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Found 14 results

  1. Hi there! hopopop !! I'm opening a new box for another LRDG subject after finishing the chevy. I bought this at Saumur, where Resicast was presenting its marvels: a very pretty resin set which I completed as soon as I got back to Paris with this : As I'm working on something really boring at work, every break I get is devoted to modelling, which clears my head of negative thoughts. So there will be tofs soon see you Fabrice
  2. Hi Plastivores! Here's a recent assembly that was used as the basis for a tutorial on PE at a CAMO75 (my modelling club) workshop. I was able to present it almost finished on its base last weekend at the Saumur show. The work's base is an old kit that I found in the attic of my family home after watching the "Rogue Heroes" series last year. As I didn't pay anything for the kit, I had no qualms about adding some made-in-China resin, Def wheels and a PE set (the whole thing probably costing two or three times what I bought the kit for decades ago...) (the increase in the price of life and plastic, that's something!) (not that I usually have qualms..). phew! Anyway, here's the result before painting: If you find that the front right wheel sticks out a little (a lot) from the wing, that's normal. The cab is not fixed at this stage to make it easier to paint . The next post will deal with painting Fabrice
  3. This is my latest build, the Thunder Models new tool 1/35 LRDG Ford F30. Since my childhood I have been fascinated by the LRDG and their vehicles. I think the Ford F30 looks really cool and it has been on my whishlist for a long time. The kit is way too over engineered in my opinion. Too many parts and sub assemblies. Luckily the kit fits fairly well. The stovage is a mix of Tamiya and resin parts, partly covered by tarpauline made from tissue and white glue. I went for a weathered and dusty look and displayed the finished model on an old diorama with two figures originally made for another project. The first three photos is taken in sunlight to show the vehicle in it’s true invironment 🙂 Thanks for watching.
  4. The Long Range Desert Group was formed in Egypt in June 1940 by Major Ralph Alger Bagnold, specifically to carry out deep penetration, covert reconnaissance patrols and intelligence missions behind Italian lines. During the Desert Campaign, between December 1940 and April 1943, the vehicles of the LRDG operated constantly behind enemy lines for all but 15 days. Nicknamed the "Libyan Desert Taxi Service", they were often used to help guide other units, such as the SAS, across the sandy terrain, due to their expertise at desert navigation. Their most vital role however was the "Road Watch", where they clandestinely monitored traffic on the road between Tripoli and Benghazi. With the end of the Desert Campaign, they continued operating in the Greek Islands, Italy and the Balkans. A request to transfer to the Far East after VE Day was declined and the unit was disbanded in August 1945. The unit used a variety of vehicles, modified for their use, but the two most well known are the Willys Jeep and the Chevrolet 30cwt truck, both stripped of all non essential parts, such as doors, windscreens and roofs, and festooned with machine guns, sand channels and other equipment vital for operating for long periods in a harsh environment way behind enemy lines. So, here is the kit. I would have preferred the original Matchbox boxing, if only for the box art, but prices have generally been more than I have been prepared to pay. Found out after it had been delivered that the kit had been started, though its thankfully well under 25%. Plenty of parts still to go, including the all important diorama base! Instructions (I have downloaded the original Matchbox ones too off Scalemates, mainly for the Humbrol paint numbers). One benefit of the Revell boxing is the much newer decals. None for the Jeep, but thinking of the T Patrol markings for the Chevy. Looking forward to getting started, but not sure when this will be, as I currently have a build underway in the Classic Italian GB, plus I really ought to have a bit of a tidy up of the creation station before embarking on another build!
