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British armour in Burma question


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Hello all,


Hope you had a great christmas, wherever you are.


I have a question about British armour in Burma WW2. Is there a ColourCoats colour that represents this? I have read it was a muddy, olive colour with its own paint number. It would be helpful to know if you have any of the colours for other allied armour in the Pacific/far east as well, and what these colours were used for. I am guessing soft vehicles used the same schemes?






btw, I just noticed a colour called 'track colour' in the range. Is that meant to be railway tracks like the humbrol version? Or armour? Any pictures of what this looks like?

Edited by sapperastro
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I have to admit my knowledge of armour colours is fairly weak with regards to who used what, where and when. I have never built armour so have done very little with the armour range besides checking the British colours against a copy of BS987 kindly loaned to me by Mike Starmer last year. The current range is thus:



It may be SCC. No13 Jungle Gree  you need? If so, I noticed it on the borrowed copy of BS987 but passed over it as nobody had asked for it before. I'll need to go back over my notes and see if I took colour values anyway...



Re. C09 Track Colour, have you seen this?


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does Tamiya paint work for you?

if so mix for SCC 13 Jungle Green




SCC (Standard Camouflage Colours)

1A (Dark Brown)

2 (Brown)

7 pts XF10 + 2 pts XF1. “This is very close to the standard so a small touch of mid grey is needed for your models.”

4 (“Cup of Tea”)

7 (Warm Green)

1pt XF62 + 1pt XF67 + 1pt XF3.  “A tweak more XF3 is not bad.”

13 (Jungle Green)

2 pts XF51 + 1 pt XF61 + 1 pt XF3


funnily enough I just mixed up some SCC 15 using Mike Starmer's Tamiya formula... ( a different to the above though using XF-81) 

Oddly enough the colour it came up with looked a lot like my memory of Airfix paint M3 Green, which I used on a Tamiya Churchill I built on Christmas day, erm, 40 years ago... I must dig it out and see how my colour memory is holding up. (I posted this on Hyperscale on Christmas day, as I BM was down ...)
Back then all I knew was British tanks in Europe were green.... but I never saw anything in a modelling magazine that said otherwise. 

I still have a little silver salt spoon I claimed for the purpose in my youth, mum was "but it's silver" and I was "I have never seen it used for salt, and it fits into paint tins perfectly
Brings back memories of mixing up late war Luftwffe colours from Scale Models formulas with it. 



PS @Jamie @ Sovereign Hobbies

in this thread http://www.network54.com/Forum/149674/thread/1514056126/last-1514249435/(View+All+Messages+In+This+Thread)  

there are comments from Mike Starmer about how AK Real Colors paint has not done a good job on the British colours

So maybe some British Armour colours might be a worth while addition to the range.

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