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Found 12 results

  1. Just a placeholder for now, as I need to finish a few other builds before (re)turning my attention to this one!😁 Hopefully making a start before Christmas!
  2. It's that time of year again when I review the models that have been languishing on the SoD for too long and need a bit of TLC to get them over the finishing line! I must have been doing something right recently, because there's only one left now and it's the one I've been putting off the longest - the behemoth that is the mighty 1/72 747-300! Bought over 30 years as an 18th birthday present, started enthusiastically and built to a varying standard... it needs some significant work to bring it up to scratch and this winter is the time to tackle it! Disclaimer - it won't get finished during this GB! I am waiting for some replacement resin engines which are due next summer but I hope to fix a few of the other flaws before then. Just a single picture, to show where it's at, with a couple of other 1/72 models for comparison: The green paper is A4 sized in case you were wondering! Progress on this one will be slow but steady over the next few months and hopefully a vast improvement by the end of the GB!👍
  3. This is a kit that I started almost a year ago in the Salty Sea Dog GB but was unable to finish. I restarted in the KUTA GB and as you see, completed it this time, making it my third completed wooden model vessel. There's an awful lot wrong with it but that doesn't matter because there's also quite a few things that went well enough for me to be very pleased with the result. I'll caption the photographs for anyone who hasn't followed the build or who might want to know a little more about whaleboats like this. They were the hunting boats carried by the sailing whalers from the eighteenth century until about 1880. This one is based on an 1860 example preserved in America. It had a crew of six. In the bow and taking the number one oar is the man who throws the harpoons. He is confusingly known as the boat-steerer. Working aft, the next four crewmen are simply rowers and the man at the stern, with the steering oar, is the officer in charge of the boat with the rank of mate. Once the harpoons are placed securely in the whale, the mate and the boat-steerer changed ends and the boat-steerer steered the boat under the orders of the mate. That changeover must have been a tense moment. Edit, January 29 2024: I found these two figures are the correct scale for the boat so now we know how big t was, something I'd never really understood myself. And now back to the story. The boats were built for speed. The planking was only half an inch thick, though some structural members were massive to accept to loads applied by a running whale. They were not comfortable craft but were very manoeuvrable. The defining feature of a whaleboat is the double endedness. Sharp at both ends, they were capable of getting away from trouble with the whales as fast as they got into it. And hunting whales from boats like this in the open sea is just asking for trouble. Many whaleboats were smashed by the whales, particularly the carnivorous ones, the sperm whales, and many whalermen died on the job. Back to the kit, and starting from the bottom, the stand didn't come from the kit. The base is a guitar head veneer in Santos rosewood supplied by The Exotic Wood Company. The plinth is a lamination of rosewood and maple, a failed woodwork project which was given to me by my son. I shaped it to echo the lines of the boat which is glued into a shallow groove in the top. Fortunately the whaleboat has almost no keel, a feature which aids manoeuvrability and makes it conveniently easy to mount. Note that the clinker built planks aren't evenly spaced. That's one of my many screw ups. The ones low down are even worse but harder to see, thank goodness. At the prow we find the sharp ends of TWO harpoons. They were both attached to one line and it was the boat-steerer's job to plant both of them into the whale before it got up to speed. He had little time to do this and if he missed with one of them it would become a dangerous missile trailing in the wake of the whale. The need for speed is the reason for that harpoon rack which is the 'quick draw rig' of the trade. It was said that a good boat-steerer would have the second harpoon in his hand, if not in the air, before the first one landed. They were not hurled overarm like javelins but supported by the left hand were pushed into the air by the right hand on the butt of the shaft into a parabolic