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  1. ICM is to release in 2016 new tool Focke-Wulf Fw.189 Uhu kits - ref. 72291 - Focke-Wulf Fw.189A-1 Uhu WWII German Reconnaissance Plane (100% new molds) - Q2 2016 Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/ICM72291 - ref. 72292 - Focke-Wulf Fw.189A-2 Uhu WWII German Reconnaissance Plane (100% new molds) - Q3 2016 Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/ICM72292 V.P.
  2. AZmodel is to re-release 1/72nd Focke Wulf Fw.190A kits - ref. AZ7583 - Focke Wulf Fw.190A-0 Source: http://www.azmodel.cz/produkt/fw-190a-0/ - ref. AZ7583 - Focke Wulf Fw.190A-1 Source: http://www.azmodel.cz/produkt/fw-190a-1/ V.P.
  3. One of the things one can say about the Luftwaffe during WW2 is the sheer amount of projects, prototypes and machines that did achieve frontline service. The Focke Wulf Ta 154 is not one of them. Originally designed by Kurt Tank at Focke Wulf as a plane to counter the legendary RAF Mosquito, its first flight was on July 1st 1943. The plane was also to be built using wood, with a especial glue, Tegofilm, used to hold all the wooden parts together. However, as luck would have it, the RAF bombed the factory that manufactured the Tegofilm in Wuppertal, putting the factory out of comission. A replacement glue was used, but it disolved the wood, and that caused accidents. After the accidents, Tank ordered to halt the project, being accused by Göring of sabotage. Lots of to and fro was done and, in the end, the project was cancelled. I bought this kit yesterday with the Spitfire from Revell/Hasegawa in 48th. One of the things I did before walking away from the hobby shop was to check if the wings were warped (as Tom Cleaver had mentioned in his Modelling Madness review). Luckily, they weren't so I walked away happy. There're a total of six sprues, five in grey plastic and a clear one. There's no flash present. Decals, though being from 1999 (22 years old) looked OK. Not like Revell's current decals printed by Cartograf, but OK. I tested a small one and was happy to see it didn't break and it moved from the backing paper in no time. The single option is for Ta 154A-0 TQ+XE. Anyways, enough talking! Here are the photos. Boxart: Instructions and decals: Sprues (bagged to avoid losing parts):
  4. Pepelatz is to release 1/72nd Focke-Wulf Volksflugzeug Entwurf I & II resin kits Sources: Volksflugzeug Entwurf I : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=833464327025851&id=563609150678038 Volksflugzeug Entwurf II : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=833465423692408&id=563609150678038 V.P.
  5. Hallo This thread will become a chronology about the FW 190 A-6 and A-8. Most kits from Eduard. The decals will be from Eagle Calls. Code letters from Fantasy Printshop. In summery there will be 4 aircraft A-8 and two A-6. https://www.1001hobbies.de/decals-fuer-flugzeuge/9093-eagle-cal-eag48022-decal-focke-wulf-fw-190a-8-rs-ii-jg4-sturm-4-.html https://www.1001hobbies.de/decals-fuer-flugzeuge/9085-eagle-cal-eag48007-decal-focke-wulf-fw-190a-sturmjager-pt-1-4-white-.html Aftermarket products I do have a lot. 2 boxes! One version will be a A-5 converted to a G-3. In US service! How accurate the conversion will become, I do not know yet. https://www.pinterest.at/pin/57561701470917414/ One will be a D-9 from Eduard and one Ta-152 from Zoukei Mura. All in scale 1/48. However, some basic questions for this build are solved. One was concerning the gear. The others of the Sturmstaffel are solved due to the book: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=581894545&rlz=1C1SXXQ_deAT915AT915&hl=de&q=fw-190+sturmstaffel+1+book&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiy-Z6h-cCCAxWbhf0HHdJJBzMQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1920&bih=931&dpr=1#imgrc=xN0-fmKlfiTnIM&imgdii=3363IQ7Cmdn-RM So far for today. The building will start at Christmas or in 2024 after New Year! Happy modelling
  6. Hallo Since I want to build a captured Fw-190 G-3 and I have as source just a A-5 kit. Why to do it? I have a nice decal option from aftermarket I bought long time ago. The aircraft is overall white with Wr.#160057 And it is a big difference to every other Luftwaffe 190. https://captured-wings.fandom.com/wiki/Werk_Nr_160057 https://inchhighguy.wordpress.com/2020/06/17/captured-focke-wulf-fw-190s-of-the-79th-fighter-group/ So far I got it, I have to delete the fuselage MG's. Maybe there is some expert, for more detailed information! Thanks in forward! Happy modelling
  7. My3dbase has released 1/48th and 1/72nd Focke Wulf BMW P.8011 3D printed kits Source: https://www.my3dbase.com/shop/Focke-Wulf-BMW-P-8011-model-kit-p572864340 V.P.
