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  1. This one is motorized, added light and small base Video of how motor works : https://i.imgur.com/w9QpaGJ.mp4
  2. A 1/48th N.A. P-51D Mustang. More tomorrow. Source: https://www.facebook.com/officialairfix/posts/10154504386816271:0 Oh no. I would have preferred... (blablabla) For the record: Meng soon to release new tool P-51D: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235009127-148-north-american-p-51d-mustang-by-meng-box-artcads-release-2016/ Eduard 1/48th Mustang family in project... http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234974169-148-north-american-p-51-mustang-family-long-term-project-by-eduard/ HobbyBoss recent easy assembly Mustang: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234922415-p-51d-mustang-iv-hobby-boss-148/ etc. https://www.scalemates.com/search-solr.php?fkSECTION[]=Kits&q=North+American+P-51+Mustang+P-51D+1%2F48 V.P.
  3. In the Czech Modelforum it's mentioned that after the 1/48th MiG-21, Spitfire and Bf.109 families, Eduard has as long term project the North American P-51 Mustang in the same scale. Wait and see. Source: http://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=68170&start=5865 V.P.
  4. Zoukei Mura is to release a 1/32nd North American P-51B/C Mustang kit - ref. ? Source: https://www.zoukeimura.co.jp/en/sentiment/oyajiblog_135.html Development of the P-51B/C is well underway! Look! Everyone's favorite P-51B/C is finally unveiling! Great success on the European front, “Little friend” will join your collection. The A may be difficult, but we can do the B and the C in SWS kits. Thus if that becomes a reality, you will be able to complete the Mustang brothers with SWS kits B, C, D and K. Another dream of mine and yours can come true. What? What about the H? .... That may be... impossible... impossible... Anyway, the B and the C would allow you to do so many kinds of markings. Please plan ahead using the reference materials you have on hand. As always, we try our best to reproduce as much detail as possible, from the entire form of the aircraft to the fuselage structure and internal mechanisms. Furthermore, this B/C kit is made from completely new tooling! I’m pretty sure that both you and I will shout with happiness and amazement. P-51B/C is scheduled for launch around 2026. The P-51 Mustang B/C, the great liquid-cooled fighter with the great Super Merlin engine. The strong are beautiful. The beautiful are strong. Another rare single-seat fighter from WWII is about to be released as an SWS kit. It is the engine and its mounting, the cockpit design, function and structure, the powerful armament and weapon loading, fire protection, bulkheads, bullet-proof equipment and the wing design, the beautiful fuselage as a result of the ingenious manufacturing methods and its matching propeller. A masterpiece aircraft model that is truly admirable in every way, presented by SWS with passion and unique method. Stay tuned! V.P.
  5. Next Kovozávody Prostějov - KP (http://www.kovozavody.cz/) 1/72nd kit is a new tool North American P-51B/C Mustang - ref. Source: https://www.facebook.com/SAMEditor1 V.P.
  6. After the P-51B/C (link), Arma Hobby is to release the 1/72nd North American P-51D/K Mustang bubbletop versions. Source comments: https://www.facebook.com/ArmaHobby/posts/4796445153719137 V.P.
  7. Arma Hobby is to release in 2021 a 1/72nd North American P-51B/C Mustang kit. Source: http://armahobbynews.pl/en/blog/2020/12/30/arma-hobby-new-kit-announcements-for-2021/ Sprues design & 3D renders V.P.
  8. After the P-51D/K Eduard is to release 1/48th North American P-51B/C Mustang kits Source: https://www.eduard.com/out/media/InfoEduard/archive/2022/info-eduard-2022-10-special.pdf V.P.
