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Found 24 results

  1. Hi, I intend to build the car door Typhoon, another kit I have had in the stash for quite a few decades. Unintentionally, I find myself saddled with 3 Frog kits at the same time... The P-47D I need to finish chop chop. The Beaufort that is turning into an exciting project, and the Typhoon, that I intend building mostly OOB. I will use the cockpit floor and seat from the Academy Typhoon, as I have some A.M. for the Korean model. Photos will be posted later today. I will go for the 56 Squadron plane. A + JR
  2. Right O, I'd better get another marker down in the entropy arena, while I'm in the wreckage zone. 😋 I've got my Lockheed Hudson wreck pretty well sorted and just finishing a few figures and general items scattered around, so now I'm looking for another..... I've picked up a few of the Airfix bargain starter kits in Lidl/Aldi as they come around - the paint + brush + glue is a coupla quids worth for a start! - and I've found the little FW190 kit in my pile. I've no interest in making a "lovely Butcherbird", and I'm wondering if I can make a barn find or something similar out of it. It's another vague and sketchy notion, I know, but maybe that's the way these projects start out.... Nothing really to show just yet other than I've drilled holes in the instrument panels, maybe for Wires to be hanging out of, like some of the instruments or dials have been robbed out. I expect the guns will be missing too and I'll see what else can be wrecked or entropised. It's a nice looking kit, and these new Airfix toolings are generally very good but also with zero tolerances with regards to fit and assembly . So let's see how they can cope with a bit of creative messing ❗😄
  3. Instead of focusing on the builds in hand, and there's plenty of it, I find myself drawn inexorably to this little bundle of fun..... Turns out I just can't resist the draw - the challenge... of a plane on floats! 😎 And I'm working my way through quite a few of the Vintage Classic reissues as they appear on the shelves. They all have issues of course - the DH Heron dates from 1958 for goodness sake and this DHC Beaver was tooled and issued in 1971. But I had some fun with the Matchbox Norduyn Norseman kit, in the Mbox Group Build, up on floats. Nearly abandoned, put on skis, and then another successful run at the floats and rigging. So I'm under no illusions about the installation of floats on these little rascals, but the result, the appearance, is worth the effort.... Whereas the Norseman was flying before and during WW2, the Beaver first took to the air in 1948. I suppose it could be thought of as an updated or upgraded Norseman. All metal construction and maybe improved STOL capability, tough as old boots, the Beaver found its place in the Canadian Bush aviation scene. Like the Norseman, it converted easily between wheels, skis and floats. The model, it's no surprise, is supplied with military decor only, and dull drabs and browns as suggested 😝 No suggestion of the plane's true purpose, it's real work or function (at least matchbox supplied the civil scheme for the Norseman.....) Some fantastic civil schemes are out there, many of them still in the air and working. Well, I've been tinkering with the bits of plastic and weighing up the options. A lot of the civil airframes have a bigger rear window to the rear of the passenger doors instead of the little porthole windows featured on the kit fuselage pieces. I've punched styrene discs and reamed the holes to take them. A bigger, squarer opening will have to be made and glazed on each side. The other issue I've started on is releasing the flaps and possibly the ailerons. The plastic of the wing top panel has the two flying surfaces incorporated whole, with the under panels just reaching to the hinge line. So this involves an angled cut right through the wing panel. I've got there with one of them.... Tough going but little and often will get there. I'll get the other flap off before I decide whether to tackle the ailerons as well. Anyway, I'm looking forward to having a companion Canadian Bush plane little skytruck on floats to sit with my Norseman 😎🇨🇦
