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    NATO and Allied air forces; from some years ago

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  1. That’s a nice busy dark viper. Chris
  2. I have a plane now. Fuselage vent re-filled, wings and tailfin on, some tiny filling, and coat of paint (which has dried weirdly in part) to check seams. Pylons assembled, not attached; there are no HARMs on any photos of this plane so the middle pylons' slots for missiles will require filling. Nose assembled, may leave it to end because it should be a slightly different colour to rest of fuselage. Decals on bang seat started. Masked intake lip and started to paint; had to wait for daylight to see demarcation line, so that is critical path now; 7 parts to add to current assembly. Really enjoying this kit, and glad I bought 2.😀 Chris
  3. I do like the Aegean ghost scheme, weathering varies a lot between planes so you can get have wildly different colour and be right. Chris
  4. Very, very busy load out on Ukrainian Viper at link https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235150846-ukrainian-f-16-combat-sighting-sbd-amraam-ecm/ Anyone going to use it to inform their build? Chris
  5. Fuselage progressed; a lot more parts than maybe obvious. Wasn't happy with filling of electronics bay (?) vents so filled again, once done I'll get the wings and tail on. I think painting the tailplanes separately will work best. 6 parts to intake, on with those, realised from looking at the reference photo, at top of tread, the intake lip is in the lighter gray of the traditional viper scheme Chris
  6. Phabulous. Particularly like the weathering on the underside. Chris
  7. Charlie that’s a nice busy pit. Chris
  8. Popular variant. By my count this is the 5th 1/72 block 50 in the GB, the other 4 all Tamiya. 😁 Chris
  9. Cockpit decals on sticks added. Varnish next. Chris
  10. My choice would be acrylic. Over silver normally but if you had a switched off cockpit I guess black would be better. Not a choice I make be cause I like to use 3D decals in pits. And paint green straight on the HUD, probably shouldn’t but I like the effect. Chris
  11. If I was buying it would be Tamiya clear green. But as I’ve got a pot of Humbrol enamel clear green that’s 25 years old and I only ever need a drop I use that. Chris
  12. Going faster than me, looking good, and now I know what the fill and blob on the right side look like when done. 👍 Chris
  13. After discussion on the GB chat, and advice from @Enzo the Magnificent and @Pappy gone for a red battery in main landing gear well with aluminium highlights, and there is a nice yellow decal with text to go on it. I'll do that and the pit decals together. So a bit of assembling while paint drying: drop tanks the 5-part tailfin the gun nozzle Chris
  14. Pappy, thanks for the very comprehensive answer. It’s a CJ I’m building so I’ll go with red. Chris
  15. A start. As I am using Quinta 3D decals first task filing the nice raised detail off off the cockpit sides and front console. Then a bit of assembly of the main landing gear well, and some paint, loads of white and a lighter grey than Tamiya advise in the pit but to match the Quinta decals. I have posted a query about the gear well colours in the chat. I need the grey to set dry before decaling and adding side stick controllers. Chris
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