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About Bill1974

  • Birthday 31/08/1974

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    Abingdon - Oxford - UK
  • Interests
    Lots of stuff, too much!

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  1. Thanks for the link, very interesting read 🤓
  2. Wow, that’s great thank you for the explanation that clears my confusion completely. 💯
  3. Hi all, I have been researching for a diorama I am building. The 25 pdr field gun & quad gun tractor kit in North Africa. Every where I look I see photos of this….. Showing the projectile (HE / Smoke / Anti-tank) physically connected to the propellant charge case. Also a video showing it being loaded and fired…. https://www.reddit.com/r/mechanical_gifs/s/Zb2jxPW5FE The video shows one whole shell going in - upper and lower connected together - thus quick firing. What is confusing me is everywhere else it states a two piece ammo of which the two parts are loaded separately….? It can’t be both? https://nigelef.tripod.com/ammo.htm The above document states two piece loading… “In the 25-pdr the projectile and cartridge were separately loaded into the breech, with the projectile being rammed so that the driving band engaged the rifling of the barrel” I don’t know what to model as I have a resin printed shell set and want to depict real world situation and not an idiots model showing something silly. Please help.
  4. Dave - wow thank you for the clarity, I really appreciate the assistance and setting out what needs to be shown on my model, making clear in my head what is needed. Magic! 👍 I’d quiet liked the idea of adding some flags for some colour and realism (or so I thought) I’m happy to show just a battle ensign on the main mast and at the stern if that is what she would have flown during a sub chase (as that’s what I’m depicting and I want it too look as it should - hence the many questions and required clarity) Again - all - thank you for your advice and time in explaining this to me. (I’m a 70’s kid) so; @Jeff.M & @Dave Swindell Three Gold stars - see me! You guys rock, never doubt it. I’m chuffed so, also a delboy-ism; Lovely gubly! 🤓
  5. Firstly thank you for your comments, I’m learning a lot, so thank you very much. I’m still struggling a little? Not that I’ll be modelling the K166 pennants as I now understand it should be GQCJ Wouldn’t this be third substitute flag which is the third flag of that type? If so what is a substitute flag either first or third? (Just for my understanding) is it as the above? I don’t think this is or should be what is flown, it should be GQCJ as the photo (that much is clear) I don’t understand where the white ensign needs to be flown, you’ve said at the Stern, I don’t understand where. Also I am not sure where the GQCJ is flown (main mast, but which line - left?). And where is the larger battle white ensign flown (to the right of the GQCJ?) I have marked up here -
  6. Hiya Jeff, Thanks for the steer, I’ve looked up intl call signs and have found a webpage showing pennant reference and call signs, ( http://jproc.ca/rrp/appendg_sa_to_sp.html) can you be more specific when these intl call signs were used - ie specifically whilst under pilot in and out of harbour before entering into open waters to freely navigate and at no other time? If the intl call sign is used in and out of ports then when would the pennant letter / No. / No. / No. be used - K166? I thought that the pennant number that’s on the side of the bow, ie K166 was her handle or call sign type identifier type thing?? I want to model something that’s relevant and in the right place at the right size, it isn’t easy finding much about this as very nearly everything is about picto-gram pages from manuals that doesn’t mean much or tell me what and how it was used in ww2 or about Admirals flags stuffs if they were aboard or leading a group or flotilla etc and the other flags and such for manoeuvring / general communication type stuffs before radio. Thanks. Matt
  7. Hello all, Progress has been slow and as I’m rather new to ships and water dio’s even slower than it might be. I have primed most of it now and sanded down some areas that as usual after priming it’s when you see the marks etc etc and reprimed. I’ve also been adding more detail to the life boats and a few other areas that I will show at later date when I’ve finished typing general progress. The ship part of the duo, water surface is coming along nicely top and bottom (as you’ll be able to see above and below for the ship ~ ship turning with wake and depth charge explosion over and ship hull under with propeller wake and lower below water depth charge explosion) and I have just about finished the sub bio base. All good so far….. However - I have been messing around for ages searching for signal flag sizes and all that gubbins and have come up short as after reading so very very many websites and documents and blogs this and that I have found that my RN Signal Flag part of my brain has melted and is leaking out of both ears! HELP! This is what I am after, HMCS Snowberry. I can’t really read the flag or determine what they mean…? I have found this link which has been a great read but only shows me so much (hence the brain leakage) https://tmg110.tripod.com/british19.htm This shows the type of pennants etc but (at least as much as I understand) doesn’t state where or what size they are. The links shows examples at the bottom of the page and specifically gives a flower class corvette pennants (not sizes and where) I’m gonna have to make and paint them myself, I’ve already superglued two thick bits of tin foil (from take away trays) and primed it with Mr Metal Primer-R. What I cannot see or find info for is; - Sizes - Locations (which bit of rope type / radio line type rigging type thing) - Other flags that may be shown during a sub chase I have found this (which is useful) but is making my brain hurt… Where on the two photos below are the pennant flags flown? Progress thus far… Thanks for you help! Comments and suggestions welcome 🤓
