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Posted (edited)

These three vehicles and the subsequent diorama were my first builds since returning to the hobby. Bought and started to build the Tamiya Chevy as I couldn't find a kit my brother had bought me for a birthday a few years before. Then whilst researching old photos I came across the Ford F30s so kinda got sidetracked and found the IBG CMP Chevrolet C30 Steel Body kit which was ripe for conversion to the Ford F30 (basically built in the same factory with mostly the same parts). I added some desert pattern resin wheels. Needing some more jerry cans for the diorama as the Ford apparently only did 6mpg I plumped for the Tamiya SAS Jeep as it was the cheapest option and this then became the scout car for the patrol. I fiddled with the decals on the Chevy so that they matched the real vehicle Te Anau II, as seen in old pics, and because Te Anau is such a lovely spot in New Zealand so it gave the build some extra connection. The full diorama can be seen in the relevant section.  Hope you enjoy these images.


y4mXepoaRHe7APFsq1DAbyiFvK2uXh0YaGnGXICB     y4mIUzcyK-EuFGwPqjHFopXArfYGLOjQhLZ2XCIN

The original and my take on the Jeep pilot car.


y4mJGMZGYnuI4IvKQDGWp64So2vhFfWjCTzDPXke     y4mmzxnuUhIEI34Jc-TPNOeiDFmj26UCKSoFvhX3


y4mNuRNgrBv4HdMl4EzEeRR4ipUuF_wxuIHOPu7P     y4mdsWA9niN4dZo3CpMn1dHnrEyA0gsSDbLzzX5d


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y4mnekMGYMmCG4Wx6RatiiRJwcrrz5toJJkgLB5K     y4m5P9i2hWWZFm9vLc-hEQ2-N7u2ahLuaUHLF1lo


y4mGpM288UDTKyAXr55m9HJNdB0vf8jhCfAjY8S-     y4msm-Y0mjLsYfKvL7LfOH4CFxTFTl4hsrguPTbY


y4ma0QR08ETsiDDalCg-E2BXeCusKBwISKp5edJg     y4mqdUrOiEhB-u-skJECWa1B_ZBYMyqYW0u4eJA3


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y4mrxFssZwyQqoZ1jsCP9XtWxNIGv2Aa32FI3MuD     y4mOO1F3U2HrGd-MZhenRWZmuuz45FqkNH0rC6mW


A few scratch built parts were required for the F30 conversion, chopping the engine bay down and filling the gaps with cardboard panels. Luckily this kit came with a full engine, which would never be seen in the original kit with the hood on. The rivets are a bit oversized and untidy but you get the idea. The pipe from the radiator which leads to the condenser on the driver's step (piece of round pencil with two cardboard straps...shhh don't tell anyone especially my daughter as it was one of her pencils). The cab had to be cut off, canvas doors made from tissue paper as were the canvas sand tracks on the wings. I also added some cushions on the seats as the kit ones looked a bit uncomfortable for a long drive across the desert. Lots of other added accessories from other kits.


Thanks for looking.

Edited by Slackbladder
  • Like 31
  • Thanks 2

I really like these, the range of stowage and quality of finish is excellent, lots to keep the eyes interested 😃


Thanks MRMRL. I looked at a lot of old photos and the trucks were usually stacked with boxes of supplies, as you'd expect for traveling hundreds of miles across a desert.

  • Like 1

Fantastic looking vehicles. I've seen lots of pictures of their jeeps and chevys but I've never seen the other one. Cool conversion and the variety and placement of all the gear and the weathering is perfect. Your conversion work is top notch!!! Well done sir......Best, Rich

Posted (edited)

Thanks all. Rich, these were the source images I was working from for the F30 conversion and the IBG Chevy kit used. There are pics with varying length of the engine bay cut back, or either removed completely to allow extra cooling to the engine. I went with the option where the natural line of the kit changed as it was my first build after thirty years and was the easiest option.


y4mp31lc_o3Ax2_d4cx62fRDShn3Fjlrp2vuGeQp     y4mpSOVXUye_9bErWa7HFlK0itIeeXzIr1o9Z3Ku


y4mRxBF1-zMUuYCFgJlonqr2D0pogQHlnUu9va6q     y4m-yzcrNHRAkvtz2k1_O3vYJQyjQMt1iOA-17XU

Edited by Slackbladder
  • Like 1

This trio is absolutely beautiful. Sand colour looks always good on vehicles.

Posted (edited)

Thanks Toryu, I searched everywhere but no-one currently makes a 1940 Ford in any shape or form in 1/35th otherwise my pilot car would have been a converted one of those instead of the Jeep.

The diorama of these three can be found here.

Edited by Slackbladder
Link to diorama added

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