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About Mjwomack

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    Suffolk, England

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  1. Looks across👀 at @Enzo the Magnificent because I'm sure he said he's got some absolute GEMs It was also good for white metal buses, and I've never built one of those!
  2. I read that as Aerobic because they were esoteric, then I remembered that esoteric were another manufacturer
  3. And a couple of years later it even put up a good showing in the Bunfight But no Oscar! Seems to be ever the supporting role, nonetheless I'm game for another go!
  4. Hasegawa Mini Box, so exotic back in the day, loved them but never seemed to build 2 with consecutive numbers1
  5. You're a top man Pat! I'd suggest that pretty much any of the vac-form manufacturers would qualify. Personally I'm keen to get hold of something from the Rosebud Kitmaster catalogue that wasn't taken on by Airfix in their railway range - including some surprising omissions, but equally some where you think, 'what were they smoking if they thought there was a market for that?!" I think AMT were also mentioned which should entice some to play. Merit could be another one, but a lot of those went into Peco, maybe Keil Kraft trams (don't think they're still in production) You know I'm in, I'm a sucker for an older model!
  6. I guess what is needed is for someone to put up a proposal and see if it gets support? I think this is what his highness @Enzo the Magnificent calls running up a flag and see who salutes. ME? I'd support pretty much and proposal but don't have expertise in kit genealogy to be a host. And I suppose the other question is, if there isn't a second 'Classic' does that free up slots for other GBs, or a commemorative GB or do we al have a rest (hard to imagine!!)
  7. Which is kinda good news because I thought the Bunfight was the beginning of October, so an extra month for some stragglers to make it over the line. Though the field is pretty crowded already.
  8. Sounds like 'bread and butter' to plenty of folk around here (names have been changed to protect the guilty) Maybe it'll be time for another (anything but Injection Moulded GB' soon, no I'm not proposing it for next year- maybe 2026 (already) You mean it isn't 1:200?!!
  9. 'Classic Odd-Job might be a James Bond themed GB! How about Classic Leftovers, oh maybe that sounds like a television cookery recipe. I'd be up for it, some Auroa or AMT (not that I'm eying up their Tigercat) or maybe some of the Rosebud Kitmaster that never made it to Airfix etc. Would need careful research to check that kits didn't get reissued later by a mainstream manufacturer. Wait, what an I saying, I'm overcommitted already, still in for a penny in for a pound, or as some would say, 'build 'em all" ,
  10. I know there's the Heller one, because I signed up for it, but I can't find any mention of a possible 2nd Classic for 2025 So far as well as the Heller I've proposed a GB, and am sponsoring another 7 as well as 1 STGB and being host for the 200 yrs of railways commemorative GB- could be enough, but a classic IS a classic!
  11. Not my scale, price range! But ready for next year will be this... https://www.jadlamracingmodels.com/das-werk-35033-cid-27-personenwagen-donnerbusche-carriage-1-35-model-kit/?_kx=VOoEJxAC3ZGjRUEDeQTj6Spbflt_wMygs4Y_PfYsRQRozbGMdHzNMyud_MFR6Z3N.Wn7bvw
  12. Is camouflage being applied in the hope that the CO doesn't notice or is that a blanket to keep it warm 🤔
  13. Time for an icebreaker/ snow-plough of a push. Give this a bump because it's got basically a month, by my calculations, before the blizzard of the bunfight. Not sure it can be done, but maybe with some freak weather another 17 hardy souls will put on their cagoules!
  14. Did this ship in the Salty Sea Dog GB the other year, loved the kit but gave up on the P/E- very fragile and nightmare instructions. But painting all those containers was SO boring, and I didn't find an efficient way of doing it that was suiitably random. Recommend this as a source for paints, if you're seriously into containers! https://shop.c-rail-intermodal.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=78
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