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About wellzy

  • Birthday 14/01/1952

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  • Location
    South Devon
  • Interests
    U.S. 8th A.A.F. 1942-45. US Navy & USMC Aircraft

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  1. Hi Guys unfortunately l am going to have to drop out this GB as my computer has died, and can't send pictures , still building the F 16 C just can't show you Good luck with your builds l will follow the progress, Wellzy.
  2. I have finished Sweet Arlene , but can't show any photos because my computer has died , trying to get it fixed , Cheers wellzy
  3. Good luck with your build l will be watching your progress
  4. Hi Guys this is my first build .Berlin Express 357th US.8thAAF
  5. Hi Guy`s she is done! Berlin Express, P51B 43-24823. This aircraft was previously the second Old Crow flown by Capt C.E."Bud" Anderson. Then assigned to Lt Bill Overstreet., July 1944 Thanks for looking and your comments and support.
  6. Hi Guy`s. Getting to the finish. That`s it for today, Cheer`s Wellzy.
  7. Hi Guys. Almost there ! ok now the finising touch`s. Cheer`s Wellzy
  8. Hi Guy`s Now we are looking a bit like a Viper. That`s it for today. cheer`s Wellzy
  9. It's the nose art I'm not happy with !
  10. Hi All . having problems with the decals so may look for an another 4th P51D Cheer`s Wellzy
  11. Hi Guy`s . enjoying this build! Cant make up my mind on this Seat or seat with pilot ? That`s the story so far . thanks for looking ,Wellzy
  12. Hi Guys ' well almost there. That`s it for now. Wellzy
  13. Hi Guy`s think i will have fun with this one ! . just doing a dry fit on the fuselage. that`a it so far . wellzy
  14. Hi Guy`s . starting the fun with decals now. that`s one side almost done, Cheers Wellzy .
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