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Found 24 results

  1. Hi. This is my build of the Lindberg Diesel Tugboat that was a gift from a good friend in the US. As some members may know I like to add lights to most of my builds and this one seemed to be a good challenge. Overall the kit is quite good quality, though the plastic is the brittle type, and there was a small amount of flashing but nothing serious. The parts went together really well and, to be honest, it is a very nice kit to create. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures and find inspiration to have a go yourself.
  2. Hi everyone, just finished the Tamiya 1:350 Tirpitz using the Eduard Big Ed PE set. Many hours spent! First go at using extruded sprue for the rigging, or indeed rigging at all, and am pretty pleased with it. Could've done more, but felt that sometimes less is more and I was always on the edge of messing it all up. Some of the white paint is a bit scrappy! Any thoughts gratefully received!
  3. ICM is to release an 1:350 Kriegsfischkutter in December. The Kriegsfischkutter (or KFK for short - translates into war fishing vessel) was the most common German warship in WW2. Built by yards in Germany and occupied Europe as well as in friendly Sweden (45+ hulls), the 600+ vessels were found pretty much everywhere the Kriegsmarine had a presence. It was basically a heavily armed fishing vessel used for ASW, convoy escort, mine sweeper, patrol craft, rescue vessel and light transport. After WW2, some were converted back to fishing vessels and coastal transports while others were taken over by the navies in liberated Europe. For instance, the Norwegian coastal artillery used a couple as transports for quite some time. References: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriegsfischkutter https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Kriegsfischkutter https://icm.com.ua/2022/11/17/soon-on-sale-kfk-kriegsfischkutter/ Sources: https://www.facebook.com/ibgmodels/posts/pfbid034s9i5nFSGLyQmHiteuHsvjUx6YNjjW7Gei9WNvjhLRewDPXhd4YhkCKEQP3R5iTUl https://icm.com.ua/ship/kfk-kriegsfischkutter-3/
  4. Just bought the Trumpeter 1:350 Graf Zeppelin aircraft carrier. Excited to get stuck in- previously built the Airfix 1:350 HMS Illustrious and am keen to get stuck into a more novel carrier. Also bought the set of ICM acrylic paints. Currently been using enamel for years but am keen to make the switch- any experience with these gratefully recieved!
  5. Hi everyone. This is my build of the Lindberg Sea Witch in 1:96 scale which was sent as a challenge from a great friend in the US and what a challenge it turned out to be. I watched my friend build this kit and managed to learn most of the shortfalls from him and that helped a great deal as it allowed me to approach things differently. This made it a lot easier and I changed a few things that just didn't seem right on a ship like this. One of the worse jobs to do was to drill out all of the holes for the blocks (ranging from 3 x 4 mm to 5 x 4 mm) and you will need a lot of spare thin drills on stand-by as well as plasters, antiseptic wipes and a cloth to wipe the tears. Be sure to remove the swear box if you have one otherwise you will end up living on the streets. Luckily I had a lot of blocks left over from previous builds and did not have to drill too many of the blocks. A GOOD REASON TO KEEP THOSE LEFT-OVERS AND SPARES! You also have to drill holes in the masts, hand rails and virtually everywhere else they should already be pre-drilled during moulding. For this you will need rubber drills because the angles you have to drill are just crazy! The next worse job for me was hand making all of the rat lines and was something I'd never done before. They are not brilliant but they will do for me. Overall, the actual ship itself, the masts, etc, are fairly straightforward but every part does have a mould join line so be prepared for a lot of cleaning throughout but assembly was good and the parts fitted well. I did like the way the masts are passed through the decks and locate into a section in the bottom of the hull to give then the correct angle and stability. My friend made his with furled sails and they looked really good so I had to give it a go. Most pictures I found of furled sails show them fairly loose and hanging a little but when I read up on it for that era it stated that when in port the sails were tided tightly and that is what I went for in the end. As a first attempt I don't think they look that bad. Anyway, on to the pics now which are shown below but for more pictures of this and my other builds just click HERE. Thanks for looking and showing an interest.
