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Found 14 results

  1. It is my model. Some details are cut from a frame.
  2. I’ve become a bit fed up with my normal fare of 1/35 AFV & 1/48 jets. So looking for inspiration I perused the stash & found, none at all. So I watched a film. “World War Z” with Brad Pitt, cracking film, I like the whole zombie apocalypse “thing”, walking dead etc. it got me thinking……… Zombie 1-1 by phil da greek, on Flickr Zombie escape truck. Some imagination, some scratch building & a chance to empty the spares box of all sorts of accumulated bits. Half decent kit, Unimog camper van with a zombie bent. I’ve built this kit before, it’s not bad, lots of clean up required & a definite attention to detail is required if we’re not going to have upside down exhausts. Zombie 1-4 by phil da greek, on Flickr Zombie 1-3 by phil da greek, on Flickr The kit comes with nasty “real” rubber tyres, the grey ones are some resin after market LAV tyres which are a nice size. Managed to snap the gear stick in an attempt to remove the flash. Zombie 1-5 by phil da greek, on Flickr Zombie 1-2 by phil da greek, on Flickr The cab is a one piece affair that is good & square but devoid of any detail, so some cleaning up & a mess on as it’s going to be posed doors open. I’ve made more progress than this, moving on to a completed & primed chassis. Thanks for any interest you’ve had & I’ll keep you posted.
  3. This is the 1988 first release of Revell's A320. Compared to their newly molded A320 its a real stinker.No real detail,thick plastic and every part on sprues that would rival even tree trunks. When I was a kid,this was the only game in town when it came to the A320. I tried,and failed, every time to build or even finish one properly back then. Earlier this year I won an auction with 5 model kits and among them there was that nightmarish kit. First I planned to resell it but then I remembered one thing...it had a tow truck in the kit,so I decided to keep it and tried to build it. First thing that I did was replacing the original kit engines with proper CFM56 engines of current releases.The original kit engines are a complete joke. The winglets are also way too thick and big,they were replaced as well. As there is almost no detail on the fuselage,I looked for a livery that would hide most of the kits flaws. PAS decal offers this cute and nice special livery for the Europa Park livery by Eurowings. And because of the all blue fuselage,the missing details are perfectly hidden. Painted with Revell blue 52,Revell 371 for the wings and 374 for the coroguard panels. The decals are laserprinted and have no white backing.White decals are provided with the set,which must be applied first and the the original motives on top. Between the decals I used Gunze Aqueous gloss varnish,and again on top of the rest to seal the decals and give it a nice shiny look. Finally in my 4th attempt,I managed to build Revell's first A320 model. Cheers
  4. Hello, after many years of not building a Model Aircraft kit I decided to buy one. Its a Revell Yak - 3 1:72 Level 3 kit. My question is the box says 10 tins of paint but the instructions say 12. Which is correct and also where is the cheapest place to but it? Thank You
  5. Well, here is my first participation in a group build! Having been "Furloughed" by my employer, the "Leg Iron" decided there was alternative employment available "around the house", thankfully, the council has closed the tip and all non essential shops have also put the shutters up, which left little to do but show her the email from work which stated "You are not to carry out any work"! Awesome! So here she is, my entry in the Group Build! The venerable Revell Lancaster! I`ll only be using the stencils from this decal sheet. Lots of nice grey plastic, I have an Airfix Lancaster in the stash but I am saving that for conversion to a Lincoln (Once Blackbird models have the conversion back in stock!). I am quite impressed with the quality of detail in this kit, which I picked up for £15! This box of bits has been sitting in the stash for about a year, the Freightdog ASR III/GR 3 conversion, new wheels, Lincoln rudders, a whole heap of intakes, two vacform domes and a hoofing great airborne lifeboat! And finally some decals, there are two Maritime schemes in this set. So without further delay, lets get this show on the road! Cockpit assembly took very little time, although there are a few ejector pin marks that needed filling, I think that even with the huge expanse of canopy very little is going to be visible once the fuselage is buttoned up. I chopped the lower wing at the bend line just outboard of the inner nacelles to correct the dihedral The outer wing was then glued in place, but not down the cut line, the cut extends into the leading edge back as far as the nacelle join, when everything is cured, I shall slip a shim into the gap in the lower skin and this will push the wing tip up and increase the dihedral! The cockpit is assembled, It is a little basic, but I will add a few bits and bobs, trim wheels and the like, and somewhere for the flight engineer to park his backside! I will not however be putting any charts or maps on the navigators table. You might get away with that sort of behaviour in the French air force, but in the RAF, such things as Maps ,Charts and Logs are controlled documents, collected by the Navigator from the Navigation section prior to sortie they would be returned to the Navigation section once back on Terra Firma and following debrief, before the Navigator headed to the Officers Mess for a skin-full of pop to calm the nerves which have just taken a jolly good eight hour hiding from the boyish antics of "Biggles" in the drivers seat So a productive first day, all "Win Column" so far! Ta for lookin` no G! Granto