  8. Right then, after completely renovating and redecorating my flat and such, I have eventually started to start modelling and now that Imgur is now working again I can try and keep you updated which what I’m up too….. I have decided that my fletcher and tribal classes dios at 1:350 may be a little adventurous until I have cut my teeth a little. I have decided to have a go at HMS Snowberry and sub diorama along the same lines, but thankfully at 1:144 scale which is a little more manageable form my stubby fingers…..
  9. As I said Imgur has been broken for a long while but now seems to be fixed so I can post some photo, due to having nowhere to upload photos to I kinda haven’t been taking any so there is a skip to the end narrative to this build….. I have decided to paint it then glue it together as I’d like some crisp lines…. Many small bits…. I’ve added some detail to the boats as they were really plain and looked odd to me, so after searching Britmodeller and watching youtube videos I added some 1mm tape to simulate the wooden slats and added ribs and bottom structure to the insides. I’m not sure what they’re called but I’ve added the bibs where the oars go and other rope type gubbins to the perimeter. I’ve seen many previous excellent builds and video and even though it is hardly going to be seen I’ve added some detail to the wheelhouse. I need to rescribe the wooden deck to the front as I’ve already had a go and mangled it…. Oops. These are the propeller wakes, large one for the flower and the two smaller ones for the sub. They’re wire bent round paint tubs and brushes then layers of cotton wool glued and covered in gloss medium. This is my starter for 10 sub base, I need to square this monster up somewhat and add a wooden frame. I had spare bits of foam from other projects that I had saved and used for this once glued and cobbled together with tooth picks and pva, need to square it up and add the wooden surround. These are the explosions from the flower class corvettes depth charges, I’ve been watching videos and these are my attempt this far of the various types of explosion profile, starting from initial explosion through expanding and contracting secondary gubbins and near final large uprush of heated expanded water and such. ICM Sub, I scratch built the cabling and grab rails and the guards to the propellers plus a few other bits…. Good to be back and hope this meets the high standards all the folks on Britmodeller set? Comments and suggestions welcome 🤓
  10. Hello! I am taking a leap into a ship and submarine diorama and now that Imgur is working again I can upload some photos of where I am. My idea was to have an upper layer of a flower class corvette sat within a thin but hard seascape that show above water and below water propeller wake including explosions from depth charges. Beneath that is another part of the dio, a submarine diving with air bubble trails and propeller wake with depth charge explosions around it in various shades / types of explosion profile with a North Sea base below……
  11. This is an update after changing my image hosting thingy as Imgur seems to be broken, using Flickr and just about seem to have got it working….. I’ve been using silica crystals to dry out the and remove all moisture from the gels with some success. Now I have a new image hosting thingy I can update you all about my new project - the flower class corvette and German sub Dio, more to come!
  12. After letting the blue layer dry completely I have eventually added the heavy gel and gloss mix and that has been drying a for quite some days and is almost clear, I’ll post a photo when their is something to show 👍🤓
  13. I have realised that the previous layer of gloss and heavy gel is not completely dry, so my new mix of gloss medium and heavy structure gel will have to sit and wait. This could also be a good thing as the mixture will slowly dry out and firm up, hopefully! I'll keep moving it every now and then to keep it from drying out too much.
  14. Right now I’ve been able to get a little more than nill modelling done I’ve added some layers... I've added some white foam to the sides of the U-boat and wake and wave tops. I've then added a mix layer of blue and gloss medium and heavy gel medium and dabbed with a tiny brush to form wavelets. I'm going to now add gloss and heavy gel medium over this and once it dry some more white to foam and wavepeaks. Comments and suggestions welcome. 🤓
  15. They were also outside my price range somewhere around ÂŁ200 for one and another had been discontinued even Hough the lit is recent, very odd. I downloaded the instructions for the add on kits and may try to scratch build some bits.
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