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About Armorrich

  • Birthday 04/03/1959

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  • Location
    Charlotte, NC, USA
  • Interests
    WW2 aircraft and armor, travel, craft beer

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Obsessed Member (4/9)



  1. Well done all around. Very realistic and thought provoking. Cheers...Rich
  2. Excellent work. It happens in all armies trust me...I love the red parasol..nice touch. Well done... Cheers...Rich
  3. Your skills and imagination are commendable...well done sir!!! Cheers..Rich
  4. Excellent work on both kit and setting!!! Cheers...Rich
  5. Very nice looking pair. Well done. I love Diamond Ts....how would you rate the kits,? Cheers...Rich
  6. Sharp looking aircraft no matter how you slice it...well done on both counts. Cheers...Rich
  7. Nice job....I like it!!! Well done. Cheers...Rich
  8. Well said and well done. I particularly like the way the rigging on the crane hangs straight showing the strain from the weight at the end. Well done. Cheers...Rich
  9. Don't forget that kit was originally designed to house a motor and batteries. Maybe it was enlarged a bit to fit all that???? Cheers...Rich
  10. Excellent 4some. I'm a Diamond T lover too. These kits are great but I'd like to see some in 1/35... Cheers...Rich
  11. The "plug on the chain" you refer to on the glacis was just that. Used to seal the hole when the bow MG was removed so rain etc. didn't seep in and rust or otherwise disable the inner workings of the ball mount. Sorry If this was already addressed and I missed it...excellent work so far!!! Cheers...Rich
  12. Excellent work all around and a great tribute to the pilot. Cheers...Rich
  13. Accurate or not I like your work. I have this one awaiting my attention and I can only hope it turns out half as nice. Cheers...Rich
  14. Now thats different....I like it!!! Cheers....Rich
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