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  1. Hi folks, another Tamiya Me 262 for the WW2 Twins GB- this one being Galland's 262 with JV 44. Kit is Tamiya with KitsWorld decals and sprayed with Vallejo acrylics as usual. Thanks for looking in!
  2. Hi all, another Tamiya 262 from me here for my 2nd build of the GB. Using Kitsworld decals again to build Adolf Galland's Me 262 from JV 44. I also have Montex masks for the canopy which will make life easier. Standard 76/81/82 scheme here with some mottling, should be a nice challenge. Made a start last night assembling the interior components, once they're sprayed and fitted the kit really does just fall together in no time. Thanks for looking in!
  3. Hi all, built for the ongoing Twin WW2 GB. Kit by Tamiya, with Quinta Studios cockpit decals and KitsWorld decals to create this 262 flown by Karl-Heinz Becker of 10./NJG 11. Thanks for looking in, check out the GB there's some cracking builds on the go.
  4. My first Hobbyboss kit, Me 262 B-1a/U1 1:48 - not one I've seen a lot of posts for... To start with this is a very detailed kit, a lot of fine details and internal parts you just wont see...this is a great kit for those who favour a high degree of accuracy. The moulding is nice and sharp with clear definition - the plastic however is quite inflexible to the point where its a little bit brittle, this may be just a kit that's been sat around for a while! The fitting however was a different matter, the parts seem to be oversized and required quite a bit of trimming and sanding to make them fit together, some gapping with filler needed as well, overall the whole fit just seemed awkward. In the end not a bad kit at all, just let down by the fitting, also the addition of a replacement metal part to add weight to the front was a excellent addition and worth a mention. The cockpit was finished using the usual Eduard etched kit and the engines were a resin kit i managed to procure my scouring the internet for hours, finally being able to find one in stock in a Japanese hobby shop...makes you wonder why these don't come as a standard option on the 262 - turns out there are two options for aftermarket resin engine kits for this model, both are actually for Tamiya, not difficult to find which ones they are using the Hannants search engine, but good luck finding stock! The kit I really wanted to use comes with the full engine casing and is apparently the better fit, the one i had to go with was just the engines and mounts which took some fettling to fit but I'm happy with the result overall and adds a whole lot of detail. First real attempt at free handing the mottled cammo with the airbrush, not the best finish and did end up repainting it a couple of times - but a good attempt in my opinion - just couldn't get the finest lines, i was using a 0.3m needle and 1 Bar of pressure but maybe it was just me not having the experience and practice yet. Tell me what you think, all feedback is appreciated - the light on my phone is really harsh and sorry for the busy background, I don't have a lot of room on my desk at the moment 😁
  5. First completion of the year, the Smer Me 262 as an Avia S-92 in Czech livery. Experienced modellers will notice many flaws, mostly mine - it sometimes feels that my litany of "it don't fit, honest guv" is a bit bad workman blaming his tools, (you may agree!) but like the other Smer kit I've made, a Morane Saulnier 406 in 1/72, ithis did have a couple of fit issues. My faults? Probably the stand out is the paint colour, which I suspect is a little more green than the grey green Smer advise should be, some painting issues, visible brushmarks and some sanding not sanded out, if you see what I mean. But .... the decals Smer provided are excellent, they glided onto gloss varnish, settled nicely and under a coat of Windsor & Newton galleria flat varnish- which is decidedly satin - the decals do not, to my eye, have any silvering at all. Here are some photos; There was some p/e supplied in the kit, very sparingly used by myself. Also, I was a bit unhappy with the somewhat ropey canopy masking,I#ve done much better in the past. Still, it looks like an Me 262, and I am one down, several more to go !! Thanks for looking.
  6. Hello friends, I need advice if possible. Long story but I've ended up with THERE '72nd Revell Me262s, one nightfighter and an identical pair of A-1a's. (Thanks again to Invidia for the undercarriage legs). I'm absolutely fine painting the NF and the '19’ aircraft, but I'm struggling to find a y information regarding the JG 7 aircraft, the one shown on the box art, with the blue nose, defence of the Reich band and a rather indistinct squiggly RLM 82 pattern. I'm unable to find any picture of such a scheme despite going goggle eyed looking. Any thoughts gratefully received, many thanks.
