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FW-190 Sturm in 1/48 and some other variants


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This thread will become a chronology about the FW 190 A-6 and A-8. Most kits from Eduard.

The decals will be from Eagle Calls. Code letters from Fantasy Printshop.

In summery there will be 4 aircraft A-8 and two A-6.






Aftermarket products I do have a lot. 2 boxes!


One version will be a A-5 converted to a G-3.

In US service!

How accurate the conversion will become, I do not know yet.




One will be a D-9 from Eduard and one Ta-152 from Zoukei Mura.

All in scale 1/48.


However, some basic questions for this build are solved.

One was concerning the gear.




The others of the Sturmstaffel are solved due to the book:




So far for today. The building will start at Christmas or in 2024 after New Year!


Happy modelling

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  • 9 months later...



Now my project altered a little.

In the meanwhile I built 5 Thunderbolts, 5 Lightnings and already 5 out of 7 Mustangs.

2 Mustangs left.

I will build only Fw-190 from Sturmgruppen.

With the Rüstsatz R-2 for the A-8.

With armor protection and some other add ons for the A-6.

The A-5 I will convert to an A-6. So with some conversion sets, I can finally build

3 aircraft Fw-190 A-6 as a Rammjäger from the Sturmstaffel.




4 aircraft Fw-190 A-8 as a Rammjäger from Sturmstaffel.






I have enough choices by my decal sheets. This is a strong contrast to my models from the US-airforce.

It will take me until September, before I can start.


Happy modelling

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