  5. The idea behind this diorama/collection started with the Chevy 1533 as a stand alone model but then as I got into researching the old photos, etc. I saw that I could create a Ford F30 by converting the IBG Models Chevrolet C30A CMP Steel Body. Then I needed some extra jerry cans as the F30 was apparently a thirsty beast, so I decided the best (cheapest) way to get some was the Tamiya SAS Jeep model. Of course this then became the pilot car for the patrol. So here we are in a wadi in the Western Desert with the F30, dragged out of retirement due to vehicle shortages of the newer Chevrolets, needing some attention on the engine to keep it running. The driver of the Chevy (carrying the Boys AT gun) is chatting with the driver of the F30 as the gunner in the Chevy takes the Lewis gun off and waits for the Boys. Then we have the patrol commander and the pilot car driver discussing the plan for the day ahead. Hope you enjoy these images. Thanks for looking.
  6. These three vehicles and the subsequent diorama were my first builds since returning to the hobby. Bought and started to build the Tamiya Chevy as I couldn't find a kit my brother had bought me for a birthday a few years before. Then whilst researching old photos I came across the Ford F30s so kinda got sidetracked and found the IBG CMP Chevrolet C30 Steel Body kit which was ripe for conversion to the Ford F30 (basically built in the same factory with mostly the same parts). I added some desert pattern resin wheels. Needing some more jerry cans for the diorama as the Ford apparently only did 6mpg I plumped for the Tamiya SAS Jeep as it was the cheapest option and this then became the scout car for the patrol. I fiddled with the decals on the Chevy so that they matched the real vehicle Te Anau II, as seen in old pics, and because Te Anau is such a lovely spot in New Zealand so it gave the build some extra connection. The full diorama can be seen in the relevant section. Hope you enjoy these images. The original and my take on the Jeep pilot car. A few scratch built parts were required for the F30 conversion, chopping the engine bay down and filling the gaps with cardboard panels. Luckily this kit came with a full engine, which would never be seen in the original kit with the hood on. The rivets are a bit oversized and untidy but you get the idea. The pipe from the radiator which leads to the condenser on the driver's step (piece of round pencil with two cardboard straps...shhh don't tell anyone especially my daughter as it was one of her pencils). The cab had to be cut off, canvas doors made from tissue paper as were the canvas sand tracks on the wings. I also added some cushions on the seats as the kit ones looked a bit uncomfortable for a long drive across the desert. Lots of other added accessories from other kits. Thanks for looking.
  7. Hello everyone, after moving, settling in and working on the smaller things in the house (still not finished), I found some time to get on with my 2nd beloved desert Chevy, and set up a diorama (no foliage, thank goodness ) -I hope you like it. that board actually existed, and Tutira III was parked next to it on a well-known photo. that gunner wears a german sidecap... when in doubt, brew-up. those wheels will not split within the next few years btw -I copied them into resin. that corner needed a little something... so I decided to place another bloke there, getting ready for his undercover mission. The frame was filled with an old formed part of plaster, and new one. Those rocks were glued on, partly to hide some air bubbles in the plaster -and painted. The Lads are of course Masterbox' lot, Tamiya's driver (and parts of their gunner) and one ANZAC from ICMs WWI set. (ta for the hat and some equipment. Oh yes, equipment was, like in real life, a mix of assigned, scrounged and rebuilt stuff. One covered wheel is originally from a Humvee, and I built that Vickers gun myself out of a surplus M2 .50 cal. Jerry cans were included, those big flimsies too. Two per truck, won't last very long -so more resin ones had to be made. The rebuild of Tutira III into a NON-radio truck went surprisingly fast, with lots of blister packaging. Oh, almost forgot the disguised man -he was originally french, from Heller's Kufra set. As said before, I hope you had fun, any comments are welcome! (I have read much online, but there's still a lot to know about the LRDG) Greetings, Johnny Tip PS if better suited in the AV section, please reassign at will!