  7. A 2019 kit with the worst fit I've ever encountered so far. I don't understand how Revell got the fit of the engines to the wings so wrong. The nacelles don't even follow the curvature of the wings, and the inner cowl doors have huge gaps. I even had to enlarge the channels where the nacelles should fit because they had extra plastic moulded into them. Has anyone who have built this kit found the fit of the engines to the wings to be so poor? Even the old tool Hasegawa kit had better fit. See for yourselves:
  8. Hello guys, While I study for my next exam this 20th and dread my upcoming visit to the dentist (Wisdom Tooth removal), I thought I'd show you my next big scale project. It's the Revell (new tool) 1:32 Messerschmitt Me 262A-1a. I'm certain I won't be building any of the given schemes. I'll go for a what if colour scheme based in the early camouflage of the 262 in RLM 74/75. The only distinctive marking for this otherwise generic scheme will be the addition of a double chevron (from the Bf 109G-6 in 32nd scale from Revell) to denote a Captain's aircraft. Boxart: Parts (still bagged):
  9. After fighting this kit in the early build phase, I was able to complete it to a decen standard. The difficult areas were the engine nacelles and the wings to fuselage area. The first one was solved by applying CA to the gaps, and the latter by sanding the upper portion of the wheel wells until the wings fitted without gaps. Would I build another 1:32 Me 262 from Revell? Well, now that I know the poor areas of the kit, I'd definitely give a go to the original nightfighter B-1a/U1. If you want a better fitting kit, then the Trumpeter one is for you (and me too). The last photo has Galland's autobiography (left) and a book about his life in Argentina (right).
  10. Hi ho folks - straight off finishing Johnny Red’s Hurricane, I’m pretty eager to start a non hurricane related subject / since my last 3 builds have been the same aircraft.😊 So lets wash that type out of my hair with something completely different: It’s Tamiya - apparently it’s a very nice kit so I’m very much looking forward to possibly not having to break the laws of physics trying to make things fit😂 That said I didn’t want to make things a little too easy on myself... I bought some Aires resin engines to spice things up a little. There’s 2 in the pack but I’m planning to only use the one. I’ve also got some PE frets and canopy masks... the pe is mostly for the cockpit though there is some for the gun bays. Lastly, I bought some decals so I can avoid working with the decals from Tamiya... This is also the scheme I’ll be using - It was supposedly flown by Adolf Garland when he was evaluating the type. There’s a lot of discrepancy in terms of the accuracy of the scheme- different sources state different colours but I’ll muddle my way through I’m sure. Anyone with something to contribute in terms of the scheme would be greatly appreciated 👍 Im expecting the kits to be a straight forward build so I decided to get into the resin engine - I’ve never tackled one of these before so there was a little apprehension. I started by sawing off the base blocks off the main components- and sanding them clean - I dipped all my tools into water while doing this and wet sanded the parts in an effort to reduce resin dust going everywhere. Pretty soon I was able to dry fit the main engine parts. The detail on this thing is spectacular to say the least - it’s a kit within the kit and can’t wait to see how it turns out when painted. Most the work here was quite easy however the part that attaches to the wing was not. You can see the amount of material you need to remove from this part - left side shows how the part comes - and after I’ve finished reshaping. I scraped most the material out with a curved blade. With all that done, I was able to dry fit this onto the wing; Not too bad - there will be some filling, sanding and re scribing in my future but I’m happy with this so far. Check back soon for another update on this lockdown build😎 Cheers John
  11. Hi all! I'm potentially about to open a can of worms. I'm currently building the Me 262 B-1a/U1 night fighter, and I have decals for the Red 8 or Red 10. After some research online, I found that the Red 8 is on display in Johannesburg, and that it has been repainted a few times over the years. Pictures of the restored aircraft (e.g. here, on IPMS Stockholm) show that the front wheel bay now has a reddish brown colour. However, I wonder if anyone knows if the wheel bay originally had this colour as well, or that this reddish brown is an artifact of the restoration and repainting process. All sources I can find say the wheel bays of late Me262s would have been aluminium or RLM02, but I don't see why you would repaint the front wheel bay red in that case, especially since the wheel bays of the main gear are unpainted aluminium. I hope someone can help me further. Thanks in advance! Friso
  12. Hi there, as announced in a different section of these forums, here the finished build of my 262A-2a. The build was generally pleasant, but not entirely without issues (but then again, for a price of 6 EUR fully acceptable). The transparent parts are on the thick side, so not much is visible in the cockpit which I tried to improve as the OOB version is very basic. Apart from that, I drilled out the MG holes in the nose, added both radar and radio antenna and refined the bomb's leading edges. The decals which come with the kit are quite thin, but strangely stubborn when expected to settle; onyl the massive and repeated use of my chemicals led to a demi-decent outcome. No contest winner, but reasonably acceptable to earn a place on my shelf Hope you like it and as always: comments & critizism welcome! Thanks for looking.