  4. I've got a little bit of a thing for Lockheed aircraft, and especially the twin engined types. Postwar civil conversions are a fascinating topic in their own right and the L14 Super Electra and L18 Lodestar really bridging the jump from single engine 6-seater planes right up to the extraordinary and fabulous Constellation series of airliners. Fantastic bit of aviation history wrapped up here and of course the gamechanging WW2 thrown in to the mix.. I've done L14 Super Electras, even bashed the ancient Airfix Hudson into an example, and L18 Lodestars, and PV1 Venturas, and now I finally have a kit of the ancestor, the first of the twins, the little L10 Electra. ‼️Good old Special Hobby ‼️ Sad to see this little beauty with so much fame and history being marketed in some rediculous military splodge camo livery, an alternative scheme is supplied for the Romania Airforce..... I kid you not ⚠️😧 A 3rd option is catered for, as the Amelia Earhart Special which was lost without trace over the Pacific Ocean. This tragic loss makes it probably the most famous of the L10s. Amelia had already made some epic flights in the single engined Lockheed Vega, across the American continent and notably from Newfoundland across the Atlantic, landing in Northern Ireland with a few onboard difficulties and 100 gallons still in the tanks. It's reported that the authorities charged her import duty on the 100 gallons. Anyway, the kit is by Special Hobby who have been really raising their game over recent years. This kit has an air of being one of their earlier productions. Still very nicely done and moulded but perhaps a bit more "short run" in style with a number of resin cast pieces and a clear vacform cockpit Canopy. I'll be honest, I've made a start, sorting out the resin cockpit parts, before starting a WIP. Just in case I fell over the first hurdle 😋 Not sure that I like resin parts, and I hate working with CA superglue. But I managed. Somehow.... There's no reason they wouldn't produce these items in styrene now, I'm sure, but it probably seemed the way forward at the time. So I'm feeling Good to Go with this one 🤩 Bare metal foil of course for this, and the final livery to be decided. Not the Amelia plane as I want to have all the windows clear.... I'll just have to bide my time and explore the civil options. I'm well pleased to finally get my hands on one of these for my Lockheed collection
  5. So started this 1.72 airfix eurofigher from my collection. Started with the cockpit didnt want to use the decals for the control panel so painted them on as best i could Any comments about my ongoing build would be very much appreciated.
  6. Bristol's Blenheim, for better or worse, ranks as an iconic aircraft of the Royal Air Force. It once was seen, and promoted, as the fastest and most modern expression of air power. This was before hostilities with Nazi Germany commenced. Perhaps the true high point of the Blenheim's service career came shortly after its introduction to squadron service, at the Hendon air display of 1937, on the 26th of June, a Saturday. Here the Royal Air Force would show off its most modern aeroplanes, the first fruits of the program of expansion and re-equipment recently embarked on by the Air Ministry, before a crowd of tens of thousands who had paid sums ranging from a pound to a shilling for the spectacle. The program was planned to convey to the public the lesson that England's best defense was the bomber, able to wreak destruction directly on the foe. 114 (Hong Kong) Squadron, the first in the RAF to be equipped with the Blenheim, having received its first examples only in March, showed off the type's touted speed with a low level pass over the crowd by a vic of three. For this year's 'set-piece' performance, a 'Port Hendon' had been mocked up to be destroyed from the air. Blenheims of 114 Sqdn put in the first attack, outpacing the Gloster Gladiator fighters set to intercept them in defense of the port, though by script one was to fall out and dive away to represent a machine downed by anti-aircraft cannon. Heavier attacks followed on the port, most by other re-armament and expansion types such as the Whitley and Wellesley and Wellington. This model represents a machine of 114 Sqdn at the Hendon display of '37, with its turret in the retracted position. K7040 was the eighth production Blenheim, and was delivered to the squadron late in March. In February of 1938, it was struck off squadron charge and became, along with several other early arrivals to the squadron, an instructional airframe at No. 1 School of Technical Training. It was scrapped in the summer of 1943. It is a vintage Frog 1/72 kit, with a few small touchings up to give a bit more verisimilitude to the thing. The lower rear corner of the port side glazing is not clipped but square (if short), and a turret of more or less proper diameter and cylindrical shape contrived (by turning the kit piece upside down and capping it with a round of 1mm clear sheet). Decals are from the XtraDecal sheet, with a small hyphen added. This, and the outboard placement of the number, was a feature of the first dozen or so Blenheims delivered.
