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About ivan-o

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    Portadown, Northern Ireland

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  1. Hi,a bit more today,base plate dry fitted to test the fit bit tight but ok, more repair work done,if this is a sign of things to come it doesn’t bode well😡 That’s it for today! Ivan
  2. Righto a bit done today,first off the parts I’ve tried to defeat the dreaded monster by keeping them on a tray🤞 straight away there are going to be some mending to be done on the blades🙄 Some work done on the back plate whatever that kit part was meant to be didn’t come off the block so some wire and plastic on top of the plate. thats it for now. Ivan
  3. Slowly slowly catchie monkey mate,it’s coming along👍
  4. Hi guys, I am in a bit of a should I or shouldn’t I mood at the moment,don’t really know what to do🙄 Anybody interested in this for the front of my Trojan? cheers Ivan
  5. A different offering by Ringo Resin, the SLRs are a bit woolly,L85 is overscale but the gimpy is well done. £1.29 for the rifles 2.99 for the gimpy. Ivan
  6. Should have known you would have been in the know😂😂👍have you tried the weapons?
  7. These are on evilbay along with SLRs,SMGs and gimpys. some clansman and larkspur stuff as well. Ivan
  8. These any good fo you SLRs and further down SMGs. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/196405479247?itmmeta=01J1N9PEYEVCKJT9S7N4CP8V3B&hash=item2dbaadc74f:g:qJMAAOSwsHtmTMe8
  9. Any templates about do you know of?
  10. Looks like the same camo paint job on them.
  11. You know what they say about plans,my Takom Mk5 was going to be OOB but I’ve already changed the turret tie downs and engine deck handles!😂
  12. OOB for the AVRE or are you going to be tempted?😉
  13. Nice work👍 you have got to admit though if you didn’t have to us the brain box it wouldn’t be as much fun😂
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