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  1. Great kits..so much fun to build..I've built the snowspeeder and Tie..have the x-wing in the stash!
  2. Deleted - 100 post rule and not the wanted area
  3. Hey everyone Just about to start the aoshima thunderbird 4 and am wondering if anyone has built one and if so what colour yellow did you use...kit comes moulded in yellow plastic but I want to paint it.. Any help greatly appreciated Thanks Barry
  4. Hi lads Have been wanting to do this for a while..it's the tamiya monte carlo rally kit..lovely to build...colour is the original rover applejack green ...it's just look brighter under the led lights Hope you like it Any feedback welcome http:// http:// http://
  5. If only there was a 1/48 ferrari 308 out there!! .would be awesome
  6. I've actually just started that one pete..bike looks like a challenge to paint but should be fun
  7. Been a long time since ive been on the forum..nice to be back T.C's chopper from MAGNUM P.I. 99% finished..just need to root out some suitable serial numbers from the decal bank Academy 1/48 hughes 500 with resin interior
  8. There is just no comparison to the kitech kit which I'm making at the moment..yours is 1000 times better
  9. Hi guys Looking to pick your brains..I've got ano mpc 1/25 snap kit general Lee which I want to do a proper job on..the shell is molded in orange plastic but I'm wondering is there a closer match to the proper colour? Would anyone know a good match of orange to respray the shell in tamiya or vallejo please Thanks everyone Barry
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