  7. I'm feeling quite drawn to tackling this project. Many years I spent living under the flight path of the Newquay departure planes heading over Lands End and out to the Fortunate Isles. The look I'm after is illustrated here... https://images.app.goo.gl/VRfZGWSZjehVSHSt7. It's the Revell box.... I've noticed that 26decals does a sheet that would nearly do the job, but it features a painted tail livery which isn't my first choice. I'm calling that plan B. I'm fancying the one in the link, with the "25 years" banner on the tail, but I'll have to see how that goes. Some rather clumsy graphics attempts on the chromebook laptop have produced nothing of much use. I can't even find a font for the G-BIHO reg lettering that gives the square style with rounded corners. Any way, there's an airframe to build and all I've done is look at the parts and consider my options. Looking at the sprues I notice the runners are embossed with the legend PK127. Yep, it's a Matchbox from the 80s. Only one shade of light grey in the plastic though. I bet the original Mbox kit was a festival of different bright colours! One thing I have achieved is cutting out the passenger door - its removal is not facilitated by the moulding but I eventually got it out. So perhaps some flooring and a back row of seats is called for 🤔 Other than that it all looks straightforward enough
  8. Well, there was me thinking that we've got LOADS of time on this group, all the way August...... and then I realised that June is basically gone and we're counting weeks rather than months 😲! So rather than get tangled up in a complicated multi project involving a bunch of Percival Vega Gulls, I'm opting for a simpler job in the hope of getting a finisher. It's another Vega - the Lockheed one. The decor supplied is for Amelia Earhart's "Little Red Bus", also described on the box as "Lady Lindy". Special Hobby box art also includes a little image of her Lockheed L10 in which she was lost out over the Pacific. This plane, the single-engined Vega 5B, she flew solo from Harbour Grace, Newfoundland to Derry in Northern Ireland in 15h 18m in May 1932, followed by her trans-continental coast to coast USA trip in August. Pretty good going for her and the plane! Looking like a nice simple build and paint job, no crazy pe bits etc. Afraid this GB, and the "Less than a tenner" group, has coincided with a fair bit of work stuff and a lack of modelling time for me, but I have some hopes for this one. 👍
  9. Greetings all, The first build of the new year is the Revell (Matchbox) Supermarine Walrus, which will likely be finished in post-war French Navy colors, as provided. Construction progresses fairly quickly, as there are only 3 seats in terms of interior detail. The interior was spray painted flat back and one of the hatches closed to hide the emptiness. The tailplanes fit so well that they actually clicked together without glue, but were glued anyways. The tail struts were all the correct length and fit into their holes well. In about 3 hours times, the Walrus looked like this: After this had been left to set for a while, construction continued this morning, and now she looks like this, ready for paint: The first layer of silver will be sprayed sometime tonight, and hopefully she will be all painted by the middle of next week. That's all the progress so far, Thanks all, Tweener
  10. In the mail today came the first of two 1/72 Gladiators by Matchbox, and on the way is a Microscale sheet that covers Gladiators and Furies. While paint dried on the top of the Walrus, I got to work. From the spares bin came a CMK resin seat for a P-40 and a control stick from a Hasegawa Ki-46, and these were promptly added alongside some inaccurate-but-better-than-nothing sidewall framing. An equally inaccurately shaped instrument panel as added to the back side of the parts that form the top of the nose. In the coming days the proper interior paints will arrive and work will continue. For now, it looks like this: https://www.flickr.com/photos/112759894@N05/50793640181/in/dateposted-public/ I likely won't spend any more time detailing the cockpit / adding the radio rack behind the pilots seat as I doubt what little I have done will be seen anyways. This first Gladiator will be finished in the kit provided scheme of an aircraft from No.73 (Fighter) Squadron at RAF Station Digby in 1938. The second will use an option from the Microscale sheet. That's all the progress so far. Thanks all, Tweener
