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About CarLos

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    Torres Vedras, Portugal

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  1. The kit needs marking the flaps, Mr Brozek forget it.
  2. Great news! I hope Colin releases at least the Friedrichshafen G II. Carlos
  3. ...before I start making my own. Thanks in advance, Carlos
  4. Thanks Nige!
  5. Would you please elaborate a little? I have the 800 already cut, in the same box of the Mach2 700. Carlos
  6. Thanks guys. Just a remark: that tin of P.38 is about 45 years old! (I remember to repair some dents on my grandfather's Morris Oxford). So I don't know if the fresh product works so good 🙂
  7. Yes, I've cut slots. There is no photo, but you may see the plastic marked by the width of the plastic card used. Then it's a matter of cutting with a blade and finishing with a file.
  8. Thanks! It wasn't too hard, actually. Much better than I anticipated. First I glued a plastic card profile (taking off the same width from the kit, of course). Then I used polyester putty, having made some grooves on the plastic for a better grip. It sands very well with wet'n'dry. The photos should tell the story better than words. Take a look at this Flickr album: DC-6: correcting the Heller kit
  9. If this is right we need a new "Correcting Revell DC-4" thread!
  10. 30 euro is a bit too much, don't you think? Same for the Fokker C.X. Even with the goodies.
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