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Found 16 results

  1. Happy 75 Birthday NATO 🇩🇰 It is probably true to say that there is no organization in the world that I admire more than NATO. I don't want to go into depth why since I might just get a bit 'political' and we cannot have that here, but I am prepared to say that - in my belief- if NATO had not existed for the last 75 years, the world would be a much more dangerous place and many fewer people would enjoy security and freedom.With this in mind I think I have no choice but to take part in this most excellent group build. I really like the idea of the flags! It's unique and intriguing and might just give an incentive to folks to model some of the smaller nations that might sometimes be overlooked. ‘My’ flag is The Netherlands; however, try as I might, I cannot find a Dutch subject that grips me quite as much as a Royal Danish Air Force F-100D! Yes, a Super Sabre complete with grotty, patchy, olive-green, livery! Admit it... you know the kind of filth I mean! Another reason to pick the Danish Air Force is that a friend of mine who collects models lives just 5km outside of Denmark and yet has not a single Danish item in his collection. (In the interests of transparency I should probably point out that I am referring to 'Denmark' the small coastal Western Australian township rather than 'Denmark' the Scandinavian constitutional monarchy - but you get the idea). I really like the F-100! It just looks so damned mean. It has to be the most shark-like looking aircraft ever made and its relatively simple geometry makes it a great subject for scratchbuilding. When I was a teenager I scratchbuilt one in roughly 1/100 scale and it came out OK, but it did not survive the various parental 'junk purges' that punctuated my many years living away from home and now - alas - it's in landfill someplace. Never mind, let's just make another one... a bigger one! Here are my references... some inspiration... and the raw materials! I'm hoping this will be a good chance for me to practice and improve on many of the methods that i used for the first time during my - still ongoing - Mirage IIIO build. This project I'm hoping will be relatively simple. Much of its success or failure will depend on the final painting and weathering as I'm hoping I can make this look like a jet as battered and worn as those in the pictures above. But let's start at the beginning. As usual I have selected Jarrah for the fuselage and have used cheap photographic spray adhesive to stick the relevant plans on the side. Here is the very first cut of the entire project. Shockingly that's not a bandsaw, but don't worry I will be using one very soon. OK - here it is, the first bandsaw cut! Let's call this the moment that the ‘project proper’ begins. To get to this shape does not take long. After some sanding and general tidying up we have this... Which is only the starboard half of the fuselage. I will be cutting out the port side tomorrow night. I have absolutely no hope whatsoever of finishing this project within the allocated four month timespan, especially since this new build must compete with the ongoing Mirage project which must be finished by August 2024. Nevertheless I do think that in the limited time available I can probably bash together sufficient shapes so that it is unmistakably an F-100. Following that I'll just transfer this thread back to the 'main pages' and carry on to the end. In the meantime I hope that this is of interest to you NATO enthusiasts and that you can all get some enjoyment out of watching my humble attempt to turn out a Danish Hun. Go Team NATO! Bandsaw Steve
  2. Hello fellow modellers. This build has been on my whishlist for around 15 years. The subject is the Gulfstream SMA-3 from the Royal Danish Air Force in 1/72 scale. Five years back i tryed my luck with the Broplan kit - and failed. I got the RVHP resin kit of the Gulfstream IV and converted it to a SMA-3. I shortened the fuselarge by 1,2 cm. and got the Spey engines from Shapeways. The decals are from Stoppel Decals (RIP), and i also did little scratch building and rescribing. It was not an easy build. Warped parts, rough surfaces and air bubbles. Despite the challenges, I’m glad that i can finally ad this big bird to my RDAF collection. Thanks for watching 🙂
  3. Using this post to upload from HobbyPhotoHost for the first time, so let me know if there is any problems. This is my S-61A Sea King in Danish markings. The model is Cyber Hobby’s 1/72 S-61 with Whirlybirds conversion set and decals. I also scratch build the interior, but not much can be seen on the finished model. Painting using acrylics. Enjoy Drakendk
  4. My favorit jet, the Saab 35 Draken. This is my Danish F-35 Draken based on the Hasegawa 1/72 kit. Maestro Models make a very good conversion kit to make the Danish fighter/bomber version. I also included Maestro Models PE and scratch build the FOD covers from foil. The paint scheme is a 90’es bird with the gloss green color. Decals are from Stoppel Hobby. The VW is a resin kit from PJ models and this vehicle was often seen at Danish Air Force bases at the time. Thanks for watching. Drakendk
  5. This is the brilliant 1/72 Eduard Spitfire IXe in Royal Danish Air Force markings. I added Eduard Merlin engine and wing cannon resin. Adding the resin parts was not an easy task, but in the end i think it turned out ok. Thanks for watching. Drakendk
