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Found 19 results

  1. I've had in the collection for some years the Mach 2 Vickers Viscount 700 kit - a manufacturer who produces some rather interesting subjects (ie Mach 2). This is one of their better efforts in my view with nice detail, generally accurate lines (but see below) and the opportunity for some great colour schemes. The usual research has been done before starting - including build reviews etc from other modellers. A number of reviewers/builders have commented that there is something that is 'not quite right' with the finished model and I have formed a view as to what that might be. For a hint - check out the wing root shape on the fuselage halves. Notice anything weird? Particularly if you know what makes aeroplanes fly (apart from engines)... So let's turn to Exhibit A - the wings.... Bizarre as it might sounds - I believe the wings have been moulded 'up side down'. The wheel wheels and lower wing surface details have been moulded engraved on the TOP WING - and the engine nacelles/top wing details are moulded/engraved on the bottom. Even the top view of the top wing below sort of looks vaguely deflated? OR is it me? Check out the detail pics below, showing the kit, the Viscount 'official-ish' wing profile (NACA 63-???[modified]), and early stages of my replacement : So you've probably guessed correctly. Some cosmetic surgery means scratchbuilding some new wings for the Viscount - including a cut and shut of the Mach 2 wheel wells and engine nacelles/fairings. ie what is on the Mach 2 top wing will end up on the bottom wing and vice versa. Simples eh? Oh - and a bit of scribing. Thought it'd be worth showing the progress and end result and see if it looks round about right when I'm finished?? Here's where I am up to. Basic replacement wing shape has been formed up - currently overlength and rough markings showing where the Mach 2 wheel wells and fairings are going to go....
  2. As I'm building a resin Bell X-2 that need lots of corrections and rebuild I thought that a Mach2 kit was a suitable parallel build. But it wasn't as horrible as all the bad things that I've read of Mach2 had made me expect. Of course it need lots of dry fitting and adaption of parts, plus there are some flash on parts. It look good when parts come together so I think I will manage to finish it. If I do I need to hunt for a X-1 and a X-3 kit.
  3. Mach2 is to release 1/72nd Douglas DC-9-30 kits: - ref. GP.112SW - Douglas DC-9-30 - Swissair Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/douglas-dc9-30-swissair-mach-2-gp112sw-199199.html - ref. GP.112HUG - Douglas DC-9-30 - Hughes Airwest Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/douglas-dc9-30-hughes-airwest-mach-2-gp112hug-199198.html - ref. GP.112BMI - Douglas DC-9-30 - British Midland Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/douglas-dc9-30-british-midland-mach-2-gp112bma-199197.html - ref. GP.112KLM - Douglas DC-9-30 - KLM Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/douglas-dc9-30-klm-mach-2-gp112klm-199196.html - ref. GP.112DEL - Douglas DC-9-30 - Delta Airlines Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/douglas-dc9-30-delta-airlines-mach-2-gp112del-199193.html 9l - ref. GP.112NOR - Douglas DC-9-30 - Northeast Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/douglas-dc9-30-northeast-mach-2-gp112nor-199194.html - ref. GP.112AG1 - Douglas VC-9C - USAF Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/douglas-vc9c-united-states-of-america-mach-2-gp112af1-199195.html - ref. GP.112USN - Douglas C-9B - US Navy Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/en/modelling/douglas-c9b-us-navy-mach-2-gp112usn-199192.html V.P.