  8. The Long Range Desert Group - History & Legacy ISBN : 9781911628880 Helion & Company via Casemate UK Not everyone has heard of the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), however most will have heard of the unit they went on to inspire the SAS. Unlike the SAS the LRDG was primarily a reconnaissance and intelligence unit. The were formed in the Western Desert in June of 1940 by Major RA Bagnold from volunteers who at the time were primarily from the New Zealand forces stationed there. It was a small tight knit unit that operated for the most behind enemy lines supplying much needed intelligence to Army HQ, they did though engage in some offensive action, one notable one was the attack on the Italian airfield at Barce after a journey of 1155 miles! Here they destroyed or damaged 32 Italian bombers. This book is not a pure history of the LRDG ( there are these in Casemate's stable of titles if you want one) but a look at what it must have been like. The authors took to modern day Egypt in period Jeeps to look at the situation on the ground and to follow in the footsteps (or Jeep tracks) of the LRDG. While doing this they look into what the LRDG were doing and how they managed to accomplish it. It is strange to learn the LRDG actually acquired its first Jeeps from ones the SAS had abandoned in the desert. The book not only includes original black and white photos, but colours ones from the modern expedition including LRGD wrecks still in the western desert. Original LRDG training notes as well as modern tips for extreme travellers are included. The book in A5 Hard back and 130 pages long. Conclusion This book will give the reader an understanding of what it was like to operate in the western desert as the LRDG did. This is much more than a straight "history" of the LRDG, it looks into what was actually involved in these deep missions into the desert and kind of men it took to undertake them. Very highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  9. This has taken up about 2 months of my retirement and was built utilising the Tamiya 1/35 SAS Jeep kit and the Long Range Desert Group Kit with terrain techniques taken from AK's Diorama FAQ. It was all about me trying to build a desert! I hope you like it; your comments and critique are as always welcome!
  10. after reading this book I picked up in January, I had to build a little dioarama depicting a scene from the raid. a map of a he ground covered to reach the objective, the SAS were to take out a radio mast, the LRDG were to hit an airfield leaving the SiG and the Commandos to head to Tobruk to free the POWs from the cages and hold the harbour for the seaborne attack. the kits. chevrolet 15cwt italeri LRDG Chevrolet Tamiya fields Of Glory plaster buildings SAS crew Dragon
  11. What can I say, well something really had an effect on me a few weeks ago and I've noticed that I really want to leave my scruffy models behind and move on. Got a decent compressor, a brush that I feel I can use and some different glue. So I hope that we will see a change from here. Up next will be a tidier Humber: simpler diorama, only one vehicule and one half figure. I am sure spring will come sometime and deliver us from this long lasting cold spell. I wanted to capture the early evening light in the desert. The decals are from the kit so NZ, not correct for PPA but I almost got them on straight, even the one that came in 3 parts, (which I put on in the wrong place, doh) thanks Matchbox! Quite a lot of work building up the Chevy and I stupidly stuck everything in the back before painting. My effort to make a canvas roll from a bit of chiseled sprue is not too good, but will do for now. Hopefully see you again when I get my Humber build up.
  12. Hello all, Here is a recently completed project involving Tamiya's 1/35 SAS jeep and LRDG Chevrolet 'Command Car'. All completely OOB, save for some extras I added from the spares and scratch built myself. The cap badges are from my personal collection. I'm relatively new when it comes to figures, so they're not my strong point. I enjoyed adding some 'captured' German kit to each vehicle. Build thread is here Thanks for looking. Dave
  13. Hello all, Here is a side project to my current (and next) aircraft builds - A 1/35 diorama with a SAS jeep and LRDG Chevrolet truck. Two classic Tamiya kits, ones which i've built in the past. These will be OOB with a few additions from the spares: Been wanting to do this for a while as these old Tamiya kits remind me of my youth. I've always been interested in the history of the SAS and LRDG but only recently have I read up in more detail about the units during the Second World War. Looking forward to it! Dave
  14. Hi all, Saving my last for first as this is my first posting on the site of the last project I completed just before Christmass (I hope it comes through ok). This is the Tamiya 1/35 LRDG/SAS Willys Jeep with upgrade kits from Eduard and Black Dog. The figures are from Verlinden and the diorama setting is scratch built. Thanks for looking. Regards, Lee http:// image hosting 10mb limit photos upload screen shot on pc pc screenshot
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