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Found 14 results

  1. Throwing another entry in here despite what is turning out to be a busy summer between this and the D-Day Group Build. I already have two planned for that but will be adding a third as well. So I’m purposely choosing easy builds. This won’t be the Wildcat like I alluded to in the chat, but it’s biplane predecessor, the F3F-1. I had bought the Academy boxing of the AM F3F-2 a couple years ago and really liked the option for the black tailed USS Wasp plane until I realized the Wasp never had any F3F-2s, only F3F-1s. So I went to eBay where there is still plenty of original AM kits to be found. It’s low parts count and according to pretty much every review out there is goes together quick and easy and results in a great model, so I’m looking forward to it. I will say though, that when I opened the box for the first time I checked to make sure it was the right scale….I didn’t realize just how small a plane it was! Great Wall TBD and Tamiya P-47 for reference…
  2. I'm a bit late to the party, but I'd like to pitch in with this 1/48 Accurate Miniatures kit of the Ilyushin IL2-M3 Shturmovik. I bought the kit years ago, and on opening up the box again have found that I had also bought both an Eduard etch set and a CMK resin detail set. Belt and braces, maybe! There'll be some decisions to be made about which bits to use. I've heard that this can be a challenging build, so may be being a bit optimistic for this GB, but we'll see how it goes. Obligatory shot of the boxes:
  3. My offering upon the alter of the GB gods is to be Accurate Miniatures SBD-3/4 dauntless. The Dauntless was built by Douglas Aircraft between 1940 and ‘44 where it served as the US Navy’s main carrier based scout/dive bomber before being replaced. Nicknamed ‘Slow But Deadly’ it fought in many battles across the Pacific and other theatres, best know for its actions in the battle of Midway where they damaged and sank four Japanese carriers and severely damaged two cruisers, eventually sinking one of them. Earlier, at the SBDs first major battle in the Coral Sea, they also were involved in the sinking of a Japanese carrier damaging a second carrier. This year being the 80th anniversary of both battles and the first major use of the SBD, what better subject to build to commemorate these. There are two kits in the box that can be built as either -3 or -4 so you get 4 sets of fuselages in the box. I got this second hand in a trade with a fellow BM member and the -4 hulls have already been started but I’m doing -3’s so not an issue. The decals have also seen better days so I have the Montez mask set as well as the eduard interior set and some brass barrels for the rear guns. I’m only going to build one for this BM ( I’m a slow builder!) but I haven’t decided if I’m going to do a coral sea aircraft or a midway one. Looking forward to this build.
  4. Hello all; Here's my just completed Helldiver. There's a story to the paint scheme which is too long to relate here; there's a WIP thread which has most of the story and the rest can be found on my site if you're interested. The short version is that I reckon this to be a repaint of an airframe that was originally finished in the four-colour scheme. I must admit, the WIP itself is a bit light on detail, I need to up my game in that department! I added a fair bit of aftermarket on this one, most notably of course the wing fold. Almost all of it was a waste of money however, either because it wasn't much of an improvement on the kit parts or it really can't be seen. The wing fold was excellent though, and I would recommend it. Overall it was a fun build, but the extras aren't usually my thing and this one reminded me why 🙂 Anyway, the pics; Cheers; Mark.
  5. This build is a bit different for me, I'm using a few add-ons which isn't my forte and thought I'd share in the hope that tips and advice may help me miss a few of the pitfalls I'd otherwise find. To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm going this full-on with this one, call it a lock-lock rush of blood to the head on Hannants one evening 🙂 I'm starting with the Accurate Miniatures kit and using aftermarket wheelbase from Aries; exhausts, wheels, undercarriage covers and engine from Quickboost; wing-fold set from Wulpack Designs; and a cockpit set and masks from Eduard. My subject will be a VB-82 Helldiver from USS Bennington on 7th April 1945. I've previously finished a Helldiver in the tri-colour scheme from VB-84 off Essex, so this will be the complement to that one. I find monochrome finishes like the GSB to have challenges of their own, looking forward to putting that down. To be honest, not completely convinced the wheel wells were worth the effort of getting them in. They are an improvement, but not much of one. Surgery continues, the wings cut and the wing fold inserts fitted. I made a bit of a balls up in misaligning the wing halves once they'd been cut which necessitated packing out the wing root join with some 020" plastic sheet. I attached the wings early in the process based on experience. This way allows me to get a good join by working on both sides of it; if I waited until after the fuselage was joined I'd be working somewhat blind. As it turns out, the fit was made more tricky by the wheel bays and getting a clean join - particularly on the upper side - would have been very difficult had I waited until later in the assembly to do so. That's where it is right now. When I've finished the wig join and cleaned it all up, I'll go back to the instructions and work on the interior.
