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Found 12 results

  1. Hi all, I've been working on this project for approximately 4 months now and have finally gotten round to finishing her off. Started back in October 20 and have had a 2 month deployment sandwiched in-between. Throughout the decalling process I noticed there were not enough 'NO STEP' decals so the drop tank fins haven't been marked up after all the fuselage decals were placed. I also need to work on my abilities not to snap off pylons, to that end, the model has to be displayed with the wings swept forward. I went with that position due to displaying the model with the airbrakes and AAR probe extended too. This is my first post so bear with me...
  2. One that I only realised earlier today, and have consulted Dansk about. At age about 15, I built the Airfix MRCA kit - making an absolute pig's ear of the paint job. I hadn't mastered masking, trying to paint the white aircraft freehand. What a mess, mine finishing up black - well over a decade before The Saint Tornado. I have built an Airfix MRCA since then, for the 2017 Prototypes, Experimentals, Record -breakers, and Firsts GB. This is the origin for future Airfix 1/72 Tornado GR kits, rendering this kit eligable for me. Costing me £9 an IPMS Avon show in 2014. We might see a repeated paint botch, as I might not have all the correct shades. This kit has just one decal option - which suits me. That 617 Sqdn Dambuster 70th Anniversary. And here are the parts.
  3. Sorry if this has been asked before... Just gathering up the parts to make 1/72 Tornado GR4/4A in Afghanistan. I believe I have seen photos of GR4's fitted with RAPTOR and TERMA fitted at same time and would like to model one of these. I will be using the Revell GR1 kit with the Freightdog conversion set and would like to know a typical load-out that would be include the RAPTOR and TERMA. Over to you guys. Stuart
  4. Folks, am after some help. Have been tasked with building the Marham 100th Special Tornado and am looking to see if any decal sets are available. Thanks for your help
  5. Hi all, I'm currently working through a 'what if' of the Airfix 1/72 Tornado. Needless to say, those who have built it will know just what it is like. I was going to build it Grey as it should be, but then I had an idea after I had primed it black, how good they look in black. I was going to give it a night fighter scheme, but then opted for a 'what if' of a bomber command special livery, as the Op Granby Tonka is at the moment. I'm going to use a mix of aftermarket Granby decals, and the kit decals. I thought this would be a good idea as I've never seen it done before. 'Primed' with a coat of Tamiya X-1 Photographed beside my girlfriend's Airfix C47 Masking for camo layed out. I tried to follow the examples set by the Halifax and Lancaster bomber styles. A couple of coats of Tamiya Flat Earth first. Followed by Tamiya RAF Dark Green 2 First unveiling of the masking efforts, the black is still X-1 but I changed that to NATO Black. The Hindenburger fuel tanks from the Revell equivalent, and I wasn't aware until afterwards that I put the fins on wrong. The underside, having been painted with Tamiya NATO Black, and Pitot probe painted silver. The blu tac was holding the fuel tanks straight while drying Top down view of the paint job. As she is now. Exhausts fitted, still needs some minor touch ups, clear coated, and awaiting decals and weathering. I have either a Harrier GR9 or SU27 to keep me entertained until I'm ready to progess with this kit.
  6. Good afternoon everyone, On Sunday I went to Cosford and picked up, among other things, an Airfix 1:72 TSR-2 and a Pit Road 1:144 TSR-2 "Strike Role". So, seen as I'm planning on doing the 1:72 TSR-2 as my local Cosford example, I thought- why not utilise the 1:144 kit's belly fuel tank and martel missiles to create a "what-if" variant? Based on other info on the internet: This is my interpretation of the TSR-2 GR4 as it could have served in the 1990-1 Gulf War. it is fitted with a targetting "pod" underneath the nose of the cockpit and a retractable refuelling probe on the side of the cockpit, as well as the 4 underwing pylons with Martel missiles. -RBF tags and engine nozzle FOD covers made from paper -Paint was mixed from a variety of Vallejo Air colours -Decals from the Airfix Buccaneer (And the obligatory comparison with a 1p coin) Thanks for having a look! Any comments are much appreciated. Kind regards, Sam
  7. ZA475 which is the gate guardian at RAF Lossiemouth. Pics thanks to Nigel Heath.
  8. ZD793 from the Lossimouth Engineering & Logistics Wing. Pic thanks to Nigel Heath.
  9. Hi Folks, This is the finished article - only took me 5 months. Unfortunately the Tornado groupbuild was just 4 months Build thread exists again, it's HERE Since i saw the pics i realised i'd missed a couple of blade antennae and the aircon hoses for the crew seats. They are now on! The wire support in the canopy is just so I don't have to glue it in place. This was (near enough) the 617 Sqn 60th Anniversary plane (AJ-T "It's Show Time") - very simple as the Squadron was actually fighting in Op Telic on the anniversary date. I believe this aeroplane was previously called "Rects Controllers Dream" and didn't actually fly any missions as it was used for emergency spares due to some tech problem. ("It's Show Time" was actually applied to AJ-J originally.) The noseart is wrong as applied to this aeroplane (too small and the writing in the wrong place), and the lightning strikes on the tail are also wrong. But hey! WHO CARES!! I know what it's meant to be. Al
  10. Hi gang, Not sure if anyone else is working on this kit, but I'm having trouble interpreting the paint scheme supplied with the build instructions -- seems like it's telling me to paint the same area of the aircraft two different colours, and also to paint the nose of the aircraft different colours (depending on the angle of viewing). If nobody else has this kit to reference what I'm talking about then let me know and I can upload a scan of the instructions...I may just be being dim but I've asked a few friends and they're all pretty stumped too. For those of you who do have the instructions, I'm talking about the apparent overlap in several areas of Dark Sea Grey and Dark Camouflage Grey. Oh, also worth mentioning that I'm building this OOB with the Humbrol paint colours it says to use!
  11. Well, this one is now finished. Its the Revell GR1 kit converted to a GR4 using Model Alliance decals to recreate the 12 B Squadron 90th Anniversary Jet from 2005. The plane was brush painted using a mix of Humbrol and Revell acrylics, with a Flory Dark Dirt wash applied for panel lines, and a Pitts pen used for oil staining on the ecu doors. Hope you like:
  12. Hi Here is za543 in 12 sqn anniversary guise. hasegawa gr1 converted to gr4 with Model Alliance gr4 update, verlinden deatil set and flightpath detail set. MA decals set and a lot of scratchbuilding which includes: engine, cockpit details, fin panel, taileron pivot, lrtms laser, detail to undercarriage, deatil to intakes and others any questions just ask graeme
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