  13. An Me 262 in Argentinian colours. I debated myself whether to use the Tamiya Me 262 for this what if, or go the realistic route and paint the plane as Adolf Galland's machine. The what if won. Also, coming up is my birthday! So I have to choose between two (or three) planes. Decisions decisions.
  14. Hello guys, Welcome to what may be my third build of 2022. Looking on Google, I stumbled upon some profiles of the Me 262 in Argentinian service. I then remembered Argentina had received several Gloster Meteor Mk.4s from Britain after WW2, so I decided to make a what if Me 262 in Argentinian markings, based on the Meteors. Colour scheme will be of Gloster Meteor Mk.4 C-027 with yellow and blue wing bands and empennage. Decals will come from some spares I have from Condor Decals (numerals) and roundels (Dukel Hobbies). The victim: The profiles: The aircraft I'll attempt doing: The painting instructions from HKM's 1:32 Meteor: The decals for the numerals (other insignia aren't shown): I'm eager on starting this project once I get the model (I already paid for it). Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  15. Sorry about this, two threads in 20 minutes! However I hope you'll agree it's worth it. Go to 1:17 and there's a few seconds of a new Me262 to me - it carries the full markings of the Geschwader Kommodore of JG7. We've become used to a 262 marked with -+- , it appears on several decal sheets, but this is new to me! Pretty sure I haven't seen any pics of this aircraft before. Doesn't seem to carry the Blue/Red RVD bands, but does have the 'running hound' emblem of JG7. I would appreciate the comments of other posters on here who share my interest in the late war Luftwaffe. SD
  16. As the title says, I'm torn between these three models, and I'd like you guys to help me decide which kit I should buy. I'll be posting the three images of the three kits as three different comments. The most voted comment will be the aircraft I'll be buying. I encourage everyone to vote on one of the three options instead of leaving individual comments, so I can narrow down everyone's preferences and make the final decision easier. Thanks!
  17. Hello and Welcome to a collection of my builds that I'll fill up as this CraZY year progresses. Hope you enjoy them. 🤠 Johnny Messerschmitt Me 262B-1a/U1 by Airfix 1/72 WIP RFI The Mighty "JUG". P-47 N Thunderbolt by Academy 1/48 WIP RFI De Havilland Sea Venom 1/32 by Revell / Matchbox WIP RFI Dr Spadgent's House of Horrors . ( Multitudinous modelling ) Horton Go 229 1:72 Revell WIP RFI Bell AH-1 / AB-47 1:72 Italeri WIP RFI Polikarpov I-16 Zvesda 1:144 WIP RFI Bristol Blenheim Mk.1f Airfix 1:72 WIP RFI The Mi-24v “HIND” 1/48 by Zvezda WIP TO BE CONTINUED........................................................
  18. I finish it, as extras it has the Jumo motor in resin from Quickbosst, masks and wheels from Eduard, canopy from Rob Taurus since Revell's had a small bubble and EagleCals decals. Primed with Mr. Finishing Surfacer 1500, painted with Gunze, subsequent treatment with oil and watercolor pencils, final varnish with Ultra Matte from AK. Regards.