  4. Well, it is British and it is big. My entry for this group build is Mach2s' exquisite kit of the AW Argosy C.1, aka the 'Whistling Wheelbarrow'. The Argosy was originally developed as a commercial freight carrier. It was initially hampered by the use of a converted Shackleton wing that added needless weight. It became an RAF transport almost by default when it was realised that there was an upcoming shortfall in airlift capacity and although even at that stage the RAF was casting covetous eyes at the Hercules, the government was not going to buy any in the face of a very powerful manufacturing lobby. As it happened, the Argosy had a fairly successful, if somewhat short career, with the RAF as a transport, it had another short career with 115 Sqn checking flight aids and then an abortive career as a trainer, It had virtually disappeared from RAF service by the late 1970's The Mach2 kit looks to be one of their better ones. There is less flash than on some kits, and the surface detail is good. The transparencies, aren't particularly transparent, but look as if they will polish up. The instructions are brief, and this kit is not for the faint-hearted. I have built the York and so at least know what I am letting myself in for. I have an aftermarket set for the undercarriage, but I am not sure about the main wheels. There is a decal sheet, that I have forgotten to photograph. It has the basics and may be useable
  5. Mach2 is to release 1/72nd Douglas DC-8 kits in December 2020. - ref. GP110AAF - Douglas DC8-50 Armée de l'Air CoTAM & "Sarigue" Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-dc8-50-armee-de-l-air--french-af-sarigue--expected-december-2020-gp110aaf-mach-2-gp110aaf-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174344 - ref. GP110USN - Douglas EC-24A (link) US Navy Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-ec-24-us-navy-expected-december-2020-gp110usn-mach-2-gp110usn-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174343 - ref. GP110AMX - Douglas DC8-50 - AeroMexico Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-dc8-50-aeromexico-expected-december-2020-gp110amx-mach-2-gp110amx-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174342 - ref. GP110UTA - Douglas DC8-50 - UTA Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-dc8-50-uta-expected-december-2020-gp110uta-mach-2-gp110uta-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174341 - ref. GP110IBA - Douglas DC8-50 - Iberia Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-dc8-50-iberia-expected-december-2020-gp110iba-mach-2-gp110iba-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174340 - ref. GP110SWA - Douglas DC8-30 - Swissair Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-dc8-30-swissair-expected-december-2020-gp110swa-mach-2-gp110swa-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174339 - ref. GP110KLM - Douglas DC8-30 - KLM Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-dc8-30-klm-expected-december-2020-gp110klm-mach-2-gp110klm-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174337 - ref. GP110SAS - Douglas DC8-30 - SAS Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-dc8-30-sas-expected-december-2020-gp110sas-mach-2-gp110sas-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174338 - ref. GP110PAA - Douglas DC8-30 - Pan merican Airlines Source: https://www.aviationmegastore.com/douglas-dc8-30-pan-american-airlines-expected-december-2020-gp110paa-mach-2-gp110paa-airliner-modelling-kits/product/?action=prodinfo&art=174336 V.P.
  6. Martin P6M-2 Seamaster Naval Air Station Harvey Point, North Carolina, 1959 1/72 Mach 2 kit Surely one of the coolest looking aeroplanes of all time, the Seamaster was just a step too far into the field of far-too-expensive-aeroplanes. In some ways it captures the spirit of 1950s military aviation in America in which anything was worth a try. I bought this Mach 2 kit at a good price (£40) last year but really never thought I would build it. Opening the box revealed the size of the beast, but also revealed huge amounts of flash and poorly moulded parts with rough surface finish. Once I had cleaned everything up though (which took a huge amount of time) it actually went together fairly quickly. Not having to bother with an undercarriage helped, but I did have to mould a new canopy because the kit canopy was very thick and completely the wrong shape. The kit included the complex beaching trolley, which is so necessary for flying boats. Cleaning up the parts for this was something else, but it went together OK in the end. Decals were just about usable, but the white parts had yellowed which looked awful against the painted white of the hull. Thankfully I managed to find enough letters and numbers from other sheets to replace them. The previous Mach 2 kit I built was the Valiant, some years before the Airfix release, and the experience was about the same as this, but I did get the same feeling of satisfaction to see it finished.
  7. I've been feeling really guilty that as a co-host in this GB I have built not one but two, French aircraft in the High Wing GB. So to try to make it up to @Wez a rummage in the stash found this. Now I know it's not a French made aircraft but it did serve in French Indochina in 1949, so carries French markings and if that's not quite French enough for you, the kit was made in France, which must count for something ! Oh struth, I've just noticed that this is a High Wing as well, do I need to apologise to @CliffB the High Wing host as well now ? Cheers Pat
  8. I will be joining in with the much maligned Mach 2 Vickers Viscount. I will be converting the kit's -700 airframe to a -800 by way of the Hamilton Hobbies conversion set. It will be marked as one of two aircraft operated in the VIP role by 34 Squadron at RAAF Fairbairn during the 60s, decal from Hawkeye models Australia
  9. Beechcraft King Air 200 45 (Reserve) Squadron, RAF Cranwell, 2021 Mach 2 kit as marketed by Two Six Models I picked this one up from Models For Sale a few months ago, mainly because it included a really nice set of decals for the current RAF training version. The kit was typically Mach 2 – lots of flash, nearly unusable transparencies, wings at odd angles if you assemble it straight from the sprue, brittle plastic, etc. Ironically the cabin windows were moulded quite well and would have been usable, but alas the windows were too small and had to be drilled out a bit (there was also a window missing which had to be added) so in the end I used Humbrol Clearfix. I had to find another nosewheel as the kit provides 5 identical wheels but the nosewheel should be bigger than the mains. My replacement is a tad on the large size but there were so many compromises on this one that I just wanted it finished. The props were completely unusable and I replaced them with a set modified from the Airfix F27 Friendship, including cutting off the blades and resetting then in feathered pitch. All undercarriage doors were replaced. Numerous coats of Halfords grey then white primer, followed by Appliance White, reasonably covered the huge expanses of Milliput. Undersides were Xtracolour Roundel Blue. The decals were nice and I got there in the end. None of the above was a surprise – I’ve made enough Mach 2 kits to know what to expect now – and actually it’s good old fashioned enjoyable modelling.