  6. Hello, Here's my last complete build, the Hasegawa, 1/48 Lockheed F-104G of the Raoyal Danish AF, from Esk 726. Been using the !daco set for the wings and their ejection seat improvement. Seat harness from the Eduard Look set for the Kinetic zipper. Paints from the gunze acryl range. hope you'll like her. As usual, feel free to comment and critic Best Stef (#6)
  7. Hello all When I saw that a two seater Draken kit was going to be released I had to get one as its one of my favourite aircraft. So, what to say about the kit. Firstly it’s not an easy build. The mouldings are short run style in very soft plastic with large gates and loads of flash, the detail is in there you just have to work to release it! The fit is poor, especially at the wing joint, and many of the parts are oversize requiring the pairing away of plastic until they look right and fit. (The entire cockpit tub and the scoops on the spine behind the canopy fell into this category). Also, be warned, the big tank pylons are angled and shaped for left and right but the kit supplies two for the same side. Rather than make two new ones (the shape is quite complex) I turned one round and reshaped it slightly. This handing problem is repeated on the main U/C legs in that the lugs for the doors are on the wrong sides for one of the legs. The periscope was discarded for a scratch item as it was immense, all the aerials, pitot, and underwing stores are scratch. Finally, the rear canopy is much narrower and taller than the front. It lends itself more to being displayed in the open position and going to town on detailing the cockpit interior. The Decals are excellent. The finished model turned out much better than I thought it was going to considering the quality of the mould, which I should point out I am not complaining about, I’m merely pointing out the issues that I encountered during the build. It’s finished as an aircraft from ESK 725 RDAF which was displayed at Mildenhall air show in 1985. Like lots of you I probably have a photograph of it somewhere. The colour is Xtracolour Nato green with minimal weathering (its at an air show after all!) panel lines highlighted with Flory wash. Hope you like it, here are some pics. Thanks for looking Pete
  8. I spent some time in Roskilde, Denmark last summer, and as well as discovering that all Danish women are supermodels, I was lucky enough to have the RDAF flying their Merlins overhead 2-3 times a day, all week. Obviously, I fell in love (with the helicopters... I swear!) and vowed that I would try to model one when I return. Well, it took some time, but here it is! My humble attempt at a Danish SAR Merlin Mk.512. It started life as the Skyfall boxing of Italeri's 1/72 Merlin (HC.3?) The kit itself isn't too bad. As much detail in a kit as you would expect from a 1/72 helo. There were a few fit issues that i found. The sides of the fuselage that come separate weren't great, as was the main canopy/windscreen. The tail was a nightmare. I don't know if it was a moulding error, but there were no tabs to insert to add stability to the join. I knocked it off about 3 times before I ended up fabricating supports internally for it myself. Other than that, the kit seems pretty well designed. I used the Eduard PE set for cockpit detail & seatbelts, and was very happy with the outcome. To turn it into a Mk. 512, I used Heritage's Danish Merlin conversion set. Being both my first experience with resin and with converting a model, I can't really compare it to anything... I was pleased with the conversion set... the moulding seemed decent and it had everything I needed (I think...) For decals, the only option I really had was the Model Alliance World Air Power set 1. The decals themselves were great. They went on perfectly, and were really crisp in detail. The problem with the set, however, was the actual decal set. I had heard before that they weren't great, but didn't really think they would be as disappointing as they were. As well as being very incomprehensive, there were also some pretty epic mess-ups. The danger stencil for the rear rotor, for example, read 'Fare - Avle Lys.' Now, my Danish isn't great (Kamelålså?) but I'm sure any Dane will tell you that that is a load of rubbish. I managed to find the correct 'Fare - Pas På' stencil from the HobbyBoss Danish Lynx, but unless you are desperate, I wouldn't recommend the Model Alliance set to anyone thinking of using it. Other than that, any extra detail was scratchbuilt. Well, attempted, anyway. My scratchbuilding skill leaves a lot to be desired. I used Revell & Tamiya Acrylics, and was my first attempt using my new Testors Aztek airbrush. Although I'm very far from mastering it, it makes a huge difference over my dodgy £15 Humbrol Airbrush. The end result is far from perfect - Maskol buggered up my clear parts in a few places, and I think I was a bit hasty to get it finished, but I'm pretty happy with the outcome. It's difficult to do such a pretty piece of kit justice, but hopefully I've not done too bad! I'm operating a don't ask, don't tell policy on all the mistakes and inaccuracies, but I'm sure some of you can pick them out. Maybe it's one I don't know about, so comments and criticism is more than welcomed. Sorry about the pic quality too. Maybe now I have a new airbrush, I can save for a new camera! Anyway, that's my essay done. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for looking! Daryl.