  8. My3dbase has released 1/48th and 1/72nd Focke Wulf P03.222.004 Schnellbomber 3D printed kits. Sources: https://www.my3dbase.com/shop/Focke-Wulf-Schnellbomber-model-kit-p564216530 https://www.facebook.com/my3dbase/posts/pfbid02acwpdh8CydWN62gYhiV7Ta9vMsm5eMiGHvb2yWQFiA5vorzw6MyCgpF824KSWNFal V.P.
  9. Hello guys, I present you the finished Ta 154A-2 day fighter and single seater. The only modifications I did to the base kit were to eliminate the radarist's seat and to paint the rear part of the clear parts. Other than that, it was the box kit. The aircraft was painted to represent a single seater day fighter of JG300 during the Battle of Germany in 1946. By that time, the Bf 109G had been retired, together with the Bf 110 in both nightfighter and heavy fighter roles. Here are the photos.
  10. Fw.190D Resin Upgrade Sets (for IBG Models) 1:72 CMK by Special Hobby IBG have recently branched out to aviation models, with a new 1:72 Fw.190D their initial offering. CMK have brought these new upgrade sets to market on the basis that resin and 3D printed resin can improve the detail beyond what is possible with injection moulded styrene. As usual with CMK's resin sets, they arrive in the familiar clear vacformed box, with the resin parts safely inside, and the instructions sandwiched between the header card at the rear. Decals and Photo-Etch (PE) when included is separated from the resin parts by a clear piece of acetate to prevent scratching and damage during transit. The Quick & Easy sets are green-themed, while the new 3D Printed set is in orange, as is the resin within. Fw.190D Exhausts (Q72399 for IBG) These two resin exhausts are simple drop-in replacements for the kit parts, offering finer details and the impression of hollow exhaust tubes. They glue directly to the kit-supplied engine during construction. Fw.190D Main Wheels (Q72400) Another drop-in set with two resin wheels that have excellent detail on the hubs and tyres, with raised maker’s details and data on the sidewalls. These are suitable for almost all Fw.190D kits, although a little alteration of the mounting hole may be required for other kit brands. Fw.190A/D Seat (P72001) This set consists of a seat that has been directly 3D printed, plus a small fret of PE brass that makes up a full set of seatbelts for the pilot, and a further skin for the cockpit’s rear bulkhead with a small round part inserted into a part-etched recess in the skin. The set can also be used on other brands of Fw.190 kits, but the bulkhead may need some adjustment if you intend to use it. Conclusion A useful gaggle of upgrade sets for your new IBG 1:72 Fw.190D (or other brand) that increases the detail far beyond the abilities of styrene moulding, with minimal effort for the modeller at a reasonable price. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  11. Hello guys, my most recent project was this 32nd scale Fw 190F-8 from Revell. The kit was really nice to build, but I messed up the engine fit, which refused to fit between the two teardrop panels in the nose. I ended up removing the engine mounts and glued the engine to the cowling, which was then mounted to the fuselage. The aircraft chosen was Black 2 from Schlachtgeschwader 10, found in Czechoslovakia in May 1945. The sharkmouth on the main bomb was shown only in the White 70/Black 6 option, but I liked it so much that I decided to add it to Black 2.
  12. Deleted.
  13. Another future Hobby Boss 1/48th Fw.190 announced, the Focke Wulf Fw.190V-18 - ref.81747 Test build at the 55th All Japan Model & Hobby Show. Source: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/blog/1509254 V.P.
  14. Here are the photos of my most recent model, the Eduard Fw 190A-8 (new tool) modifed into an A-9. I used the 14 bladed cooling fan, paddle bladed propeller and Aeromaster decals to make an Fw 190A-9 from Schlachtgeschwader 10. My only complain is that the swastika seems too big, but I didn't want to use the one from the kit.
  15. Inspired by the ' the Grand Duke' comics, I want to build a Dora in the main characters scheme. As you can see there is a lot going on in this scheme and I'm not really up to speed on late war ('44-'45) Luftwaffe camo. Using some sites with RLM colours on I came to this: Wings top: RLM 81 Brunviolett RLM 75 Grauviolett Wings bottom: RLM 79 Sandgelb Aluminium Fuselage top: RLM 81 Brunviolett RLM 80 Olivgrun Fuselage sides: RLM 05 Elfenbein RLM 81 Brunviolett RLM 80 Olivgrun Fuselage bottom: RLM 05 Elfenbein RLM 78 Hellblau Does this correspond to any actual scheme?
