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Found 10 results

  1. Hi all and just a bit of fun finished for the KUTA GB here on the forum. Very short build thread is here but built OOB except for two crew for the 'Fry Way to the Danger Zone' tribute. Hasegawa_F-14A_Eggplane_1 (9) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Hasegawa_F-14A_Eggplane_1 (3) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Hasegawa_F-14A_Eggplane_1 (2) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Hasegawa_F-14A_Eggplane_1 (10) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Hasegawa_F-14A_Eggplane_1 (8) by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Thanks for looking, stay safe and happy modelling Cheers, Dermot
  2. Hi all, hope you're well. Hoping to join with this stalled build if that's possible. That would be eggscellent. Hasegawa_Egg_F_14 by Dermot Moriarty, on Flickr Cheers, Dermot
  3. A brace in May. Sounds like I nipped up to the grouse moors a bit early, doesn't it? Actually, it's the two models I completed in my own inimitable cack handed style in the month. Here they are Brengun's 1/48 OHKA, with some fetching (but still tiny) PE, brush painted in tamiya IJN grey, except the trolley it's on is in steel. The hasegawa P-47 egg plane is OOB, no add ons, cowling painted in Hycote aerosol yellow and body in halfords black primer then halfords nissan silver top coat. I saw someone mentiom that as a good paint to use for natural metal and I have to say I'm pleased with the way it turned out. I was also absurdly pleased with my canopy masking on both, using tamiya tape. There are inevitably some small flaws especially on the egg plane, ut I can live with thosetbh.
  4. Hi, Eggplanes have always looked to me as a good bit of fun and when a fellow from my club came back from a show with an F4U-4, I told myself ‘ I’ve got to get this one ’. A few months later, at Cosford model show, I was able to find it on a stand. With it was nearly the complete range of eggplanes from Meng and when I saw the B-17G, I knew this was the one I was going to build. Back to the club stand, we looked at it with some fellow members (that is the reason I don’t have pictures of the complete sprues ). It appears that the kit belongs to ‘Meng Kids’ brand and for sure it can be managed by kids: one can assemble the model without glue, without paint (like good old Matchbox kits, the sprue are coloured to fit the paint scheme) and the decals are replaced by stickers. Internal details are non-existing, appart from the bomb bay that is represented opened with two big bombs. On the other hand, the surfaces details are very nice. One word about the packaging which is very well done with all the big parts and sprues packages individualy in plastic bags. In addition to the parts, the stickers and the instruction, one also get a explaining card, which, unless you read japanese, explains really few... So it could have been an express built, like shown here partially built... Could have…. … unless you like to have some details in your kits, like I do. So now the main challenge will be to add some details while keeping the spirit of an eggplane, if you see what I mean. To start with, I’ve decided to add pistons to the engines; Meng is only providing the central hub. The pistons are sourced from the spare box, from a (bad) representation of a Twin Wasp engines. With two of them, I had enough to do four Cyclones. After many tries, the preferred way to build the engine was: · Place the central hub in position in the wing · Remove the (ugly) piston heads from the pistons. · Identify where the ejector mark is on each piston · Remove one piston at the time from the carter. · Flatten the large section of the cylinder where the ejector mark is : this will keep the mark at the back of the engine; the identification is only there to help you finding the mark when the piston is removed from the carter. · Cut the thinner part of the cylinder with an angle so that it will fit on the central hub. · Place the piston around the hub; trim if necessary. · Repeat for the eight other cylinders. · Once all cylinders are in place, apply a tiny amount of glue to set them on the central hub, be careful not to glue the wing in the process. · After a few minutes, remove the engine from the wing · To hide a bit the junction between the hub and the cylinders, I had a ring of wire in front of them. As it then looked like I had a nice sunflower, I decided to try a new way to reproduce it: put it in the garden, watered it a bit... and you’ll quickly got three more. and you’ll quickly got three more 😁 Cheers, Antoine
  5. Hasegawa F16 Eggplane, Retrokit cockpit and exhaust,decals by TwoBobs Amazed still that there is so much aftermarket for eggplanes! White is Halfords primer,orange is Hataka,hand painted. Lacquer is Halfords matt, works a treat BUT...make sure you put klear over your decals...... that's why there are wrinkles in the USAF ! Dropped this more times than I care to remember, tricky little thing to hold.
  6. I had a Minitunnan going: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235024842-scrambled-eggs/ It has been finished. I decided to cut the front of the Tunnan canopy and combine it with the Lancaster radom. Decals are from a Revell issue of the Matchbox kit. I had to replace the roundels as they now was to big for this plane. I gave up on the thought of adding landing gears and put it on a Matchbox stand as I thought it looked better "flying".
