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  1. There's a GB currently running on Large Scale Modeler with the subject of anything twin engines so I started this kit as part of it. Having been a BSG fan from when the original one was still new on TV through the more recent re-boot, I should have been more excited about the new kits when Moebius started making them. For whatever reason I wasn't until after they had been discontinued. Thankfully my LHS still had some in stock so I bought what they had. In 1/32, this is a big kit. The upper hull still in plastic. There's not a lot of parts so it was quick and easy to do a mock up.
  2. Death has come to your little networking hub. You can either ignore it, or you can give my latest build a like.
  3. Death has come to your little networking hub. You can either ignore it, or you can give my latest build a like.
  4. Hi all, calling this done, I added some scratch built high voltage capacitors with some colour changing SMD lighting. Maybe this will bring a bit of a spark to the monster's bride! Happy modelling! Just for fun I've uploaded a cheesy video!
  5. Here is my RFI of the Moebius 1/25 scale 1961 Pontiac Ventura. This is my forth Moebius car kit and, unlike the previous three which fell together ('55 Chrysler 300, '54 Hudson couple and '65 Plymouth), this one exhibited some pretty challenging fit issues on the front bumper and both front and rear windscreens. The rear window upper frame is still not quite flush with the roof but I'm afraid I'll ruin the paint if I tried to do any additional tuning (I'm still learning the fine art of knowing when to stop particularly near the end of a build). Despite these challenges, this was a fun one to paint and assemble. This two-tone green color scheme, Jadestone metallic green with Seacrest green top, was inspired by a beautiful build of this same kit I saw posted on another auto modeling forum last year. Basecoat paints for these original factory colors were ordered from Scalefinishes.com and the finished body clear coated with Tamiya TS-13. Tamiya acrylics and Alclad polished aluminum were used for other painted surfaces. I've always thought that these early sixties "bubble top" coupe designs from Bill Mitchell's years running GM styling were/still are very futuristic looking. I have the Catalina version of this kit which I hope to build as an early super stock drag car. Thanks for looking. Cheers, John
  6. Time to live up to my namesake of Models "and Monsters". Years ago I got this kit but I told myself i'd never even attempt it until I learned to airbrush and get good at it. I feel that time has finally come. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays and since I won't get to do jack poo-poo this year I might as well spend the month of October unearthing this figure from it's native soil. This is Moebius' Bela Lugosi Dracula in 1/8 scale.
  7. Happy Halloween. My 1/8 scale Dracula by Moebius has risen from the unholy plastic that laid within it's earth box and molded into the undead creature of the night. What music they make.
  8. He's right behind the door. The unholy creature of the night will rise on Halloween.
  9. 10 days remaining till Halloween, thankfully i'm "ahead" of schedule.
  10. I've been meaning to get into this group build for a while, but coming up with a kit took some doing - a lot of the more memorable kits I built in my youth are quite rare and expensive these days (Airfix Saturn IB and Boy Scout spring to mind, as do a lot of Aurora kits). I knew I had this kit, but it was in my secondary stash in my mum's loft, and I've only been able to retrieve it recently due to the lockdown. Back in 1973, when I was 9 or 10 years old, I built a lot of the Aurora glow-in-the-dark monster kits, missing just King Kong and Godzilla. For some reason I remember they were 79p each back then, so I don't know how I afforded them. In 2008 I saw the Moebius reissue of Dr Jekyll as Mr Hyde in Modelzone for £20, which seemed a good deal at the time. Some pictures are, I think, called for here. The box: The main parts: The clear parts: The glow parts: The instructions: and I even found the receipt, which is how I know when I bought it: I've started construction, but it needs some paint on his shirt front and trousers before I can assemble his lab coat.
