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  1. Valom is to release a 1/144th Handley Page Hampden B.Mk.I kit - ref. 14431. Source: http://www.valom.net/?page_id=1137 Box art V.P.
  2. I'm just finishing up a de Havilland DH.60 Moth in the FROG GB and I've got a hankering to do another interwar de Havilland. To my mind the de Havilland DH.91 Albatross is one of the most beautiful aircraft ever built so I'd say for a Golden Age of Transport build it fits the bill? I don't think there's many options for the Albatross out there; Valom released this one in 1/72 about 5 or 6 years ago and it's been hanging around the stash since then. I've also got some extras; an interior set and some external steps that I may as well try to knock out at the same time; display her as if she's on the ground at Croydon awaiting passengers for Paris. There's a fair bit of plastic in there (she's a big bird), and it all looks rather nice, especially for a short run kit. Not sure about the Beige colour... And a load of Resin seats, some acetate, some etch, decals and the metal steps A Valom kit, with interior, in a month? I'm being ambitious here but I'm hoping the tight time limit will drive me on. Here's hoping Fortuna smiles on me! Cheers, Richard.
  3. Hello all from the shed. Finished at the same time as my Chinook HC1 a few weeks ago, here is my rendition of Valoms Twin Pin. 39 Twin Pioneers were produced for the RAF in the mid 50’s by Scottish Aviation. It was a light transport aircraft capable of STOL operations, providing a larger carrying capability than the single engine Pioneer, also used by the RAF at that time. They were used in the Middle East and Far East, notably during the Malayan Emergency, and later became the first aircraft used in the newly formed Royal Malaysian Air Force. A Typical short run Valom kit, it took a bit of work to assemble but on the whole went together well. No interior is supplied so I put a few spare seats in the cabin so there is something to see through the windows. I added etch seat straps in the cockpit but other than that, apart from a few aerials, its straight from the box. A fun build. Its finished using Xtracolor enamels and varnishes, panel lines picked out with flory wash. Here are a few pictures. Hope you like it Thanks for looking Pete
  4. Aviation Art ZM is famous for its Valom, Fly, RS Models, AVI Models, KP, Mark I, Sabrekits box art illustrations. In a recent Facebook message Aviation Art ZM has unveiled a Percival Sea Prince T.1 (WF118/569-CU - 750 Sqn) illustration looking like a future box art. Considering Valom has recently produced several twin-engined post WWII British aircraft types (Valetta, Viking, Twin Pioneer) in 1/72nd scale... To be followed. UPDATE: Valom 1/72nd new tool kit confirmed ! 👍 That said, in 1/48th please... 🙏 Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=325811932868400&id=100063187870655 V.P.
  5. Valom is to release 1/72th Avro Anson kits. I've a dream: 1/48th scale kits from these Annie variants. Sources: https://www.facebook.com/www.valom.net/posts/pfbid0SPStYqHcJADwndhbhhuWyde1msKW457YawkkqoukKvXMSnwGxE9kpnvdXFofYek5l https://www.valom.net/?page_id=1137 - ref. 72164 - Avro Anson C.19 - ref. 72165 - Avro Anson T.21 V.P.
  6. Oh-kay. My Valom Anson arrived yesterday and this afternoon I dug out the Special Hobby and Airfix Ansons from my stash for some comparisons. This has left me in a conundrum regarding the best way to cross-kit the wing types and, more difficult to confirm, aileron types fitted to the Irish C.19s. Firstly, the Special Hobby Mk.1 Late (SH) lower wing overlaid on the Valom lower wing. You can see there is a noticeable difference in chord that will require some work to correct if you decided to do a complete wing-swap: SH lower over Valom Should you follow this route there is some challenging work to do on the upper wing sections, though the SH kit has the smooth nacelles as well as the resin nacelles with the cyliner head fairings. The chord at the root of the wings of the SH and Valom kits is very different, and the faired curve to the fuselage is therefore in a different place. The fit profile of the wing uppers to the fuselage halves at the two root sections is different too: SH upper over Valom The Airfix wing. Well, we know the Airfix wing is 'of its time' in terms of moulding and detail, but I would sacrifice an Airfix Anson before I would sacrifice a SH Anson. Joe (@maxdecal) notes the possibility of using the outer secions of the Airfix wings and mating them to the Valom wings. Yes, some work to do, but probably better than wasting a SH kit. Airfix lower over Valom Now to a thornier question that someone may be able to answer, please. Help! Ailerons... Ailerons Valom over SH The Valom wings have the short ailerons of the tapered wings, the SH and Airfix kits have the long ailerons, but I can't see from the limited photos I have found what length on ailerons were fitted to the Irish C.19s. Perhaps like this? https://www.flickr.com/photos/smon/8003973950/in/photostream/ Note: inserted as a link for copyright purposes.