  6. Good Morning All! I seem to be having a good output lately and this was one of my latest, built as part of the 'In the Navy' group build elsewhere in BM. As that GB is now well and truly over (thanks mods!) I thought I would share my efforts here as well for those that don't frequent the GB section so much. This is my Grumman Avenger MKII, JZ525 of 849 NAS onboard HMS Illustrious as part of the British Pacific Fleet. Kit is the 1:48 Italeri version, which is a repop of the Accurate Miniatures kit. I used an Eduard internal etch, mainly for the seat harnesses and instrument panel. I totally remodelled the centre cockpit based on all available information and a bit of good old imagination. The decals are from an old Aeromaster decal set, they weren't in a very good condition but I managed to adapt and overcome with a bit of imaginative repairing. The internal paints were from the Mig Ammo range and externals were from the ModelMaster Acryl range. Not sure about the weapon load or Yagi aerials being correct but hey ho I chucked them in any way. I deliberately left her unweathered as I didn't want to screw up the paint work 😁 I had been eyeing this up in my stash for what seemed like ages, must be over 15 years now. It felt good to finally get it done! Onto the phots! Internal detail is quite hard to see so here are a few in progress shots And if you want to follow the trials and tribulations here is the build thread. Cheers now Bob
  7. Hello, Britmodeler! This is my first ever RFI here. I hope you like what I’ve got to offer. This is the second time I’ve built this kit in these markings. I’m a big fan of the scheme, as well as the fact that it’s an Allison engined Mustang, and it’s got a camera and a Malcom hood, to boot! Here’s the WIP thread: This is probably my best build to date. I tried the marbling technique on the final finish, and it turned out very well, even if the photos done show it. I tried my hand at taking some pictures with a DSLR and a photo tent my wife got me for Christmas... expert photographer I am not. Without further ado, here's the pics. And finally, here's an awesome photo I found of Major Russ Berg, the pilot of this aircraft. He had quite the military career, serving in Korea and retiring in 1970. Questions, comments, and constructive criticism are welcome! Thanks for taking a look.
  8. Hello, all. This is my first WIP post here at BM. I’ve been slowly working on this since February. As the tags say, this is the Accurate Miniatures 1/48 F-6B kit, which is really just a P-51A with a camera in the back. I’ve got a bit of a “thing” for these early Mustangs, and the kits in the stash to prove it. For this build, I’ve added details from Ultracast including a seat, prop, and wheels. I decided to do some scratch-building in the cockpit/camera area, though admittedly amateurish compared to some of the work done here. The plane was flown by Maj. Russ Berg, who ended up retiring from the USAF in 1970 as a Brigadier General. Without further ado, the photos: Invasion stripe masking in-progress. Masking complete. Fuselage was a bit of a challenge. Wing tanks and exhaust done in Alclad, prop blades and spinner in Tamiya. Underside painted and faded, and wing tank fillers masked. Covered up all my work! Masking tape and sticky-tack sausages for a slightly feathered demarcation. First photo in my Christmas present from the wife: portable photo booth. Starting color modulation. By all accounts, this was a fairly heavily weathered plane. There we are, much better after blending it all. Of course, the invasion stripes were scrubbed off the upper surfaces. Here’s my attempt at representing that. I’m pretty happy with how the effect turned out. If I were to do it again, I’d have made the color difference less stark on the invasion stripes to be over-painted. Questions, comments, and constructive criticism welcome!
