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Found 9 results

  1. Hi fellow modellers. I have a problem with my Hataka red line paints. They stay sticky after airbrushing. I have used different thinners with them (hataka, vallejo, green stuff world) but the result is the same. Do any of you experience the same problem? Any solutions? I have tried to airbrush the Hataka blue line (for brush painting) and they seem to work better. They spray easy and dries fast without the sticky feeling. Looking forward to hear your experiences with these paints. Happy modeling. /T
  2. Hi All Has anyone used the Hataka HTK AS65 Modern Finnish Army AFV Acrylic paint set? If so what was your experience with it? Back when Hataka first produced their paint sets I bought the Modern French AFV set and it was awful! The paint was so translucent that you had to put so many light coats on and they would inevitably run. I tried all sorts of thinner from water to Lifecolor and it was all the same. I even tried spraying it neat and it was still bad. I see they do the set in lacquer but it is another four quid extra so I would prefer to get the acrylic set. Regards Mick
  3. Hey all, I’m currently looking for a good source for WWII VVS colors, and I’ve come across two brands that seem to have all the colors I’d need. Hataka and AK Interactive both have sets for both early and late colors in acrylic. Given that they represent a reasonable investment, I’d be interested in hearing anyone’s opinion and experience with these paints. Thanks in advance for any input!
  4. Vertol Hkp 4B 1 Helicopter Division, Swedish Navy, 1986 If anyone reading this was at the 1986 Middle Wallop air show, as I was, I’m sure you will remember these Swedish helicopters as stars of the show and rare beasts indeed in the UK. It sometimes takes a while for all the elements to come together to built a model and for me it was the recent availability of the Swedish camo colours from Hataka that completed the set. I have had the ‘Flying Colours / Aerodecals’ sheet for a long long time, kept in the equally old Hobbycraft Vertol 107 kit box waiting to go. If you like masking, then this is the model for you. If you don’t, sheer perseverance will get you there in the end – or at least that’s how it was for me. I thought the rotor blade camo might be the easy bit, but having to do it all 6 times extended the timescale beyond what I wanted – you can only do so much masking at a time. The Hataka paints airbrushed beautifully and I would recommend them. Next time though I think I would spray the two greens and hand brush the brown and black to keep masking to a reasonable level.
  5. I am looking at doing the splinter scheme on the Saab Viggen and see that Hataka do a set of colours for it, http://hataka-hobby.com/products/modern-swedish-af-paint-set-vol-1/ . I have not used Hataka paints before and was wondering what they are like and also are they accurate. They also do other sets which l am interested in so may purchase some more. Regards Robert
  6. Discounts & Special Deals valid until 31-March-19: HATAKA Paints: 3ASY2MCVAEFB • 60% off 16 collections • Minimum purchase of €5,00 • Active until Mar 31, 2019 AKAN Enamel: 5FYBQ3JV4W37 • 40% off 12 collections • Minimum purchase of €5,00 • Active until Mar 31, 2019 RP Toolz: 5RBWJ6HWRBRN • 20% off 37 products • Minimum purchase of €10,00 • Active from today until Mar 31, 2019
  7. I've just received my first set of Hataka red line paints. These paints are advertised as "optimised for airbrush" and the side of the bottle says "airbrush tested" The paints I received were a million miles away from being airbrush ready, they were thin-ish brush paints. After a short conversation with the UK stockist and with Hataka's facebook page, they have confirmed that none of their paints are airbrush-ready, they all need to be diluted. As far as I'm concerned this is, at best, misleading and at worst blatant and deliberate mis-selling. I'm very disappointed and I would advise Members to avoid the product.
  8. What a kit by Kinetic. Usually over engineered and far too complicated this kit is sublime. With superb detail at every level and great decal options you cannot go wrong! The only let down with this kit are the instructions. They are poorly printed and leave you guessing on some stages! This is an out of the box build with the only addition being the eduard cockpit set. The paints are Hakata blue line Russian ST set and Vallejo and MIG metal paints. The base is Coastal kits display bases Admiral Kustinovof's deck..
  9. Here's my 1/72 Trumpeter MiG-31 for the From Russia With Love GB. You can find the build thread here. First off, I know, I know, there are a couple of horrific seams! This build was completed as I was in the final months of my PhD, so for me it was something to take my mind of the thesis and help me relax. It was also a chance to test out @HATAKA OFFICIAL paints and some new oil based weathering techniques. Probably not the best way to kick off my first RFI, but I thought I would get the excuses out of the way early Anyway, to the build itself. I was impressed with the fit and how the kit went together with the one exception of the intakes. Struggled to get the seam sorted out, and in the end I decided not to go too far and lose too much detail. Painting went very well, brush painted @HATAKA OFFICIAL Red Line paints and was very pleased with the finish. I tried out some oil paints for the weathering and was satisfied with the outcome. For me, it looks like a MiG-31 and that's what matters! With any luck this will be one of my final brush painted kits! Sorry for the terrible pictures, but hope you enjoy nonetheless!
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