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  1. Rob Good progress but is that Olive Drab or Earth colour (not very green)? It may be the sun light effect as to have sun light in Janusry in the UK is rare. 🤣 Pete
  2. Thank you both There is some progress and there will be a lot more work to do to get the parts right. This model will only be 80mm long. Pete
  3. Very nice indeed. Will you be doing the gun to go with it? Pete
  4. Great work and painting. Are you going to have all of the hatches and everything open on the model? Pete
  5. Drive Train and engine nearly done.
  6. Just a thought. Pete
  7. Roger Excellent work well done. The only thing I would say is design the plug as a separate part to the vac base and put a bayonet fitting on the base and the plug similar to a model tank turret mount so that only have to print one vac base and as many plugs as you need? It will be quicker to print and you can have as many versions as you need to get it right. Pete
  8. Just a small update on the design progress. Still a long way to go. Pete
  9. Mark Well done that looks great. Pete
  10. Thank you Colin It is being designed in 35th but it could be re sized to 48th or larger to 32nd, 24th. The design is progressing well. Pete
  11. I agree with all that you are saying John and I'm not using the brochure reference drawings for this model. The Printed representations of the two vehicles that you have highlighted are so in accurate compared to the correct kit's i.e. Gecko kits model they are not worth the cost, they are very nicely printed representations but not right in in all the wrong places. When you see the errors on the printed models you cannot do anything but see the errors. Pete
  12. I know that it has been three days but I came across a minefield of info on the vehicle and have been busy. There is still a way to go but it's taking shape. I will post more as it progresses. Pete
  13. Warren is a very good painter Rob and all of your work shows very nice and well worth it. Pete
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