flight not unlike a caber toss. It was the weight of the heavy wood that drove the barbed point into the whale. The massive timber with the big groove cut into it is the 'clumsy cleat'. The groove, lined with leather, was filled by the boat-steerer's left leg to keep him on his feet. It's so massive because together with the two timbers running forward along the top of the bow it supports the sheave in the extreme bow where the line runs out. It's where the lateral and vertical pulls of the whale are transferred to the boat. The thick rope was for the mate to hold onto when the whale was towing the boat fast in the 'Nantucket Sleighride'. Also in this photo you can see the mast and boom wrapped in their sail. Whaleboats don't sail well due to the lack of a keel but with a following wind it would make a pleasant change from rowing for six to ten hours after the prey. One of the most difficult things in this build was getting that cord to lie like rope. I applied beeswax to it to kill the springiness and then when it was more or less in the right place, soaked it in shellac from a brush to make it lie down as if heavy. I can see that technique being useful on armour models. Looking back from the bow you can see the six oars carried. Five were for rowing and the longest one was a steering oar. Between the lashed oars and the side of the boat are a substantial boathook and a 'spade'. The spade is a carving knife on a stick used for cutting a hole through the flukes of a dead whale so that a tow rope could be attached when it was necessary to tow the whale back to the mother ship. On the starboard side is the lance, an unbarbed and extra long harpoon like tool used by the mate to despatch the whale once it was exhausted by towing the boat, often for miles. The lance could be driven deep into the whale 'searching for its life' and then withdrawn for further attempts. It was brutal stuff and I have a lot of sympathy for the whales. The second thwart holds the clamp for the mast which is stepped into the keel of the boat directly below. The small barrel is the crew's drinking water. No food was carried on the hunt. Finally for this picture, you see the two tubs of line. I believe that added up to half a mile of line. The smaller one was held in reserve and only tied onto the end of the first section if it seemed likely that the particular whale would go deep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm sorry but it's getting rather late now, so I must end here and continue in the morning. Edit: The story continues four posts down.
  4. Instead of cutting new plastic, I decided to add my third build from the shelf of shame. Scalemates stashmanager lists my to stash to started ratio as 35-19. Maybe I'll finish it this time and then add it to the Inspiration Gallery, or don't, but any progress I can make is definitely for the better. Here's where I left the big buddy way back when: V-P
  5. Yes indeed,It's that time....... That time i reach into the 9 circles of polystyrene hell,and exorcise another demon. and this time it's the revell 1/144 F-117 nighthawk. I was originally planning to build The much MUCH larger M60a1 RISE by academy/minicraft,but that basically meant clashing with my College schedule and the fact i have to shift constantly. So i decided to start small for my first (In many) KUTAs with this tiny beast. Obligatory sprue shot is Obligatory. This kit was actually a starter set,But i never took the time to build it. Also i got an airbrush.YAAAY!!
  6. So it's time for me to try and clear up a couple of kits that didn't quite get finished in previous GBs. Neither need a massive amount of work so thought I'd place them in the same thread. Firstly a Sword 1/72 scale EE Lightning, from the 2020/2021 Interceptors GB previous build thread here. I got bogged down and disheartened by the decals, especially after finding I'd placed the roundels in the wrong place for the wing walkway demarcation lines. Looking a little wet there as I rinsed off the shelf dust! It needs that tail tip paint fixing, possibly some more decals adding, the undercarriage fitting, clearcoat and some weather and I should be able to call it done. The second kit needing some finalisation is a Tamiya 1/35 SAS Jeep kit, from the Less than a Tenner GB, build log here. All that stowage really ground me down - especially having to clean up loads of nasty seam lines on every piece. Again it shouldn't take too long to actually get done but I'm still far from finding the enthusiasm for this one, other than actually getting a bit of peace of mind for finishing it!
