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Found 14 results

  1. A blast from the past. The very rare Plasticart Caravelle in approx. 1/100. Probably first released in the early 1960s,it is very simplistic in detail. But as I have a soft spot for those Plasticart kits,I have almost all their airliners in my collection,I had to add this as well. As with all my Plasticart builds,I try to stick as close as possible to the kit design and usually do not change much or anything at all to keep their classic character. The only thing I added are the engine exhausts,because the plastic around there was rather brittle and resulted in not really round outlets. The rest is as it comes from the box,including the decals. What always amazes me with those kits,is the fact that almost all decals are still in good and usable condition. I had only one kit so far where the decals had been beyond salvation. The fit is ok for its age with surprisingly little use of putty required. Thanks for looking Alex
  2. Caravelle III, SAS delivery scheme - 1/144 Airfix kit with Twosix Decals The Airfix Caravelle has been around since 1961, and not surprisingly is very basic. I bought this kit on ebay without reading the description properly, as it had already been started with roughly pained parts. Still, it was only £5. I stripped it back to bare plastic and started again, but then abandoned it about 5 years ago. Recently I found it in its box and decided to get it finished. Decals are from Twosix, representing the delivery scheme for SAS, I chose LN-KLN 'Trgve Viking'. They went on beautifully and the cheatlines helpfully included a thin strip of white with the red pinstripe on the nose. With something else - another Airfix Caravelle in the later SAS scheme (LN-KLI 'Einar Viking') from LN decals. It may be an old kit but is still worth building I think. Better engines, & wheels would ne nice though! Thanks for looking John
  3. This was meant to be a quick build but ended up taking months as such projects so often do, I changed jobs and moved flats during the build time. I picked the kit up for a few pounds at a model show and thought it would be a good place to practise making an airliner for the first time. The tooling is from 1964 and it really shows in the quality; nothing fit flush, the undercarriage is simplistic, the cockpit windows needed reconstructing, and the passenger window transparencies were unuseable. From a distance it looks quite nice though, even if it is more of an homage to the Caravelle than an acurate scale model of it. There's a big crack right down the centre of the fuselage from when my cat unhelpfully knocked it off the table and it was too late in the day to re-fill and re-paint the damage but luckily it was mostly on the underside. Thanks for looking.
  4. As my other three current builds all either have milliput or primer drying, it's time to start another French build, and there seems to be a Caravelle-shaped gap in the GB so I'll try to fill it. This is the Amodel 1/144 Caravelle 10R, which I'm going to build in Transeuropa colours using 26 decals. Here's the plastic: There's also a small PE fret with the wing fences. There are apparently a couple of shape issues, but it looks like a Caravelle and it's quite crisply moulded. I've made a start by assembling the fuselage. Didn't bother with the cockpit as I'll be using decals for the windows. The instructions say nothing about ballast in the nose, so I've added about 20g in the form of Australian 5 cent coins. Here's the very little progress so far: more soon Julian
  5. Hi All With build number one underway I will kick this along Not many parts and cool decals . Plastic looks a bit like the old Airfix kit . Martin H
  6. I present the good old Airfix Caravelle in the Alitalia green stripe livery. The Airfix Caravelle came out in 1961 when I was nine years old but despite its venerable age it can still provide the basis for a decent model. As I had a couple of Airfix Caravelles in my stash I decided to see what some t.l.c. could achieve. I invested in the Extra Tech PE set although in the event I only used some of it, mainly around the undercarriage. I used Milliput to improve the nose shape. The point of the nose needs to be shifted slightly forwards and downwards. It’s not a difficult job, certainly no harder than fixing the nose of the Airfix BAC 1-11 or Vanguard, but it does make a difference. If you compare the kit’s nose profile with a good side-on photo like this you will see immediately what needs to be done. The other main modification to the fuselage is the narrow door for the nose wheel strut which Airfix missed completely. F-RSIN engines replaced the kit items. The strengthening bands above and below the engine pylons are narrow strips of white decal which had been sprayed with a slightly off white to give a faint contrast with the purer white of the fuselage. As on the real aircraft these are only visible under certain lighting conditions. The wing fences were refined as best I could without actually replacing them and I added the triangular sections to the trailing edges. At the same time the raised detail was sanded off and re-scribed. I used home-made decals scanned from a PAS sheet to represent the airbrakes on the upper and lower wings. Extra Tech provide brass airbrakes but a dummy run on a scrap kit showed that making the necessary rebates on the upper wings for the thin and fragile PE was nearly impossible, at least for me, so I took the line of least resistance. Paint is Halfords Appliance White and AK Interactive