Extratech photoetch, one of two sheets. Looks to be very well made. Weighted resin wheels for later. Look much better than the rubber jobs it must be said....now where's my razor saw?
  11. This is the very nice Revell kit of the Concorde,that has been around for ages now and it still is available. I built already one and enjoyed it very much. When I came across this decal set from 26,I decided to buy another kit and have a go. British Airways and Singapore Airlines co-operated on the London-Bahrain-Singapore route and thus one of BAs Concordes wore that hybrid scheme. As only BA and Air France operated the Concorde,this scheme is a nice change and addition for my supersonic collection Enjoy And with "Something else"...the famous Air France Pepsi Concorde
  12. This plane doesn't really need an introduction.. But I'll make one anyway. For those of you who don't know what it is; Have you been living under a rock? The Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde was one of the first and only supersonic passenger airliners to enter service. Its design was unique, graceful and miles ahead of any of its contemporaries and up until now, no airliner has been able to surpass it. The aircraft's economic future was short-lived, though; In the end, only Air France and British Airways ordered it, paid almost entirely for by their respective governments due to low demand, rising fuel costs and high fuel and maintenance expenses. It was retired in 2003 after its only crash in Paris as well as the commercial aviation industry plummeting after the attacks of September 11, 2001. The kit is Revell's 2005 tooling of the Concorde with BA's Chatham livery, depicting G-BOAG in the 5-degree nose-down takeoff position. So, before anything else, here are the pics! The model was painted with Base White 1000 for the white basecoat and the gloss coat was Tamiya X-22 with Mr. Levelling Thinner. The metallic parts of the engines were painted with Alclad II Airframe Aluminum under XF-1 + X-22. The rest of the aircraft and the smaller components were either painted with Tamiya acrylics or Alclad II White Aluminum. Now, about the kit.. Hoooo boy, where to start? I'll probably end up writing this like it was it's own review. The first thing you notice about the kit is that it has very few parts - Only around 60 if I remember right - but for such a simple kit, it's also a major pain in the behind to assemble overall. Because of the age of the mold, expect to be trimming off sheets of flash as well. The fit of the fuselage components is fine, but the wing components are especially difficult. The way it's engineered, the entire underside of the wings + undercarriage and bottom half of the fuselage are to be fitted in one piece, but the assembly's so flimsy that it's difficult to keep all of it glued to whatever fuselage supports there are without buckets of cement or CA. This also affects the way that the upper half of the wings fits together. The whole assembly is so flimsy that it bends too easily. In the end, the seam that connects the bottom half and upper half of the wing were impossible for me to eliminate as they just kept cracking and reopening every time I put putty over it and sanded. It would be advisable to stuff some plastic card or CA and talcum powder in there so that it has some structural support. The engines were also tedious to fit together but it was possible to get a flush fit if you test fitted and sanded ad nauseam. Some of the components fit well and others simply didn't. Be careful to test fit everything and you should be able to proceed with the rest of the build somewhat more smoothly. The decals are printed by Cartograf and as a result are quite nice to work with. The adhesive isn't too strong, which on one hand means that they're easy to work with and don't get stuck the moment they're applied. On the other it also means that they're somewhat more prone to being shuffled around when you don't want them to and peeling off. For an airliner kit a lot of stencils are provided which is nice although they might seem too many for some. Check reference photos of the particular aircraft you're modelling. Some of the stencils seemed to be in wrong places in the instructions or not existent at all, especially in the engines. As mentioned in other reviews, the nose gear is too long and should be trimmed a few mm. I did this on my build but found it wasn't enough as the model still had an excessive nose-up position. The nose visor and windscreen is also wrong - The model depicts it as flat but it should be angled. I scratchbuilt this by bending a piece of plasticard and with a bunch of epoxy putty, and printed my own decals for the cockpit windscreens. Worked out pretty well, I think. The main gears need careful alignment because otherwise it doesn't fit on all fours. It doesn't show all that much on the photos, though. Closing in on a long wall of text, I certainly made more than a few mistakes during the build, but despite the difficulty I'm rather content with how it turned out. Thanks for somehow reading until this point, and any feedback would be appreciated!