  6. Finally completed a little ship i've been chipping away at between other projects. This is the Airfix Victory Starter Set purchased for about a fiver from Aldi or Lidl along with a few other small kits. Mostly military aircraft but I also picked up the Cutty Sark and Mary Rose. They are both at various stages of completion but will, I hope, become part of a little trio of roughly 1/600 ships. This is an ancient kit dating back to the 50's I believe. The fit is ok when you consider the age but the sails took a long time to clean up. Other than that it didn't present too many issues other than being very fiddly due to it's tiny size. I've not gone for accuracy with this kit. Instead I wanted this to be a fun little build that looks like the Victory to the casual observer. I also wanted to experiment a little with creating water effects but went with a hybrid look of still having it on it's stand with the water lapping around it. I have a little Revell Ferry that I will turn into a Diorama in the next few weeks. All OOB except the addition of some simplified rigging just to give an extra bit of detail to the model. Thanks for looking!
  7. In addition to the kit (Tamiya 1/700, waterline), which is not detailed, having as a guide internet photos, I also use Eduards photo etched parts for rails, scales, shutters, lifebuoys and spools, with additions of plastic tubes and sheets to create this ship. It is my first try to make artifisial sea.
  8. Hi everyone. These are the build pictures I took as I built this kit. It is the new version of the Airfix kit as I heard that so many people had problems with the old kit. Overall I had no major problems though the hull was a little tricky but I glued it in stages. I have made the cabin section removable to show the interior and this was not too hard to do but forward planning is essential before going too far. I love the plastic that Airfix uses as is has a lot of flexibility and a softness that allows you to cut the thin rails without hearing that brittle sound as the part snaps.The decals were brilliant to work with as they were strong enough for plenty of sliding back and forth to get the correct position sorted. The one thing that would make this kit outstanding would be if Airfix had included a few crew members and I think that for a few pence extra they should think about this when they produce other kits of this scale. Thanks for viewing these pictures and I hope they help others as much as the many pictures I found on the Internet that helped me to see what I was getting into before starting this build. The finished pictures and a video can be found in the RFI section.
  9. Hello once again. I was sent this kit by a special friend in the USA who knew of my interest in the River Boats of the deep south and I wanted to create something special for my own views mainly but I'm hoping that others would also find it interesting or inspiring. The plan: To add lighting wherever I can to illuminate it in the style that they were seen when operating on the river. I don't know for sure what I will be able to achieve as I am basically trying things out as I go along. It could be a bumpy ride or it could be very educational for me but, whatever happens, I will share it with those who are interested. It may not be historically correct but it will be as I would have thought these boats would have been back in that era. So, come aboard shipmates and let's set sail.............. I've cut out the middle section to allow for storing of the wiring The Hull has been fixed to the deck and deck supports added that were not included in the kit. This is the underside of the boiler unit. I opened a couple of the boiler doors and added a flickering LED to create the impression of a fire burning. This is a video of the effect These are the log piles which sit by the boiler and are used to create the steam required. The boiler and log piles in place but not fixed yet. Deck has been painted now.
  10. My first post so please be gentle…..😀 Getting back into modelling after 30+ years and really enjoying it. I'm planning to concentrate on maritime plastic models and am currently building HMSC Snowberry. My question for you guys is - Does anyone have any great techniques they use for supporting the model so as you can work on it easily and safely, without scratching the finished surfaces. I've looked at various shop bought clamps, investigated using fare-cut foam types, PCB jigs and numerous other possibilities in an effort to come up with some form of jig. Any ideas gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
  11. This is the Revell 1/83 Mayflower that I made quite a while ago (pre my adding lights to everything) but never got around to posting. It was all hand painted as I hadn't discovered airbrushes at the time. Hope you like it and thanks for viewing.
  12. Finally, after 4 1/2 months of joy, pain, money, hair pulling and rows with she who must be obeyed I have finally finished my first model! Pretty happy with how this turned out. More than a few errors but nothing that stands out unless your nose is touching plastic! The kit was ok but nothing special. Lots of flash and quite a few badly fitting parts as well as accuracy issues but not an absolute dog either. Few scratchbuilt parts including the masts, additional and revised rigging, extra detailing on the forecastle deck and bridge. Hopefully i've addressed a few of the accuracy issues but many remain. Still, it looks a lot like the Titanic. And i'm glad of that because the ship was a beauty! The WIP: Some pictures of the model... Generated from my Apple iPad using tools.rackonly.com Generated from my Apple iPad using tools.rackonly.com Generated from my Apple iPad using tools.rackonly.com Generated from my Apple iPad using tools.rackonly.com Generated from my Apple iPad using tools.rackonly.com Generated from my Apple iPad using tools.rackonly.com Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Finished Titanic by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Time for a break and then it's onto some aircraft...
