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Found 8 results

  1. Hiya I have been wondering (and there has to be) if there are sites like for tanks that talk about all the different tank / modifications / ethos etc etc Like this but for planes.... https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/ If there is I have not found it as I have searched, but the I twrnwt is a ma-who-sive place and what I want is rather niche. Is there a place I could ask about this so that others can post their site recommendations? I like to read all about the model I'm making, the design, manufacture and use, also all the factual stuff about revision of design / timeline changes and such. There are some websites I lookup when I want photos, but they also do aircraft, but new additions to photographic database would be great. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi Folks, Probably a simple question for the Mustang experts out there (maybe @gingerbob?)... Should the top engine cowl have a panel line down it? It would be good to know before the paint goes on. Many thanks, Oops - I meant to post this in Mustang Chat, but got it wrong! Can you move it for me please Patrice? @TEMPESTMK5
  3. Hi ,anybody ever used one of those small rotary cutters to redo Panel lines ? Just got one of ebay ,it seems to be easier to use than a scribing tool
  4. Hi, need some advice. I paint all my aircraft models in Mr.Hobby color which is thinned with Mr.Leveling thinner. It is not water based. I then put on a coat of Klear. However when I use Mr.Hobby Weathering Color WC01 for the panel lines, the weathering color always stain the paint. No matter what I try I cannot wipe off the pin marks or they leave a dark stain in the surrounding areas. I want the stain to be just on the panel lines but end up messing up the paint job. Am I using the wrong combination of base paint and weathering paint? What type of weathering medium should I use with MrHobby color? Thanks.
  5. Dear forum members; We are glad to share build stages of our 1/48 scale RF-84F kit - which is loved by modelers and first batch sold out in 20 days. Model : TANMODEL 1/48 scale Republic RF-84F Kit No : 2201 by Master Modeler Mr. Daniel Zamarbide SUAREZ (Spain) (Pilot figure and detail set are not included in the box content) Regards, TANMODEL Part 1 :
  6. Hi Folks, In the midst of my "other builds" I am looking at the Airfix Hampden that I have in my stash. I will sand down the good old Airfix bumps and scribe in the panel lines accordingly. My question pertains to the panel lines: I have (and am using) the Warpaint book on the Hampden (and Hereford) - and I know there are 1/72 scale plans within the book - would those plans be valid for determining panel line layout? The reason I ask is they seem, to me, a bit "excessive" (it appears as though there are a A LOT of lines on the wings for example). Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you kindly, Dave
  7. I'm inviting your comments and votes on something which fascinates me. I've spent an interesting afternoon looking at colour photos of RAF WWII aircraft. (I appreciate that the colours themselves are unreliable evidence due to differential fading and wacky 1940s emulsions, BUT the tonal variations are clear.) I've also had a quick look at web pictures of more modern aircraft. The funny thing is that I can't find a single clear photograph of an aircraft with stripes such as I depict with pre/post-shading techniques. I see mucky marks caused by fitter's feet and spilt oil. I see random fading, chipping, and a host of variations from flat blocks of colour. But I can find nothing to suggest darkened stripes, however subtle, around panels or mechanical hinges, or emphasising internal structure through the aircraft skin(!). The pre/post-shading fashion seems to have started about ten to twelve years ago. I remember seeing a copy of Fine Scale Modelling about that time with a cover photo of an Avenger looking as though it had been quilted. I scoffed back then. Yet now I do it. I've been doing it because everyone else seems to like it. Ready for Inspection posts with lots of stylized shading always attract much praise for the paintwork. But now I'm thinking I am blindly (lol) making my models less representative of the real thing with my strange stylistic habit. The panel line wash craze is similarly baffling to me. I've always thought they were spurious and today I've been looking for evidence to refute my opinion. Well, from time to time I have found a panel line, occasionally a really dirty one, so I'll accept that sometimes a panel line wash is true to life. But on most aircraft this simply isn't the case and when it is apparent, it's only one or two lines. I think its really ironic that as moulding technology has improved and surface detail become ever finer and more representative, I increasingly exaggerate it with dark inks and powders, making finely etched plastic resemble the old Airfix/Frog/Matchbox kits of my youth perhaps How did I ever get so weird? I think I am copying each other's models instead of looking at the real thing. Come to think of it, I've seen many comments saying that a modeller will use another modeller's model as a reference. Hmmm. I think I'm going to stop using either of these techniques. I'm going to 'work from the original' (original photos, that is) and paint what I see. I'd probably better not enter any competitions though... (Edited to remove what might be interpreted as criticism of other people's methods or making fun of their work. After all, it's only a hobby!.)
  8. Hi, I am finally back and after a few hectic weeks I got back to the Modelling bench. I had a Tamiya Mk I spit out. However I saw I had 2 Airfix Hurri and that is what I have gone with. So far I have re-scribed the raised panel line on the wings. I compared this to a Hasegawa Kit I have. It seems that there are more panel lines on the Hasegawa Kit. However I did notice that this is a IID wing. Has anyone got a decent sketch/plan of the Pane lines for a metal Mk 1 wing. I have looked through all my books but there is nothong suitable to work from. Thanks Sean
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