  13. Another awkward kit from Heller... Having built the Revell re-release of Heller's huge 1/72 Concorde,I thought the 1/125 kit would be in the same quality. Boy was I wrong... At first sight it looks like a downscale of their 1/72 kit,but it isn't. Some parts have the same breakdown others are completely new.The landing gear is a joke,and because no display stand is included,I used a Revell stand from a 747 kit. Also the visor looked off,I decided to order a windows set from DRAW decal and use them instead.It improves the look signifficantly. The overall shape is very nice though,Heller captured the graceful lines of the Concorde very well. The kit has no option for a gear up build,so some modifications are needed. The plasitc was very soft and almost no part fitted without problems,esp.the wings were a pain.More than once I was tempted to crash this kit in the bin but I pushed on with it. Finally,after months of adjusting,sanding...filling...sanding...shelf time and more filling and sanding the Concorde was ready for the paintjob. Revell gloss white overall ,polished and clearcoated. Surprisingly the kits decals worked fine,even the tail fin decals bended over the curves without issues... Having completed 4 Concordes,only the NITTO 1/100 kit is left undone.As that one represents the prototype version,I need to find decals for the prototype before starting on it. That kit offers markings for Japan Airlines and Air France only. Japan Airlines was an early customer to the Concorde,but cancelled the order as all other airlines did due to the oil crisis in the 1970s. Enjoy,
  14. After a longer break ,I am back with a few builds I finished since last november. First to start with the Concorde in the huge 1/72 scale,this was a re-release of the old Heller kit with new decals.The kit itself is unchanged. After reading a few reviews about the kit being not the best in terms of fitting,I hesitated for quite a while to start it and I left it on the shelf. But finally I thought I give it a go and see what I can achieve with it. Well,the issues are there but Revell provides very good instructions which show where the problem areas are. First I planned to go with the movable nose but the clear parts were very brittle,so I decided to glue it in. Being such a huge model,I thought the landing gear could use some extra details so I made hydraulic cables and binders out of copper wire. Also the flaps were installed in a slightly lowered angle,like they were when the Concorde was standing at the gate. Besides the nose,I experienced not much other issues,the kit went together quite well. Paints are my usual mix of Tamyia Pure White out of the spray can and other colors are Revell and Testors enamels . The decal sheet is enormous and provides marking options for all of BA's Concordes. Once finished its a huge model and I had some difficulties finding a decent space to place her,let alone getting some good pics... Hope you like her
  15. Hello mates, This monster of a kit was at the LMS in Lismore NSW for $129.99 not a bargain. I could have got for $105.50 from the LMS in Melbourne, never mind. It has been sitting on a chair looking at me looking at it. Time to build, as if I need another project. I have read that it is not a very good kit, time will tell. Box art. Bits and pieces. Decals. Huge stand that I will not be using as I am getting a display case made. There is also a Brengun PE set at Hannants I should get https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/BRL72144 and some masks I don't know much about. https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/NWAM016 Any advice/help on this model will be much appreciated. Thanks for stopping by and having a look. Stephen
  16. Hi all, my first post here, just wanted to share my in progress BAC/Aerospatiale Concorde, currently at the main paint stage. This is actually my first airliner, having only done fighters up until now in 1/72 scale, but it won't be my last, after this comes a Lockheed L-1011 Tristar, in the same livery. Hopefully at least. Enjoy the photos for now Turns out I haven't worked out to add an attachment yet! I'll keep working on it...