  7. I was walking through my local hobby shop and spied this lovely little kit. Since I am in awe of the build Nigel Heath is doing on the regular Hasegawa Osprey (link is here http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234970276-172-hasegawa-mv-22b-osprey/), I thought I would give him a tongue in cheek run for his money with this kit. I will show him eggzactly what his build is missing in detail and authenticity. The obligatory box art. And the sprues, in two colors even! I really like how they packaged the canopy and wish they would do this on all kits. If every manufacturer did this I wouldn’t have to polish out so many scratches and/or cracks. First up the cockpit It is loaded with details, right? Who needs photo etch with this much kit detail. There will be a figure that I am sure will fill the void. After spending milliseconds upon milliseconds preparing, detailing and painting the cockpit, the fuselage halves are joined. The horizontal stabilizer is assembled The tailplanes are added and the entire tail plane assembly is attached to the airframe The main wings are built The propeller and engine units are built And, of course with one oops The wing assembly is attached to the airframe The undercarriage is attached And the final nose piece is attached And here is the airframe ready for painting !! The airframe gets its first coat of paint. (A three tone grey scheme). While that dries, I begin work on the pilot. Not a lot of detail. The pilot comes with 2 faces, one wearing the visor and the other exposing the face. The half with the visor down fits great. The half I chose with the face exposed, not a great fit. Some sanding and filing and And here she is all tarted up and very shiny Now I don’t know why Mr. Heath is taking days upon days and just lollygagging around with his build. It took me more time to upload the above photos and write this text than it did to get to the painting stage. The entire build time for the kit to the painting stage (the wheels and cockpit are not installed) took a whopping 30 minutes. That includes making sure the engines would still rotate and work! The finished product is here And here it is with its other playmates This was not a weekend build, this was, from the time I got it back from the hobby shop to the time final pictures were taken, a 24 hour build. Most of the time was spent letting coats of paint dry. So, Mr. Heath, you need to get your eggs in a row, unscramble your priorities and get cracking on your build. I put together this highly complicated, detailed and museum quality kit in less time than it takes you to make 2 saw cuts on a door assembly. Is your brain fried or something? I guess the yolk is on you, huh? Seriously, if you want to see what an Osprey should look like visit Nigel’s thread. The work he does is magnificent and amazing. I do not understand how he can get so much detail in 1/72. I hope he doesn’t take offense to my omelet of a build!! As always, all comments are welcome; sure hope I don’t get poached!
  8. Good evening, to do something a bit different, I chose to build this little fellow as part of a Phantom group build on a german modeling forum. It's the very old Hasegawa Phantom Eggplane. It comes along with a small "spook" figure, and has two painting schemes. One is a USAF SEA scheme, and a gull grey JSDAF, which I built. The kit goes together rather well, almost no filler needed, and has even two decal sheets (looks like the second is an "update"). I just added the ejection seat firing handle. And - it's the hasegawa phantom kit with the most ordnance included! Thanks for attention! Alex
  9. P-47 Egg Plane Hasegawa - ?? Scale The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was the Largest heaviest, and most expensive single piston engined aircraft used in WWII. When the airframe was combined with the massive Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine, eight 50 Calibre machine guns, ammunition & fuel it weighed in at over 8 tons. Republic designer Alexander Kartveli designed the P-47 as a successor to the P-35.......hang on do your really want to read all this for an Egg plane? These are supposed to be fun, not serious! right? Having a bad time at the model desk? unfinished builds piling up? research on the left hand grommit for the Fairey Fluff Catcher getting you down? Advanced Modellers Syndrome (AMS) setting in? If so then you need some FUN injecting back into your plastic modelling. Hasegawa have Eggactly the prescription for this in the form of their Egg Plane Series. I am not sure who dreamed up the idea of the Eggplane at Hasegawa, or how they had the courage to present it to the company. However I suspect that Hasegawa have ended up selling quite a few of these models over the years. Who would have thought aircraft models basically modelled after an egg would do so well. The Kit The kit comes on two small sprues of grey plastic, and one small clear sprue for the canopy. Parts are well moulded with only a trace of flash here and there. Construction is fairly simple. The "cockpit" is placed inside the two fuselage half's then they are closed up. Then the engine casting is attached to the front. Following this the one piece main wings, tail planes and engine cowling are added. Finally landing gear and underwing bombs are added. Decals A small but well printed decal sheet comes with the kit. This offers two choices of scheme for you Egg 47. 1. Overall silver/BMF coded FT L. Egg craft has a yellow tail stripe and full underside invasion stripes. 2. Olive Drab over Grey scheme, number 54. This aircraft has yellow wing and tail plane stripes. Conclusion Want a break from modelling and a little bit of fun then you really should build one of these, if not this eggact one then Haswgawa do a whole range of these (should that be free range?). On a more serious note (I know, sorry) these kits could be a great vehicle to introduce children to the hobby. Review sample courtesy of UK distributors for
  10. Hasegawa Eggplane being converted into an RN phantom as I fancied something different. Quite pleased with it so far. Particularly the (somewhat serendipitous) eggshell finish and it also makes a change to not have to do filling work on the intakes
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