  9. Hallo This is one of my 7 P-51. Yellow tail Mustang P-51C-10-NT 43-25101 52nd FG 5th FS piloted by A.F. Watkins. I used ASK decals. The a/c took part in the Slovak National Uprising SNP in September 1944. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/slovak-national-uprising-1944 This operation triggered finally many actions against civilians with horrible losses of lives. Operated according 52nd FG website at September 1944 from Madna in Italy. The build you can watch on my WIP. Enjoy the photos: Happy modelling
  10. Hallo Now after I had to make a break in my P-38 series due to a broken part, I switched to P-51. This project was fueled by the new Eduard kit. On the other hand I got a dual combo about Red Tails to my birthday. On the other hand I had the chance to realize my dream to build models which flew over my home during WW2. My home is in Carinthia (Austria) and in wartime we had bombing and strafing by P-38 and P-51. This is the area where British troops were stationed from 1945 to 1955 as occupation force. No other aircraft type is commented and told from locals. It is also told that during strafing it could be seen black pilots in the aircraft. This was taken as a tale, from a confused person, in meantime we know, this could have been real. So, by modelling I choose the Eduard kit. With Quintas, which I prefer to etched parts in the cockpit, specially the seatbelts! I also have the Brasin revi from Eduard. For all aircrafts. There will be checker tails, yellow tails and red tails. After my first steps I can conclude that the kit is good. There are some areas, which are not really well done. One part is the intake for the oil-cooler. The etched part needs a support to be glued properly. The landing flaps, are awful to glue into the wing. The instruction for this matter is weird. It shows, there may be something to sand, but no idea what it is meant. The rod for the airscrew is very short, so that assembly is a bit awkward. The color instruction is doubtful, some say it is well done. Doubtful if you rely on prime sources, well done if you rely on tales. In the instruction of the cockpit it tells of many detail, but nothing about the throttle quadrant. See the first steps. Inner wheel well door. Excelent pic to confuse ! Happy modelling
  11. Hallo Now firstly again: Error in the instruction, please obey! This is the same manual of B/C and see the contradiction! Position of holes for the pylon is wrong at the left, correct at the right! Now: Which external tank fits to the pylon of the B/C version? It is a very different pylon to the later D version. I think that this picture below is wrong! Such a paper tank can not be fixed to such a pylon. Is this correct or wrong now? I would use this tank in combination with the pylon: The location of the fuel pipe entry in the wing is now my question! Can anyone tell me that? Since it is not the D wing, where I have all informations. Thanks in forward Happy modelling
  12. Hello Everybody! This is the ICM P-51B with the same Aires resin conversion and old Verlinden engine set, Squadron vacuum Malcolm canopy. And this is a small black-DIO
  13. My last Airfix Mustang in the stash. I found some goodies too. Although the red-tail markings are attractive, I once fell for the luxorious design of these Exito decals, and I somehow need to motivate that expense, so this will be the choice this time: It’s a P51D-25-NA operating as long-range escort out of Iwo Jima towards the end of the war, and since I have 5-, 10 and 15-NA since before it complements the collection. Some tweaks will be needed, regarding radio equipment (I distinctly remember they had a different set of boxes, not to mention the different set of antennas) and tail-warning radar. I now have one week to find that vac form canopy and Quickboost exhaust stacks I remember buying but cannot find. I now understand how squirrels feel.
  14. Hi, Please find my completed Indonesian Air Force P-51D Mustang. Gear doors positioned halfway as they slowly lower without hydraulic pressure when standing still for too long. The kit is the weekend edition from Eduard and apart from the antenna, it was an out of the box build but using the Dutch Decal set. Some debate whether the original anti Glare panel is olive drab or black, but I think the black looked quite nice so went with that. Built it while I was working on my B-24 in between periods when you are waiting for things to dry or arrive. Probably that is why I didn’t gave it my full concentration as I struggled throughout with the model. Most notably the landing gear bay and wheels. Struggled to get the drop tanks on as I could not detect a positive fit. Perhaps because it was the weekend edition and the profipack may contain proper brackets. Wings are MRP Super Silver. Fuselage Alclad Aluminium, with some AK Xtreme Duraluminium for various surfaces. Titanium for the flaps and Magnesium for the exhaust panels which were painted black for a large part afterwards. Panel wash by Flory Cracked the windshield while masking, but great customer service from Eduard. I received a whole transparent sprue free of charge through the post within a week. Thanks for watching, Rgds, Rob
  15. Hallo Now, my next big decission has to be made: What to do with the wing surface on the Eduard kit. Since it was a laminar wing, and due to my Mustang pics from Duxford, I see no panel lines. And I found a thread on LSP, analogy to that all. LSP discussion And a discussion on our forum too: My answer is: I will do it, I will fill it, and show you the result. To grasp is too less. Out of 6 kits, I try it now. Happy modelling
  16. Hallo Since I build some P-51 from ETO, this question came up. Can you tell me, which FG used this AN/APS-13 radar equipment on their D versions? BTW: which fuel tank was common for a full sortie from Fogia? 75 or 110 gal. tank? Thank you in forward. Happy modelling
  17. Halberd Models (https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/halberdmodels) from Ukraine is to release on September 20th, 2022 three Mustang resin kits - ref. 001-345 - North American XP-51 Mustang - ref. 001-355 - Rolls-Royce Mustang Mk.X - ref. 001-355 - North American Mustang Mk.I Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0YpfivSysCSibsr7q7Z2XTWBrxp8hAWcEYTavbxCrVif4rDJ7kkPdfkizFzJaeJG9l&id=100064057054695 V.P.
