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Found 23 results

  1. Copper State Models plans the release of 1/32nd Nieuport 11 & 16 kits Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/pfbid02tVs6AczqiesTbVnEBU5gYjqJYGYWbsPJfPdXDx3nhuBebcUwc3fnae89zkbU28fRl V.P.
  2. Copper State Models is to release 1/32nd Hanriot-Dupont HD-1 & HD-2 kits Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/pfbid02tVs6AczqiesTbVnEBU5gYjqJYGYWbsPJfPdXDx3nhuBebcUwc3fnae89zkbU28fRl V.P.
  3. I have started on a Lancia. This is the only one in 1/72 from CSM. It is a great kit and makes you hope that they will make more in this scale.
  4. Copper State Models is to release in 2021 a 1/32nd Caudron G.III kit Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/2764447217177353 V.P.
  5. After the G.III (link), Copper State Models is to release 1/32nd Caudron G.IV kits Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/pfbid02tVs6AczqiesTbVnEBU5gYjqJYGYWbsPJfPdXDx3nhuBebcUwc3fnae89zkbU28fRl V.P.
  6. This was posted in the WWI discussion thread by RichieW so I have to give him credit for the scoop but I thought it would be nice to get it on this thread. Copper State Model posted on their facebook page on April 2nd that they are to release a 1/32 Bristol Scout in 2021. Below is a link to their posting (should not need to be a FB member to see it). https://m.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/2720441618244580
  7. This is CSM's new version of their 1/35 Lanchester AC that was released in its original form a year or so ago. The updated kit represents the modified Lanchesters that were used during the Russian civil war, featuring a new rear deck with revised fenders, and the addition of a 37mm Hotchkiss gun in the turret. Aside from the new Russian specific parts, the rest of the kit is the same as the previous version, but with the welcome addition of clear lenses for the headlights, something that was missing from the first release. In common with the original release, this version went together with no issues, and was a lot of fun to build and paint. Speaking of paint, CSM are refreshingly honest about the lack of contemporary info regarding the exact colour of these armoured cars. They suggest British Moss Green or Service Khaki as the most likely colour, and I went with AMMO Moss Green for this build, albeit with a lot of additional shading, fading and colour glazes. Thanks for looking Andy
  8. Copper State Models (CSM) has a 1/32nd Siemens-Schuckert D.I kit in project Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/pfbid02kcbjBE1T2wMMUMTtDYS3JticVYkF2KpriBVGYmiqUu9RynmLotK8Aae9LAu9Kvr8l V.P.
  9. A Canadian MG Carrier, built by Autocar, as it would have looked in early autumn of 1918 after several months of hard use. The kit is, of course, by Copper State Models. My take on it is influenced by the beautiful box art and the references photos provided in the manual. It was painted with my own mix of Vallejo primer, an inter-shade of greens and ochres, hairspray, and Model Air BS Dark Green. After chipping and scrubbing, weathering continued with oil-paint rendering (OPR) including oil-pigment mixes, and finished with multiple blends of pigment speckling, wet effects, grease, etc. The base was made with balsa and painted entirely with Vallejo washes in many layers. It’s usable as a real (albeit very small) box. The hint of groundwork used sea grass, pigments, leaves by Green Stuff World, and Value Gear boxes with added rope handles. The lights were painted with oils. All markings (apart from the small “ARI” marking) were masked (cut with a Cricut) and painted. The hairspray chipping included all of the wood surfaces, including this storage box. The tyres have no tread, so I replicated it with a rivet wheel (a handy benefit of also making aircraft). The MGs were painted with Vallejo Metal Color and oils. The pull-throughs are plastic and have to be bent; it’s pity that there was no photo-etch for them, but they may be replaced with metal strips one day. The metal coolant hoses are made with lead wire. Over all, I’m pretty happy with the result. My construction and weathering could always be a bit more refined, but I was at least able to work back from a clear mental picture of what I wanted. The base was a fun idea which came about as I was struggling to think of some alternative to the norm, while the two little crates were staring me in the face from my desk. I intended it to have full groundwork on top, but a trial run looked laughably bad. It was serendipitous, I guess, because I really like this minimal version and it shows off the box much better. If you have any questions about how, or why, I did something, you are more than welcome to ask. I think that's better than going into too much detail right away.
  10. This is the third CSM armoured car I've built and, like the two Lanchesters I built a year or two back, this one was a really nice little kit. Almost perfect fit, and plenty of detail without becoming an unnecessary parts-fest. There's a nice interior but, as is so often the case, little of it can be seen. The kit's fairly generous with marking options, although most of them are pretty similar being mainly overall dark green. The one here is a Regia Guardia car based in Turin in the early 1920's. Thanks for looking Andy
  11. This figure arrived today, all the way from Latvia in less than a week. 1/35th scale, obviously, and designed to fit the Copper State Models Canadian MG Carrier (which is a lovely kit, by the way). In case anyone's interested (possibly not!), I took some photos. You can see how there's a bit more cleanup needed than with some figures, but it's not bad at all. The neck needs some smoothing and the fit needs some fettling, which is made harder on the arms by the unusual use of lugs and sockets. I prefer flat surfaces for arms; a bit harder to glue but easier to fettle. This is where he's designed to stand. Pretty much perfect alignment, to be fair. The head wouldn't stay in on its own, though, so he's already been nicknamed Sir Humphrey Bone (fans of Ghosts on BBC1 will get that reference!) "Oh, no, not again. I can't... reach... my head."
