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  1. Dale said new fuselage parts. What would that entail?
  2. It's a HC2 because that's what I built my Matchbox kit as 🙄 and of course a yellow rescue boxset will be around the corner. I may hold off for other variants
  3. A Girl Guide at long last to go with their popular Boy Scout.
  4. I thought in the bare metal it looked like something out of a Dan Dare comic 😂
  5. The soldering has worked amazingly well and you can congratulate yourself on acquiring a new skill. One that you know I also wish to learn as I have a couple of kits that could do with it.
  6. Thanks. I was trying to capture the original Roy Cross box art
  7. Btw The “This Month at Airfix” YouTube video mentioned the catalog release date last week.
  8. A great set of skills on display. Saw the Talbot at SMW and loved it.
  9. Great output. Can’t believe you built two Airfix Phantoms, one was more than enough to put me off.
  10. Well, maybe not perfect, but ten kits were completed this year. Pyro 1/32 Bugatti Atalante Coupe - what turned out to be an awfully inaccurate kit of a beautiful car Dora 1/72 Fairey FD.2 - in contrast was then Dora perfect take on this beauty. I also use the spare decals to repaint my silver Frogspawn kit in the Magneta scheme Minicraft 1/144 Lockheed C-130H Hercules (UAMF Herc GB) CMR 1/72 HS Buccaneer S Mk.2B - a poor example of a lovely kit with warped and mis-moulded parts. (UAMF "Feel the Fear!" GB) URSUS 1/72 Saunders-Roe SR.53 - a clone of the Airfix kit, built for the Classic British Kits SIG "Roy Cross: A Celebration" display Frog 1/72 Gloster Whittle Classic British Kits SIG "Roy Cross: A Celebration" display: "Brooke Bond" tea cards Frog 1/72 Bleriot XI Classic British Kits SIG "Roy Cross: A Celebration" display: "Brooke Bond" tea cards Airfix 1/76 Chieftain mkII Classic British Kits SIG "Roy Cross: A Celebration" display: Inpact 1/48 Fairey Flycatcher Bandi 1/72 A-Wing I've resolved to do some figure painting till the end of the year starting with these 28mm guys from Crooked Dice:
  11. The Prentice is the one I'd like to see reissued though probably not the most popular subject - AZ has done the MD5 and DH Hornet recently. I've got the Scimitar and they are challenging multi-media kits using low-tech production techniques. I hope Colin will update how they are produced using more modern processes, as we've come a long way since.
  12. Note the common elements will be cached and the web developer console might disable the cache by default and so re downloads everything. however it’s very odd for to take so long to download a relatively small image file.
  13. Hit F12 and open up the WebDeveloper console and click the network tab. Reload BM. In the tab you can see each file being loaded. My guess with the spinner is that a 3rd party file such as a javascript library it not loading. You'll be able to see what files are still pending and what domain they are being served from . It won't solve the issue but will provide some useful information. Looking at this page the only 3rd party file is https://static.cloudflareinsights.com/beacon.min.js
  14. The SAM ones are the best and I still use them constantly. I have the IPMS one but have barely taken it out of its tube.
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