  7. New in the Aviation Art ZM (for Zdeňka Macháčka) facebook page is a Fairey Britten Norman BN-2 Islander illustration. Considering Zdeňka Macháčka is the designer from most of the Valom and Fly kits box art... Wait and see. Some persistent rumours say it'll be a 1/48th kit. Keep my fingers crossed for a 1/48th BN-2 Islander complete family (Islander, Turbo Islander, Defender & Trislander). Just think of the uncredible number of military and civil schemes as well as variants for such a kit! Source: https://www.facebook.com/208070375871052/photos/a.208144655863624.54782.208070375871052/1933958993282173/?type=3&theater V.P.
  8. To go with the FH-1 Phantom I thought I would build another early USN jet. This is the 2014 new moulding - I have never built a Valom kit as far as I am aware, and I have seen mixed reports with some being rather difficult - time will tell! Some of the resin and PE looks like it could be tricky, particularly on the nose gear. As I mentioned in my FH-1 build thread in this GB, the USN were a bit wary of introducing jets on carriers, but having ordered the FH-1 in late 1943, by late 1944 they seem to have decided that the engines were getting better so they ordered another batch of designs from three manufacturers and with two types of engine - The F2H Banshee from McDonnell, the FJ-1 Fury from North American and the F6U Pirate from Vought. Of these 3 only the Banshee could be described as a success I guess, with the Pirate having too many problems to actually enter front line service, and the Fury only being bought in limited numbers, but although the latter was relatively insignificant in itself, its swept wing offspring the F-86 Sabre and the navalised F2J, F3J and F4J Furies were a different matter, The FH-1 can clearly be called the first generation of USN jets, but the FJ-1 seems to have entered service less than a year later in 1948 so maybe I should class it also as first generation not second? The Banshee and Pirate however did not arrive until 1949. The Banshee and the slightly later Grumman F9F Panther were I suppose the first really effective USN jets, but the Phantom I and FJ-1 have their place in the history of USN/USMC aircraft history. Pete
  9. Valom is to release in 2024 a 1/144th Bristol Buckingham B.1/C.Mk.I kit - ref. 14434 Sources: https://www.valom.net/?page_id=1137 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/VAL14434 V.P.
  10. Valom is to release a 1/144th Bristol Brigand B.Mk.1 - RAF Overseas - kit - ref. 14433 Sources: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/bristol-brigand-b-mki-raf--overseas-valom-vaclav-lomitzk-val14433-199681.html https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/VAL14433 V.P.
  11. Part of the Battle of Britain GB for this year: Valom's 1/72 HP Hampden B. Mk.I. On 12 August 1940 eleven Hampdens, six from No. 49 Squadron, five from No. 83 Squadron, were detailed to destroy the aqueduct carrying the canal over the river Ems, north of Münster. Flt Lt. Roderick Learoyd of 49 Squadron was detailed as pilot of Hampden P4403, "EA-M", and his crew comprised Pilot Officer John Lewis (Observer), Sergeant Walter Ellis (wireless operator-gunner) and Leading Aircraftman William Rich (ventral gunner). Of the other four Hampdens that made the attack that night, two were destroyed and two more were badly hit. Last in line, Flt Lt Learoyd was awarded the very first Victoria Cross for Bomber Command for taking his Hampden down to 150 feet and pushing through the hail of AA, sustaining hydraulic system damage, inoperable flaps, a wrecked undercarriage, and wing damage, before dropping his bombs and then nursing his aircraft back to England, where he circled his aircraft until daylight, as he felt it too risky to attempt a night landing. the WIP thread with the background information regarding this raid can be read here: Extras: AZ Models transparencies and mask set, Yahu instrument panel & lots of Evergreen strips Paints: Topsides Dark Earth Vallejo 71.323 and 71.029 (the old DE), Tamiya XF-81 Dark Green, Bottom Vallejo 71.057 Black & Tamiya XF-85 Tire Black (for the blueish tint) Interior: Vallejo 71.126 IDF/AF green Decals: Kit for generic markings. Codes, serial & nose art gifted from the Airfix Hampden by @PeterB Now, where does the Evergreen come in you wonder? Well, you can barely see it in the completed kit but...
