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Found 13 results

  1. Hello All, I wanted a break from mainstream Plastic Injection moulded kits and build Large Scale Models. The First project is a 1/20 Scale Su-30Mki. It’s made from Foam Board, Polyurethane Foam, Tons of Putty, skinned with Fiberglass and further skinned with putty. the Panel lines were marked upon as scribing was lifting up the putty. There are a lot of inaccuracies, but I have made peace with it for now. The model will get updates in the future. Enjoy the pictures.. . . Regards from India Aditya +91-8860441002
  2. I'm starting to gather some bits together to build my Tamiya 1:48 Lancaster. I'd like to build it as one of the 9 Squadron Tallboy bombers. But I need to source some bulged bay doors. I see that Paragon made a set several years ago, but I can't find any sets available online. So, I have a few questions: 1. Does anyone on this forum have a Paragon set that they'd be willing to sell to me? 2. Is there any set other than the Paragon available on the market? 3. Failing the above, has anyone built such doors from scratch? And if so, could offer some pointers? Best, Paul
  3. Hi guys, here’s on of my best yet! The paint colours used for the camouflage were Humbrol, 30 and 29. I didn’t go too far with the weathering on this one as I wanted this to be a nice clean display piece. https://www.flickr.com/photos/193567223@N05/albums/72177720296302682 (Link for images) Please feel free to leave any comments and or suggestions for the future. There is also a Airfix Spitfire MkI on the way soon. Thanks, Thomas
  4. Hi I have been searching on the net as I have no Hudson books and can't find the answer So can anyone tell me ? What is the main differences between the mark I onwards thro to and including the mark VI Just engines and cowlings ? cheers Jerry
  5. I am doing a Mk I circa June 1940 - 74 sqn. Photos show the early aerial (striaght pole) but I cant find a sutable referance photo of the cockpit to show me what it looks like. I beleive it was on the port side) A lot of phots show the later radar with the 2 rows of push button and it is evident from the cannon trigger that the aircraft is a Mk V or higher in these photos
  6. So, I am in danger of repeating myself.....well I say that! I have repeated my self three times in the BofB GB, but here I go again. Airfix kit, which is a little cracker, but completely limited by only coming as a rag wing It's this version Untitled by robert mulvey, on Flickr However I will not be doing it OOB, and this is the repeating bit, I will be adding a set of rescribed older airfix hurricane wings! And the subject is one I have always wanted to do! Untitled by robert mulvey, on Flickr I love aircraft from malta and have always wanted to model this hurricane due to its link to Adrian Warburton, Google him! It's worth it! And what wakes this AC even better.... its blue! Work will start end of next week.... Rob
  7. Hello all, This is the next project which should (!) Be an easy one.... For the BofB GB I did three hurricanes, these didn't get completed, which meant I also didn't even start the spitfire's! I had planned on building two from the Xtradecals 75th BofB sheet, so these are still going a had but in here.... Joining them will be a guest from the airfix bbmf that was given to me when I left my old job... what a kind bunch they are. So first up is the airfix mki spitfire boxing of DW-K This will be be oob apart from using the Xtradecals set below I wanted something a bit different so went for GR-U as it still has the old style roundels and black/white/aluminium. Next up is the bbmf mki/ii spitfire boxing, this comes with transfers for a mki kit from the BofB but again waned something different from normal sky/DE/DG so kit and transfers option below. Last up is the airfix pr mkxix spitfire from the bbmf boxing, this one is going to be a gift to my sister for my nephews room and will have his initials on the wings. Pic's below I plan to get some work done over the weekend so will post as soon as i get it done, I also plan to get these finished before Christmas. Feel free to tag along! Rob
  8. Hi all! So these were part of the resent BofB GB but unfortunately didn't get completed to the deadline. They are all from 151 squadron and were inspired by teddy Donaldson's biography, a cracking read if you have not done so already. In the book it spoke about his own experiences, the aircraft he flew over the battle and those that flew with him. Two of the aircraft mentioned in the book are two types of cannon firing protoypes that were sent to the squadron. The aircraft I decided to go with are Teddy's mki tin wing, DZ-W, his last aircraft before leaving the squadron. Teddy had fought through France and the first half of the BofB with them and got through a number of airframes, leaving two of them in the channel. A brass model of this aircraft was given to teddy by the squadron on his departure. I made this from the new airfix mki rag wing with a cut and shut job on the old airfix wings and a full rescribe. The other two were both flown by Dick Smith who arrived with 151 at the start of the battle. He came across the aircraft DZ-Z which had 2 20mm cannons in underslung pod's not to unlike the 40mm cannons on the mkii d. I used the freightdog resin kit which is a nice set.... but I lost the cannon barrels so I have replaced them with broken bits of lancaster UC legs, not perfect far from it but the best I could do! The codes were hand painted but they are wrong but I don't have the ability to redo them (sorry folks). The other hurricane he flew was the 4 cannon protoype DZ-C which according to him turned up after DZ-Z and was a mki with a C wing grafted on, which oddly is exactly how i did it! I grafted n the airfix mkii c wings onto a the ragwing. It is down as being a mki and not having the upgraded engine so was very underpowered and used a lot less than dz-Z, both saw actin and scored probable hits. Enough of me wittering on here they are. DZ-W DZ-Z DZ-C I am happy with the result, some could say they have been over weathered but I do like them dirty! They are not perfect, and there are inaccuracies, but this is the first none oob large project and feel it's been good! For the wing changes etc the build thread is here http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234984681-151-squadron-3-ways/ any feedback would be great! Cheers for sopping by Rob