  6. Dear all, another small project comes to a close for this newbie (returnee to the hobby), so I thought I'd just post a short thread over here to close-off my small Harvard project that started off as a Revel (reboxed Heller) 1:72 T6G but with a few modifications was able to be presented in the end as something closer to what the RAF would have used in the form of a Noorduyn Harvard 2B (IIB). I tracked progress and discussions over on a WIP thread (below) and these images did conclude that; but I thought that I ought to pop something here for those just looking to see the end result. Was it worth it? Yes, probably. I have to deal with these thing in real life and understanding the subtle differences in the models is useful when working through the history of individual airframes. It served as a useful little project to try some new (to me) techniques and finishes, and yes, it'll do. Next up will be a quick (ish) build of two Airfix Hurricane 1s that I'll finish in BoB era markings (with the anniversary approaching)... whilst I await the arrival if a fine molds F14 kit from Japan that I'll spend a little more time on - the big Ed set has already arrived in the post. Should be fun. WIP Some pics of the end result: Harvard IIB by Jonathan Hughes, on Flickr Harvard from the rear by Jonathan Hughes, on Flickr Harvard, from above by Jonathan Hughes, on Flickr and Harvard underside by Jonathan Hughes, on Flickr Thanks for reading Jonathan
  7. Junkers F.13 Conversion Set (MX 7222.07) 1:72 Master-X The Junkers F.13 was an all-metal, cantilever wing monoplane that was one of the most advance aircraft in the world when it first flew in June 1919. It was in production for 13 years - an incredible feat given the stupendous pace of aeronautical development throughout the early twentieth century. The aircraft was built around an aluminium alloy frame, with stressed skin in the classic Junkers style. The cockpit was only semi-enclosed, but the passenger compartment, which was fitted out to accommodate four people, was fully enclosed and heated. Over 322 examples were produced, with a great many different power plants finding their way into the airframe. This conversion set from Master-X is designed for the Revell kit - a stone cold classic from the German firm's 1990s purple patch. In the plastic bag, you get a replacement upper fuselage, horizontal and vertical tails, ailerons, wheels, propellor and lower cowling. The standard of casting is high and the rendering of the surface details means it will be a good match for the original kit. Of course the parts will need to be cleaned up prior to assembly, but from what I've seen, I wouldn't expect construction will present too many difficulties. Decals are included for the intended subject, an example used by the Eurasia Aviation Corporation in China in 1931. The colour scheme is a striking black, red and aluminium number. Conclusion This is a well-designed and nicely made conversion set which opens up new possibilities for Revell's excellent kit. The inclusion of decals is a necessity given the nature of the conversion, but one which makes this into a nice little project. An absolute must for fans of interwar aviation. Review sample courtesy of
  8. Here is my latest bench blocker, My second Revel FAA Corsair in 1;72 scale. In a break with tradition and against all common decency I have not posted the obligatory sprue shots or any of the decal set or the Eduard Zoom fret, mainly because I didn't take any. Having built one already I was aware of the immediate action remedy's on the wings, mainly fill the wing tip join gaps, fill the lights on the underside of the port wing and create another light and chop out the wingtip lights. I also fitted the stall vane outboard of the guns on the starboard wing. The radiators need a bit of shimming to fit nicely...…. The seat got some detail and the armour got some bolts and a new head rest.....Oh and the prop got reworked too. I made up the two fuselage vents side vents, these get cut down severely, and I gave the cowling a good reaming...... A bit of a rescribe and a shot of primer followed by Zinc chromate and gloss coat then Flory wash...……. Eduard Zoom...…………..frustrating as hell! This is during the build...………..before the really delicate and quite frankly invisible stuff! Pilots seat and bulkhead ready to go...…….. The lump all buttoned up...