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Found 10 results

  1. The very old Airfix 707 kit has lots of problems being it the more or less terrible fit or the too pointy nose and the rather simple engines. I tried to adress these problem zones as good as possible. - replacing the cockpit section with a DACO canopy - creating new inlet rings with Evergreen plastic - sanding the engines a bit thinner. After all these corrections had been done and half a tube of fille used to have everything in place and shape,one of the most tedious and time consuming masking marathons started. The Air India livery is striking but getting there when the whole kit has to be assambled to look right, before one drop of paint can be spent is a nerve shredding task. Thats why this kit sat on the shelf unfinished for a long time. Well...now here we are,the Airfix 707 is finished ( 2 more on the go...) The most striking part of this issue is the superb decal sheet which provides full Air India and the classic BOAC markings. Paints are all Gunze and Testors. Metallics are from the Gunze Super Metallics range. Thanks for looking Alex
  2. This is my 1/72 Northrop Grumman E-8C Joint STARS build using the Heller E-3 Sentry kit and the Flightpath (David Parkins) E-8 conversion. May of 2018 I build the Heller kit as an E-3 and my opinion of the kit has not improved; very poor fit and finish almost as bad as Mach 2. But the decals were excellent. The Flightpath conversion contains a resin canoe,etched metal antennas and templates for the added doors and windows, and some white metal parts. No decals are included. The instruction are OK, but they make no mentions about marking so I used this picture from Wikipedia as my guide I had used the Flightpath TF-33 engines on the E-3, but based on this picture the housing shape is different and more closely resemble the kit parts so I decided to use them. You will notice from the picture that all 4 engines have a hood on top of them that goes from the front of the pylon to the front of the engine. I got half way through the build when I discovered that the Heller kit had that hood on only 3 of the engines but not the left outboard one . I am told that is correct for the KC-135 and maybe some E-3s, but not the E-8, at least not this one. I was a bit of a loose how to fix this and went on Ebay to see if I could get another kit for cheap to use one of the engines when miraculously I found someone in the UK selling just the engine sprue from the kit. So I bought that immediately. Unfortunately it had to be shipped from the UK to the US so while I was waiting I built the Monogram F-16XL kit. Once the new sprue came work proceeded fairly quickly. Wolfpak made a decal sheet (72-077) that included E-8 markings but unfortunately I did not have the foresight to buy it when it was available and it is now out of production. Fortunately the markings for the E-3 and E-8 are mostly the same so I was able to use the kit ones and only had to cobble together the tail markings from bit and pieces from other sheets. I rushed the final completion so I could get it finished in time to bring it to my local club's meeting tonight. That worked out and it won the monthly contest 🏆. So here are the pictures. And here it is in its new home. It is pretty big and takes up a whole shelf to itself Next up is the Hasegawa F-G Wild Weasel. Enjoy.
  3. British Airtours Boeing 707-420 pics by Graeme H
  4. A month of hard work and 'Foxtrot Oscar' is ready. OOB Airfix build with Authentic Airliners decals. The usual old Airfix woes, but a satisfying result after all.
  5. How close are the Boeing line of fuselages? mainly the 707 and 737. I heard somewhere they are they same aside from length. Are windows and doors the same size? I have a strange idea to build a 737-800 using a 707 and 737-200 for parts. I know Welsh makes the P-8A which is an 800 series, but I'm looking at cost and windows to deal with. I could do the Revell kit, but thinking about 1/72. Any comments are welcome.
  6. A quick question - is it possible to use a Heller E3A kit to build an Australian Air Force 707 without any major surgery?
  7. On March 14 1960 SAS Boeing 707 en route from New York to Stockholm with refueling stop in London Gatwick was struck by lightning and lost power in three of four engines. The pilots issued "MayDay" and attempted successful emergency water landing in Baltic Sea in proximity of USSR territorial waters, all passengers and crew were eventually picked up by Soviet coast guard and emergency vessels but the plane sunk and was written off as a hull loss. By that time the only Soviet long range civil type was turboprop Tu-114 derived from Tu-95 bomber. Although being comfortable and reliable the type cruise speed was about Mach 0.71. The development of faster Il-62 was in its early stages therefore the opportunity to study one of the most advanced western types to speed up development was too good to miss. The plane was quickly and secretly salvaged from the bed of relatively shallow Baltic Sea and transferred to Yakovlev design bureau for studying. In September 1960 during the meeting in the Ministry of Aviation Industry Yakovlev mentioned that his bureau could deliver long range jet ariliner prototype based on reverse engineered 707 quicker and cheaper than Ilyushin that had given a green light for copying of 707 as Yak-62 as Il-62 competitor. Indeed, Yak-62 has made its first flight in July 1961 and after completion of state trials was recommended for mass production that begun in late 1962. Although based on 707 design Yak-62 was not its 100% copy - it was redesigned to comply with Soviet standards, dimensions and manufacturing process that made it 8% heavier than original 707. Soviets decided not to copy RR Convays but use four Kuznetsov NK-9 engines that had similar characteristics but were slightly more fuel hungry. Visually Yak-62 had different nose (early versions even had glass navigator cabin instead of radar), fuselage length, wing profile, cabin window layout, engine pylons and nacelles. Yak-62 was intended solely for internal use and served long haul routes such as Moscow-Khabarovsk and Moscow-Vladivostok. Unlike Tu-114 and later Il-62 Yak-62 was not considered as "achievement of Socialism" and therefore was not offered for export on international exhibitions. Its western ancestry was the reason of its quick withdrawal from service - although appreciated by passengers and crews alike all 34 of produced machines were replaced by Il-62 in just 15 years. I once bought a lot on e-bay that contained three airliners I truly wanted to build one day but the fourth was Airfix 707. I'm not a big fan of the type and this "WhatIf GB" is perhaps the only chance for it to be built
  8. New Airfix 707-436 in BOAC colours. Nice build excpet a lot of trimming needed of excess plastic. Also a word of warning- DO NOT use old spray varnish if it starts coming out like syrup! it makes a mess had to redo the white cos of it.
  9. ...that next to the engines, that is! Hi chaps, I was just browsing through Pointerdog7's decal list and from doing a bit of on-line research I got to discover this picture: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Uganda_Airlines_Boeing_707_Groves-1.jpg Can anyone please tell me what that pod hanging near the wing to fuselage join is? Was there another example hanging on the opposite side? Any detail pictures of it anywhere? I was pondering about what livery to use on my first 707 and this looks kind of interesting. I also noticed that there were at least two slightly different liveries worn by Uganda Airlines 707s: the one pictured above and this: Is the livery as shown by the Pointerdog decals the second (final) one? Any idea what year the font and tail design got changed? Thank you! Cheers, Niki
  10. Hello Everyone I have the Minicraft Boeing 707-320 in the TWA boxing, im just looking at it and it appears to have rolls royce engines. i want to do a BOAC 707-320 Cargo plane, but im not sure if ot has the right tngines, i need JT4's, but they look more like rollers. Thank Bradley
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