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Found 14 results

  1. Hi! Here is the second kit I finished this year - 1:72 Northrop/CASA SF-5A Freedom Fighter, serial C.9-048, 464 Squadron Spanish Air Force, Gando AB, Gran Canaria, ca.1980. This particular plane can still be seen today at the Gando AB next to Las Palmas airport. All F-5s from Gran Canaria were entirely painted with aluminium paint (it`s not natural metal finish). Italeri kit, which is actually rebox of 40 years old ESCI. It's still quite good, but the mold wear is really noticeable. Model is "out of the box" except for Master Pitot tube and cannon barrels + antennas and gunsight from scratch. Nothing special, very quick project - simply to add to the collection on the shelf. Thanks for watching!
  2. Hi all, built this as part of the F-5 STGB. Kit is by Tiger Hobbies and I picked it up off their website for £10, it was a bit of a pig at times but got there in the end. It's a decent kit overall even if it does seem to be molded out of concrete 😅 The paint job was a challenge, especially the blending along the fuselage which I just did freehand- the camouflage was brush painted. It is missing a refuelling probe but from what I can find it looks like those were added to the airframes during a period of high tensions with Colombia so it can pass for not having one. Build thread can be found here: Thanks for looking in!
  3. Hi all, with me close to wrapping up my J-11 build I thought I'd start the WIP for my Venezuelan F-5A. Its the same Tiger Hobbies 1/48 kit my dad is building so I'm aware of the pitfalls of the kit like the incredibly hard plastic sprues and sprue gate on the canopy. The decals are from Tandecal and look pretty nice. I'll be building aircraft 3274, with the decals predating the switch from FAV back to AMBV (though I think only a few F-5As were still airworthy by 2008 when the switch happened). Looking forward to starting, the paint job is a little daunting but hopefully this can be a relatively stress-free build. Thanks for looking in!
  4. As promised...sort of...I won't be building my friend's uncle's aircraft which is all blue/grey and flown during Cyprus in the 70s. I'll build this one instead...It will most likely have the same SEA camo it wore when it was purchased by the Americans after 1965. The colour index for the profile doesn't seem right. It calls for USN Grey in areas as well as white as part of the camo, mixed in with Olive Drab and Tan. I'l have to find a better profile. Nice looking sprue... Great looking decals... Let's hope they don't disintegrate! It's an old kit... Also, a nice link for the 341st... https://www.haf.gr/en/structure/htaf/111-combat-wing/341-squadron/ I'll jump in presently. --John
  5. Hi Guys, Here is my Kinetic NF-5A, a nice kit but it requires some tlc! And some extra work is required to make it more like a real NF-5A, since the NF differed a bit from the the standard F-5. The LEF's needed an extra "edge" at the widest part, the ECM knobs on the tail differed in height on each side(and are of a different shape), and the cockpit IP needed a so called "Roller map", a system attached to a Doppler radar which consisted of a paper map, and a couple of other small details were added. I chose to give it the so called "zebra" scheme which some of the NF-5's received in the middle eighties. Always liked this scheme so I needed a model of it! The tanks under the wings are in the initial camouflages colors and the centerline tank is in the definitive grey scheme. Decals are from Dutch Decal, seat is from Wolfpack and the wheels are from RESkit. Erik
  6. Here are my first models I am uploading here ( Esci F-5A and Hasegawa Jaguar GR1 both 1/72), finished them a few days ago. As I am returning to the hobby after an absence ( been painting model figures Games Workshop and co) any feed back will be greatly appreciated. http:// http:// http:// http://
  7. Well after much thought I decided on something nice and simple and looked what showed up in the post today! Wolfpack’s F-5A Shoshi Tiger, well a tarted up Kinetic model, and that was/is a beautiful model! I was lucky enough to find one in South Korea that was going for a price just too good to not get one. Even after postage it was nearly ½ the price of similar Kinetic/Wolfpack ones on evilBay…bargan! So this will be close to a OOB build (we shall see on this point….) though I do have some Eduard PE interior bits on the way… and still thinking about the external PE set as well! The model looks amazing with some lovely extra bits, though I only have two choices in the markings. ooooo so lovely!!!!!! Actually it's the other colour scheme....took photo of the wrong one! Well I have to get the Meteor out of the way first but I will be pushing quite hard to get this build out of the way as I will be in Europe for 4 weeks over the Xmas/NY period so no modelling for me! I can’t wait to start this one!
  8. So I have decided the first of my builds will be the Tiger Hobbies F-5A kit in 1/48. I know theres many issues with the kit but I am going to build out of the box in the Philippines Blue Diamonds scheme. I have other kits that I intend to build for this group build but I whilst I am waiting for them to be delivered etc I figure I might as well build this. Heres the box pics etc: The sparsely decorated box: Contents: The Chosen Scheme (top): I was considering doing the other scheme in the picture above, the fifth Turkish acroteam, The Eagles; but I just cant resist that blue flash on the nose of the Diamonds scheme!