  18. Hi all. Dooleybird is finished, taken straight from the 1/48th Airfix P-51D kit; stickers and all. It's a very clean build but this one is for my mum who passed away on the 20th of October last year. Her maiden name was Dooley so it was an easy pick. I've got another one that has her name associated with it but that'll be later in the year. Apologies for the lack of build photos but this one was neat and tidy and a pretty quick build. Vale mum. All the best Mick
  19. This is the early ICM (Tamiya knockoff) 1/48 P-51D Mustang, marked as "Miss Marilyn II". As and early ICM kit, there were a number of challenges, HUGE sink marks, short shots, incorrect detail parts copied from other kits, and a canopy that looked like it had been removed from the mold with a shovel! I used an Ultracast seat, and the sliding canopy is a spare from an Airfix kit (suitably reshaped). The front windscreen is from a scrapped Monogram P-51, that had to be reshaped, shortened, and polished to fit. Wheel well was opened to the aft spar, brake lines added, and the radio, battery and drop tanks wired, and plumbed. Decals are ancient Superscale (that tried to shatter on contact with water - to the point that some codes were masked and sprayed), and the paints are all Tamiya acrylic. Thanks for looking, Colin
  20. ThreeD-Wild Miniatures (link) is to release a (1/48th ?) 3D printed aircraft kit in 2024. Obviously a single engine fighter aircraft with a propeller. But what ? Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/906471069393540/posts/24651795694434411/ V.P.
  21. Source: https://www.zoukeimura.co.jp/sentiment/oyajiblog_134.html Zoukei-Mura 1/32nd projects for the coming years. Guess the types. P-51A/B Mustang or A-36 Apache and T-28 Trojan? V.P.
  22. Revell is to release in 2017-2018 a new tool 1/32nd North American P-51D Mustang kit - ref. 03944 Source: http://www.kitreviewsonline.de/revell-neuheiten-fuer-das-jahr-2017/ V.P.
  23. Hello all, Here’s my rendition of the venerable 1/48 Mustang from Accurate Miniatures. Mostly OOB except for some Eduard seatbelts from the spares box and decals from Aeromaster, which worked great. I found this one refreshing after a series of difficult builds. I always liked the look of the early Allison Mustangs. The AM kit holds up, and is fairly effortless except for the canopy. The fit is not good unless you saw open the door as I did. My model depicts a P-51 Mk. Ia in Anzio, Italy, in 1944. As luck would have it, I was able to catch a flight demo of a restored Allison Mustang at the Planes of Fame Air Museum in Chino, CA, just as I was wrapping up this build last weekend. Thank you for looking!
  24. I am leaving my workbench for university! I will be studying Aero-mechanical engineering at the university of Strathclyde. These two models will be my last for a while... I actually started these years ago (B in 2020, D in 2021) but got bored of them, recently came back to them and fixed them up. Without further ado, here they are: P-51B 42-106750 and P-51D 44-15648 P-51B 106750 Historical photo from 1945 in Italy P-51D 44-15648 Historical photo of the aircraft from Italy during the second world war. Thanks for looking! I will definitely be staying active on the forums despite not making models, I do hope I can make something again soon.
  25. hello to the board! here comes pictures of my build of this nice Mustang. Kit from Eduard ProfiPack 82103. The kit is nice with very nice decal sheet. My choice felt on "Genie" the aircraft N5-X serial number 44-14659 from the 111th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 69th Tactical Reconnaissance Group of 12AF. The prototype: Enjoy it:
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