  12. A few years back, on a visit to the RAF Museum in Cosford, nestled away, near the Lightning and the Canberra, your happy modeller stumbled upon a pretty little transport aircraft in desert colours. Something I hadn't heard of: the Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer. OK, beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but to my eye, this is one stunning aircraft. And there wasn't a kit. Or, there had been a vac-form one, but I couldn't find it. Last birthday, my wife was searching for something to give me. Somebody mentioned the Valom Twin Pioneer kit. Of several boxings available, the one suggested had that same desert scheme I'd seen at Cosford. A desert GB was coming up? Never crossed my mind, 'onest. The kit There are a few builds and reviews around, so I'll abstain from spamming sprue shots here, unless somebody really wants them. This will be my first Valom kit. The colour scheme? Operating over Aden in 1961, the main colours will be dark earth and middle stone over black.
  13. I have one of these winging it's way to me, and it should be here in time for the start. I built a 1/144 version for a friend in the de Havilland Mega GB and thought then that it was beautiful looking aircraft. This time I am moving up a scale to 1/72, meanwhile here is a photo of my 2017 build. by John L, on Flickr John
  14. Valom is to release new tool 1/72nd Curtiss C-46 Commando kits. Sources: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4222542457757137&id=208070375871052 https://www.aviationmegastore.com/curtis-c46-commando-us-navy-usaac-valom-vaclav-lomitzk-72151-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=177189 First box art V.P.
  15. For this Group Build I will try to build the 1/72 Valom RF-101G Voodoo, in Kentucky ANG markings. The Kentucky ANG flew the RF-101G model (basically a converted F-101A) between 1965 and 1971 and went on deployments to South Korea and Japan during those years. Mine will be 54-1462, as seen here at Itazuke AB (now Fukuoka Airport) in 1969: http://www.gonavy.jp/bbs1/img/6245.jpg The Valom kit looks quite decent in the box, but also a bit challenging. It comes with some resin bits like the exhausts and nose cone, and some PE parts like seat belts, antennas and the gear doors. Hopefully it will all work out al right. So far I have glued the cockpit tub and the seat together: These have now some primer on, so painting them is the next step.
  16. Hi, I did this model some years ago - not so many in fact. It was short after I was visiting UK and in Airplane magazine there was a kind of monography of AW Albemarle showing on one photo a piece of fuselage of rather badly weathered mashine from 295 Squadron. Perhaps I made it too heavy exploited. In painting I followed the profile from this web page: http://www.britisharmedforces.org/ns/ns/raf/nat_albemarle1.htm But now I have doubts about the lettering - should be rather 8Z.A, not 8.ZA sice the squadron code was 8Z not ZA... Is the profile I followed wrong or the squadron made an exception in writing codes??? Here she is: Comments welcome and regards Jerzy-Wojtek
  17. Valom is to release in 2016 a 1/72nd Grumman J2F-6 Duck kit - ref.72112 Source: http://www.valom.net/pripravujeme_en.html V.P.
  18. I did ask in the main GB thread of what to build and for some reason the Firebrand was more popular than F7U Cutlass or AF2S Guardian. Fancy that. To make things a bit worse for me, I have the Valom kit. It's not bad as such, it's just a very short-run kit with all what that entails. What's in the box? Well, there is two rather big sprues with lots of flash and mold lines: The surface details on the main parts are all right though, and will hopefully not be obliterated during construction. Multimedia is the name of the day, so we do have vacu canopies (and it's great to have two!) and to very sad looking resin wheels. The etch fret contains not only cockpit details and radiator grilles, but also all the landing doors. That was unexpected! Just one decal scheme included in the box though, and the stencils are non-existent. And just to compare: this thing is BIG The P-47 fuselage looks short and stubby...
  19. Already I'm wondering if I've bitten off more than I can chew, but more on that later! I'm in with the Valom Vickers Viking C.2 (Royal Flight), already I think three V's in an alteration is worth something. It comes in a proper box with a lift off lid and is so solid no cat will be able to resist sitting in it! So, let's get the bits and bobs out and make room for the cat... It's not just the cat that's happy; there's a little sheet of etched brass that's got the carpet monster happy as well! And a spare fuselage (could be handy for the proposal) Decals and instructions A choice of VL233 for Queen's flight (1956) or VL247 King's flight (1947). This is going to be easy isn't it? VL233, biff bash boff proper job and off to the pub before you can say Platinum Jubilee! Ah yes though, I did say I wondered if I'd bitten off more than I can chew. Good job I'm not doing VL233 for the king isn't it? Because the decal options are wrong. Decal 16 is actually a common for both as an instrument panel. Only decal 8 for Queen's Flight is provided. And this matters because tucked away in an unused part of my memory is that a 'queens' crown and 'king's one are different. Google agrees, basically a Kings one goes up and a Queens has a 'dimple' plus the decal is for EIIR. Obviously none of this is a problem because this is all about the Queen's flight option and its a lovely looking decal for that. No, the real problem is VL233- I can't find the clinching photo of Queenie-love with it, only of VL 247, and that's only of the tail so I don't know what the markings should be. What I need is a gallant knight of the realm to confirm that VL233 was used by HM and I'm back in the clear.. ...Otherwise, I'm in deep about markings We'll worry about bare metal finish later!!!