  12. Copper State Models is to release a 1/32nd Hansa-Brandenburg D-1 kit - ref. ? Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/photos/a.1619326278356125/2450141501941261/ 3 D render There's another Hansa-Brandenburg D-1 kit in 1/32nd scale in design by Wingnut Wings: link V.P.
  13. Copper State Models is to release in 2021 a 1/32nd Sopwith Baby kit Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/2764447217177353 V.P.
  14. Hi, I am looking at the Copper State Models 1/32 Nieuport 23 (RFC, 32005) and am impressed enough to want to buy one. Does anyone have a copy of the instructions / list of paints mentioned in the instructions that can be passed on, so I can buy the paints as well at the same time? Fingers Crossed, and thanks for any help.
  15. After the Ni-17 (link) Copper State Models is to release 1/32nd Nieuport 21 (XXI) and 23 (XXIII) kits. Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/2449134318708646 V.P.
  16. I needed to do something worthy of being shut in so I took the one kit that intimidated me the most and this was it. I just completed this and I am very very happy with the kit from Copper State, it just an excellent kit! Not that this was a simple or easy build - you clearly get your modeling money out of it. I could not get the decals on the roundels to lay down so I took them off and used my circle cutter to mask and spray them (I love that circle cutter). Also, the instructions are lacking in two particular areas, 1) I had some trouble with color call outs for some parts and 2) the rigging diagram for under the wing is lacking. The latter might be something the Copper State could post online as there were references here on Britmodeller when the kit was first announced that helped a bit on this. Anyway, you would think you might need a jig to get this all squared up but the kit is designed such that the struts going through the nacelles and cockpit provide an excellent and very solid connection between the two wings and also the booms are solidly connected. This is just an excellently designed kit comes with an extensive set of photo etch. Odd with all that photo etch there are no seat belts, which would have helped. I could use elastic thread through out the build and did not need to pin any of the struts, they were easy to get into place and solidly connected. Aftermarket, other than Eduard seatbelts is Albion Alloys Brass Tube for turnbuckles (.4MM OD/.2MM ID) with worked very good. Love that stuff as you can score and cut it with an exacto knife without crushing the tube. I added wire pushrods to the engines and rigged with Uschi standard rigging and threaded the top wing connection with 2lb test fishing line. I realize it is not perfect - it is still only a model but it looks cool on the mantel.
  17. I've unexpectedly gained some free time over the next couple of weeks, and rather than waste it i thought i would do something useful, dig around in the stash and start another build. Top of the pile was CSM's lovely Nieuport 17. Although not my first WW1 build (WNW's Junkers D1 got there first), this will be my first build with rigging. So first the very nice box art Lifting the lid reveals another sturdy main box 4 marking options, i'm not sure yet which one i will choose The instruction booklet is very very nice I havent photographed much of the the sprues, but take my word for it the moulding is superb, there is a tiny bit of flash here and there but nothing that wont be sorted with 2 seconds of a sanding stick. First job was to start with the cockpit. Lots of detail here to be added so i'm expecting this first part of the build to take some time. Mig Ammo New Wood sprayed on And then once dry i started with the oils, i really enjoy this part, very therapeutic! Although i dont like waiting for it to dry so much.. That's pretty much where i'm at, i have done the cockpit framing too but forgot to take any pics of that. Will crack on again tomorrow! So far i'm very pleased with this kit, seems to pretty much be on a par with WNW, lets see how it builds up! Thanks for looking!
  18. Copper State Models is to release a 1/32nd Nieuport Ni.17 kit - ref. Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/2076250305997051 V.P.
  19. Copper State Models is to release a 1/48th Handley Page 0/400 resin kit - ref. K1025 Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/1930869423868474 V.P.
  20. Will be available at first in very limited numbers. You can reserve your K1025 Handley Page 0/400 bomber kit at [email protected] This is a fantastic accurate detailed kit. Price is not cheap but you will have an amazing model. Cost is 199 euros for non vat buyers and 240.79 euros for vat clients.
  21. Lanchester 4x2 Armoured Car Copper State Model 1/35 This is CSM's new WWI era Lanchester armoured car. It's quite a simple little kit compared to some of the armour mega-kits that come from a lot of manufacturers these days. Despite the simplicity though, it really is a joy to put together. The fit is just about perfect, and the whole thing was built up and ready for paint in only 4 days. There's some really nice example of moulding to, like the front fenders which are thin enough to almost pass for being photo etched, and the wheel spokes which are remarkably thin for an injection moulded part. There are a couple of errors in the kit. The little bump on top of the turret is a socket for a flag, and it should be closer to the turret roof hatch rather than at the front edge. Also the insides of the rear wheel arches should be panelled off, instead of being open as they are here. Neither of them are big deals though and are pretty easy to fix. CSM have a photo etch set in the works for this kit, although to be honest, I don't think it's really necessary. They do have some nice figures though which should work well for a diorama. This one's painted with Gunze RLM 65 and RLM 76 in a rough representation of Admiralty light grey Thanks for looking Andy
  22. Copper State Models (http://www.copperstatemodels.com/) is to release in 2016 1/48th Caudron G.III and G.IV injected kits - ref. CSM1027 & 1028. Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/photos/pb.1617634748525278.-2207520000.1445275520./1618166701805416/?type=3&theater V.P.
  23. Copper State Models is to release a brand new 1/48th Sopwith 5F.1 Dolphin injected kit - ref. CSM1026. Release is expected in March 2016. This new kit will replace the original resin reference (K.1010 - http://www.copperstatemodels.com/main/productsCS/1/3). Source: https://www.facebook.com/copperstatemodels/posts/1673886212900131 V.P.
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