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Found 16 results

  1. This model started out as a Chipmunk, built by me around 1983, following a flight in a real Chipmunk from RAF Leeming with the Air Cadets. It sat in a box in the loft for many years and was discovered recently when moving house. Looking back, the build was quite crude, but I couldn't throw it out. I then remembered the film "The Great Waldo Pepper", which featured a modified Chipmunk starring as one of the planes in the film - the "Stiles Skystreak" ( screenshot below from the film ). The idea of converting the model to the film aircraft was born! I started work a couple of days ago on August 8th.
  2. Here's a review of a new Battle of Britain film from the Guardian, including a link to the trailer; https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/nov/27/battle-over-britain-review-spitfires-tin-hat-production The review is just about favourable, and it's released into cinemas on 1st December.
  3. Hi all, hope your all well. Here is another finished model with some extras. The basis is a Italeri 1/48 Bell OH-13 Sioux helicopter with some extras. I scratch built the wings with tissue laid over a wire frame, used a couple of old RAF pilots for Batman & Robin, model the engine slightly and added some more parts, and moded the undercarriage section.
  4. Hallo If anybody interested in original German tanks: In new (quite) Russian film you can see them. Out of storage used in films. The last frontier (Battle for Moskwa) Tank battle of Rostow Lots of KW-1 and T-34 beside German vehicles Other new Russian films I can realy suggest you too. There are many of them, and different to western films, the requisites are original in most cases. Happy modelling
  5. Depicting carrier ops, ASW exercises, and images from the 1962 cruise to the West Indies. S-2F Trackers and S-55s.
  6. If anyone fancies some gonzo sci-fi with cool space ships there's a Korean film called Space Sweepers on Netflix at the moment. So far, it's a lot better than The Wandering Earth And the ships have a nice blocky feel to them. Will
  7. I recently discovered the wonderful animated film 'Porco Rosso' by the Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki. I loved the film and so I ordered the 1/72 Fine Molds kit of the (partly fictional) Savoia S.21 in the re-built version. It comes with various extra bits and I opted to place her on the flying stand with both Marco and Fio on board. This is a small but very good kit that has all you need and fits together wonderfully. It only took me a few days to build and I'm happy with it. So happy that I've now also ordered the Curtiss float plane flown by Marco's adversary Donald Curtiss Build thread here:
  8. Triggered by Mikey-1980's thread on his excellent 1/48 Porco Rosso Savoia S.21 ... ... I watched the movie and inevitably succumbed to the temptation to build one myself. To fit with my other models I ordered the 1/72 version from Japan which arrived a couple of days ago. I'm not going to explain the background to this plane here, Mikey-1980 told something about it in his thread and for the rest, just go and watch the movie, it is absolutely brilliant! In 1/72 scale this is quite a small model but the kit looks good and comes with some nice extras: seated figures of Porco and Fio, a beach trolley and a display stand. The parts appear to fit very well and there are not too many of them, so hopefully this can be a quick build. It better be because I have too many on the go already The molding is reasonably detailed for the scale with recessed panel lines and some cockpit details. It is not exactly a big model: Mine is the S.21 F model, the later version repaired and modified by Fio Piccolo after Porco's original plane got shot down by Donald Curtiss (I told you to go and watch the movie!). It has a bigger engine and some other mods. Actually, the kit comes with two alternative engines, the new Fiat AS.2 one as in the movie (on the left) and another one which isn't the original Isotta Fraschini but something else entirely - I don't know what it is and why it is included (on the right): This screen shot from the film clearly shows the new engine: FInally, there are transfers (Oi, that dates me 🤪 - I mean decals) for the wing markings and the floats/fuselage undersides (which I won't be using) and a larger scale statue of Fio. ------------------------------------------------------------------- First things first, some priming and masking. I find painting over red always hard so I applied some white Tamiya primer over the parts I want to paint, and masked out the areas on the wings and tail fin where the green for the national flag will come. This is now drying. I also already assembled the engine and the floats which all came together very easily. This looks like a fun little build!
  9. MIG-15: Nun, wollen wir mal eine MIG-21 fliegen: Mix: MIG-25: MIG-31: F-15: EF: Enjoy it!
  10. Bust of Christopher Lee in Snarly Dracula mode. Getting some paint on.
  11. The 1964 film 'The Train' starring Burt Lancaster was about attempts to delay a train full of art treasures that was to go to Germany just as the Allies approached Paris. Filmed in black and white and directed by John Frankenheimer, this film is something of a forgotten treasure and well worth the effort to track down a copy. At one point out hero has to deliver a repaired steam engine in broad daylight. This attracts a Spitfire which carries out a beautifully filmed strafing attack. The point of this entry is, I wonder which aircraft they used. What was flyable back then? This was of course before anything suitable was revived for The Battle of Britain. Clipped wingtips and cannon are obvious. It also wore full D Day stripes. BTW I love the sounds during the attack. A Merlin always does it for me! Thanks for looking Pete Here's a link to the attack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3yR0aNriPM And here's a link that explains the background to the film https://www.cliomuse.com/the-train.html
  12. Just thought I'd start a thread for discussing the latest SW flick whilst it's still fresh in my mind. Obviously this thread will contain spoilers so I'll leave space to protect the innocent (from the dreaded hover spoil!). - - - - - - - - - - Thoughts?
  13. Colour film of RAF Aldergrove early 1940 http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_146411723023911&key=0eff82a158b9bcd735539ea921a97f93&libId=ioltd1m1010009tm000DA7ma7u1s9&cuid=f-&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.network54.com%2FForum%2F149674%2Fthread%2F1464060824%2Flast-1464106489%2F%2528View%2BAll%2BMessages%2BIn%2BThis%2BThread%2529&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fuk-northern-ireland-26818893&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.network54.com%2FForum%2F149674&title=Plane%20Talking%20-%20HyperScale's%20Aircraft%20Scale%20Model%20Discussion%20Forum%3A%20Color%20film%20found%20in%20attic%20RAF%20Aldergrove%20circa%201940&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fuk-northern-ireland-26818893 About five minutes found in an attic in Ireland. Enjoy.
  14. Hey everyone, Sorry if this has been answered before and I couldn't find anything on the manufacturers website... I have an Eduard Zoom set with pre-painted etch and the black plastic film that goes behind the etch pieces. How do I attach these to a plastic kit cockpit? I know you use Super/CA for the etch but won't that melt the film bit of the 'sandwich'? Thanks in advance, Dermot
  15. Hi all. I have a resin cockpit I am working on which had photo etch instrument panels and a plastic film for the instrument dials. What is the best way to glue these to the resin cockpit? Some of the pe bits and their corresponding dials are tiny. Many thanks in advance. Tom.
  16. This is my oldest model. Its the original issue Ecto-1a from AMT. I bought this in about 1992 from Comet Miniatures i think. Its been sitting in a box in the loft for the last few years and it was covered in dust and dirt. I got it downd and cleaned it up yesterday. I must say im impressed with my modelling skills from the 90s! Theres a few small things like the ariel and tail lights missing. I was tempted to redo some of it , but i think i will leave it as a kind of time capsule. I may get the reissue and build it to go along side. It will be interesting to see if my skills have progressed at all over the last 19 years! See i can actually keep something without selling it!!!
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