……. More of the Zoom set, the throttle quadrant was very flimsy, so I filled it with GatorsGrip which worked a treat! Parts of the Under Carriage were not great, they were a bit short, so I slid a thin length of brass tube inside another and cut two piston like lengths, using the original parts as a guide, I drilled a hole to accept the thicker end in the UC leg and put a dab of CA there then when I fitted the gear I extended the inner tube and CA`d the other end! That went in the win column! There was a bit of "Handbags" on here earlier in the week regarding FAA Corsairs and bombs, I wouldn't let it lie as usual, but it all got sorted, as usual members had all the relevant gen, the upshot is I need a couple of british bomb carriers, I still dont know weather they`ll go on this kite or not yet, it means getting a Swordfish for the relevant parts which will hold up the build...……………….. But there is another Corsair in the stash she`ll be a really late bird ! Radiator doors scribed and a shot of primer...…………… The lights on the starboard wing have been drilled out, they will get acrylic crystal treatment, the new port wing light will get a punched clear plastic lens. Armoured windscreen primed...…………. Bomb fairings after a scribe...…………...I have seen fots of these missing altogether and the hole plated over, or in place with the fittings for ordnance or tanks covered with the curved fairing as they are now. Canopy masked Here`s the Prop main wheels and the modified tail gear...……. all ready for the next sesh! Ta for lookin` no "G" Granto
  9. I`m got my second Revel FAA Corsair On the bench, having been through all the corsair related stuff on here and given myself square eyes searching for relevant images I cant find any real detail regarding the ejector fittings for FAA BPF Corsairs, I have a couple of nice British Bombs, since I read that the FAA used British rather than US Ordnance, from an Airfix Tiffy which look suitable, however the "gubbins" from under the Tiffy wings for hanging them is much longer front to rear than the relevant fittings under the Corsair wings. Now I know that Revel have supplied the wrong drop tanks, since FAA Corsairs used the Brewster centre line one not the much later smaller pair often seen on US aircraft, but the pylons, for want of a better name are correct to a degree. Anyone got any polite suggestions? Granto
  10. 1/32 Revell F4U Corsair is done Im doing for a customer and he want no decals, he will add his custom ones later And the color is his own choice Hope you guys like my latest work https://flic.kr/p/2etHxeX https://flic.kr/p/2fN5CrE https://flic.kr/p/TJp1fG https://flic.kr/p/2eEV7Rs https://flic.kr/p/TJp1nA https://flic.kr/p/2fN5CGQ
  11. Revell's Boeing 707 kit has also many decades on its shoulders and had countless re-releases over the years. It represents more a 707-100 but Revell marketed it as AWACS,Air Tanker and in various Airline markings that are mostly 707-300 versions. They even released it as a United Boeing 720 ! Despite that,it is a nice little kit that can build up into a model that looks like a 707,although the fit is not the best. The worst part are the wing halves.For some unknown reason,Revell decided to split the wings right through the flaps which makes it very difficult to fill and sand the seam without erasing the engraved lines. For my build I used the AWACS kit,as I was unable to find the original Lufthansa boxing for a reasonable price. I wanted to build it in the Lufthansa scheme as a childhood reminder of mine. The Revell 707 was amongst my very first attempts as a kid in airliner modelling.The result was less than stellar but I had lots of joyful playtime with it back then. This time of course,I wanted to build it properly,so that the Revell Lufthansa 707 will finally find its deseved place in my collection. Its very difficult to find decal sets that actually match the Revell kit,and in my strive to rebuild it mostly out of the box,I had to find an original Revell Lufthansa decal set. Luckily I was able to track an almost pristine set down on ebay. The cabin windows are printed on the blu stripe but they are not very straight aligned.I used new windows from a 707 detail set that i had to apply individually to cover the kits ones. The cabin doors are taken from an Airfix 727 set and the rest comes from the detail set or spares. Painted entirely with Revell enamels, Enjoy
  12. Hi all...... I've got two of these old kits at home, and I'm planning to build one of them as a Spanish Navy example. AFAIK, Spain received both Sikorsky and Westland made machines, under the MAP program. Now the questions: Given the fact of its age, is it an accurate kit???? Not talking about detail or lack of it, but about general shape. The interior comes absolutely empty, except for some spurious cockpit detail, raised rivets (golf balls, in 1/48 scale), and a set of very weird looking wheels....So a complete sanding and rescribing will be mandatory, as well as some scratchbuilding for the cockpit and the starboard fuselage crane. So far, i've just got a few pics of the "Pepo", as they were nicknamed in Spain.... The tail boom is absolutely straight, and I've seen some models had a "twisted" tail...I suppose that's right for early H19B models, but not sure about it....the "twisted" tail was introduced from the H19D onwards, I think....It's a question of choosing a straight tail example, or doing major surgery..... Any info will be very helpful.... A late friend of mine used to say: "Pepos don't really fly.....they're so ugly that Earth repels them". TIA and best regards from Tenerife....