  10. Mach 2 1/72 with homemade decals otherwise straight from the box Steve
  11. "Into the small back room he stole, the searching beam of his flashlight incising the damp, fetid air. Even the half-crazed, cackling beggar who had led him to this place had tried to warn him not to gaze upon the contents of the box. “There’s some ‘as tried, and ‘as been driven to th’bottle and t'madhouse, just fr’one litt’a peek at t’fearsome thangs what’s inside!” he had told him, with bloodshot eyes and whisky breath. He paid the grizzly old man his pen’north, and shooed him roughly into the night. He would not be deterred in his quest, not after travelling from the far Indies to the Americas in search of something which a hundred rational men said did not exist. And yet he knew, with all his heart, that the only objects which could possibly realise his sick fantasy lay in that box..a box which his flashlight now found, cobwebbed, battered and covered with a thick layer of dust, on top of a trestle table, like a cadaver on a gurney. His crowbar found the gnarly edge of the lid, and the box slowly creaked open…" Like many, and I’m choosing my words carefully, I was slightly disappointed upon opening the Mach 2 VC-10. This is an iconic British aircraft, with gorgeous lines, a huge whiff of nostalgia, and a wistful history as the last all-British attempt at a commercial long haul aircraft. Building one in gentleman’s scale is a niche business of course, but not the realm of a few crazies either. Many of us know what to expect from Mach 2 in terms of moulding quality – rough surface, doobreys galore, a marathon of sanding and finishing – but there are innumerable technical reasons why small manufacturers struggle to make well finished products, and frankly, it is impressive in this sector to see a kit that is injection moulded at all. But what made fists clench and hair fall out across the Britliner-loving community was the obvious shape errors in the nose. The VC-10 has an attractively, almost flush fitted window, with the entire nose section, glazed or otherwise, coming to a nearly uniform point. Out of the box, Mach 2 originally gave a windshield with a steep upward sweep, almost like a DC3. Mach 2 then issued a corrective part – in fact, I gather all models sold after Telford (eg via Hannants) had this as standard, but even with the correcting part, the shape looks more like a Tristar than a VC-10. There isn’t much to distinguish an airliner – they are all metal tubes at the end of the day – so the details really do count to make a satisfying model. There is also the issue of variant type. Out of the box the hull is a short body with leading edge extensions. Such aircraft were few and only used by the RAF as C1Ks, so the parts do not fit the profile of any civilian airliners. So unless you like VC-10 C1Ks, you are out of luck. But I’m still going to have a crack! This is very much going to be a skills development project. I may fail, but hopefully in a catastrophic and amusing way. The breakdown of Sisyphean tasks is thus: Problem 1 – nose is wrong. So, I’m going to cut away the worst of it, make a buck that slots in with hopefully a closer approximation of the shape, and either vacform over it, or mould a solid section in clear polyester resin. Problem 2 – can’t make an authentic civilian. So, the choice is either file down the wings to make a Standard, or extend the fuselage to make a Super. Well, in for a penny… After I did the Heller 707 over Christmas, I’d be gutted if my VC-10 was smaller. This will be a few chops, and a couple of fuselage plugs, one big, the other small at the rear. And to make the plugs, I’m going to deploy my beginner CAD skills, and the services of a tame 3D print shop. Which is pretty much where I’m beginning, although first I checked the fuselage profile against an old Mike Keep profile from a vintage SAM issue. Interestingly, it conforms very closely to the kit…although I much as love these old drawings, I do not rate it for accuracy as it scales up 20mm too short. The question is really how much do I add at the front and how much at the rear. I am essentially guessing at this stage, without a drawing I really trust. One thing I can do with some confidence is chop the fuselage behind the cockpit and ahead of the wing. This gives me two profiles and my first penny dropping moment. An airliner is pretty much a metal cylinder, and my expectation was that having learned how to extrude a circle (sounds painful, I know) I had this in the bag, but this is a Mach 2 airliner… So the two ends of the ‘cylinder’ I need to make are actually fairly irregular ovalelograms or some such. Not impossible though… Also, the rearmost 10mm is where the wing fairing starts, so the shape needs to develop some lumps at the back to conform to this (rather wonky) profile… I’m using Onshape, which is available as free cloud-based software, on the condition that you don’t mind all your files being public, and that you can cope with a few very simple standard CAD features being disabled in a really annoying way. These include - · You can’t set line lengths numerically (you have to draw them carefully to length with the mouse) · You can’t change to mm – inches all the way. · You