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Found 21 results

  1. Following the 'comparison' thread - I have made a start on building the Trumpeter 1/72 scale Su-34..... I won't post pics of the sprues - they are available elsewhere and here - just progress photos of the build. The cockpit is quite comprehensive - with a separate door in the rear bulkhead..... but note those ejection pin marks in the structure behind the seats. Similarly, the nosewheel bay looks accurate - complete with two-parts for the sliding access hatch..... The K-36 ejection seats are quite simplified - I would replace them if the cockpit was open - but they are acceptable given the closed cockpit... Trumpeter even provide the rudder pedals and very nice control collums - decals are provided for the front and side instrument panels - although the starboard panel curled up on me and I couldn't get it straight... Note the rear door - which I have posed open. The nosewheel bay in place - although not mentioned in the instructions, the front access hatch can be clicked in place and made to slide open..... Open.... Closed.... View into the wheel bay.... note the sliding front hatch. Top and bottom fuselage halves glued together..... I have made an attempt at re-profiling the nose to make it sharper - with moderate success...... It isn't 100% - but it looks much better - I might shave a bit more off to make the 'beak' sharper - but without going through the plastic!!... Re-shaped Trumpeter nose compared to the Italeri nose.... More later... Ken
  2. Russian Fighters Version 4 Acrylic Paint Set (02.112) Jim-Scale via Hobby Colours Jim Scale is a Russian-based brand of modelling supplies that concentrates heavily on painting and finishing, with a great many products aimed at the modeller of Russian Federation or Soviet subjects, but with a broad range that will suit almost any genre. Their location might cause concerns for some of our members at the moment, but these products have come to us via Hobby Colours from Greece, and might appeal to some of our members around the world, providing that supply doesn’t eventually become a problem. The range contains products that are water-based and alcohol-based, the water-based product codes beginning with 01., and with the colour or product number after the full-stop. This is good to know, as the packaging is written almost entirely in Russian, which isn’t a language many native English speakers are familiar with. Fortunately, our mobile (cell/handy) phones are becoming more competent with every generation, and translation from one language to another is the work of moments, simply aiming your phone’s camera at the text and tapping translate. This set provides three colours often seen on Russian fighter aircraft, particularly the Su-34, which is mentioned on the rear of the set, along with a profile and a few details about the aircraft. It arrives in a bubble package with a cardboard backing card, a clear vacformed front holding the paint bottles in place until you slide the card out from behind. Each bottle contains 18ml of paint, and is topped off with a dropper tip and yellow cap that screws onto the nozzle, preventing leakage. There is also a hefty shaker ball inside each bottle to assist with mixing the paint before use, and we are told that the paints can be sprayed or brushed just as easily. The 01. code tells us that this is a water-based acrylic, and there is little to no aroma from the bottles, unless you place the nozzle just under your nose. The three colours are as follows: 01.189 Light Blue (Su-34) 01.192 Light Blue 01.193 Green Blue (Su-34) As is usual with my tests, I used plastic spoons that had been prepared by a light roughening with a very fine sanding stick, and the bowl was sprayed with primer to prepare and harmonise the surface. Based upon the results of other tests that I have run with this system, the paint will adhere equally well directly to the spoon without primer, with no discernible difference between the finishes. I can also confirm that the paint brushes out well, reaching opacity in 2-3 thin coats using a flat brush to minimise brush-marks, which were negligible and could have been a result of my inexpert application, as I’m unused to painting large areas without an airbrush. Spraying was carried out by first laying down a medium coat now that I am more confident with the system, which was given a few seconds to gas off before adding another heavier layer, repeating extra layers as necessary to improve vibrancy. The paint went down very well with no spluttering, stoppages, or other issues, and as it dried the surface became very smooth with a slight sheen visible from some angles after initial drying had occurred. The patterning I had experienced previously during the mist-coat stages didn’t occur this time, as I had brushed the surface to remove dust with an anti-static brush by Tamiya, and was more aggressive with application. After several hours of drying, the paint had taken on a matt sheen that is pleasing to the eye, across all colours in the set. Two days after spraying paint on both primed and un-primed sides of the original tests, Tamiya tape was applied to all surfaces, burnished down firmly, and torn off 20 minutes later, with absolutely no caution whatsoever. This paint is as tough as old boots, and there wasn’t any lifting of the tape, regardless of priming or otherwise, so you can paint and mask to your heart’s delight and it won’t let you down if you prepare your model’s surfaces. Conclusion Now I have tested their primers and two paint sets, this system is really growing on me. It goes down well, doesn’t lift on removal of masking, the finish is excellent, and the sets aren’t expensive. I can live with the slightly longer curing time for the paint, as my modelling is sporadic anyway, and there is always something else to do in the meantime. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  3. Flagman from Russia (link) has announced a 1/72nd Sukhoi Su-34 "Fullback" , 1st series, kit - ref. 172002 http://flagman-models.com/ru/catalog/aviation/avia72/172002/ V.P.