  9. Hi ,just bought the above kit off ebay ,it was advertised as an Academy kit ,but AM markings were on it ,so that is neither here nor there . It is dated 2005 and the well known fault on the fuselage sides were present ,anyone out there who has built this kit ,any advice would be helpful . Also i understand the instructions are not all that clear .
  10. Hello all... heres my entry for the build. Accurate miniatures F-4C/D which is the old Monogram plastic re-boxed. Im not sure if i will do a Line bird from Vietnam, not sure which unit this belonged to. From what i know its of an early plane repainted in theater, which chipped and flaked badly. From a query in Aviation. "The Phantom is the Mig Killer flown by Capt Swender and 1 Lt 480 TFS, 35 TFW based in Korat Thailand in July 1966." My other option is Illinois or Michigan A.N.G. markings ? But here are the obligatory sprue photos. This hasn't ben unbagged yet so I'm pretty sure it meets the 25% or less mark. Separate bags for canopies and resin ECM pod. And finally the kit decals which include an option for one of "Yeagers" birds, so that also may become an option. Questions, comments, or thoughts ? Dennis
  11. Hello everyone, here are the photos of my most recent model, Accurate Miniatures Yak 1b in 1:48. Since I don't know anything about the Spviet Air Force's camouflage colours, I used RLM 71 for the green, black and RLM 65 for the underside. The model was completely brushpainted with Revell acrylics. My next project may be Hobby 2000's MC 202 or Hasegawa's Ju 87G in 32.
  12. Kit - Italeri re-boxed Accurate Miniatures. Paint - All enamels. Decals - Eduard & kit. Extras - Eduard Zoom set. IL2M-3 Sturmovik 23rd Ind. Assault Regt. Soviet Black Sea Fleet Late 1943. First time I've built an IL2 and first time I've finished an AM kit. Engineering is superb IMO, as long as you take the time to read how other folks built theirs AND test fit... especially around the wing-to-fuselage assemblies. All the paint tones are mixed using my favourite (un)reliable Mk.I eyeball method using Humbrol, Xtracolour and Tamiya enamels. I bought a sheet of 'Authentic Decals' but they shattered into molecule sized fragments as soon as they hit the water so I used Eduard 'stars' and the kit supplied bort numbers / guards badge. Not too much else to add, if anyone wants to ask any questions, make any comments or rain-down any abuse, that's all fine. Have the rest of a great weekend folks... best from NZ. Ian.
  13. I'd like to stick this here for the time being. Will probably be a few weeks before I make a start as I'm part way through a P-38 build in the Lockheed GB I bought this kit at the beginning of last year when I got back into modelling again, and have been putting off the build for fear of making a mess of what looks to be an amazing kit. I think the time is right for me to give it a bash at long last! I've got the Eduard mask and zoom set. Mainly got the etch for the seatbelts, not sure if I'll use the IP or not. I had been thinking of leaving this kit in the stash and buying the Airfix P-40 to build instead. I'm really curious to see what the new Airfix kits are like, but there's a P-40 STGB later in the year, so here we are with the B-25G! Aaron
  14. The lovely Accurate Minatures kit, and i am building it as the cover version 'Dirty Dora', a very weather beaten and worn Mitchell I have a couple of extras for it - Quickboost engines And Truedetails wheels Work starts with the Cockpit ( just for a change ), Sprayed dark green , with the back of the bulkhead interior green, and the bomb aimer's access tunnel aluminium Then painted and weathered down the instrument panel. Painted the instruments from the back, then the front black, leaving the instruments, then some of MIG's Clear in the dials. Used the provided decals for the belts, mainly as once it's closed up it will be almost impossible to see. Picked out some of the switches and throttle levers with artist's gouache paints. Next the bomb bay and navigator's position - assembled and glued in position, using the fuselage side to help align everything. Painted with Interior Green and then picked out the details, and an oil wash Finally for today, sprayed the inside of the bomb bay Alclad aluminium Peter
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