  20. Valom is to release 1/72nd de Havilland DH.95 Flamingo kits. Source: http://www.valom.net/?page_id=1137 - ref. 72147 - de Havilland DH.95 Flamingo - King´s Flight: G-AGCC & Lady of Glamis https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/VAL72147 https://www.aviationmegastore.com/de-havilland-dh95-flamingo-kings-flight-valom-vaclav-lomitzk-72147-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=183055 - ref. 72156 - de Havilland DF.95 Flamingo - Civil Users: G-AFUE & G-AFYH https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/VAL72156 https://www.aviationmegastore.com/de-havilland-dh95-flamingo-civil-users-valom-vaclav-lomitzk-72156-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=183056 - ref. 72161 - de Havilland DH.95 Flamingo - Lady of Hendon & Merlin IV https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/VAL72157 https://www.aviationmegastore.com/de-havilland-dh95-flamingo-lady-of-hendon-merlin-iv-valom-vaclav-lomitzk-72157-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=183057 V.P.
  21. Newcomer from Poland SabreKits (link) has re-released the Valom 1/72nd Handley Page Hampden B.Mk.I with AZ Model clear parts - ref. SBK7004 Sources: https://shop.sabrekits.cz/10502,cz_hampden-b.mk.i--9-decal-options-!!.html https://www.facebook.com/Sabrekits.cz/posts/130948712089922 V.P.
  22. Valom is to release in January-February March 2018 1/72nd de Havilland DH.91 Albatross kits - ref. 72128 & 72129 Source: https://www.facebook.com/www.valom.net/posts/722404797959265 V.P.
  23. Hi everyone, Finally, I’m very pleased to be rolling out my latest Voodoo for your consideration, hoping that you will like her as much as I do. She has languished on the shelf half-done for about three years and so I thought I ought to finish her. Unfortunately I cant find my notes regarding paints. I show what I can remember. Those who have seen my previous Voodoo builds will know that I was on a Valom Voodoo “fix” for a while at that time and this will be the third, and last for the foreseeable future. This model depicts RF-101A-30-MC 54-1514 which was operated, until her sad demise, by the 363rd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, based at Shaw AFB. She crashed, fatally, while operating near Franklin, North Carolina on the 16th March 1966. More specifically she is finished as she appeared as part of camouflage trials involving two Voodoos in the early to mid 1960s. Another is reported as being black overall (possibly 54-1512). The following is an extract from the Operational and Test Evaluation - Camouflage and Corrosion Control (RF-101) document issued in October 1963 (TAC-TR-63-8): “The two RF-101's were each painted differently; however, the color scheme chosen was one which provided good "cover" against a verdant terrain. One aircraft was painted a black first coat followed by a dull green mixed with a small quantity of black for the final coat. The second aircraft was painted two coats of the green and black mixture and, in an attempt to break up the silhouette and distort distinctive lines, irregular splotches of reddish-brown paint and alternate black were applied. In both cases the undersides of the aircraft ware similarly painted, as were the external fuel tanks.” Interestingly a further un-identified RF- Voodoo (at least one) was painted in a toned-down camouflage a little earlier, carrying toned-down black national insignia too. This was around the time of the Cuba Crisis and is illustrated in a couple of reference books. As shown, 54-1514 had additional green stripes around the rear end of the engine bay and on the wing tips, indicating its participation in the extensive exercise “Desert Strike” in the Spring of 1964. See her (I think) at 18 minutes 45 seconds in this video: At Ontario, Ca: I found other potiential shots of her during Desert Strike on YouTube: Some will also have seen other images of her with a strange and different mottled camouflage. A famous photograph shows her as a static air show exhibit (at St. Louis?) in that scheme. My challenge, apart from the kit itself, has been the decisions around the paint colours. The greater minds on the subject have suggested that these were a unique mix. Therefore, I have attempted to simply match what I see in the image above but using proprietary paints. They may not be 100% accurate but they are close. Later, of course, the RF-101As in SE Asia adopted a further scheme which was close to that on 54-1514. I have therefore used that in my decision-making process too. Sadly she doesn’t sit as a build I am most proud of. I made a number of mistakes along the way and now I have just been determined to get her done. Nevertheless, I think she deserves