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  1. It's incredible.😒
  2. If you're sure it's the same screen as the Saturn S, check out the Elegoo website. They sell lots of spare parts and I found a Saturn S screen there. Don't hesitate to contact Elegoo customer service, they may have the solution. https://eu.elegoo.com/fr-fr/collections/parts-accessories/products/elegoo-9-1-inches-4k-mono-lcd-panel-for-saturn-s-3d-printer I don't know if it helps.
  3. Welcome from France!
  4. Welcome to you. I had the same experience: I followed Britmodeller for a long time, then I took the plunge and signed up (a few years ago). I'm further south ( really: Nice ). I finished the F-15J GWH a little while ago: I found it amazing and pleasant and a kit to build.
  5. Hi, The result is fantastic. What beautiful work. I often return to see the stages of your assembly often enough. What beautiful Phantom s
  6. Thanks Cockpit instrument panels f ( FineMolds ) modified to make those of a Greek F4-E. I also redid the front and rear ones. My 3D slatted wing for the Finemolds kit. . I used several elements to make it. It took a long time to get there, how to do it, etc. I'm still testing it. ( especially printing ).
  7. Hello, I had put this project on hold. ( And I apologise for forgetting to tell all of you ) I've since learnt a bit about 3D design and a 3D printer as a gift. It took quite a while to get what I wanted just about right. The parts Hook sent me have come in handy, although not all as expected, but have been really useful. A big thank you for his kindness, it's a gesture I'll keep in mind. These will be 2 Greek F4s, from the 338 sqd and 339sqd ; and one will be based on a FineMolds kit ( 339sqd - ). For the conversion, I made my own 3D slatted wings and nose antennae. I took the opportunity to redo the FineMolds air splitter intakes with some extra detail. I need to touch them up and correct them, or redo them thanks to Gene K's advice and information. My 3D Antennae for Greek F4-E On the nose of my FineMolds ( F4-E early type to Greek F4-E .. AUP ) Air Spiltter Intake redo and slighty modified ( before new adjustements ) The FineMolds kit is making slow progress, and I'm making mistakes that I'm correcting. I have not yet opened a topic on BM. My level is very modest compared to what I see here.
  8. Welcome back
  9. Zorglub

    Removing Klear

    Yes. It seems to me that ammonia does it. I've removed some with just alcohol, but it's a bit time-consuming and required a bit of scrubbing. It surprised me, but it came off in the end. Maybe because it hadn't been completely dry for too long. Has it been dry for a long time?
  10. Great! I'll follow: I've got this kit waiting too. ( and a F4-EJ KaI to boot )
  11. I use Chitubox basic ( free ) to print the parts I've designed ( 1/72 ) and many other things. I have an Anycubic Mono 4K, and I'm waiting for the Mars 4 Ultra. I'll stick with the basic version. The pro version seems to offer more "comfortable" options, and additional tools. I haven't tested it, and I can't say I feel like I'm missing anything. I've learned from my failures, I'm working on my supports etc. Maybe if I had the pro version, I'd wonder how I managed without it? Maybe, but now I get what I want without the pro version. I don't know if this will help much.
  12. Hello, I need some advice about this printer. I currently have an Anycubic Mono 4K ( bought +2 years ago ) which I'm very happy with, and I'd like to know if it's worth upgrading to the Mars 4 Ultra? The Anycubic Mono 4K has a resolution of 35µ compared with 18µ for the Mars 4. Is it really worth it to get a Mars 4: would the difference in resolution really be noticeable? I'm trying to design parts for my 1/72 kits. For exemple, here's what I've just finished, a Phantom II F4-F slotted wing for a Fine Molds F4 I don't print as often as I'd like, in fact knowing that the screen was advertised for around 2000h of life, I try to optimize my printing and avoid printing all the time to “see” “test”. Another question: the ACF film. I've read a lot of people urging me to change it for nFep. They reproach ACF for having a less sharp and smoother rendering, which would reduce the impact of sharpness expected with 18µ. Another complaint is that ACF gives stripes sometimes on prints, and that its durability is questionable compared with nFep or FeP. Is it a good idea to replace ACF film directly with Nfep, as many people on the Internet seem to recommend? Last question: The Mars 5 currently being released (which doesn't really interest me) seems to offer the possibility of RERF testing. Does the Mars 4 Ultra have the ability to run this REF test (with a firmware upgrade or something else?) ? A lot of questions, sorry, Please, all advices are welcome. Thank you Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  13. Bienvenue à toi. Welcome !
  14. Why not try a search on air planes dedicated sites ? I don't know if you'll find all the aircraft you might be interested in. We'll just have to see if typing in 1/48 with the model on the net will give you any leads to follow. May be an An-26 https://www.scalemates.com/kits/amodel-72118-antonov-an-26--137162/timeline
  15. Really beautiful work. I wish I could make something as beautiful and well done. It is magnificent! And I like it too, with its corrugated metal and unmistakable look.
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