  9. Right chaps.... my hat is in the ring. So I have tried three time to do this post so hopefully this is the lucky time! This year for me has been about reading up on the BofB. ... obviously. And one chap in that reading caught my attention! This chap I mean look at him! What's not to like... read the book he has had a colourful life! But the bit I want to do is his last hurricane while commanding 151 sqn DZ-W. I also want to do a few of the squadrons interesting stable mates. So the kits! Are these poor souls.... They will be modified (why didn't I just re scribe the old tool) So up first! Teddy's mount on leaving 151 (he had 9 crashes in his life... two I think being in the BofB and both were into the channel (actually one may have been the battle of France) one he walked in when they were looking at appointing a replacement. ..) which will be DZ-W not DZ-M as on the book. I chose DZ-W In a way to recreate the model the squadron gave him on his departure during the BofB. .. A brass mki with DZ-W on it. I will be using photos of DZ-R and other references from books and Internet of the squadron as they were not photographed that often. So wing chopped off and these added Hopefully this is within 25%? They will be chopped up and have a lot of work done? Next up is DZ-Z fabric wing cannon protoype armed with twin 20 mm cannons. I will be using the freightdog's resin conversion kit. This AC was first posted to 76 squadron (?) And then arrived at 151 to be flown by R.L. 'Dick' Simth. So this will be oob with the cannon and 5 spoke wheels added. Thanks to Colin@freightdog for letting me know it was back in stock and very reasonably priced! Next is a bit of a funny one to nail down, but I have gone with what appears to be the conclusion of a mki with protoype metal c wing for DZ-C also flown by Dick Smith in 151 both these protoypes he scored kills in.... not bad as they were underpowered with the cannons attached but obviously packed a punch in the right hands. So the below will be used... Now this could be tricky as marrying the two up could be difficult! Hmmmm could be interesting. .... Also here is a picture before getting to the squadron Mk I? More info on the prototypes can be found here http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234957663-l1750-hurricane-dz-z-cannons/ So that's the opening gambit! Let me know your thoughts or if you have any more info?!.... its a hurricane so that's the troy signal in the sky! Lol (only joking troy) Rob
  10. Here is my tribute to Sailor Malan. The kit formed the test subject for developing my vinyl masks. It saw some rough handling, a few drops to the floor and numerous strip downs and resprays. I had borrow the from windscreen from my spares box as I cracked the original. Not my best build but here it is. All markings were sprayed using my own masks as well as the camo pattern The base is part of a set of bases that a friend and I are now making to order. Comments good and bad welcome. P.S glued the top signalling light on after the pics were taken I finally got around to fixing the aerial and put the signal lam[p on (top). Thanks for pointing out the error. I also noticed a smudge on the inside of the canopy hood which I removed - thank goodness it was on the inside
  11. This is my first ship model, It's Trumpeter's 1/200th Scale USS Arizona depicted around the time of her demise December 1941. The model has the excellent MKI PE and Wooden Deck set, She is painted with WEM Enamels (which takes me back!) Hope you like her, the build thread is here :- http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234932941-1200-arizona-actually-done/ Here are the pictures. Thanks for looking and all your support during the build. Nick
  12. Hello guys and girls! Just finished what has to be the best model I have every built! Ever so proud of it! Also first time I tried out using Humbrol weathering wash, (First time using a wash at all!) Also first time using Humbrol Clear, and it works a charm! The clever people say that it is basically the same as Johnsons Klear. Anyway, back to the model. It went together ever so nicely, and only took a few days to complete, and that was to my own surprise rather quick compared to what I normally do! But I just could not leave this model! So, this is how it turned out. _DSC0774 by Matcham11, on Flickr _DSC0775 by Matcham11, on Flickr _DSC0776 by Matcham11, on Flickr _DSC0777 by Matcham11, on Flickr _DSC0778 by Matcham11, on Flickr _DSC0779 by Matcham11, on Flickr Robin
  13. Slowly been building this one and im glad i took my time as i am over the moon with this one. The underside black and white tested me but i managed to get it done well in the end. Lovely kit i have to say and might have to build some more in the future. Scheme i have chosen is an aircraft of No 85 (F) Sqn, RAF, Advanced Air Striking Force, France, 1940. And a little picture of my Hurricane collection all together, Enjoy,
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