  11. This is finally here, I have been waiting for this GB for a while now as it gives me a chance to build a few models I have been waiting to build. This was actually the last one I acquired but one I had had my eyes on for a while. This is a simple but nicely moulded model which is also available from Revell. There is a place in the states where you can get this model and the PE bit for cheaper then the model on eBay (actually the model was cheaper than any of the Retells ones on evilBay!). They even give you a choice of “chests” for the pilot……oh Starbuck!!! Nice instruction set as well. As the model is large-ish it’s crying out for extra detailing, and me being me…….. There are a couple of companies that do AM stuff for it. One being Green Strawberry who do a combined “FruitPACK” PE set which has the interior and exterior detail sets. This should be a nice fun GB to finish the year off for me, can’t wait to start.
  12. I'd like to introduce my Galactica. Moebius, Paragrafix PE's, a few Shapeways parts, a lot of scratch, additional Greeblies and lights. Normally I build historical ship models out of materials like pear, boxwood or something like that 😛 but SciFy was always my 2nd passion and so I took a break from wood and learned to work a little plastic. The Galactica is my first "real" plastic model and my first airbrush, fiberglass, decals, etched parts experience. Thanks for watching, Dirk
  13. Moebius 1/32 BSG raider with a Tyridium Models lighting kit. Painted mostly with Tamiya rattlecans and a bit of artistic license.
  14. I think this is finished now. OOB with additional Eduard seatbelts from their 1/32 BAe Hawk (T Mk53 iirc). airbrushed with a mix of Humbrol, Revell and Tamiya acrylics thanks for looking, hope you like it
  15. TOS Cylon Raider Battlestar Galactica 1:32 Moebius Models Battlestar Galactica first aired in September 1978 and at the time was one of the most spectacular television programmes produced. It was created by Glen A Larson, based on an idea he had in the 60s for a show called Ark, however it was not until the success of Star Wars in 1977 that interest in the show developed. BSG is about the fight between two races, the Humans and the Cylons, the Cylons are robots built by the humans that have rebelled and formed a race in their own right. The humans have split in to 12 colonies having left earth centuries before. After the Cylons attack and destroy the 12 colonies a rag-tag band of Humans survive and in various ships come together to try and find the mythical home planet of Earth. The Cylons follow the Human fleet in Basestar ships with the Raider ship used as the primary fighter craft. The Raider is crewed by three Centurions, two up front at the controls to pilot the craft and the third in a raised chair behind to co-ordinate and command. It is armed with two forward facing laser cannons and can also carry bombs in bays under the wing. Oval in shape the Raider has two sub light engines and is both space and atmosphere capable. Its large size means it is often out outmatched by the Colonial Vipers of the Human fleet which are more manoeuvrable and piloted by the mor skilful Colonial Warriors like Apollo and Starbuck. The original series still has a large fan base and this was added to when the series was re-imagined in 2004 with a 4 season TV run. The Kit Moebius have produced a monster of a kit, 44cm x 33cm, that is not apparent when you first get the box, which is the usual 2 part slide over type and 34cm x 26cm x 14cm in size. This boxing is also a commemorative one celebrating 35 years since the original series aired and comes with a limited edition print. The parts count is fairly low for such large kit, just over 50 including the stand. The moulded detail of the parts however is excellent and the plastic is a light grey in colour. The main body parts, 10 in total are not on sprues but bagged separately. There are 6 sprues for the rest of the parts, 4 in the grey plastic and 2 clear providing engine and stand parts. Construction starts with the two engines which are built up of 4 parts, 3 plastic for the surround and fins and a clear part with two rings moulded in. These are installed into the lower body section along with parts for the intakes before the top section of the main body is fitted. The next 4 stages see engine fairings, housings and cockpit parts added as well as detail parts for these areas. The wings are up next consisting of an upper and lower section and detail parts. These are then fixed to the main body and the wing trench cannons added. The final stage is to add the 2 part stand. There is no cockpit detail as this is behind a blacked out louvered type canopy and Moebius provide a grey plastic part for this. The last 2 pages of the instructions contain the painting guide, the pictures are black and white and the only colours called out are Pale Grey, Cool Grey and Black, no reference numbers are given for any manufacturer and it would pay to do a little bit of research using your favourite Internet search engine. The only decals provided are for the green pentagon markings on the upper surface of each wing. There are 2 large black stripes on each wing and Moebius provide a template for these within the instructions and with the detail parts on each wing this appears to be the best solution as decals would be difficult to get to sit down over all the compound surfaces. Having previously built one of these it is an impressive model when