  16. A quickie I did of a Fw190D-9 running up it’s engine..
  17. Here is my latest completion, Tamiya's elderly Focke Wulf 190 in 1/48. A really well engineered and easy build kit. Not up to Eduard standards but very easy to build with a decent level of detail OOTB. Totally brush painted with Humbrol and Revell acrylics, and the kit decals, which although a bit thick conformed well with decalfix. Thanks for looking, Cheers Greg
  18. Mini Art is to release a 1/35th Focke Wulf Triebflügel kit - ref. MA40002 Source: https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/755604/2/ http://www.moxingfans.com/new/news/2019/0508/5793.html https://www.facebook.com/tetramodel/photos/a.2474802349220072/2475722415794732/?type=3&theater V.P.
  19. Good night guys, after completing my Mustang, i decided to build next my second Academy Ta 183. It's a lovely kit with good details. Everything fits together nicely. Boxart: Decals: Sprues: Cockpit:
  20. German WWII National Insignia for Bf.109G-10 & Fw.190A-8 (3 sets) 1:48 Eduard Eduard’s decal range just keeps expanding, and as with their PE sets, they arrive in resealable foil bags with instructions to the front and the decals to the rear with a sheet of translucent paper protecting the printed adhesive side. Each set has a set of profiles to assist with placement, and where there are swastikas, they are provided in two-part decals for territories where the symbol is frowned upon where the corner will be snipped off, and a dotted lined corner in one part for those where it isn’t. Bf.109G-10 MTT/WNF National Insignia (D48035) This set includes two each of three types of crosses for both upper and lower wings, along with eight fuselage crosses and four swastikas of both double decal and single or missing flavours. Fw.190A-8/R2 National Insignia (D48036) This set includes two each of the wing upper and lower, two fuselage crosses, plus four swastikas in both double decal and single or missing types. Fw.190A-8 National Insignia (D48037) On a wide sheet this set has two crosses for the upper wing, four for the lowers, and another four for the fuselage, with four swastikas in parts, plus four more if you’ve not had them nipped off the corner by the importer. Conclusion Useful sheets with very specific subjects in mind. Decals are printed in-house in good registration, sharpness and colour density, with a thin gloss carrier film cut close to the printed areas. Recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  21. Hi all and just finished this one for a 'What If' GB elsewhere. Build thread is here but to recap: Kit: 1/72 PM Models Ta-183 Build: Mostly OOB Extras: Tape for belts and some plasticard in the u/c bays. Cut the one-part canopy open Paints: Revell Acrylics by airbrush, mottle effect with some kitchen sponge. Panel line wash. Decals: Some from the kit, others from the spares for JG7, 1945 A small kit...here beside an Airfix Fw-190 Not the most detailed kit by a long-shot but as a blank canvas to try out new skills or for those just getting into the hobby, I think it makes for a nice little build. Thanks for looking! Dermot
  22. Airframe & Miniature 3 Fw.190 Early Series (Radial Engined) and 7 Fw.190D & Ta.152 Update Editions A Complete Guide To The Luftwaffe's Famous Fighter Valiant Wings Publishing The Fw.190 was first developed as a replacement for ageing Bf.109 and to counter the British Spitfire, but it ended up serving alongside its Messerschmitt stablemate. When first encountered by the Spitfires it gave them quite a shock with its different flight characteristics and more nimble flight envelope, spurring on development of the Spitfire in a continual game of leapfrog throughout the war. Its design was to mate the most powerful engine they had to the lightest possible airframe, which resulted in the diminutive 190 with its blunt nose and wide tracked undercarriage that gave it better ground handling characteristics than its nose-over prone brethren. This is the welcome re-release of a series of two books, the second of which covered the genesis of the 190 through to the end of the war with later redesigns up until the end of production, the first covering the later 190D or Dora with inline engine that gained the nickname of Langnase or long nose due to the changes wrought on the shape by the different engine type. It also covers the re-designed Ta.152 which was to be the high altitude variant that saw very little service due to the deteriorating state of the war at the time. They also cover the oddities, which will be of interest to anyone that is interested in the almost or what-if possibilities of this versatile airframe. Both books are perfect bound in a card jacket and printed on glossy paper with spot colour throughout. The author for each one is the prolific Richard A Franks, with Richard J Caruana providing the colour profiles as usual with this interesting series, plus Jacek Jackiewicz who is responsible for the isometric and the plans. Attached to the rear of each volume are a set of plans that will be of great use to any modeller that likes to compare and contrast their plastic replicas with profiles and plans. The plans in #7 are thicker and have additional pictures and diagrams of airframe parts in addition to the 1:48 airframe plans. Airframe & Miniature 3, Fw.190D & Ta.152 – ISBN: 9781912932078 Consisting of 176 