  4. It seems we'll have another Su-34 in 1/48 in March 2016. Info from the local dealer. Source: GreenMats.Club
  5. Just finished - the excellent Trumpeter Su-34 kit in 1/72 scale........ Trumpeter missed a few things - the curved fillet between the wing L/E and the ESM pod (when fitted)..... ... the Blind Flying curtains inside the cockpit..... .... and the APU exhaust outlet on top of the tailboom... Ken
  6. As I was looking around to find some reference pictures for one of my ongoing projects namely Su-27M (T-10M 701, 703, 709 and 711) I have landed the Ken's Su-27IB conversion progress page. Then I decided to launch a parallel project for T-10V1 conversion using one of my Revell Su-27SM (I have 60+ pieces of it 🙂) and Italeri Su-34 (currently only 4 pieces in hand) kits. The main idea is to join Su-34 nose and Su-27 rest. Next I will add some pictures of my work in progress. Regards, Serkan
  7. Sukhoi SU-34 Fullback Sukhoi SU-30SM "Russian Knights" Sukhoi SU-30SM VKS Sukhoi SU-30SM VKS Sukhoi SU-30SM "Russian Knights"
  8. Trumpeter is to release a 1/72nd Sukhoi Su-34 "Fullback" kit - ref. 01652 A test build was on display at the All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2016. Source: https://www.facebook.com/TrumpeterModel/photos/pcb.666914713467125/666914543467142/?type=3&theater V.P.
  9. HobbyBoss is to release a 1/48th Sukhoi Su-34 "Fullback" kit in 2016-2017 - ref.81756 Source: https://www.facebook.com/TrumpeterModel/photos/a.103538733138062.8169.103526326472636/537476479744283/?type=3&theater V.P.
  10. I would like to share a dual build OOB of two kitty hawk 1/48 Su-34. Making 2 at a time is such as laborious task, which most certainly can be categorized as a form of self-torture and I shall gladly never attempt again. The kit is incredibly detailed buth riddled with many issues and unclear instructions.
  11. I have ordered the 1/72 Italeri Su-32/34 - it includes markings for Russian Air Force Su-34s and an Su-32FN of the Indian Air Force Defence Research Wing in 2015. I am inclined to build the Indian Air Force example but can't really find any references to this aircraft. I can see from the internet that Sukhoi built the Su-32FN for the Chinese and Indian market and that India flirted with the idea of acuiring the Su-32/34 for a while but seemed to ultimately decide on obtaining more Su-30s instead. Does anyone know anything about an Su-32FN operated by the IAF Defence Research Wing? My assumption is that the IAF acquired a single example from Rusia for some testing of the type but that is just an educated guess. The 'anorak' in me wants to be sure that I am building a model of an aircraft which has some basis in fact (and Italeri have made mistakes in the past).
  12. Arriving too late to be used on my Trumpeter Su-34 - this latest set from Begemot covers all variants of the 'Fullback' - from the second prototype (Bort 43), through the early production machines and right up to date with the types deployment to Syria. Colour schemes range from the early Flanker-style camo, through the recently abandoned 'Eggplant/Aubergine' single colour uppers, right up to latest green/blue colours - FS Numbers are provided for all the colour schemes.. A full stencil sheet is included - and there are hundreds of them - plus a host of stencils for the weapons. This latter set alone is worth the asking price as it gives the correct designation and colours for the variety of ordinance used by the Su-34 A new feature is the printing of the instruction 'booklet' in colour - which is very welcome.... Note the inclusion of a decal for the underside Chaff/Flare dispenser. Stencils More stencils - including weapons. Addendum sheet including black outlines for the Bort numbers - note the new 'VKS Russia' titles. The decals are superbly printed and, from past experience, they go on to the model with the minimum of fuss and give excellent results. It looks like I will have to purchase some more Trumpeter kits to make use of this new set! Ken PS - The sheet is also available in 1/48 scale for the Kittyhawk and Hobbyboss kits.
