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Found 18 results

  1. Ok so this is only my 2nd model after a 23 year hiatus from the hobby. One of my brothers in my MC is a dedicated crew chief on the ospreys and since he is close to retiring from the USAF I wanted to recreate his bird as a gift. He sent me a lot of reference photos so I hope he likes it. This is the MV-22 kit converted to the CV-22. I used the Red Fox 3d cockpit details, scratch-built the cargo area, used various PE from Eduard and used the Black Dog CV conversion kit. Decals were mixed from the kit and from Caracal but I had to custom make the numbers for the tail (#0051, which is his birds tail number). I also installed red LEDs in the cockpit and cargo area to simulate an "operational" status and added blinking navigation lights to the engine nacelles. The Ospreys used to have a 2 toned scheme but the Air Force recently went to a 1 color paint job so he asked me to use that instead. Painted with a mixture of Tamiya acrylics and lacquers.
  2. Akatombo Works is to reissue shortly its 1/48th Pereira X-28A Osprey resin kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/atsushi.koyanagi.520/posts/pfbid0nf7KXH6ueii6cytYatuf3i75CKeDmh9S7LFDjfK2B8g4d1kU6XphqSi298iaw1VJl V.P.
  3. Last Friday CV-22B 08-0047 (Knife 71) made a planned visit to Newquay Airport, a rare sight in Cornwall and something worth getting the wife to keep my dinner in the oven for. Things didn't quite go to plan for the crew who ended up staying in Cornwall for five nights. I popped by the airfield the next morning hoping to catch its departure but it soon became obvious that the Osprey was going nowhere. With rumours that another one was on the way down with parts I decided to hang around for an hour. While waiting this Spanish Navy Citation arrived for a quick stop, surprisingly either unnoticed or ignored by others waiting to see the second Osprey. The second Osprey, 11-0059 eventually arrived for a quick gas and go.
  4. Hobby Boss is to release in 2019-2020 a new tool 1/48th Boeing Bell MV-22 Osprey kit - ref. 81769 Source: https://www.facebook.com/TrumpeterModel/photos/pcb.1159171700908088/1159171487574776/?type=3&theater V.P.
  5. Hello All, I've started an Airfix Hawker Demon, as the first of a planned sequence of builds covering the Hart family from various kit manufacturers. For these builds I have an Airfix Hart and a Demon - the Demon (Left) is a modification of the Hart mould (Right), "modernised" with added fabric sag (shame!). I am using up my dodgy Hart with a warped top wing and slightly warped fuselage - I still have a mint one in the stash. The Demon seems to be about 3mm short and the fin/rudder is off compared to photos, but otherwise pretty accurate in outline. The Mushroom Model book plans and the Air Pictorial plans both match the kit, but they come up about a foot short. The old Harleyford/Aeromodeller plans show the right length. First stage was to lengthen the fuselage and add some cockpit detail. I rebuilt the gunners cockpit as well, as the Airfix one doesn't really line up against my references. So here's where I am Thanks for looking, Adrian
  6. Happy New Year all! Last year I completed the illustrations for Osprey's Aircraft of the Aces #114 on Ki-61 and Ki-100 Aces, written by Nicholas Millman of http://www.aviationofjapan.com. Since the book has meanwhile been published, I'd like to show you a few samples. Research by Nick and myself. All images © Osprey Publishing. Ki-61-I Otsu of the 78th Sentai: Ki-61-I Tei of the 244th Sentai Detail of the score board: This graphic gives you an idea of the amount of research that goes into each profile: Ki-61-I Hei of the 56th Sentai: Colourful Ki-100-I Otsu of Akeno's 111th Sentai: Ki-100-I Otsu of the 5th Sentai: A close-up of the tail unit and "Nine-headed Dragon" inscription: A Ki-100-I Ko of the 59th Sentai with P-51 victory marking under the cockpit and 3rd Chutai markings on both vertical and horizontal tail planes: Sample line drawing of a Ki-100-I Otsu: For those who are on Facebook, I have an artwork page at https://www.facebook.com/AviationArt.Aero and a group dedicated to the Ki-61/100 at https://www.facebook.com/groups/Ki61Tony/ Many thanks for looking! Ronnie Olsthoorn
  7. Hi all Here is my latest creation. It is Italeri's 1/48 MV-22 Osprey in the colours of HMX-1 operating as an escort to the US President when travelling in Marine 1. I have added extra antennas and dropped the flaps as every picture of Ospreys has the flaps dropped. Regards Mick