pages, it details the development of the 190D from prototypes, initial production and the introduction to combat with changes made from there. The major redesign of the Fw,190D that changed name to Ta.152 (designed by Kurt Tank) takes up a good portion of the text and photos, as there were a number of series planned, with more that were on the drawing board at the end of the war. Airframe Chapters Evolution – Fw.190D The Fw.190D series The Ta.152C series The Ta.152H series Projects and drawing board designs Camouflage & markings Stencils Colour Profiles Miniature Chapters Fw.190D & Ta.152 kits Building a selection Building a collection In detail: The Fw.190 & Ta.152 Appendices Fw.190D & Ta.152 kit list Fw.190D & Ta.152 accessories list Fw.190D & Ta.152 decal list Bibliography Glossary Fold-Outs Scale plans – Fw.190D early & late, Fw.190D-9, Ta.152H-0/1 Airframe & Miniature Volume 7 – Fw.190 Radial Engine versions (A, B, C, F, G & S) ISBN: 9781912932085 With an expanded page count up to 240 pages, this volume documents the development of the early Fw.190 from initial prototypes to the maturity of the airframe up until the point that the output from the BMW radial engine was holding them back. The changes involved many dead-ends, including new engines and ancillary positions such as radiators, turbojet powered redesign and just about any kind of aerodynamic of mechanical updates that the engineers thought could give them advantage over the Spitfire and eventually the Mustang, Thunderbolt and many other late war heavy fighters. The page breakdown is as follows: Airframe Chapters Evolution – Prototypes and A-Series Prototypes A-Series The F and G-Series F-Series Ordnance Test Trials G-Series Conversions, Projects & New-Builds Training Aircraft Fw.190C Series Fw.190E Series, Projects Modified, New-Builds Miniature Chapters Fw.190A to G kits Building a Selection Building a Collection In Detail: The Fw.190A to G Cockpit & Canopy Fuselage Engine, Cowling & Propeller Wings Tail Undercarriage & Wheel Wells Armament, Racks and Drop Tanks Radio, Electrical and Camera Equipment Miscellaneous Appendices Kit List Accessories and Mask List Decal List Bibliography 1:48 Scale Plans Fold-Out Fw.190 V1, A-3, A-6, A-8/R2 Fw.190A-9/R1, S-8 Conclusion As we have come to expect from this series, indeed any of the Valiant Wings publications, the text is interesting, the photos of high quality, and the drawings are crisp with lots of informative captions. The colour profiles are of high quality, and the isometrics that show the differences between marks are my personal favourites, and there are a lot of those in this pair! There is plenty to interest the aviation enthusiast as well as the modeller, but the modelling section is great for us plastic lovers, with models of the highest quality being showcased with tips and tricks to obtain similar results (talent willing!), with all major scales represented from many manufacturers. This series has become a great source of knowledge for those of us that don't know everything already, and with them in hand, you are poised to do a better job of your latest 190 project, especially if you're looking at detail. Very highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  23. Come back frim home with 19 photos of my most recently completed model, Hasegawaga's 1:72 Dora.
  24. Hello again, I sincerely hope you don't mind me asking two consecutive questions about similar subject but I am planing a multi build of Eduard's Fw 190 A-3 and would like to find a proper references for the decal sheets I have! This time I am looking for a photo reference (or any secondary source of info) regarding Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-3 featured on Cutting Edge Decal sheet CED48196 "Fw 190 Reich Defenders Pt2" (can be seen here: http://fineartofdecals.com/goodies/148-treasures-axis/ second decal described on the page) Decal sheet instructions are mentioning the photo but they do not list any references which we could check to make our own assumption! I somehow remember this machine from some of the discussions on some of the forums over the last 20 years and I thought I have saved the photo & even the discussion in my "archive" but I am unable to dig it out! From the decal sheet: "First is Fw 190A-3, Red 7/Blue 1 (starboard) AND Blue 1/Red 7 (port), of an unknown unit. This very interesting A-3 features a late-war ground concealment scheme consisting of RLM 82/83 over the original 74/75. It IS possible that was an eastern front aircraft and received the infamous JG 53/54 experimental schemes using Russian paint stocks. There is no evidence of a yellow stripe under the fuselage cross visible in the photo. The exact colors of the numbers is also unclear. The 7 is darker than the yellow undercowl, but much lighter than the 1. The 1 is lighter than the Swastika. We think the colors are as shown, but the one could be black, and the seven could then be yellow or blue. Since the 7 is applied in the standard number position for the Fw 190, it appears the 1 was the new number for the aircraft during its final days." Is anyone able to help me locate a photo or two of the mentioned machine... I would really appreciate it! Thank you very much in advance! PS It's the first machine from the top - in the decal instructions:
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