  11. Hello all, Today I have a finished Matchbox Hawker Fury - a lovely kit really, and one I look forward to building again. Markings represent an aircraft from the RAFs 43 Squadron "Fighting Cocks" in the mid 1930s, but the red on the vertical tail is incorrect - I've learned not to always trust the instructions as a result. Otherwise I'm happy. The photo isn't great but in the absence of any real sunlight lately, it'll have to do. Happy holidays all, Stay safe, Tweener
  12. Today I have for you all a finished Hawker Demon - The Airfix Vintage Classics kit. Some of the struts are slightly short, especially those for the tail, and one cabane strut broke but was more or less repaired. Wheels were sourced from a Heller NiD 622 so that I had a hope of actually painting the tires. Not my best effort, but one I am happy with, Up next for my British interwar collection is a Fury, and then a Gladiator. The Fury will likely have Print Scale Decals, and the Gladiator will hopefully have Swedish markings. Thanks for looking, Tweener
  13. At last, here is my Matchbox 1/72 A.W. Siskin IIIA. Decals courtesy of @72modeler Wheels were sourced from an SH A17 Nomad as I would never be able to paint the kit wheels and felt these looked far better either way. Now to sort the wheels on an Airfix Demon... That's all for now, Thanks all, Tweener
  14. Hey all, I've made good progress on the Matchbox 1/72 Siskin IIIA. Thanks to Mike ( @72modeler) new decals are on the way. Other than forgetting to attach the gunsight in time, I'd say it's a very pleasant build, and I am thankful that the top wing went on well. That's all for now, Stay healthy, Tweener
  15. I was goaded into action to have another go at a half-built model of Walter Beech's fabulous little twin engined beauty. Sitting in the box of rejects was my half baked effort with this tricky Pioneer kit, while I watched in awe as the inestimable Moa charmed the same bunch of styrene into a striking replica of the plane, while doing a Vacform version too. I had to have another go..... Then I picked up a new one - PM have just reissued this in 3 versions - thinking my 2nd effort should be better 😏 And so, I have a double build on my hands! Decor is with reference to the AVA aeroplane, without being a replica. That would require some modifications on the airframe. Done in foil, without recourse to resin or add ons, it has been a character-building process at times, challenging and rewarding. Here are the 2 little rescals.... Airframe no.1, And no. 2, door open, interior seating, better shine and tidier foil, I'll try for a few more pictures when I get a chance 😎
  16. Hi Folk,s.Picked up a Humbrol boxing Of this kit for a mere £2:99 on Ebay. As soon as it arrives I.ll pop a few pics Before starting the seller had a photof the contents and the decals look good. Hope to maybe add either an Airfix Draken or Heller Thunderjet later on.
  17. Recently finished the little Hobbyboss Easy-build F84E. It still baffles me how they can make, ship and retail these items for £6 and the LMS guy can make a living...! I did this one in foil. The Academy plane I've had a while, and it's painted. I thought the very fine etching might be lost under the foil. Turns out I had nothing to worry about on that score. Academy plane got the HB rockets underwing, and donated the bombs to the HB. The rockets were a bit of a pain to get together. The HB front uc leg was way too short and I have a suspicion the wingtip tank flanges are oversized. Decals were super, and the kit is a miracle of moulding and production. Don't remember ANY issues with the Academy kit. Hobbyboss first.... Indoors. Academy next... Some more together... Great looking plane, much better looks than the swept wing Thunderstreak, but very first - generation jet. Some say it was called the "groundhog", being reluctant to get off the ground. But if you hang bombs on the wings like that, what do you expect...!!