  8. http://happy.ap.teacup.com/applet/runchickens/msgcate18/archive?b=30
  9. Bell Boeing MV-22 Osprey, pics thanks to member "Fights On" taken on board USS MAKIN ISLAND LHA-8.
  10. Kit manufacture: Italeri Scale: 1/48 Type: Osprey Extras used: Xtradecal decals, PJ production pilots, Hasegawa flight crew, Base from coastal kits, Added leds and motors, Eduard canopy masks Paints and colours used: Mr hobby and tamiya Started this a while ago, built it for my brother who loves ospreys. Thought i would add some motors and lights to experiment. Motors are ok but need to redo the part which connects into the props as its a bit off centre and not spinning right (see vid) Decided to add a couple of figures to add a bit of interest. My first kit with raised panel lines, i decided to use stretched sprue to replace the panel lines which were sanded off. Looks ok but i think next time ill give the full rescribing job a go. Pictures not up to my usual standard as with the base its rather large and was a pain to photograph! Anyway hope you like, ive put a link to the video of it in operation at the bottom Here is the vid.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQGZPnSAJJ0
  11. I was walking through my local hobby shop and spied this lovely little kit. Since I am in awe of the build Nigel Heath is doing on the regular Hasegawa Osprey (link is here http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234970276-172-hasegawa-mv-22b-osprey/), I thought I would give him a tongue in cheek run for his money with this kit. I will show him eggzactly what his build is missing in detail and authenticity. The obligatory box art. And the sprues, in two colors even! I really like how they packaged the canopy and wish they would do this on all kits. If every manufacturer did this I wouldn’t have to polish out so many scratches and/or cracks. First up the cockpit It is loaded with details, right? Who needs photo etch with this much kit detail. There will be a figure that I am sure will fill the void. After spending milliseconds upon milliseconds preparing, detailing and painting the cockpit, the fuselage halves are joined. The horizontal stabilizer is assembled The tailplanes are added and the entire tail plane assembly is attached to the airframe The main wings are built The propeller and engine units are built And, of course with one oops The wing assembly is attached to the airframe The undercarriage is attached And the final nose piece is attached And here is the airframe ready for painting !! The airframe gets its first coat of paint. (A three tone grey scheme). While that dries, I begin work on the pilot. Not a lot of detail. The pilot comes with 2 faces, one wearing the visor and the other exposing the face. The half with the visor down fits great. The half I chose with the face exposed, not a great fit. Some sanding and filing and And here she is all tarted up and very shiny Now I don’t know why Mr. Heath is taking days upon days and just lollygagging around with his build. It took me more time to upload the above photos and write this text than it did to get to the painting stage. The entire build time for the kit to the painting stage (the wheels and cockpit are not installed) took a whopping 30 minutes. That includes making sure the engines would still rotate and work! The finished product is here And here it is with its other playmates This was not a weekend build, this was, from the time I got it back from the hobby shop to the time final pictures were taken, a 24 hour build. Most of the time was spent letting coats of paint dry. So, Mr. Heath, you need to get your eggs in a row, unscramble your priorities and get cracking on your build. I put together this highly complicated, detailed and museum quality kit in less time than it takes you to make 2 saw cuts on a door assembly. Is your brain fried or something? I guess the yolk is on you, huh? Seriously, if you want to see what an Osprey should look like visit Nigel’s thread. The work he does is magnificent and amazing. I do not understand how he can get so much detail in 1/72. I hope he doesn’t take offense to my omelet of a build!! As always, all comments are welcome; sure hope I don’t get poached!
  12. Bell Boeing MV-22 Osprey 1:72 Revell The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is unique in being the only tilt rotor aircraft in service in the world. The programme had an extremely long gestation period since it's inception in the early 1980's until the first production airframes were delivered in 1999. The concept was conceived in the early 1980s as a result of the failed Iranian hostage rescue mission. The US DOD started the Joint-service Vertical take-off/landing Experimental (JVX) aircraft program, with the USMC taking the lead as it was more suited to their operations. Interest was shown but virtually all major defence contractors of the day, with Bell partnering with Boeing Vertol to propose a larger version of the Bell XV-15. This would be the only proposal the US DOD would receive and a contract was awarded in 1983. The first now re-designated V-22 Osprey would roll out to the press in 1988. The project has survived many problems over the years. US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney tried to withdraw funding but was overruled by The US Congress. The programme has seen significant cost increases which were not helped by requirements for folding rotors. The unit cost of a V-22 is roughly double that for a CH-53 which has a greater payload. Early squadron readiness was a big issue with at least one Squadron commander being relieved of duty for falsifying records. The main user of the V-22 is the US Marine Corps, with the US Air Force Special Operations command using some aircraft for special forces operations, and for combat search & rescue. The Osprey is also being purchased by the US Navy for its COD requirement. So far the only overseas sale has been to Japan. Interest has been shown by Israel, South Korea, India, and the UAE. The Kit Here Revell have re-boxed the Italeri kit which dates all the way back to 1989. Thus it is really a prototype airframe not a production one. The detail is generally raised. On opening the instructions it is evident that Revell have moved to 3D CAD type instructions like another