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Me 117 "Adler" drone.


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Anno 1938.


Germany is hosting the world airshow at flughaven Berlin-Tempelhof .


Most countries are still using bi-planes as their main defence.

Britain is ahead with the Hurricane and Spitfire fighters.


Germany is about to reveal their first jet powered fighter/bomber drone.

The world is in absolute shock by the sight of this amazing  airplane.

Nothing like anyone has ever seen.


Flying faster,higher an further than any other plane in the world.

The "Adler" carries more bombs and armament than the heaviest allied planes in 1938.

No other plane can compete.


Nazi-Germany is sending a clear signal to the worls not to intervene with their plans of world domination !!



(PS: I did this in 32 nd scale some years ago.Now it's 1/48 th)




Edited by Erwin
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11 hours ago, ArnoldAmbrose said:

Gidday, are there any photos? None are visible to me above. Regards, Jeff.



The build has started.

Just some minor last-minute works untill the revealing.


Hitler wants this to be perfect !!

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Added the stabilizers.

No cockpit as the windows will be panted black from the inside to represent sun glass.




Edited by Erwin
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  • Erwin changed the title to Me 117 "Adler" drone.
  • 1 month later...

Weeks before the airshow , a reporter from The New York Times managed to take a blury picture when the hangar door were left ajar for a few moments.

Showing the new Nazi-plane.

The picture was posted in the newspaper.


Much to the fury of Hitler !




Edited by Erwin
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, dcrfan said:

1938 so I'm assuming it is made from plywood, drone dope and canvas

They say it can fly.

But it just came out of the hangar. 


It may well be just to frighten the allies 

And only be a propaganda stunt.

Edited by Erwin
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