  18. PT-109 (53215) Eduard 1:72 The PT-109 from Revell is getting quite long in the tooth now, even so, it’s nice to see it re-released. It can now also be detailed up with this set from Eduard, the first of at least two according to their website. PT109: The set comes in the standard poly sleeve and contains parts of the boat, a pre-printed flag and an acetate instrument panel, the weapons details will be in the next set. Included on the sheet are new hatches, which can be posed open, vent openings, which can also be posed open, torpedo tube rails and stops, cleats, machine gun mounting rings and bow hawse pipe. The exhaust silencers are fitted with new control rods, the liferings, new cleats and attachment surround. The skylights receive new grilles, while the deckhouses are fitted with new handrails. The cockpit is provided with new instrument panels, covers, hand holds, throttle levers, and a new flag locker. The mast gets new supports, while the front cabin roof is given new siren support brackets, handrails and the torpedo tubes fitted with new rear hatch ends complete with wing nuts. The kit can be finished off with a nicely painted ensign. Conclusion As mentioned above, the kit out of the box will make a nice model, but if you want something more, then this set will certainly go toward making a model with more finesse and improved detail. Review sample courtesy of
  19. Hi Folks, This is the italeri model mostly built OOB. Not the best kit ever but good enough to get a correct Intruder. I only added miscellaneous details, relocated some fences on the wing, drilled some holes and applied some filler (wings, windscreen...). The only extra parts are the decals from Hi-Decal Line. I used H308, H307 Gunze paints. Hope you like it. Cheers
  20. This is the fine 1/72 Mig 21 “Battle Damage” reboxed by Lindberg. The original kit was produced by IMC in the 1960s. Its trick feature was that you could build the kit with molded “battle damage”. I needed a quick fix for building something so did this in a weekend. The build process is here http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234973002-mig-21-battle-damage;-a-weekend-build/. I only did this kit to play with the battle damage feature. There was not any considerations to how accurate a kit this is, what needed to be done to correct it; the sole purpose was to play with painting the battle damage and having fun. Here are the results If you want to revisit the days when you just brought a kit home to get it built and play with it in the same afternoon, this is the kit for you. It was a blast. As always, all comments are welcome.
  21. I went to my local hobby store to buy a couple of tins of paint, $10.00 purchase max. Somehow I got lost. Even though I have been going there for years, I forgot how to get from the paint section to the checkout counter. So, imagine my surprise when, as I am searching for a way to get out of the store, I stumble across the old kit section. Seems like fate doesn’t it? I go in for some paint, get lost and am forced to look at old kits that have been purchased from other modeler’s stashes. And while there, 3 kits call out to me, beckon me, sing a siren song, making my wallet inexplicably rise into my hand, credit card appearing. So, with my tins of paint happily enjoying a 1/32 Revell F-104 Hunting Cat version, they try to speak to the two foreign kits that needed a new home. Both are 1/72 kits. I rationalized I needed a simple build to cleanse my palette from some of the more intense builds I was failing to complete. How complicated could a 1/72 kit be? Especially an old one. Both were from MPM. One was a Lavockin La 9/11 and the other a Suchoj SU-5. I opened the Suchoj SU-5 and congrats; I just bought my first Vacuform kit without even knowing it!! Yeah, that is not going to be the kit for my simple build. So, what’s in box number 2. I open it up and it is a regular injection molded kit with plastic I recognize! Whoopee!! Low parts count. Looks good. Did I mention I am not keen on sanding, filling, priming; sanding, filling priming? Easy to put together, every part has a seam, gap or misalignment. And, I do love a good, oversize vacuform canopy. So, my simple, easy build took 3 weeks rather than a leisurely weekend lark. It didn’t help the paint and the clear coats fought me by not playing nice with each other and creating these cute little bubbles. (Tiny bubbles, from the sea, tiny bubbles . . .) They had never interacted poorly before. On this kit they decide not to be nice. All in all though, it wasn’t a bad little kit and I like the way it looks finished. Next time, I guess if I want a simple build, it probably should be a snap together kit or one of those easy fit ones. Here for your perusal is the 1/72 Lavockin 11 version.
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