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BATUS-ish inspired diorama 1/35

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My latest project. BATUS inspired diorama. 

As for 45' - I was made aware by a colleague (LTC in BA who spent a lot of time in BATUS) that they should extend to the hull. 

As for lack of plates on Land Rover - it will be fixed in the nearest future, I'm waiting for the decals.

As for Challenger II... It lacks... Driver's hatch... 😳unfortunately previous owner of the sprues decided to butcher it out. I tried to fix it in the best way possible. Unfortunately I don't have skills to fix it in a better way... 😕

It was my first attempt at painting figures. I have to say that MTP is not the easiest camouflage to do, but it's close enough I believe. 

Land Rover portrays range safety vehicle. 


Anyhow, enjoy. Constructive critique always welcomed!




Challenger II from Trumpeter 
Land Rover from Italeri
Figures from Miniart 

Edited by Uapa
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8 minutes ago, Bertie McBoatface said:

Well you certainly love your acronyms. I just wonder what you’re talking about  😃

Clearly I've spent too much time in the uniform 😅🫣Apologies!


BATUS - The British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) is a British Army unit located at the vast training area of Canadian Forces Base Suffiel.


45' - (forty-fivers), it's a white stripe marking on the turret. It indicates the firing sector that should not be entered for safety reasons. 

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8 hours ago, Andy H said:

Nice one! Simple but very effective. 😎👍

Glad you like it! BATUS, prairie, is flat (well, there are some small hills and ditches...) so that was easy-ish 😅

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  • 3 weeks later...

A nice reminder of some good times. If I might make a couple of observations, the add on armour packs weren't fitted in BATUS and there should be vehicle zap numbers on the sides at the rear on all vehicles on the prairie.

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On 13/02/2024 at 19:33, neil5208 said:

A nice reminder of some good times. If I might make a couple of observations, the add on armour packs weren't fitted in BATUS and there should be vehicle zap numbers on the sides at the rear on all vehicles on the prairie.

Cheers mate! All comments are welcome, especially if made by those who served there. As for the armour packs... the idea for BATUS came after I've already glued them on.  Fault is mine, but let's call it creative licence 🙂
ZAP number is present on Chally on the front fender. I haven't seen pics of ZAP numbers in other space, but note taken for the future. LI & hopefully LL 🙂


On 15/02/2024 at 22:16, wellsprop said:




On 20/02/2024 at 12:06, Model Mate said:

Very nice diorama - how did you do the meadow grass? - looks fantastic!

Thanks! I have to admit, that the meadow grass a ready made product from Green World Stuff, although re-painted by me IOT make it more appealing. 

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Only just seen this thread. 

I was on MedMan 3 back in 1990 so it was Chieftans and 432 then. 

Really like your diorama though, I've got some picture frames to use as a base and some Model World grass mats and it's good to see how you have used them to great effect.

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On 06/03/2024 at 10:11, AndyK2479 said:

Only just seen this thread. 

I was on MedMan 3 back in 1990 so it was Chieftans and 432 then. 

Really like your diorama though, I've got some picture frames to use as a base and some Model World grass mats and it's good to see how you have used them to great effect.

Glad you like it , especially because you were at BATUS! 


Ready-made grass mats are really nice to work with. Especially if we tweak them tad bit. 

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