  13. Eurofighter TYPHOON (Twin seater) Revell 1:144 The Eurofighter EF2000 Typhoon started out as the EAP programme in the 1970s engineered entirely by BAe, but was later joined by a number of international partners due to an allegedly common requirement, with the partnership changing over time to end up with Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy remaining, while France went their own way with the Aerodynamics data to create the Rafale, which has a similar general arrangement. Delays and cost overruns seem to be a common factor in modern military procurement, and the Typhoon suffered many, resulting in the Germans taking delivery of the first airframe in 2003, Italy in 2005 and the UK in 2007. Operational airframes have since taken part in operations in Libya and under Italy's control in Albania. After the British Typhoons were initially ordered without guns, then with guns but without ammo, which was again overturned in due course, they were grounded in 2011 due to a lack of spares, which required the RAF to cannibalise grounded airframes to keep flying. The two-seat variant is used for training and conversion, although it is capable of going to war if needs required it, having all the systems in place to make it viable. The Tiffie is a great airshow crowd pleaser due to its agility at all speeds, and the impressive tearing roar of its twin EF2000 jet engines that propel it forwards with an impressive 20,000lbf of power per engine with reheat engaged. The Kit Revell have already given us Two Seat Eurofighter Typhoon in 1/32, 1/48, and 1/72; now its time for this excellent kit to be available to the 1/144 scale modeller. The kit arrives in a standard open end Revell Box (same size as their 1/72 Spitfire sized kits), inside you get 5 sprues of grey plastic and one small clear sprue. The parts are well formed with great detail for this scale. There is no flash on the parts that I can see. Construction starts with the cockpit, and as this is the two seater you get two. As the kit is obviously set up for both a single & double seater you do have to make both cockpit tubs. They are not difficult though. There is an instrument panel, control column and ejection seat to add to each. The seat can not be described as the best, and only bears a passing resemblance to an MB.16 even in this scale. All detail on the instrument panels and side consoles are provided as decals. Once the cockpit tubs are assembled, they are glued into the fuselage, and then the fuselage halves can then be joined up to complete the top section of the main fuselage. The next step is to install into the now completed top fuselage, the large plate section which forms the roof of the engine intakes. The lower section of the intakes can then be placed inside the lower fuselage section. This can then be joined to the top section to complete the main fuselage. The engine exhausts can then be attached to the completed main fuselage, as can the main wings which are single parts in this scale. The radar dome and pirate sensor (If building the RAF version) are then added, along with the console which separates the two cockpits. The aircraft spine is then added next, along with the front canards. The next steps involve flipping the model upside down and concentrating on the underside. The main gear, front gear and gear doors are all added at this stage. They appear quite fine in the sprue and care will need to be taken. Even though no stand is included the gear doors can be placed in the closed positions with the removal of a couple of mounting tabs. The last section involves the addition of the underwing pylons and flap actuators. Revel have done a good job here in providing the modeller with an array of weapons to fit, even if they have the names wrong (AIM-7L Sidewinder anyone?). You are provided with 2 x Fuel tanks, 4 x AMRAAM, 2 x AIM-9L Sidewinders, 2 x IRIS-T, 2 x Tarus Pods and 2 x Stormshadows. Once you have fitted your Eurofighter out the last thing to do is add the canopy and your model is complete. Canopy The canopy is clear and molded with no flaws. It can be posed open or closed as needed. Decals The decals are printed in Italy for Revell and its no surprise in this scale that the sheet is small. It is however packed with markings & stencils for both the airframe and the multitude of weapons supplied in the kit. It is good the weapons markings are there as a lot of manufactures miss these out. Decals are supplied for two aircraft. Typhoon T.3 of No.3 Sqn Royal Air Force, RAF Coningsby 2013. Eurofighter Jagdbombergeschwader 31, Luftwaffe, Norvenich, 2009 Colour call outs are given in Revell colours colourmixes. Its worth noting that the German aircraft have the radome and dielectric panels in the same colour as the RAF & Italian machines (British Colours) as these were moulded in that colour. Not as per the Revel instructions. Conclusion This should make upto a good looking model of the Eurofighter Typhoon. Its good to see a small scale kit packed with detail and weapons. Overall highly recommended. Revell model kits are available from all good toy and model retailers. For further information visit
  14. Hi Everyone, Here is my biggest completed project of 2014 so far. This is completed build number 8 for 2014. This is a Revell Red Arrows Hawk T.1A painted using Humbrol Acrylic Signal Red paint. I enjoyed this build as it was one of the most challenging for a long time. Anyway onto the pictures. I have just realised whilst looking at these photos that I have left the fuselage serial numbers off, so will have to correct that. Anyway comments welcome. Thanks as always for looking. Rick
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