can’t, as far as I can see, import a reference image to sketch on top of. Basically, our relationship is not set to last. But, having learnt what some of the buttons do now, I’m on a roll and I can do what I need to on it for now... Meanwhile, in the cockpit, traditional modelling techniques prevail. The offending nose OOB looks something like this: So, I chopped the worst of it off: I created vertical and horizontal profiles, and started to make the form of the "buck": The tip I have formed from Epo putty, as espoused by YouTube's David Damek. Its wonderful stuff to work with a wet finger, although I've had issues with it not curing in my cold attic, so it's the airing cupboard overnight. The buck is sitting on extra plasticard which I have enclosed the cockpit with, and will remove later, hopefully it will then look less like a C-46: Next step will be some P38 and lots of sanding. I think that'll do for now!
  12. Just realised I posted the build as a new topic by mistake. It is in the gallery, please delete this post
  13. It's reported that a company is working on a injected 1/72nd Bristol 175 Britannia kit. Official announcement is expected in about 45 days. Considering this rumour is coming from the French forum Master194 I fear a Mach2 kit. A Bristol Britannia would be logical follow-up to the A.W. Argosy (link) and the Avro York (link). Wait and see. Source: http://www.master194.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=100071 V.P.
  14. Mach2 is to release in May 2018 1/72nd Lockheed Jetstar kits. - ref. GP090 - Lockheed L-1342 Jetstar TWA Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP090 - ref. GP091 - Lockheed Jetstar P.O.T.U.S. Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP091 - ref. GP092 - Lockheed L-1329 Jetstar Luftwaffe Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP092 - ref. GP093 - Lockheed C-140A Jetstar USAF Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP093 - ref. GP094 - Lockheed C-140A Jetstar USAF Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/MACHGP094 V.P.
  15. Sometimes I have these lapses in sanity, but having watched a fair few films on the internet about the Berlin Airlift, and always having an affection for the Avro York, I thought I would attempt Mach2's boxing of their Avro York of said era. Now, this is my first Mach2 kit and after reading a few bits and pieces about these kits on here and other forums, I knew what to expect on opening the box. I hadn't ever had a look at one of their kits before, but it was still a bit of a shock what was inside. let's have a look shall we? Flimsy lid with really nicely rendered (computer generated?) box art. Single page of instructions, not so bad as it is fairly obvious where the major parts go, colour drawings on the other side, only a single side view for each option. Decals, which had a printing fault through them, but a quick e-mail to Didier had a new set sent which were much better...... ..…. on inspecting the parts, one of the inboard engine nacelles was badly deformed, but a replacement was sent with the decals. Two large sprues of grainy, off white plastic hold the major and minor parts, and one clear sprue for the cockpit and fuselage windows. There are a lot of ejector pin marks, a bit of shrinkage and warping, and cloudiness of the clear parts. This will be pictured as we go along the build. I got hold of a copy of Warpaint series no. 98 on the York. The dimensions published in here, and elsewhere show the overall length should be just under 332.5mm and the wingspan just under 432mm in 1/72nd scale. I do look at drawings and sometimes check dimensions but am generally not that bothered about a few mm's here and there. The drawings in the book were about spot on to the dimensions, so, offering up the fuselage halves showed it is a good 7-8mm short. The depth seems good as does the width, but something has gone wrong near the front somewhere, the spacing of the windows is ok from the underwing door to the rear, the large cargo hatch is more or less in the right place compared to the underwing door. I'm not sure if I'll attempt to rectify this, we'll see during the build. I know the part is placed on the prototype drawing but the production one is the same profile. The next two photo's show the relative positions of the doors, the part wasn't moved, just the camera (I'm no expert photographer by the way!) The wings look pretty well proportioned, to the drawings anyway. The central fin is OK in shape but badly moulded. I'm sure this is where the fuselage length has gone wrong. Looks Ok when you move it forward but the rear is short. Some shots of the roughness and warpage of the fuselage halves, a lot of work to do here it seems. I just going to say that this is not a shot at Didier, who I believe is a one-man band and owner of Mach2 and I think should be applauded for attempting to release subjects not generally available. I'd be interested to hear if anyone who has a Mach2 kit can confirm this pretty much the standard for these, or are some better than others? Anyway, this may take a while to get going, I have a couple of other projects to finish first. Hints and tips, and comments much appreciated. Onwards and upwards! Davey.