  13. Hi Folks, as promised in my introduction in the New Members section here is my build progress on the Revell 1:400 Titanic. The kit is this one: Comes with some nice extras such as postcards, photos as well as some basic paints and glue. When I first inspected the kit three years ago I noticed a large gap at the stern section. For whatever reason it had shrunk to just a couple of mm after a few years on top of a wardrobe and didn't present much of a hassle when gluing together. First things first, the hull (In black plastic, everything else white) and the stand where glued together and details such as the propellers, rudder and anchors were added: Stern by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Stern by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Stern by MikeGBlues, on Flickr Although not visible in any of my photos, I added some sprue to strengthen the inside of the hull. Probably not needed but......
  14. Hi Everyone This is the Revell 1/225 HMS Victory that I made quite a while ago which was all hand painted as I hadn't discovered airbrushes at the time. Oh how I missed out! One of the few builds that I did not add lights to. Hope you like it and thanks for viewing.
  15. Hi For those who followed my build of this kit HERE I have now managed to get some pictures of the finished product. As with most of my builds I saw the chance of actually adding some lighting to the 3 large lanterns at the rear of the ship. It seemed a shame to waste the chance. Then I thought that I may as well add some kind of lighting to the inside. The lighting needed to look like flickering candles or flames and so I added some flickering LED's to create the atmosphere of drafty lower decks. I have added a video to show the lighting HERE. As a build, it was pretty intense with the rigging but with help from other members on here and a lot of patience I managed to get it looking semi ok. Thanks for looking in and I look forward to any comments
  16. Hi all! I finally managed to complete my first ever ship build. Mostly spend my time building planes and trains. Let me know what you think of the build and finished model? I found it to be quite fiddly, what with the small pieces and the fit not being great. Sits on my window sill now though in pride of place XD
  17. And now for something completely different............ I usually post mostly vehicles on the forums (with added lighting, etc) but I decided to go for something different this time. My eldest daughter kept pestering about doing this pirate ship and so, for a quiet life, I went with it. I've done a couple of galleon builds before but I was suprised at the size of this beast and the complexity of the rigging. Always up for a challenge I looked at how the rear 3 lamps could be lit and maybe also the insides. Rather than go for bright lighting I am going to go for a dull flickering effect so as to give the effect of cold drafty lower decks. Well, less chat and on to the build........ Firstly, the Big Box.......Compared to my size 10 boot at the bottom. Work station ready with the tea supply. A lot of kit and surprised at Revell supplying actual plastic sails. They look quite good actually. Starting with the decks and end panels. Not going for a weathered look with this one Picking out the fittings details Canons built. There's a lot. Assembled, painted and awaiting action.
  18. Thanks to Col and the hosts for the go-ahead for this thread. The subject of this build is Airfix's RRS Discovery (Royal Research Ship), the ship that Robert Falcon Scott (1868-1912) used on his first expedition to Antartica in 1901-04. The last traditional three-masted ship built in Britain, Discovery was laid down in 1900, and launched in 1901. Built in Dundee of English oak, she was adapted and strengthened to work in pack ice. While she did have coal-fired steam engines, Discovery relied primarily on sail because the coal bunkers did not have sufficient capacity to take the ship on long voyages. She was rigged as a barque (or bark). More here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RRS_Discovery Scott was an Antartic explorer, famous in Britain for his journey to the South Pole, and his death on that journey (1912). More here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Falcon_Scott Google (or other search engines) will reveal lots more information. I may also refer to SWMBO for information - early Antartic exploration is one of her specialist subjects. This Airfix kit has been sitting in my loft for years (decades), having been started when I thought I was interested in N gauge (1:148) modelling - the kit itself is 1:144 scale. The current state of the model: The hull had been closed up, but painting some of the deck structures would have been difficult, so I split the hull, removing the deck. Shrouds (ratlines?) and vacform sails. In terms of parts attached, it comes in under 25% complete, with no rigging or painting attempted.