built, the only construction issue is the large joint in each wing trench where the 2 main body sections meet but an ample supply of filler and sanding sticks will soon rectify it. The 2 part stand is another issue, it is of the old Airfix style with a tab and slot connection to the model. Due to the size of the finished model it has insufficient contact area to keep the model steady and it reacts like a bobblehead when touched! Conclusion Overall this is a good kit and goes together well with few issues to produce a large scale replica of the Raider used in the original series. It cries out to be lit and there are several aftermarket lighting kits available as well as a cockpit kit which provides the 3 Centurions that crew it and a PE replacement cockpit louver. If you are a fan of the original Battlestar Galactica series then this is a must have kit. Review sample courtesy of UK distributors for
  16. Moebius 1:6 Cylon Centurion, built straight OOB
  17. Batmobile Batman v Superman 1:25 Moebius Models There have been a number of Batman reboots since the original Adam West series of the 1960s. The latest reboot pitches Batman against Superman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and like all the reboots the caped crusader has a Batmobile! This version has a style of its own but with a slight nod to previous versions, particularly the Tumbler car from the Dark Knight films. The Batmobile is a self-propelled armoured vehicle fitted with an array of weaponry and one or two non-standard extras! BvS Batmobile was designed by Patrick Tatopoulos and Dennis McCarthy and is 20ft long and 12ft wide at the back. Unlike other versions of the Batmobile this one raises and lowers to perform various actions in the film. As with Ben Afflecks Bat suit there are nods to the original cartoon Batmobile and in the film Bruce Wayne builds the Batmobile himself and this too is portrayed in the shape and style of the vehicle. The film studio have given a credible back story to the new Batmobile, it has been built single handed in seclusion by the Batman and has earned its reputation as the main predator around the streets of Gotham City. Powered by an unmatched hybrid of prototype military and civilian performance technologies and having military grade armaments, stealth capability and active protection systems. Some of the basic facts (or should that be fiction) about this new Batmobile include: Twin 0.50 caliber retractable machine gun turret Fully armored Stealth capability Anti-ballistics system 3.2te in weight Estimated top speed of 205mph There are suggestions from the studio that as this incarnation of the Batman develops over a number of films so will the Batmobile develop as Bruce Wayne adapts it with new technologies and gadgets to assist in the fight against crime in Gotham City. The Kit On to the model kit, Moebius present this version of the Batmobile in their usual 2 part box, which is a decent size for a 1:25 car kit. On opening the box it is apparent that there is a lot plastic with this kit, the box is rammed! A picture was taken straight away as I wasnt sure I would be able to get it all back in the box and get the lid on![\size] The kits parts are a grey plastic and arranged on 8 sprues plus a clear sprue and 4 large vinyl tyres. There are no decals with the kit and the instructions are a large format 12 page booklet with the build explained in both pictures and words over 8 stages. The instructions also have a 2 page spread of colour photos of the completed car giving both main and detail paint colours. Construction starts with the engine block which comes in 3 parts and sits in the chassis, this is followed by assembly of the rear axle and gearbox. Detail on these parts is scant but as most of it will be hidden once the body work is fitted this is not a major issue. Next up is the front suspension and uprights. Engine bulkheads and side panels are fitted to the chassis next before the front suspension is added. The wheels and tyres are tackled in stage 3, allegedly the tyres for the film car came from a piece of Iranian farm machinery! Stage 4 adds the wheels and fenders to all four corners of the chassis, as well as headlights and exhausts. The interior of the car is the subject of stage 5 and is open to a bit of extra detailing if you have the reference pictures available as it is quite sparse, being made up of only 6 parts. Stage 6 builds up the canopy, the twin machine gun turret and the front wing, the last two of which are fixed to the upper body panel. Stage 7 deals with the two wings that sit over the rear deck of the Batmobile and their intricate spider like supports. Stage 8 brings all the major sub-assemblies together before adding the canopy as the final part. The canopy is a single piece but in the film it opens in two halves and Moebius have possibly missed a trick here by not giving the builder the option to build it open. That said it would be a fairly easy conversion to make if you wanted too. Conclusion Another great kit from Moebius of the latest Batmobile, detail on the mouldings is crisp and panel lines nice. This will build to be a large model and those tyres!! The only down side for this reviewer is the lack of being able to have the doors open but that should not be a difficult task. Review sample courtesy of UK distributors for
  18. My first plane model. I m a Battlestar galactica fanatic, some kits are waiting in my stock but this is my first try for plane modeling...