  9. eek! Not started the Rhino and this is starting. So my placeholder for a RDAF faded green widow maker. Hasegawa kit plus Xtradecal plus Master pitot. Chris
  10. Evening gents Okay, so I’m going to ask right away – @trickyrich can we have an extension please 🤣 Anyhow, this will be my humble contribution to this long awaited and highly anticipated Nordic II GB, which I will (likely) start and (hopefully) finish. I’ll be doing only the F-16, as I already did the Lynx for the first Nordic GB (a lovely kit by the way). Wanted to post some more pictures of the kit, but Pinterest has gone mad so I will have to find a new photo host first. There is obviously a story behind the decoration of the vertical stab of this aircraft, which I will get back to later. But as can be read on the top of the tail, this specific aircraft was used to support the F-35 JSF test campaign. Think I have the paints sorted, so actually there is no excuse for not getting started now. Thanks for following! Cheers Johnny b
  11. In celebration of the Royal Danish Air Force 70 years anniversary on the 1st of October, the Danes revealed a F-16 in the have glass colours of the future RDAF F-35. Here she is together with her mate in “Dannebrog” scheme, a great looking couple wouldn’t you agree! (all photos by Flyvevåbnets Fototjeneste/ Flyverkommandoen) Link to the original press release here: https://www2.forsvaret.dk/nyheder/nationale_opgaver/Pages/F-16FORKLÆDTSOMF-35.aspx English article here: https://theaviationist.com/2020/10/01/danish-f-16-gets-have-glass-grey-paint-its-the-same-that-will-be-applied-to-the-rdaf-f-35s/ In case you are looking for the FS-paint codes, they are available here: Let me know please if further translation from Danish is required! Cheers Johnny b
  12. Hi all. Newest project has come to an end. Revell CL-604 Challenger. Great kit, added a few antennas, and an acrylic stand. Chuffed with the result. Painted with Humbrol, Alclad, and Mercedes rattle can clear coat. Robin
  13. Hi Guys, I will be building a 1/48 Hasegawa Saab Draken. The box is the special version of the Austrian version. I will build it in the colours of a Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) F-35 Draken. This is the Ground attack version.I have some extra parts to go with it. Here are the goodies that will be used: Aires set 4374 J35F/J cockpit set Aires set 4390 Draken reconnacance conversion Eduard set FE417 J35 zoom set Finemolds set AC-90 Pitot tubes & AOA probes in metal Maestro set K4804 Jettisonable tanks x 2 Maestro set K4806 Jettisonable tanks x 2 Maestro set K4827 Danish Pylons x 6 (not arrived jet) Maestro set MMK4834 Saab WDNS Draken nose Maestro set MMD4803 decals for some Danish Drakens Quickboost QB48188 Air scoops Let the pictures talk. The box. And the spues. And now the extra goodies. And the decals used. As it is not recommended to do a party model, I will use some of the decals of this sheet to make a ground attack version. And the last two pictures are for the Hasegawa armament set's that I am going to use for the bombs and Bullpulp rockets. I have also ordered a set of danish pylons. That I will pick up next week at a friend. Cheers, p.s. just found out that the after market tanks are the wrong ones. I have ordered a new set.
  14. Earlier this year we (723 Sqn, RDAF) took delivery of the first three MH-60R Seahawks. The remaining six airframes are scheduled to be delivered during the next 1½ years or so. The MH-60R will replace our Lynx Mk. 90Bs, and retirement of the latter has already begun. More pictures can be found here: http://www.amarc.dk/index.php/gallery-mainmenu-31/26-helicopter-pictures Jens
  15. G’day folks. Latest off the bench for me is Tamiya’s 1/48 F-84G converted to a Royal Danish Air Force RF-84G using the MADS resin set. I wanted to build something other than a NMF Thunderjet as they are not often seen. Some brief research and I found that the Danes flew them in their regular guise as well as a reconnaissance platform. A bit more research revealed that Hi-Decal did the markings and MADS did the tank. I think the RAF temperate grey/green over PRU blue got it over the line. The MADS resin set consists of a replacement port tank in the way of a T-33 Fletcher photo recon tank and a vertical camera housing. I believe it was the French that came up with the idea of loading an oblique camera into the T-33 tank of which a few nations followed with the same idea. Located behind the nose gear bay, the vertical camera resulted in the battery being relocated to a different part of the fuselage. Photos of these aircraft have been hard to come by and for that reason some educated assumptions have been made regarding stencils and the finish of the aircraft. The colour of the emerald green is probably the most dubious part as that can be interpreted many different ways. I had a few issues with the Hi-Decal markings namely the tip tank lightning bolts which ended up being masked and painted after the fragile decal fell apart into several pieces. In summary… RF-84G Thunderjet, Reconnaissance Flight, 729th Squadron, Royal Danish Air Force; Karup AFB, spring 1957. Tamiya 1/48 F-84G - Item 61060 MADS 1/48 F-84G Thunderjet Recce Pod - Item M.Access 004 Quickboost 1/48 F-84G Ejection Seat with safety belts - Item QB 48-493 Hi-Decal 1/48 F-84G Decals - Item HDL 48017 Cutting Edge and Tamiya kit stencils Gunze acrylic and lacquer paints - (Custom PRU blue) To the pics… Cheers, Mick
  16. Hi, this is my first post. A RDAF f-100d from esk. 730 1972-3ish. i used a seat from the airfix lightning to represent a mb mk.5. 20130322_155220 by mudkiper, on Flickr 20130322_155325 by mudkiper, on Flickr 20130322_155346 by mudkiper, on Flickr 20130322_155541 by mudkiper, on Flickr 20130322_155447 by mudkiper, on Flickr Enjoy.
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