  19. Aaaarrgghhh I can’t take it anymore!!! The Messerschmitt Me 262B-1a/U1 By Airfix 1/72 Good evening you lot. I’d like to welcome you to my first build of 2020. 😇 As the title suggests “Aaaarrrgghhh I can’t take it anymore !!“ I’m talking about the kit I’m currently finishing off. It’s one of those Sci-Fi jobbies. There’s just no glue, fit issues, learning new stuff, banter, all the stuff I love about modelling. It’s looking good but all I seem to be doing is disassembling parts I’ve already assembled and painting said bits on sticks before assembling again. I don’t know what it is but I need an Aeroplane in my life. So watching @CedB’s recent mottled wonder I checked the stash and found this. I picked it up from Ian Allen In Brum before it closed. 75% off which going by the price on it it must have cost £4.75. ( Happy and sad in equal measure ) I’ve wanted to learn about this beauty for ages and now seems like a perfect opportunity. 😍🤩 Join me if you will for a kick start to the new year and a mottled wonder. If she turns out as good as Ced‘s one I’ll be happy. I don’t even know how to do a mottle but it’s going to be fun finding out. ❤️🐆 Enough of this. I need to Glue something!!!!! Here are the sprues. The detail is quite lovely. 😇 This. Is the mottled scheme I’ll be doing. Black bum too. 🥳 Look 👀Glue!!! There at the top it’s glue. 😇🥳🤣🤪 With this thing cast to the far reaches of the bench for a bit. I can get my teeth into this little beauty. 🤩 Look I had to file some bits. 😀 sorry, I’ll calm down in a sec. 🤪🤦‍♂️ Ahem. Right.... Office first. These bits went together easily, I was worried about the pin marks but the seats will cover those. See. 😀 The side instrument panels got added along with the pedals and a floor section. The detail for such a tiny kit is ace. this top section. Needed a little attention to get rid of the slight seam on the inside.( Easy peasy) The Front IP is like this. So with this in mind I positioned the kit part. Not a bad representation with paint and decals. There is a box in the rear part of the office that looks like this. The kit part had zero detail so I scratched some and glued it in place. The control column got a dry fit. As did the whole assembly thus far. Front. And rear. That is where we are as of tonight. I can tell you it’s been such a breath of fresh air, I’m loving it. Any issues that any of you know please pipe up, hopefully before I get to that particular bit. 😎🥳🤞 Hopefully as I said earlier some of you will tag along for this one. No huge plans just a nice fun start to the year with some history lessons thrown in for good measure. Thanks for popping in and as always. Happy Modelling. Johnny. 🙃
  20. Hello guys! Today I made the final push with the Tamiya kit and finished it in two hours. I forgot to install the armoured headrest because Tamiya didn't show it in the instructions, and by the time I found it, the canopy was firmly in place.
  21. After taking a look at these two links: I've decided to contribute to the late Luftawaffe club with my own version of Rudolf Sinner's Me 262. I'll paint it in RLM 70/71/76. The kit is the excellent Tamiya model, which has decals for four versions.
  22. Hi, which colours would be better suited to represent this aircraft flown by Rudolf Sinner? RLM 70/71, RLM 70/82, RLM 70/83, RLM 82/83 (which doesn't have any tonal variation on the Dora I built), ot RLM 81/82? Personally, I think the first option would be more colourful, but I'd like to know a definitive answer. TIA! P.s: Here's the Dora in 82/83:
  23. Good night fellow modellers, here are some photos of my most recently comopleted model, Tamiya's excellent Me 262A-1a. I used the decals provided by Tamiya, and using the trick of hot water managed to make them thin enough to sink into the panel lines. I also used two brush strokes of Microsol. My next Me 262 from Tamiya will be painted in Major Rudolf Sinner's Green 1. I'll paint it in RLM 70/71.
  24. Hello all, after my completion of the massive 1:32 Ju 87G from Hasegawa, I decided to go back to my usual scale of 1:48 and build the famous Me 262 done by Tamiya. Here's the boxart, pretty nice. The obligatory shot of the sprues. They're six in total, five in dark grey and one clear. The instructions and the decal sheet: And finally, the nose wheel well/counterweight. The kit will be built as Heinz Bär's famous Me 262A-1a Red 13 in the RLM 81/82/76 scheme, with its red nose. If you'd like to see my progress, click on the "follow" button below.
  25. Evening all, I'm after details relating to the above aircraft which is pictured at Zatec airfield in 'Air War over the Czech Lands' by Jiri Rajlich. There is just one photo, in which the aircraft is partially dismantled; the accompanying profile shows it with a replacement tail unit in 74/75 and no markings at all apart from national insignia and the 'A'. Has anyone seen other images of this aircraft? I'm very keen to find out more about its camouflage and markings, and also about its history before it ended up in pieces at Zatec. Any help much appreciated!
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