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    NATO and Allied air forces; from some years ago

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  1. A few, all 1/72 Airfix RB-57E (Vietnam GB) and FineMolds F-4E (Attack...GB) F-4E on its own F-4EJKai (F-4 STGB) FineMolds F-4E 3TFW Philippines (Gulf War GB) Hasegawa F-5E (Interceptors GB) DreamModel
  2. Too much choice for this GB, as previously discussed. But the new Wolfpak F-5E still has no issue date, a Vietnam GB looks likely for next year, I have just finished the second F-104 of the year and I quite like the NMF on the tail of my current F-100 WIP, so I am going to do this Academy F-84G with the only FM being decals (bought years ago) for a Misawa based example that I have found a few photos for, middle option. Chris
  3. That’s worse than I remember. What really spoils it is the canopy profile; it’s soooo wrong. Chris
  4. Right, worked out the correct paint for the F-35, it’s matt black from these photos. 😁 saves a lot of angst and mixing paint. Chris
  5. I think @tempestfan refers to the omission of tail planes on the box art, that you didn't follow. 😀 nice NMF. Chris
  6. Redid the darker green. Started on the heat stain, the photo shows early stages of decolourisation on the natural metal, yellow/brown with some burnt-ish sand paint. More to do I think, but would welcome suggetsions. Chris
  7. Thank you . Thank you, it’s just a Coastal Models base. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I like trying weathering and this is a great subject. Martin, praise indeed, thank you. Steve, thank you, and for alerting me to these decals in the first place. Jeff, thank you. Thank you, envy that, I have only ever seen a Danish one in a museum 😁 Thank you. Thank you, wow, didn’t get to see any zippers until much later at RIAT and the like. Thank you. James, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, ahhhh, the great days of very different schemes from different countries. Thank you, the excellent decals should take a lot of the credit. 😉 Chris
  8. Third completion for 2024, and second zipper, a late finish in Baby Boomers GB. RDAF F-104G R-699, US serial 63-12699 first flight June 5 1964, to Denmark November 1964 (NMF?) painted green October 1 1969 and as seen a bit (a lot?) worn at RAF Gutersloh in September 1975 and other dates and locations. Hasegawa F-104G Paulus Victor decals from @0viking0, very, very nice, but the individual numbers for the tail serial are tiny. Two Master pitot tube (first broke nearly at end) New Ware mask Painted mainly with lightened Humbrol 116, and then enamel aluminium and acrylics for the interior Humbrol washes Quinta 3D cockpit decals WIP at link: Photos also show Hasegawa AMI F-104S and RNorAF F-104G. Chris
  9. A bit late, but done at last, not as dirty / faded as the real thing, I was too cautious. RFI to follow. Thanks to @CliffB and @Corsairfoxfouruncle for hosting. Chris
  10. Yes, me, too much time on overrunning Starfighter in boomer GB. Chris
  11. Extremely nice end of era paint job. Chris
  12. Pitot fettled and painted. Happy with the colour match. Chris
  13. Main colours mainly done; aiming for a faded/varied effect but I think overdone on the darker green. So next steps are to redo dark green, touch-up other colours then get heat effects at rear, and add canopy at some point. Chris
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