  17. I know,some of you may think "how on earth can he churn out so many models in one week ?" As my stash has grown bigger and bigger,I decided to increase my production rate and work on several airliners at once. It's also more interesting to work on different projects on and off as only on one,at least for me...I have usually 3-4 kits on my bench on which I am working on and off so from time to time 2 airliners roll off production line almost simultaneously. So,here we are,the last of the bunch is also probably the most special one. The Air France Concorde in the striking Pepsi livery. Pepsi struck a deal with Air France in 1996 to brand one of their Concordes in this special livery. Altough the Jet could not fly more than Mach 1.7 due to the color,it flew 16 flights to 10 cities from Europe to the Middle East. After that,the Concorde was repainted back in the usual all white Air France livery and entered regular service again. The whole story can be found here... http://jalopnik.com/remember-when-a-concorde-wore-this-ridiculous-pepsi-liv-1709488664 I saw pic of this Concorde back then and always though it looked cool. So I was more than happy when I found the rather rare decal set for this particular aircraft.Having the decal set,I needed to get me another Revell Concorde as the other one in my stash will receive the Singapore / British Airways livery. I am not sure but I think the decal set was made by Gio Decals.The set was already a bit aged but it was still usable,although with much care. The tail logo was the most tricky part,esp. as they didn't really wanted to lay around the edges.I had to use a lot of decal softener and carefully repaint cracks that were unavoidable. Its not as perfect as I wanted it but I can live with it and from a normal distance its not really noticeable. All additional markings come from the original Revell decal set as it has lots of detail to enhance the overall look. The build was straight forward with only minor filling and sanding areas,esp. around the wing halves. I also shortened the front gear but it still sits a tad too low on the back. I airbrushed the whole kit by using Revell enamels. Revell Blue 54 with some drops white 04 to get as close to the Pepsi blue as possible.The instructions from the decal set are no help in that matter. Revell Gloss White 04 for all white parts and Aluminium for the landing gear. The engine hot sections were painted with a mixture of satin black and iron. The fuselage and wings were also clear coated after all decals had been aplied.The Pepsi decals didn't really wanted to stick,probably due to their age ?,so the clear coating did the trick. To tone down the too shiny surface a light mist of Testors Metallic Sealer was sprayed on the whole model. Enough writing on with the pics....after this one the next batch of airliners awaits its turn on my bench...
  18. Many years ago when Airfix released the 1/72 scale Concorde the local model group set about a what if concorde group. The plan was to to come up with something regarding the Concorde and what if a company or organisation purchased one of the several Concordes for personal use. This is my dads take on the concorde done in Eddie Stobart markings. The model represented the red, white and green paint design and their famous Stobart logo branded on the tail. This colour scheme was famous on the roads of Britain, and could of been in the skies also. Thanks for looking.
  19. If all goes well with the NATO Lightning my second project will be the military reconnaissance version of the civilian Concorde airfiner as used by the RAF Back story to follow once I've checked a few facts and made up the rest.
  20. Guess what it is? 1/48th BAC/Sud-Aviation Concorde resin kit by HpH in November 2014. Source: http://www.hphmodels.cz/index.php/en/news/item/347-future-release Scale and type are in the original photo (now deleted) address: Source: http://www.hphmodels.cz/images/stories/galerie_modelu/Concorde-1-48/48/Concorde-reklama-samostatne5.jpg V.P.
  21. Has anyone built the Testors Concorde? a bit smaller than 1/72. I made two many years ago, restored both, yet to finish decals. They have a very short tail cone, which I noticed after I painted them wondering why they would have short tails. I never saw photo of a short tail cone.
  22. Entry number 7... I should ban myself from eBay Part of the Heller Cadet range released in 1974 and superseded by Revell's 1/288 "Easy Kit". I know it's a bit tongue-in-cheek as the Revell kit is pre-painted and probably has less parts than your average potato. But it does say "Kit" on the box! From my initial inspection it looks to be a nice little kit. Well moulded parts, very fine raised details and a full set of cabin window holes. I was expecting indents or decals to represent them but this means I can use a tiny drop of Krystal Klear and they should look stunning. Compared to the Heller Cadet 1/100 Trident I built at the beginning of the year this kit is great, I honestly thought it was going to be awful. The only things I need to sort out are the cockpit glazing area (looks wrong to me), the undercarriage doors will need to be replaced with thin card as the kit parts look like plate armour in this scale lastly the only real problem, the one piece wing has turned into a banana along its length. The box art shows it in the standard Air France livery, I had intended printing some BA decals to replace them but the markings supplied are for the initial Air France order scheme which I really like so I'll be using those. I'll scan them just in case I have any problems. This is the scheme the decals are for, you can see why I'm sticking with them
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