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Found 10 results

  1. Another GW dreadnought, this time the Contemptor kit. I actually bought this one before the Leviathan kit but couldn't get the axe head to my liking for some time. I used the axe from the venerable dreadnought which was a double sided, removed the rear blade and grafted it to the top of the front blade to create the larger single sided one. I tried hand painting the powered effect but I couldn't get the Tamiya acrylics to work the same as GW's paints so I ended up spraying the "heated" gradient effect. I also fitted some magnets so its pose able from the waist up. Painted with GW's Space wolf grey and Tamiya acrylics, weathered with some Mig powders and some silver dry brushing. The chain covers the join between the different kit power fist and the skull breaks up the rather clean lines of the Contemptor fairly well I think.
  2. One of the 'small' dragons recently released by GW
  3. Hello everyone, I wasn't sure where to put this as it's mostly figures but maybe later I will be adding vehicles so I guess Science Fiction it is. I was introduced to warhammer about 2 years ago by my college flatmate. he wasn't into building and or playing but had lots of books and a very good looking wallpaper on his computer so I went out and bought my first set of figures. it was the easy to build primaris intersessors with the paints. they came out okay and I gifted them to my flatmate. but somehow I was fixed... Over the last 2 years I bought the dark imperium starter set, the start collecting sets of Space marines and adeptus mechanicus, and some other sets. some of the models where started and some almost finished but mainly not. I am mostly a modeller, so my figures will be display pieces more than gaming equipment. I have not jet started reading the rules book but will do so someday...😅 So I guess now is the time that I start building and more importantly painting all those models to give me an army for the unlikely event that I will find someone in my vicinity to play with... I will start this thread with a terminator squad. they look awesome and should boost my mojo for this project. Before I show you the pictures of my progress so far I want to express my admiration for the work of @Will Vale I hope to someday, with lots of practice, come close to your painting and photographing skills. that being said... my pictures are horrible and my painting skills... well those figures are something else than my usual ships... so let's get started I started to decide the poses and equipment each model should get. I have no idea whether this is conforming to the rules or not, it just looks cool and gives an interesting squad. I joined as much as I thought was good for painting and after sanding all mold lines and drilling out the gun barrels I fixed them with blue tac. After priming everything with alclad primer I started with a basecoat of tamiya flat blue. I used tamiya because I had not much luck with airbrushing the citadel paints. I will experiment more when I get my hands on some flow improver as the tamiya paint retarder did not work so well. I also started the head of the squad leader... (Now I wish I had a good camera on a tripod) Its mostly sephia and light pink washes over white basecoat follows by some highlights... I'm still practicing blending colors in smooth transitions and I will most likely go over it again. please excute the red around the mouth... It looks like he had a long kissing with a lady of the night😅 I did not see exactly where the mouth was until I took the picture... I will fix that later and use my magnifying glasses to properly paint the lips (if I get the paint to the right consistency) Anyways... All tips, criticism, jokes, and general comments welcome! Cheers Konrad
  4. My painting style and love of acrylics are both entirely down to years of painting Games Workshop figures for various armies in just about every game they've produced. I've tried to do a couple of stand alone figures before but I always get bogged down trying to make them look like the ones in White Dwarf or on GW's own website. This time I have a time limit and you're all watching, so I have to make a decent stab at finishing it - there's three in the box but they're quite big so I'm only attempting one for this GB. Speaking of which, this is the box. Not much of a clue there as to what they are - Tyranids are a race of aliens, who basically harvest every life form they come across to recycle their genetic material to make new Tyranids - something like a cross between the creature from Alien and a swarm of locusts. Nice In game terms these boys are heavy infantry. In model terms they're still the old multi-part plastic kits having not been replaced by the newer resin models with far fewer parts. This is the sprue: Given unlimited time and a lot more talent, this is what I'd be looking to turn out. It's still a target, let's see how close I can get. Andy Xenomorph for hire
  5. My son brought me this little beauty home a little while back. She was one of two limited edition minis sculpted to mark GWs 500th store opening. I painted her up in time for Halloween. The guys in work wanted a fancy dress day? Well I'm not about to go through two forty minute commutes dressed as Captain Pugwash 😄, so I brought the lady along as my proxy. I spent this afternoon attempting (yet again!) to get a grip on miniature photography. What do you think? The bokeh was unintentional, I let the machine spirit er, automatic focus chose the aperture setting. Still, such is the will of Nagash...
  6. My newest finished Miniature: Some close ups: All Comments and criticism welcome Cheers Konrad
  7. This is the biggest model in my ultramarines army (so far). the wip can be found here. All sorts of comments welcome! Cheers Konrad
  8. Here's one of my 40k models from a while ago. My Chaos Knight Armiger of Tzeentch. Figured this is the best place for it. Edit: Doh!!!! Supposed to be in RFI. Need an admin to move it pls
  9. Haven't done any warhammer / gamesworkshop for about 20 odd years. However recently I decided I wanted to try myhand at painting miniatures again. This was the free model from the September edition of white dwarf. I also picked up a start collecting spacemarines box and a couple of vehicle which I will be knocking together over the next few months. Here is my finished slaughterpriest. The base is suppose to represent a lava stream, chaos and lava seemed a good combo. I modeled that from scracth using a plain round 40mm gamesworkshop base. Model is pinned to the base using paperclip pins superglued into drilled holes. For my first outing back into warhammer I am overall happy with the result. Painting was done mostly with vallejo game colour paints and a few citadel ones where I couldn't get the colour I was looking for out of vallejo. Slaughter Priest 6 by OCUK Wildman, on Flickr Slaughter Priest 5 by OCUK Wildman, on Flickr Slaughter Priest 4 by OCUK Wildman, on Flickr Slaughter Priest 3 by OCUK Wildman, on Flickr Slaughter Priest 2 by OCUK Wildman, on Flickr Slaughter Priest 1 by OCUK Wildman, on Flickr
  10. Hi folks, Finally got my paints and things unpacked this weekend and spent an hour priming some miniatures I've been building in front of the TV for the last few nights. These are the plastic Imperial Assassin's from a Games Workshop board game. There are four assassins and a Chaos sorcerer for them to attempt to assassinate. The above is the Callidus (lady of disguise) type, the other three below are the Vindicare (boring sniper), Eversor (drug crazed murder skeleton) and Culexus (snuffs out souls by touching people). They're completely mad and I love them - the models capture the insanity of the original metal designs very well but have much better poses. I left them off the bases for painting access purposes, except for the Callidus whose pose doesn't pose (ha) any problems in that regard. Fit was great, cleaning up the mould lines took a while and assembly was fiddly in places because the parts are small (especially the Callidus' head). And I really like the way they've balanced the woman-in-skin-tight-body-suit trope with the fact that the three guys are all wearing similar stuff and showing off everything they've got as a result. Back and front! Paint scheme is probably going to be black - which is the standard - but I'm wondering about a glossy beetly black-brown to get an Alien feel? Either that or black-green I think. (NB: Please don't tell me that I'm foolish for buying overpriced tat, even with a 20% discount I feel bad about it but also felt like I wanted a treat after weeks of cardboard boxes and DIY... Well OK, you can tell me that but I'm not listening. LALALALALAAAAAA ) Cheers, Will
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