  19. In stock in the shop today, lots of new kits and accessories from L'Arsenal including HMS Fearless, HMS Sheffield, HMS Glory and loads of vehicles in 1/700 and 1/350. A wide range of accessories in both scales with more new items to be added shortly. http://www.starlijng-models.co.uk Mike
  20. Patrol Craft Fast (PCF), also known as Swift Boats, were all-aluminum, 50-foot (15 m) long, shallow-draft vessels operated in Vietnam primarilybby the United States Navy, Initially patrolling the coastal areas they later took to the interior waterways as part of the 'Brown-water Navy' where they carried out interdiction, counter insurgency, troop transport and special forces insertion. In total Eighty-four Mark I Swift boats served in Vietnam, with a further twenty reserved for training, however they are frequently overlooked in favour of their more heavily armed and warlike cousins the PBRs, Landing Ships and Monitors with whom they fought alongside. ..... The Brown Water Navy as a whole is rather overlooked in modelling terms, and the PCF is no exception despite it's distinguished service. As far as I'm aware the Revell kit is the only kit generally available and although being rather old (1967), quite basic (61 parts) and lacking in any type of interior detail it appears to be quite accurate and has some potential. .... For the princely sum of £20 inc p+p I now have 2 of these. I shall tackle one and hide the other for a possible future project (original civilian or demobbed perhaps)
  21. One of the things I'm missing from my practice builds is a boat or ship. - after several years with little building I allowed myself 10 before my self critique become self criticism and crying in a cupboard, I'm currently on #8 (i suppose #10 will have to be a choice between an AV or a car...) Don't fancy going back to tiny Sweeny 700 scale, nor even the less taxing 350s, so I make a shortlist of 72/48/35 kits that won't just the bank or be huuugggeee eg. Airfix MTB or Rescue launch (or Revell equivalents), Tamiya PBR, Revell PCF. Anyway today I spotted a nice online price for the PCF and am tempted. I know it's a old kit with basic internals and details but it's supposed to be a decent effort shapewise and easily upgraded even without using AM parts. WIPs and references are rather few and far apart though so I was hoping for pointers to decent articles and threads to shorten the search. ... Thx in Advance D.
  22. HI there! I return after a break on the 1:35 vulcan I am doing to make a small a diorama which was based on a photo I found a long time ago, which can be viewed from the link that follows: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10458751_10203908042248762_3892002888483155375_n.jpg Anyway, from that I had a go at my own which includes the missile cruiser Pyotr Velikiy made in what i like to call "SprueScale" which is a scale of 1:8400, with the models being made entirely from sprue and other bits. The base is a clear plasticard covered in a glue/ground sprinkle mixture and then painted the blue from the tin, the aircraft is from the 1:720 Italeri Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and everything has been secured with superglue to reduce the chance of it becoming displaced. That's all for today, Vulcan progress will be made tomorrow. Bye for now! Sam
  23. Hi everyone Yet another of my 'lit' models. This time the Titanic. I had great fun building this one as there was plenty of head scratching when it came to getting the light to shine throughout the ship. By the time I had finished, the kit must have weighed half of its original weight. I used fibre optics for the mast lights but they didn't seem to come out too well in pictures (and my photography skills are way, way behind my modeling skills) and the navigation lights may be too bright for a ship from that era but that's something which can be remedied another time. Though it is not as good as others on here, the most important thing is that it was fun and enjoyable to build. Kevin
  24. UDT 35 scale Revell the Revell kit has a long pedigree being first released by Monogram in 1959. In those days it came in multi- coloured plastic and was clearly more of a toy than an accurate model (the hull and frogmen will float). The most recent re-release in 2012 did not seem to sell well in the UK and kits can still be found, often at discount prices. Plus points: The kit is as much a set of figures with a boat as a boat with crew figures. Negative points: The fit of parts is not good. There are a lot of sink marks. The figures are not poseable. The facemasks of the frogmen are not flat. I regret not having made flat inserts to simulate the appearance of flat glass. A lot of the detail is crude and reveals the age of the kit. Conclusions: I remember this was a nice toy in the early 60's.
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