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Found 17 results

  1. Hi all. After a while I will do a new wip thread. I started the Modelcollect B-52H a few weeks ago. That´s where it should go... 60-0058 B-52H 410th Bomb Wing, K.I.Sawyer AFB, RAF Marham 5-6-79 by Stuart Freer - Touchdown Aviation, auf Flickr Started with the most typical detail of the BUFF, the stressed skin on large areas of its fuselage. I used a milling cutter from my Dremel and scribbed it by hand. The kit looks quite nice but lacks details in many areas. On the rear for sample some panels and the ECM-antennas are missing. Some other parts need to be changed for the early H-modell. That´s it for the beginning, hope you like it so far. Daniel
  2. Great Wall Hobby (GWH) from China & Pit-Road from Japan are to release 1/144th Boeing B-52G & H Stratofortress kits. The B-52D & F types are reported not being considered for the moment. First boxing will be in November 2020 the GWH kit: - ref. L1008 - Boeing B-52H Stratofortress Source: https://www.facebook.com/artscale.eu/posts/3529849030443269 V.P.
  3. After the B-1(link) in 2019, Academy is to release in 2020 a new tool 1/144th Boeing B-52 (variant ?) Stratofortress kit - ref.12622 Source: http://academy.co.kr/1aden/site/01_academy_kor/notice/2020_catalog.pdf V.P.
  4. HpH is working on a 1/48th Boeing B-52 Stratofortress resin/fiberglass kit. Source: https://ipmsnymburk.com/forum/viewtema.php?ID_tema=39718 In design - wood mock up V.P.
  5. How about this for a what if kit!? From an old April Fool's article I believe, found it on Facebook.
  6. Hi, As I can't do any proper plastic modelling, I'm making CAD models for parts I find lacking in a couple of kits I have stored away. I've found the dimensions of the main wheels for both the B-47 and the B-52, but I can't find the dimensions (diameter and width) for the outrigger wheels. Can anyone help me please? TIA, Sebastien
  7. A B-52H rises from the dead. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/amp27481869/b-52-boneyard/ Excellent to see this one coming back. Dennis
  8. Minicraft is to release soon a 1/144th Boeing B-52D/F Stratofortress kit - ref. 14734 Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/greenmats/permalink/1568892043170332/ V.P.
  9. Over the parents today I noticed my old AMT B-52H sitting up on top of a wardrobe in the study. It has been up there for years my dad said as there is no other space for it other than the loft. I built this sometime in the 90's when everything I built was hung from the ceiling. You can see the maybe two decades that have passed by the layer of dust, a complete lack of sanding or filling, decal silvering and various underwing stores missing. Even with its size I would love to build another 1:72 B-52 in the future. Back when this was built I had crazy thoughts of posing it behind my still unbuilt KC-135R. Sorry it has taken so long to post a ready for inspection.
  10. B-62G - 58-0183 - It is marked as " 0183 Valkyrie " and was operated by the 2nd BW / 596th BS at Barksdale AFB, assigned in January 1991 to Operation Secret Squirrel, withdrawn from service in July 1991. Now at Pima Air & Space Museum, pics thanks to Mike.
  11. These are the B-52D 56-0689 in Duxford, photos by Rich Ellis
  12. B-52H Pics from Richard E
  13. Boeing B-52B Stratofortress S/N 52-8711. Built as a B model, later converted to RB-52B. At the SAC museum in Nebraska, Pics thanks to Darwin.
  14. Hi everybody, just some random thoughts I had on my mind for some time and maybe anybody can comment on this or has some information or opinions on this subject. It strikes me that the USA, Great Britain and the Soviet Union took very different approaches to defensive armament on their bomber (and transport) aircraft in the cold war era. In the RAF, every bomber after the Lincoln and the Washington relied on high speed, high altitude (low flying later) and ECM for self protection. I am not sure if guns/cannons were provided for in the Short Sperrin but the Canberra and the V-Bombers had none. (The cannons on maritime patrol Shackleton were intended for strafing surface targets, I guess). The Soviets took a completely different approach: Even the relatively small Il-28 had a gunner’s position in the tail. The Tu-16, Tu-95 and M-4 virtually continued the B-29/Tu-4 layout with gun turrets in dorsal, ventral and rear positions. A remote controlled tail turret is still installed in the supersonic Tu-22 and Tu-22M/-26 while defensive guns/cannon are missing only on the Tu-160s. As far as I can see, tail turrets are still present on Tu-22Ms and Tu-95s used by the Russian Air Force today. In contrast to all Western designs even transport aircraft like the An-12 and Il-76 were designed with a tail turret. The US somehow chose a middle way between these two approaches: Dorsal and ventral turrets last appeared on the B-36, but the B-47, B-52 and (early) A3D/B-66 still had tail turrets as well as the supersonic B-58. I am not sure when the tail guns were removed from the B-52s. Maybe they were still carried during Desert Storm. AFAIK, over Vietnam at least one BUFF even scored a kill with its tail gun(s). Now I wonder what are the reasons for these different approaches? One might think that Soviet planes were somehow lacking in terms of ceiling, speed and ECM, but even the US clung to guns/cannons. Does anyone know if guns were meant to shoot down air-to-air missiles? It sounds unlikely given the size and speed of the target, however, modern warships use fast firing 20-30mm cannons as a last-ditch defense against ant-ship missiles. So what was/is the rationale behind the defensive armament on cold-war (and some of Russia’s today’s) bombers? Regards, Ole
  15. Hi Everyone, I have been meaning to start on this project since I got back from my holiday in August, but just haven't felt up to it, my mojo has been a complete non-starter for months now. Back story posted here : http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234988171-revell-1144-b-52h-stratofortress-whif-poll-added/?p=2102381 Now I have 2 options to consider for this build : Give the plane 4 CF-6 engines from a Revell 747 which I was sent or build it as standard with 8 engines. The reason I say this is because the 4 engines are a lot larger than the standard engines and I am worried that due to the low ground clearance of this model the CF-6 engines might not clear the ground when attached to the wings. I am going to build the fuselage up with landing gear and temporarily fit the wings in place so that I can test fit an engine onto the wing and check the clearance before I glue everything together just in case i need to use the standard engines. To make a permanent fit of the 4 engines without changing engine pylons around I will have to cut the pylons down so that the length of them don't interfere with where the flaps are on the wings. Anyway here are photo options showing the different engine configurations. 8 engines 4 engines Anyway as soon as I have some photos showing progress (whenever that will be), I will get them posted on here. Wish me luck. Cheers, Rick
  16. Just stumbled across this album of pics on flickr via a fellow follower; https://www.flickr.com/photos/madphysicist/sets/72157630977153922/ I'm assuming there's a bit of a Lego scale aircraft movement going on. Very clever stuff compared to kit building where you have all the components made up. This is something else! Martin
  17. Hello everyone I'd like to do NASA's B-52. this one http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery/photo/B-52/Medium/EC02-0083-12.jpg Would i be able to use the Revell kit? Also will i need to make any adaptions? Thanks Bradley
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