  13. Here's my HB Su-34 modified to be the Su-32, second prototype 43 Blue T10V-2. I always liked the color scheme. It's about 99% finished, still some panel lines and small weathering things to do. This more or less involved a reshaped nose, reshaped tail sting with some bumps, Su-30 front wheels and mudguard, scratchbuilt ladder, a slightly modified Su-15 pitot tube and the proper antennas and sensors. Lots of plumbing for the landing gear and Armory rear wheels. I have the Polygon Su-34 book which has a lot of walkaround closeup photos of 43 Blue's details and it's different camouflage which was invaluable. I had few fit issues, not sure if I ever used filler. Paint was Akan and mixed myself. I'm looking forward to doing some production Su-34 versions with the Kittyhawk whenever it comes out but I wouldn't rule out doing another Hobbyboss, perhaps the brighter "Greenbottle Fly" 45 White T10V-5 that I saw at Farnborough years ago. Cheers, pb
  14. Su-34 Photo Etch and Masks for Trumpeter Kit 1:72 Eduard Eduard seem to have tracked the release of Trumpeter's new line up of Russian jets in 1:72 fairly closely, as each time a new kit has been released we haven't had to wait long for a set of photo etch and masks. There is even a growing range of high-quality resin hardware to hang off the bottom of your chosen kit. This month is the turn of the Su-34 Fullback to receive the Eduard treatment. Su-34 In the usual Eduard style, this set comprises two frets of parts. The first fret contains pre-painted parts for detailing the instrument panels and side consoles, as well as cushions, harnesses and grab handles for the seats. Also on this fret are parts for the rudder pedal and a new Head-up Display Unit. The second fret is unpainted and contains parts for detailing the inside of the canopy, as well as a particularly complex arrangement of parts for the afterburner flame holder. Also on this fret are parts for the engine air intakes and parts for detailing the landing gear bays. The rest of the airframe benefits from the provision of a range of antennas and static discharge wicks. Last but not least is a part for the large chaff/flare dispenser unit. Su-34 Zoom If you don't fancy losing your mind trying to assemble the world's most complex afterburner flame holders, then you have the option of picking up the zoom set and jazzing up the cockpit a bit. A good option if you've spend your housekeeping money on the kit. Su-34 Pre-Cut Masks This set provides pre-cut paint masks for the canopy and all of the wheels. If you've used Eduard's pre-cut masks before, you'll know that they are a real time saver. Conclusion These sets are a handy upgrade for the new Trumpeter kit. If you've committed a not-inconsiderable sum of money to purchasing their latest box of plastic, then it might just make sense to make the most of it by indulging in a little aftermarket as well. Overall, this looks like a nice little upgrade and can be recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  15. I won't make a big introduction this time, as this deadline will kill me. But I was thinking should I jump in or not? And here I am... I made one back in 2000 or something, as bort "43". Maybe I could dig a picture of it. Still not sure about bort number and weapons, but one thing is for sure: I HATE THIS NEW GREY CAMO !!! Basic Italeri mold + few scratches planned + Eduard PE + Pavla cockpit + AKAN paints I'm missing joysticks from Pavla - never got them Pictures are talking for themselves...