  19. I decided to drag out of my stash this old kit that I had for 15 years, I thought it was about time to give it its sea trials. I've used fibre optics to light the rear fins and sail and some smds for the bow lighting and 1 red led for the interior lighting. I added a floor for the decking and some old photo etch on the walls that is just about visible through the tiny windows. I tried to build the diorama as close to the screen capture from the original 17 foot model. I hope you enjoy the Voyage.
  20. This diorama was based on the first action that the tumbler was seen in from the first movie of the trilogy Batman Begins where the tumbler is driven over the Gotham police car with commissioner Gordon gasping "I gotta get me one of those!". I started this 3 kit diorama last August but stopped working on it over the winter mainly because I had to work out how to pass all of the wires from the tumbler through the back window of the police car into the base to be powered up for lighting. I eventually got round to finishing it two months ago, you can see the clip from the movie at the bottom of the post.
  21. Model: Moebius Models Iron Man Mk. VI (0922) Scale: 1:8 Hey guys! Finished this earlier in the year but only now getting around to posting it. I enjoyed the build over all but the seams were a killer!! I'm happy with the result after all the pain though Any questions just fire away! Thanks for looking! Vinny
  22. New Moebius Kits Now In Stock A-MMK901 - Moebius 1:24 - Lost In Space 'Space Pod' Plastic Model Kit A-MMK913 - Moebius - Jupiter 2 A-MMK920 - Moebius 1:25 - Batman Dark Knight Pod A-MMK965 - Moebius The Derelict - From Lost In Space Visit our website for more information. www.creativemodels.co.uk Keep upto date with us on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook...ativeModelsLtd/
  23. I bought this a couple of years ago and have wanted an excuse to dig it out of the stash for a while. I'm going to be building it as an operational combat variant in camouflage with lighting. There's some nice detail on the base. The main torso parts came in a poly bag already off the sprue, I popped them together to give a better idea of the size.
  24. Hi folks, Our club is running its annual Build-the-Same-Kit competition and one of the nominated models was the BSG Viper. Luckily we got enough votes and there are now four of us building them. I was going to do the new Mk. 1, but I found a cheap Mk. 2 so I thought I might try and build both. So far I've washed the sprues (long soak in warm soapy water, then clean with a toothbrush and rinse) since they felt greasy. They still feel not quite right, so I think I might give the sub-assemblies another wash before priming. I've done a tape-assisted dry-fit of both kits, and the difference is not quite night and day, but certainly pronounced. From my limited experience with Moebius their CAD is quite good, but the tool making and moulding quality control is so-so. So once you get the parts cleaned up they fit, but cleaning up can be a pain. The Mk. 2 engineering is a bit wacky too - too many interlocking bits. The Mk. 1 however is really good - great fit, much less clean-up required, and the way it slots together in paintable sub-assemblies is fantastic. It's also got a bit more presence than the Mk. 2 and better surface detail. I'll take some pictures tomorrow, then I need to start cleaning things up properly. I'm going to do the Mk. 2 in flight, and be brave and deal with the split-down-the-middle gear on the Mk. 1. I also have the Paragrafix sets (not really essential but I wanted to try them) and a very nice resin Starbuck/Apollo figure from the original series. The aim is to rig up some nice interactive lighting using cheap microcontroller boards, will see how that turns out. Cheers, Will
  25. Is there any inbox reviews of these knocking about? I have a set inbound just wondering how they are vs the 1/32 kit.
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