completion and illustrates well a potential alternative to the well known SEA camouflage. So, what did I do/use?. Here goes: Modifications from the kit: 1. Replaced the wing fences with Plasticard 2. Added nav lights etc behind canopy and on the wing tips with spare sprue and KristalKlear 3. Cut jet pipe housing back by c5mm and added 12.5mm stryrene tube 4. Used F-84F (Airfix) for the belly tanks (minus fins) 5. Used modified F-101B resin cockpit 6. Added under fuselage aerials/sensors Aftermarket and other materials used: 1. Kit – Valom McDonnell RF-101A Voodoo 1/72 (72092) 2. Aftermarket – a cut-up and adapted Aires F-101B cockpit, Armoury wheels 3. Paints – Colourcoats, Humbrol Sand, Black, Chrome (191), Silver (11), White, Interior Green (226), Red (60), Gull Grey (140). Finished with Humbrol Satincote. 4. Decals – Xtradecal national insignia, home drawn and printed serials, lettering etc, Xrtadecal red lining. Sadly I had some silvering of the home printed decals 5. Weathering/Wash – Flory 6. Jet pipe – 12mm styrene pipe I hope you like her Martin
  24. Despite my having several projects going at once, I thought: "why not?" and started working on Valom's newly-released Vickers Valetta. I've been inspired by @tonyot and @71chally's builds to start one on my own, and do a couple things differently, like pose it with the paratroop door removed and secured to the cabin interior, and with some modest interior additions and modifications. For those unacquainted with the kit, Valom's Valetta is a short-run kit that has almost the look and feel of a larger run kit. The fit is quite good, and the detail excellent. My only gripes are: 1) the forward fuselage as it meets the rear of the cockpit transparency is a little too squarish, and looks more like that of a Viking than a Valetta, and 2) somehow the tail looks a bit short in height, though I've checked photos of the real thing and it seems to be ok. As this will be a C.1, i.e. a cargo aircraft (what we'd call a trash-hauler here in the States), I cut out the extra window, the navigator's astrodome top-side, and the paratroop door. I had to add a little extra plastic to reshape the forward area of the paratroop door. I've marked where I want the fuselage formers to go, and carefully labeled each one. I'll also install longerons and an overhead lighting fixture. The Valetta had a unique protective interior sidewall below the windows, probably to protect the internal aircraft structures. The kit provides a nice wing spar to divide the cabin, so my plan is only to detail the interior to that point, and only on the right side, where it can be seen by the casual observer. I have a surplus C-47 cargo floor for the cabin floor. I sanded the forward fuselage a bit aggressively to impart a more rounded shape. Unfortunately, in my effort to correct things, I made more problems for myself. I tapered it a little too much near the cockpit and now need to build it back up a little. I've decided to sand the cockpit eyebrow windows so that they blend better with the new shape. Unfortunately, there's not much clear plastic to work with, so I need to be really careful. My plan is to assemble the fuselage and cockpit, then carefully sand the joint forward of the astrodome until the roof appears more rounded. Built from the box, it's not bad, but it looks too flat to my eye. I added the nostril-like bumps on the nose, below. These are included with the kit as part #51, but do not appear anywhere in the instructions--which appear to have been a rush job of sorts. I sanded them down a bit to reduce their size and make them a little more flattish. They are pretty noticeable on Valettas. I also rescribed some areas that I aggressively sanded.
  25. Hello All Just finished this one, literally hot and still wet from the shed (the kit, not me). Cracking kit to make, out of the box other than glue and paint. The resin detail and the vac form canopy are some of the best examples I’ve ever seen. Alas none of you will get to see the cockpit detail as it’s below the tiny cockpit aperture and is not visible. I did manage to get the photo etch torpedo propeller blades onto the torpedo, but I did need to lie down afterwards! It’s finished as an aircraft operated at RNAS Lee on Solent in the fifties. As usual I used Xtra Color paints and varnish with a little weathering and a Flory wash. Hope you like it. The kit comes with 2 canopies so I've a spare if anyone needs/wants one. I don't know of any other aircraft that tilts the torpedo to accommodate take off. Quite an innovative idea I feel. Yes, there is a prop blade on the end of my finger All 8 in place (ish) Thanks for looking Pete
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