  16. Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback BigEd set (BIG49175 for Hobby Boss) 1:48 Eduard Hobby Boss's Fullback has been a huge success, despite it having a few flaws, and Eduard has released a number of Photo-Etch sets to improve on the detail, all of which have been available separately now for a few months. If you haven't yet dipped your toe into acquiring aftermarket for your kit and were planning on getting all sets however, then this BigEd set will be of interest. It includes four sets and places them in one card envelope, passing on a discount on the price for the modeller as a result. On first look the ticket price might look large, but when you add the individual prices together, you do win out and save around 25%. The envelope is sturdy and well able to keep your Photo-Etch (PE) safe from harm, with a taped up flap which is re-sealable using a punched-out tongue and slot. Interior (49824) Two small frets are included, one nickel plated and pre-painted, the other in bare brass. A complete set of new layered instrument panels and side consoles are the primary parts on the painted set, with new rudder pedals; ejection seat details; throttle quadrant; HUD framework with acetate film glazing; rear-view periscope and canopy internal structure also supplied. Oddly, a number of external parts are added, such as a number of sensors and AoA probe in the nose; static wicks on the wings and tail, and chaff and flare racks in the stinger between the engine exhausts. Seatbelts STEEL (49825) In case you don't already know, these belts are Photo-Etch (PE) steel, and because of their strength they can be etched from thinner material, which improves realism and flexibility in one sitting. Coupled with the new painting method that adds perceived extra depth to the buckles and other furniture by shading, they are more realistic looking and will drape better than regular brass PE. As well as the belts and cushion pads, you also get a set of pull-handles between the pilot's knees that gets him out of there in case of an emergency. Exterior (48921) This larger bare brass set contains some important upgrades, such as delicate new afterburner rings, with concise instructions on how to achieve the correct shape with them; a replacement to the rear face of the engine that slots over the bullet fairing in the centre; a substantial upgrade to the detail in the highly visible nose gear bay that also acts as crew access, with the ladder also getting new treads and the mudguard being fitted with a new flexible rubber section (in brass of course). Finally, the intake inner walls are skinned with more detailed panels, which will need blending in with the styrene at the edges for a more realistic look. Masks (EX550) Supplied on a sheet of yellow kabuki tape, these pre-cut masks supply you with a full set of masks for the canopy, which are solid masks for each pane. In addition you get a set of ancillary masks for the sundry lights, allowing you to paint your model with little concern for them. Review sample courtesy of
  17. Starting another build this time a 1999 kit from Tamiya in 1/72 scale. The SU-34 Fullback. Here is the box picture and the main sprue. I will not do a review of the kit as this has been done before. I will instead focus on the build and the issues I encountered as I haven't seen someone else do this. The kit is a bit rough and the details not as fine and crisp as I would have liked. The panel lines seems a bit soft to me and I see a lot of pin marks that needed to be sanded over and leftover trims on the edges.
  18. I have now got both of the existing 1/72 scale kits - the new one from Trumpeter (2017 release) - and the old one from Italeri (released in 1995) - so I thought I'd do a comparison.... these are just my personal opinions BTW..... The Trumpeter kit is typical from them - excellent packaging, crisp moulding and loads of weaponry and very expensive - but also some shape errors. It also represents the latest configuration - whereas the Italeri kit is of a Su-34 from about 20 years ago... Trumpeters excellent box art....... .... and superb packaging. But the nose is way off !!! .... compared to the real thing Italeri got it much better - all those years ago..... Italeri upper fuselage mated to Trumpeter lower.... Italeri lower fuselage mated to Trumpeter upper. Note the strakes on the Trumpeter kit (an addition since Italeri kitted their version). Trumpeter moulded the fuselage and wings as one part...... (but got the wingspan wrong - they measured the span WITHOUT the wingtip launch rails - so it works out at 208mm instead of the correct 204mm - Italeri is nearer at 205mm) Note also the sharp edge to the curved engine nacelles..... Italeri's nacelles are blended in better - much more subtle. Italer got their fins wrong - the early Su-34 prototypes had a taller fin taken from the Su-27UB - it was later replaced with a shorter fin taken from a single-seat Su-27. Trumpeter's fin (on the left) is better. Trumpeter provide the latest tailboom - with a built-in APU - but it is a half-hearted attempt - you have to cut out a recess and fit the intake grille into it. And.... they don't provide the APU exhaust flaps at the top rear of the tailboom.... Trumpeter (top) and Italeri tailbooms - Italeri is too long. More later Ken
  19. Now we have too quarter scale Su-34:
  20. Hi Friends, The following items have been added to our regular stock: - T-60 GAZ plant production 1942 from Ace in 1:72 scale (ACE72541) - Sandbags for the BTR-80 #2 from DAN Models in 1:35 scale (DAN35301) - U.S.Tractor w/Towing Winch & Crewmen.Special Edition from MiniArt in 1:35 scale (MA35225) - T-44 M Soviet medium tank from MiniArt in 1:35 scale (MA37002) - Tram Crew with Passengers from MiniArt in 1:35 scale (MA38007) - Soviet WW2 hand weapons (Nagant, Mosin Kar. Mod. 38, TT, PPS-43, PPsh, PTRD, SVT) from Ace in 1:72 scale (PE7227) - T-35 Soviet heavy tank from Zvezda in 1:35 scale (ZVE3667) - Russian fighter-bomber "Su-34" from Zvezda in 1:72 scale (ZVE7298) Sincerely, Alex Scale-model-kits.com - plastic scale model kits on-line shop
  21. Finished a couple of months ago. Figured it was still worthy to share the result, although I continue having problems to take decent pictures. I hope you like it! Best, Ricardo New Picture Old Pictures
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