  9. Hi everyone, So I thought I would drop this in here too, this is my completed build of the Tiger Hobbies F-5A kit in 1/48 Scale that I put together for the F-5 STGB. This was my first ever Group Build I have taken part in and want to thank everyone involved for their help, encouragement and information. I built her in the Philippines Blue Diamonds Acro Team Livery it comes with in the box. I know this kit has its inaccuracies but most do and I have to say it was really fun to build and regardless of the problems it still builds into a nice looking model when its complete and for the price I am more than happy with it. It's completely OOB, nothing added, painted in Tamiya and Revell Aqua acrylics and finished with Winsor & Newton Varnishes. There was a minor disaster towards the end of my build with me destroying parts of decals that were already applied and some filler/paint went missing at this stage too. I will probably add a light panel wash in the future at some point. Build thread is here if anyone is interested in that kind of stuff.
  10. Hi guys, After a busy weekend (Telford) am I finally ready for this GB. I will build the Classic Airframes 1/48 F-5A. I will start this model very soon. pictures will follow later. The model will be build out of the box with the left over decals from the Kinetic kit. Cheers,
  11. This is my first RFI and is of my Tiger Hobbies F-5a. The WIP can be found here: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234985528-tiger-hobbies-148-northrop-f5a/ I recently completed the Trumpeter Talon II, and this inspired me to look for a quick build to run along side my more involved Hasegawa Skyhawk. A search on flea bay found this kit, and for £9.99 inc postge I could not pass it up. The kit is overall a fun build with plus' and minus'. The fit is good, the end product looks like a Freedom Fighter, the decals are cracking, and the process is fast & fun. On the flip side theinstructions & paint guide is basic, the panel lines are deep, the detail is generally "soft", and I am unsure as to the overall accuracy. Without more ado........ The deep & wide panel lines with a panel wash is a bit OTT, as can be seen here where the walkway lines are almost hidden by the wash, but it was a quickie so whatever lol... The decals went down fantastically and look superb in my opinion. The cockpit was basic, but a wash and dry....... -brush sorted that out. The freedom Fighter is an awesome looking aircaft. Though my post-shading on the dark green is way too much. The underside was basic, and generic. The kit supplies all 5 pylons, but only three drop tanks, JDams from the spares box (though almost certainly wrong) sorted that, and added a contrast on the grey underside. Alongside my Trumpeter T-38C. It may be a basic kit but it stands up! Talon on its own.. Finally the F5a is placed on the shelf. I enjoyed this kit, like the finished article, and can thoroughly recommend it....... though I cannot guarantee its accuracy. Thanks for looking Ian
  12. As usual I have been a bit bored on shift and was playing on the internet and found some really cool photos of Vietnam era F-5A Freedom Fighters…which got me thinking of cause……. Northrop F-5 STGB??? I’m sure someone will tell me if it has already been done! But I would like to throw it out there for a STGB for the Northrop F-5. Now this should include the F-5A/B/C Freedom Fighter’s, F-5E/F Tiger II’s, plus to be fair to those who like their trainers the T-38 Talon plus the unusual the F-20 Tigershark and X-29. There you go, there are heaps of different users of this wonderful little aircraft so we should be able to get a good spread of variations, plus lots of good models in various scales available as well. Plus our resident Guru on all things Middle Eastern (MiG’s etc) has a new book out on the Iranian F-5 Tigers! -------------- de list.... 1, trickyrich - de host 2, Jabba 3, SaintsPhil 4, Vingtor 5, Paul J 6, chockhead 7, Arniec 8, Dazzio 9, Wes 10, Giorgio N 11, AndyC 12, depressed lemur 13, nimrod54 14, Lex77 15, swat11
  13. Hello chaps and chapesses, This looks like an enjoyable group build and I'd like to join the fun with this: I bought this kit from a model fair in Milan last year, as you can see it only cost €3.00 which is the end of the good news. The kit was first issued in 1966 and this incarnation I believe dates from 1990-94. Matchbox subsequently issued an F-5A and later Esci issued what is said to be the best version of the F5-A in 1/72. In my opinion this kit does well under Murdo's Law. It's horrible! I don't mean because it's basic, that was to be expected with an Airfix kit of this age, but the moulds seem to have aged badly. There's some flash but worse are the sink marks and on a brief dry fit of the fuselage and nose they don't. Fit that is. So either this gets put away with the thought that life's too short and the stash too large to bother with it or I decide to have some fun with it. Which is why I'm here at some point I'll probably need some encouragement. I intend building this OOB. I'll try adding some detail to the cockpit. Depending on how it goes together I might spray it with Alclad but it's more likely to be brushed with Humbrol enamels as in the old days when I first built this around 1970. I hope to get started this weekend but due to other commitments this may be a bit start and stop. This is my first group build here on Britmodeller and I'mm looking forward to it. I'm already enjoying looking at the other builds. Jon
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