well known manufacturer. These are now in full colour. Construction starts in the cockpit (where else!) with the two seats. The two seats are identical where I think they should be handed. They also do not seem to represent the ones I have seen on line. As the seats are crashworthy they don't mount to the floor but the rear cockpit bulkhead. The instrument panel and centre console are made, giving a fair representation of the all glass cockpit. Two basic control columns are added. Next the main cabin is built up. Each side has moulded in representations of the rear troop seating with 12 seats each side. These are moulded in the stowed position. The two internal sides are fixed to the floor and the rear bulkhead part. The windows then need to be added inside the main fuselage half's. The two part rear ramp is then constructed. This can be modelled in the open or shut positions, with rams being provided for the down position. Once the ramp is in place in the right fuselage half, the cockpit and rear compartment can be added, along with the front gear well. Once these are in the main fuselage can be closed up. Construction then moves to the wing and engines. The main wing is made up from a traditional one part top, with left & right lower parts. The engines like the real thing are a bot complex. The first order of business to make the two propeller hubs, these are then put to one side. The lower parts of the main engine pods are then constructed. These are designed to move on the ends of the wings so care is needed in their construction. Once done they can be attached to the end of the wings. The rotors are then built up and added to the hubs. These can then be attached tot he front part of the engine pods, again these are designed to turn. The front part of the engines with the props attached can then be joined to the rest of the engine on the end of the wing. Only now is the wing added to the fuselage (though I suspect many will do this earlier). The tail unit is then constructed and added to the main fuselage. The next and last major step is to make up the landing gear. This is fairly basic on the kit, and the wheel wells lack any real detail. Each pair of main wheels is constructed on a main leg with a retraction strut being added. The main gear doors are attached to the fuselage with three hinges each, which are separate parts and need attaching to the doors first. For the front wheels the gear door will need to be split if doing a wheels down model. There are two wheels for the nose gear which attach to the central leg. Next the FLIR turret, refuelling probe and cockpit glazing are added (the glazing looks a bit thick and there is very poor definition of the frame lines). Lastly the main rotors are added to the engines. Decals Decals are provided for one option only. MV-22C 168300 belonging to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Sqn 264 VMM-264 "Black Knights" The decals are printed in Portugal as opposed to the usual Italian decals. They look thicker than normal, not as sharp; and very matt. Conclusion This is an old mould now of a prototype airframe and does not really reflect an "in service" machine. The modeller will have to work if they intend to portray it as such. Revell model kits are available from all good toy and model retailers. For further information visit;
  13. I gather there are a few people on BM who appreciate Egg Planes, and some who don't ... this in an RFI for those who do ... First up ... Bell Boeing MV-22 Osprey - 168238 / EG-00, VMM-263 "Thunder Chickens", USMC - Hasegawa Eggplane - OOB with additional home-made decals, brushed acrylics. Lockheed Martin F-16C Block 30 Fighting Falcon. Aircraft flown by Col. Dennis Swanstrom, Wing Commander 185th Fighter Wing, 174th Fighter Squadron "The Bats", #85565, Iowa Air National Guard. Hasegawa Egg Plane, home-made decals, Humbrol acrylic spray. McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) F/A-18C Hornet - J-5011, 11th Staffel, 13th Fighter Wing, Swiss Air Force. Hasegawa Eggplane - OOB build with home-made / spares decals, brushed acrylics. McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) F/A-18C Hornet - 164899 “Chippy Ho!”, VFA-195 “Dambusters”, US Navy. Hasegawa Eggplane - OOB build with Tamago decals, brushed acrylics. Curtiss P-40N Warhawk, 2106396, 502nd "Parrot Head" Fighter Sqdn, 337th Fighter Group - U.S. training unit, Napier Field, Alabama 1943. Hasegawa Eggplane. OOB buildwith mix of kit and home-made decals. Comments welcome as ever, including eggscruciating puns if needs be.
  14. Hello everyone, Here is the Hasegawa's MV-22 Osprey 1/72 kit that I finished a while ago. Really nice kit, great quality and very enjoyable to work with. I really recommend it. Sadly, I got some decals silvering, as I did not know those days about clear coating and Micro Sol. Anyway, I hope you like it! Best, Ricardo
  15. On Wednesday I popped down to Classic Air Force with some paint brushes to do a touch-up on one of the exhibits but not long after I arrived I heard a strange noise in the distance. The cloud base was almost zero and I couldn't even see the control tower across the runway. The 'strange noise' passed somewhere over the top of us but came back 10 minutes later by which time the cloud base had lifted to a couple of hundred feet. The visitor turned out to be this Osprey, the first time I've seen or heard one. Fortunately it parked right outside the museum for a couple of hours.
  16. USAF CV-22B from 7th Special Operations Squadron, 352nd Special operations Group at RAF Mildenhall. Pics thanks to Gary Wenko. All copyright remains with him.
  17. Build 14 I picked this up cheap on eBay and was going to give it a quick repaint and US markings but then I bought Sweet's Sea King and found that the decal sheet has two sets of RAF SAR markings. So I've decided to do it as a Whif RAF rescue aircraft instead. I'm hoping to be able to separate a few parts to make things easier to paint and I have a few repairs to do as a couple of blades are bent and the nose probe is broken. Unfortunately there's not much I can do to improve surface detail as the fuselage and wings are die-cast but I will be fitting a few SAR bits and bobs as I go. Price: £1.50 from eBay
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