  16. Hi guys, Thought I would get some photos up of the Mach2 Argosy. It won't be a full on WIP, just little updates from time to time. Booms just pushed on for photo. and where it's at now, that centre wing section has been a PITA & will need a rescribe, but other than that it's been an OK build. My weakness has always been building 'neat' and finishing seams off perfectly.... but this time round it's looking a lot better... More, soon....................
  17. Hello all, As promised here are final build pictures of my 1:72 scale B-45A Tornado from the Mach2 kit, with a few mods. It is only a little unusual in that it depicts a B-45A from the Air Test Center in cold-weather markings, probably tat Ladd AFB, Alaska, circa 1948-1952. Also unusual is the fact that the arctic markings are not seen on the wingtips. I cannot recall another model of this aircraft depicting the boarding ladders. Built thread is here: Without further ado, the photos: Oops -- windshield washer needs a little bending! I'm sort of proud of that rear boarding ladder! And that's all f-f-olks! Once again was stuck trying to figure out how to show use on a newer, pretty-well maintained aircraft -- while in Alaska. She's not pristine, but not really dirty either. This is my best guess... Thanks for looking. Comments, criticisms and critique always welcome. Ed
  18. Hi guys, I've been really busy recently, work, moving house, trying to get to most shows on weekends etc, it's been non-stop. Loads going on in the background, I have a few kits that are nearing completion (see RFI soon) but decided to keep them off BM due to time reasons but I'm putting this up as it's a really unusual-unseen built kit.., I've also just set up a new SIG with the IPMS called 'Scale Water Bombers', basically, anything that's dropped water or retardant etc over the years from Ford Trimotors to DC-10's... one aircraft that I've always been fond of is the AJ-1 Savage and two were used for aerial firefighting so I'm going to try and replicate that using the lovely Mach2 kit. Some photos - Lovely patina seen on the box, I'm guessing from having a nice long holiday up in a loft Mach 2 AJ-2 Savage 1/72nd by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Bang up-to-date 3D CAD style instructions Mach 2 AJ-2 Savage 1/72nd by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Tamiya-like mouldings. Mach 2 AJ-2 Savage 1/72nd by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Flash-proof sprues. Mach 2 AJ-2 Savage 1/72nd by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Mach 2 AJ-2 Savage 1/72nd by Totallyrad.co.uk, on Flickr Here's what it is going to hopefully look like. Seriously though, it's not that bad and it can be worked but that's the whole fun of modelling... isn't it. Thanks for looking in..see you on the next update.
  19. Good afternoon colleagues I want to construct this airplane. set difficult, molding disgusting While I see 4 problems 1 . At stand He114 thin, floats keep on a metal wire the rigid construction is necessary, stands need to be strengthened metal 2 poor quality of a whale, the cowl of the engine of its drift is badly molded. I think so, to buy the Revell Ar 196 model and from it to take a cowl 3 At floats obviously not correct form. 4 quality of a lamp of pilots disgustingly. It is necessary to do the new. Technique of manufacture new - heating of plastic and tensioning on the form. --------------------------------------------------------- stage 1 metal operations
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