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Everything posted by SpeedyGonzales

  1. Cool !! I've made a reservation for two copies today. I plan to build one in red and the other in white.
  2. Great aircraft that is. And your model is a very good model of it, and it's a 1/144th scale How great it would be to see a Connie produced in 1/48, especially the Navy types... One of my modelling dreams...
  3. Thanks. As for WIP... Well, taking many photos in every step and publishing them slows me down considerably so I did not...
  4. Thanks Thom216. Masked it all with Humbrol Maskol and then airbrushed.
  5. Thanks Adam. This beast is longer than Ju 88 with shorter wingspan, if I'm not mistaken but if we're talking about 1/72 then the differences in size should be within 2 cm or so. The mottling is a real headache indeed. I had a few different methods in my mind, I finally decided to use Humbrol Maskol and I think it performed quite well.
  6. Hi all, Here's my latest build, He 219 A-0 Uhu of ZM in 1/32nd scale. Propellers are not so much of my area of interest and I built it just to try something other than jets. Hope you like it, thanks for looking. SpeedyGonzales
  7. Superb Phantom model here, I loved every piece of it. Great weathering, too, especially on the nose and wing tank tips. But is the front canopy down maybe a few degrees ??
  8. I couldn't agree more on your assessment of the early jets, sir. How beautiful the aircraft of the 50's and 60's are with their graceful lines, unlike the computer generated zig-zagged machines of the 5th generation. Well, that was when they also produced '57 Bel Air, wasn't it? Your model is a true reflection of that era, very nicely done...
  9. Such a beautiful model of a very much war-battered Betty, simply admirable.
  10. Thanks very much Robert, so kind of you... No claim of a top notch build, never ever, in fact so far from it. Just expecting more modest ways of expressing one's thoughts... Thanks so much again for such a civilized comment.
  11. My level of rudeness?? You're simply implying that all the public photos I posted as references have been digitally touched without any basis for an evidence and still calling me rude? And somehow conclude that Google search, which I put here as the easiest source available to anyone, is the only resource for my references? Well, normally I would call this funny as a modeller and aviation enthusiast having built over 400 models, taken thousands of photographs and collected over 3.000 aviation publications in the last 30 years but I really appreciate if you say no more on the matter indeed.
  12. I am adding below a "search result" which anyone smart enough would get if he could manage to type "Dirty F-14 Tomcat" on Google. I assume you can distinguish those heavily weathered real aircrafts from those which are not. Or maybe the US Navy drops photos into Lightroom and edits images to make some of their aircraft look that worn so they can convince people about how busy they have been. It is really a shame anyone can make comments on anything... https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=dirty+f-14+tomcat&dcr=0&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ69A7WG79-K2WRWfM4DuOzW7GkDA:1567963174136&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=X5esfegVw67ZUM%3A%2C_Ui9hPDs1DllGM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTbpbIDDSxvE0g9LffdKmvK8w5s_w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8pY-A3sHkAhXH_KQKHUncDzAQ9QEwAHoECAAQBg#imgrc=imevo9W4UI6h8M:&vet=1 Still a few links, too... Anyone still not satisfied, please demonstrate your level of aviation knowledge elsewhere and do not waste any more time of mine and others.
  13. Shots fired ?? Well, I wouldn't bother such a discussion as I find adults getting into that over pieces of plastic completely ludicrous. Not that I do not appreciate accurate modelling efforts, which from time to time try to pursue and even had tried harder when I was younger. But you know, sometimes the modeller would like to play as he wishes unless he builds to gold medals in accuarcy, as this is a hobby after all and this is exactly the case about this model. I wanted to build it dirty, heavily weathered, severely worn-out, regardless of squadron or any particular aircraft. Let's call it artistic liberty or licence, if any... When I was younger I used to count the rivets, too. Believe me, it does not help physicologically... Denies you all the joy of the hobby. Getting as close as one can get to the real thing is sometimes a motive, unless it strips all the joy away. Please do not forget, the subject which you're trying to achieve the accuracy of is built of metal, while your material is only plastic. Skin or sidewalls of an aircraft is only a few millimeters, while any average model 1/72th scale has about 1.5mm plastic thickness. And that is 100mm in real life! Where's the accuracy?? Anyway, I see your point about accuracy, share it mostly but I'm not just obsessed with it. I was, but not anymore after I figured out building for joy was more satisfying, as those damn things we build simply do not fly. And how funny we as modellers find ourselves in discussions even the maintenance personnel of the real aircraft wouldn't care. Your effort to bring that 1/100th Revell F-14 to a certain level, remarkable as it is, in fact is already what I am trying to tell you about...
  14. Thanks F-32, good to know there are modellers who judge by knowledge rather than their taste... Some bits and pieces may be inaccurate in this fast-track build, but weathering was specially worked with references.
  15. Thanks Gary. Those ten days quite busy I was, I must say. From morning till midnight indeed. On the other hand, size is an advantage rather than a disadvantage if you want to move fast with this scale because it makes working with details easier. Assembly, some rivets with the riveting tool and small parts' painting the first five-six days... Paints (all acyrlic) day seven, gloss varnish day eight, decals and painted parts assembly day nine, topcoat day ten... Would I do it again? NOOO
  16. Oh, I didn't know that. I am not much of a prop modeller in fact and I generally build jets, so when I built this kit I hadn't gone into depths and never thought a different type of primer was to search after. Great to know, thanks... I'll be looking forward to seeing yours with that primer color, I'm sure it will be a sight. Thanks again for sharing this information and your kind comments. Speedy
  17. Real aircraft on top, the model below... Find the seven differences between... I could not... Great job indeed...
  18. I'm not much into props, real or model, but this is one of my favourite aircraft and you have done justice to this glorious airplane. Very nice wear and exhausts, too
  19. Thank you Gary. The kit comes with recessed panels on the front fuselage but raised ones on the main fuselage... Which is the worst thing about this kit.
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