  7. This one was finished in the recent 'KUTA XIII' GB but I've only just got around to posting an RFI... The latter stages of the build are here if you want to see it coming together. Work on this model began years ago, long before I joined BM, so the early stages were not recorded. You won't miss much, as it was built to a very basic standard! Normally I would ask for critique on a model, but not this time! This one is full of silly mistakes and areas that could have been built better. Even my recent work, which really should have been to a higher standard, was frequently jinxed by problems. Eventually I lost interest and just wanted to get it finished - my mojo was gone... It is a large beast - the following photos were taken on a standard 18" patio slab and it filled that entirely! Hope you like it and please do not be too harsh with your comments! 😁
  8. Having finished the Buccaneer, it's time to turn my attention to the next model on my shelf of doom - the 1/72 Revell HP Victor: It's not the first time this model has appeared on BM. It was on the recent KUTA GB at the end of last year, but never quite got finished... That build was a bit of a nightmare (the intakes immediately spring to mind!). If interested, that build is documented here: Since abandoning work on this model, I have taken delivery of the new Airfix version of the Victor - a vastly superior kit: My original plan was to have just one Victor, painted in the camouflage scheme. However, now I have two kits I want them to look different. I've decided that the Airfix kit will be getting the camouflage scheme, so what to do with this model? Two options: 1. Keep it as a K.2 Victor and paint it hemp 2. Convert it back to a B.2 and paint it white I've changed my mind a few times on which is best! I've finally decided to go with the second option, mainly because the Airfix kit has also included spare decals for this version and they are much better than the Revell offering... Also, I think white paint suits the aircraft better than hemp! So here's the current state of play: Obvious jobs include discarding the refuelling pods and underwing fuel tanks then filling those four holes in the wing. I could keep the wing tanks, but in the interest of making both models look different I think they should go - the camouflaged Victor will have these fitted and most photos of the white Victors show the aircraft without them, so that is a more representative way to portray this aircraft. A bit more surgery will be also be required on the belly to remove the central refuelling area. With any luck this will be a relatively quick project!
  9. Hi all, Very quick build log of a Revell Hunter FGA.9 that took a long shelf break after a weird accident with AK Extreme Metal paint. It's this kit, known and loved by Hunter fans worldwide! So what went wrong? I painted the underside with AK Extreme Metal Steel as it gave a favourable rendition of High Speed Silver lacquer. I left it for about a day, masked with Tamiya tape and then painted the topside with Xtracrylix Dark Green/Dark Sea Grey. When I removed the masking tape, this was the result. The adhesive from the tape seemed to have merged with the paint to create a sticky, lumpy mess that couldn't be removed with thinner or even sanding. All sanding did was spread it around and peel off sections of the paint. the primer (Tamiya Fine Surface Primer) was unaffected. The top side was okay, so I didn't want to strip it all down, especially as I'd detailed the cockpit already. So off to the shelf of doom it went. But today my Vulcan's Milliput was drying and I decided to rescue this off the shelf and see if it was salvageable. I went after the goo with cotton buds and cellulose thinner and it seems to have worked, although both paint and primer are now gone. Further progress will follow when I'm sure the plastic hasn't been affected... Alan
  10. 1/48 Academy Hawker Hunter F.6, 14 SQN RAF Gütersloh, 1963 Hi folks, this was a kit I started nearly ten years ago when I was a teenager and was left half built. Completed as part of the KUTA GB. WIP here. Following advice I shortened the tail bullet and moved the tailplanes forward so they were correctly positioned (more or less). Apart from that it was completely OOB. This was also my first time using an airbrush and I am happy with the result! I used Tamiya flat Aluminium, Xtracrylix Dark Sea Grey and Modelmaster Acryl Dark Green. Definitely a smoother finish than when I use a brush! (The masking was killer though) I left this one relatively clean due to the fast approaching GB deadline and the fact that when looking at reference images they appeared to be well looked after. Anyway, thanks for looking, any pointers would be happily received. P.S cutting up the decals for the undercarriage doors were a nightmare. Cheers, Ash
  11. I'm jumping in! I started this sometime in January and with one thing and another she ended up languishing on the shelf of doom so I thought I'd get her done in this KUTA season. Done some of the subassemblies, so far everything has gone together quite nicely. The cockpit is pretty good for this scale and even has instrument panel decals, I added some tape belts but not sure how much you will see once everything is buttoned up. I boxed in the undercarriage wells and added a little bit to the exhaust as both these ares are just completely open otherwise. Also the three windows on the aft starboard side are not supplied as clear parts so I drilled and filed them and then for the glass I shoved some melted clear sprue into the hole. A few swipes with sandpaper and voila! The middle one is a fraction larger but as long as my window masks are all the same size it should look fine. Hopefully tonight I'll get a bit done on her Thanks Segan
  12. After some years of Shelf of Doom exile, I decided to finish my Academy F-4B. Here it goes: All (constructive) opinions welcome. All (less constructive) opinions welcome too, if they're funny (I'm the one to judge). Cheers, S.
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