Xtreme Aluminium. Decals are by Two Six and Authentic Airliners plus some bits and pieces from the spares box. The door outlines and the windows on the Two Six Alitalia sheet aren’t totally accurate - the emergency exits are not quite prominent enough and green stripe Caravelles didn’t have silver framed windows. Matters are further complicated by the Authentic Airliners cabin windows being too widely spaced for the Airfix fuselage. (After the issues I had with my Malev Boeing 738 I ran a ruler over the decals before I started using them and I’m glad I did). Luckily I had Two Six’s SATA/CTA 10R sheet in my decal stash and it includes spare grey door outlines and unframed cabin windows all of which which were duly “borrowed”. The Two Six windows were then overlaid with the Authentic Airliners ones applied individually. Thanks for looking and as always constructive criticism is welcome. Before anyone says “the pinstripe scheme was prettier” it should eventually appear on a DC-7C if I live long enough. Dave G
  7. My take on Amodel's Sud Aviation Caravelle III finished off in the markings of VIASA. I enjoyed the build although the undercarriage was an absolute nightmare to put together. Wings fences were made from thin plastic sheet as this boxing didn't come with photo-etched parts. (Luckily I had Amodel's 10-R version to hand, so their parts were used as templates). Classic Airlines decal sheet (CA144-419) was used and it will come as no surprise that they were beautifully printed and performed flawlessly. (It does give you the option to paint the tail and this is the route I took). Thanks for looking. mike (P.S. Looks like my entry for next year's Latin American competition has been completed 😋)
  8. PAS-Models has released limited editions 1/144th Sud SE.210 Caravelle resin kits Sources: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1429866687294934/permalink/2282161808732080/ http://pas-decals.com/index.php/category/view/4?start=24 - ref. PM144251 - Sud SE.210 Caravelle "Air Algérie" Source: http://pas-decals.com/index.php/product/view/4/949 - ref. PM144252 - Sud SE.210 Caravelle "Alitalia" Source: http://pas-decals.com/index.php/product/view/4/950 - ref. PM144253 - Sud SE.210 Caravelle "Alitalia" old Source: http://pas-decals.com/index.php/product/view/4/951 - ref. PM144254 - Sud SE.210 Caravelle "Air Inter" Source: http://pas-decals.com/index.php/product/view/4/952 - ref. PM144255 - Sud SE.210 Caravelle "Tunisair" Source: http://pas-decals.com/index.php/product/view/4/953 - ref. PM144256 - "Transavia Source: http://pas-decals.com/index.php/product/view/4/954 V.P.
  9. Amodel is to release a new tool 1/144th Sud-Aviation SE-210 Caravelle kits - ref. 1478 - Sud-Aviation SE-210 Caravelle III - ref. 1479 - Sud-Aviation SE-210 Caravelle VI-N - ref. 1480 - Sud-Aviation SE-210 Caravelle 10R Thanks Sergey Main sprues V.P.
  10. Just finished this in the excellent Airfix group build. It's the ancient Airfix 1/144 Caravelle III, with F-RSIN engines and SAS decals from 26.
  11. I've got a re-issue of the first Heller kit, the prototype Caravelle in 1/100. It's a simple and crude kit by today standards, but I find it very nice. Do you have any idea about how accurate it is, but would like to make it as a TAP aircraft. Is there any great difference between the prototype and the VI-R operated by TAP? TIA, Carlos http://restosdecoleccao.blogspot.pt/2012/09/primeiro-aviao-jacto-da-tap.html
  12. 1500 RUR is about £30 http://pas-decals.com/index.php/product/view/4/367
  13. This is a resin kit, but I'm having a gut feeling that I'd prefer it to ancient Airfix offering More: http://pas-decals.ru/forum/18--/5839-sud-se-210-caravelle-1-144-ot-pas
  14. This one is really a joint effort. I bought the decals to add to my collection of SAS machines, thinking it wouldn't be too difficult to track down an Airfix Caravelle to put them on. .......well it was. Happily the Britmodeller site came to my rescue in the form of Martin Hale who generously donated his Caravelle project to me. Martin had assembled the fuselage and wings, and done some rescribing but not yet attached them together or put any paint on. I completed the assembly, extended the engines instead of using the kit supplied exhauasts, and filled in the cabin windows with cyano. I kept the clear cockpit glass. Lots of sanding and smoothing and she was ready for priming & painting. All this was done before Christmas 2012, when I put the Alclad on the lower fuselage. Guess what, it looked like it had been pebble dashed around the main undercarriage area Drat!. I then stripped the whole thing back to bare plastic and started again, which is why it has taken until now. I had a number of irritating minor problems along the way, such as pulling the cockpit glass out when removing masking tape, and making replacement main gear doors from plasticard, painting them and then losing one. You know the sort of thing. I thought the kit wheels looked a bit too skinny so Britmodeller to the rescue again, Mr Stringbag kindly donated a set of plastic wheels from his Tu-134 kit as it also contained resin replacements. They matched the Airfix wheel diameters perfectly, but have a bit more body. Decals from Two Six were superb as usual, a real pleasure to use. I chose LN-KLI 'Einar Viking' as I have an uncle called Einar! Anyway trials & tribulations over, she is finished. Special thanks to Martin for his generousity in making this project possible I can never resist a two ship pairing; Thanks for looking John
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