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Found 9 results

  1. Hello everyone again here is my finished tamiya r34 gtr finally feeling like I’m nailing this modelling thing, a few minor mistakes that have been fixed and generally happy! kit was its usual high quality that I always see from tamiya, although it’s very visual only as it has no engine on this one. what do you guys think? Any suggestions on what to do next? thanks again Skyline 1 Skyline 2 Skyline 3 Skyline 4 Skyline 5
  2. I'm researching a P26 build (with a hope to follow it up with a P12), and was wondering if anyone knew what paint to use for the Yellow / Blue schemes? I've sort of a zeroed in on RLM04 for the Yellow, but have not managed to decide what the right blue is. Is there anyone who can help me?
  3. I wonder if anyone here has recommendations for the blue paint for R2 D2? I've picked up a couple of the retrokit R2 bananaas kits, and looking at my blue paints I'm struggling to find one that is a close match to the blue colour on R" D2. I've seen a Vallejo Air Ultramarine Blue colour used in a WIP here, but my best option for paints locally seems to be Citadel paints, and one of Caledor Sky, Macragge Blue, or templeguard blue. Failing that, the best paint I seem to have is Tamiya clear blue over white primer and tamiya flat white. I've also got the option of getting artist's paints from the range.
  4. I must say, a very fun 3-4 month build. Even though it is 43 year old kit! (made/boxed in 1975) it went together quite well and detail was quite good for an old kit! In fact i found it better than some kits today. Way better than a Heller kit. It was fun spraying blue paint and i really liked the rivet details, so i left them and did some re scribing on wings. Ooh yes and canopy cracked while putting on masks ;( Feel free to comment: 'Patrouille De France' family...
  5. Back when we acquired Colourcoats I found myself having a 4 way chat with 3 members of the 352nd Fighter Group association, specifically about the colours of blue used on the aircraft. There were areas where views varied and some where they were in agreement. They agreed that after late 1944 both squadrons seemed to have standardised on the same very dark blue. Earlier in the war, the 486th FS painter just mixed something to his own taste which was different every time, and often a very light blue (but not a blue-grey). The 487th FS painter was much more methodical and consistent, but it was still a lighter blue. There was some discussion that the British colour MAP Deep Sky was used, but this isn't fully accepted. An aluminium model was built by George Nunemacher using the squadron paint. The model survives and the association have dubbed this colour "Nunemacher Blue". Kermit Weeks' P-51D "Cripes A'Mighty 3rd" is matched to this model and the association are in agreement that this is typical of mid-war 487th Fighter Squadron blue. I have had the briefest of exchanges with Kermit on his Facebook page about his blue. He's a very busy man but I asked if I could get close to his aircraft and he responded suggesting I matched to his aircraft. I'm hoping to get to Florida next July and will visit Fantasy of Flight and mail ahead to see if I can get access to it. Of more immediate interest, the association told me of another warbird they believe is correct, but for the late war colour. A man by the name of Grady Lisk chimed in. It turns out he's had worked on this Mustang, painted as Cripes A'Mighty (the 4th / last - the one George Preddy was killed in on Christmas Day 1944 by "friendly fire"). Mr Lisk had the leftover paint used on the aircraft and has kindly sent me a sample. I have compared this to MAP Deep Sky out of interest and it's pretty close to be honest, so I think that RAF Deep Sky theory might not be so far-fetched if indeed this sample is typical of late 1944 onwards blue used by both the 486th and 487th FS, as the 352nd FG Association believe. Colourcoats doesn't presently have MAP Deep Sky in the range. To be honest, I'm not sure what use it is generally. I'm tempted due to a personal fondness of the Blue Nosers to make a one-off batch of this colour.
  6. I am currently building the Hasegawa 1/48 Phantom as XT900. Is there an off the shelf blue for the tail or am i going to need to mix it? TIA https://www.squadronprints.com/item/264_PhantomFGR2_0_0_924_1.html
  7. Hi all this is my first railway related post. I have just gloss varnished one of my Hornby A4's 4903 Peregrine in the gorgeous LNER blue livery. She might be a railroad loco but she looks the business. I have swapped out the motion set for finer super detail versions and Glossed her up so she looks to me more "real" like shes made out of metal. I am very happy with how she now looks and thought I would share her with you. I hope you like her. Here she is outside curing off in the afternoon sun. Cheers Rob So there she is thanks for looking. Rob
  8. Hi all, So this is my second RFI but my first WIP. http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234979665-148-spitfire-vbmalta/ It's not my normal scale and my first try ant any sort of detail like this and scratch building (very tiny bit in the cockpit but it counts). The kit is the old tool airfix vb.... not the best kit in the world but it came out OK, I definitely learnt a lot (like buy the new tool one). So the aircraft! Spit vb from malta flown by this chap Squadron leader johnny lynch, an American pilot who joined the Eagle squadrons then transfered to malta, after that he went on to fly in the USAAF. He was also given the accolade of malta's 1000th kill after a offensive patrol over sicily. Few pictures of the ac: More information on the chap can be found here http://acesofww2.com/USA/aces/lynch/ So few bit with the ac, the letter codes are to far forward and the 'maltas 1000th' is way over sized, but I hand paint that and need a smaller paint brush! Letter codes were done using tape and I am happy with how they turned out apart from size and placement, ok for a first go. All painted with hairy stick and tamiya paints..... so I suppose it's on to the pictures. .... So there she is... its blue.... I know there is lots of talk over colours of malta planes but this is also a strong possibility. Weathering is a mix of enamels and pastals. I wanted it to look very well used as this reflects what the island went through, and is in line with the blow pictures. All comments welcome! Can I just say a last few points, big thanks to all who looked in on the wip it really helped! A massive thank you to Tony O'toole who gave me a lot of pointers and who's fantastic builds have inspired this. Also I would like to dedicate this to malta and all that served on her and lived there during the war as with out them and their struggle the Med may have been a very different place! Rob
  9. Hello! I have redone this post as i am having a tech nightmare! So the aim is to build the old tooling airfix spitfire VB which is actually from the 2010 vc boxing . The easy option may have been to build a vc with the newer parts as they are more detailed..... but i'm not..... I really love squadron leader johnny lynch's AC from his time on malta. http://agapemodels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/lynch-spitfire.jpg 1/48 is not my thing I am a 1/72 kinda chap, but this is for my kids ceiling (their request!) Which is about 11 ft high and I want them to see it. It needs to be blue as that's what they and the wife want.... I did offer a big lancaster but after it was described as a "big black angel of death" ( there must be nose art for that??) I thought I won't push it. Having looked at the kit and considered my experience I feel out of my comfort zone..... but what the hey let's give it a go. I am in no way a good modeller so please lower your expectations as this will be more for support than showing anyone How it's done! So here's where I am at. Wings assembled http://rs76.pbsrc.com/albums/j34/robertmulvey1985/Mobile%20Uploads/20150405_075551_zpsyjnrnlca.jpg~320x480?t=1428177410 http://rs76.pbsrc.com/albums/j34/robertmulvey1985/Mobile%20Uploads/20150405_075604_zpseshforo3.jpg~320x480?t=1428177362 I have chopped off the wing tips of the vb and added the clipped wing inserts, these are not made for this version and need more attention to get them right.... fill sand fill sand and hope I don't have to put detail back in! Internals have been given a lock of paint and need detailing and weathering http://rs76.pbsrc.com/albums/j34/robertmulvey1985/Mobile%20Uploads/20150405_075509_zpssaxebr6t.jpg~320x480?t=1428175749 So just a basic start more to come! And hopefully I will fine a way of embedding the pics as it's really not working out for me! Cheers Rob
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